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—— eee
Inonanm-Cournt, FencuurncCH-Stree?.
| IFROM the Number of Alterations and Additions returned
weekly into this Office, it it necessary that the Register-Books
| should he posted every Week; and an Arrangement has been
made in the Office for that Purpose. It is therefore requested
that the Members will he particular in delivering their Books
| when called for, and they may depend upon having them returned
} on the ensuing Day. Any complaint of the Register not being
called for, or returned in proper time when posted, is requested
| to be communicated to the Office, in writing, that the Committee
may be made acquainted therewith.
It is also requested that Members leaving Town, and not
having Occasion to use their Booxs, will be pleased to leave |
} them at this Office, where they will be kept regularly posted, |
| ang ready for Delivery when wanted. |
Any Communication, with Respect to Imperfections in tle
|) Register, Ships not appearing thereon, or such as are under- |
| going Repairs, &c. will receive immediate Aitention.
Registry-Ofice of Shipping,
No. 4, Castle-Court. Birchin-Lane,
January I ’ 1815.
pi aml ” WL Bia f
joames of the Gentlemen
For 1815.
BEL, James Cattley, Stephen Foxes & Hamilton
Allan, James Cazenove, James & Co. Fraser, John
Amsinck, Champion, B. & S. Frazer, Hon. W. Alexander,
Anderson, John & Alex. Christie, Robert Neilson, & Co.
Andrade, J. Christman, J. Garry & Curtis
Andrews, M. P. Clagett & Co. Geddes & Wilkinson
Attwood, Hunt, & Wilson Clarke, Sir S. Bart. Glen, J. P.
Auldjo, John Clays & Sanderson Glennie, Alex. Son, & Co.
Ayles, Luke, & Weston Coningham, William Goldmann, Christian
Bainbridge’s & Brown Corsbie, Joseph Golkischmidt, B. A.
iay, G. Coustney. T. Goodwin, Curling, Friend &
Barkly, /£neas Crew, Robert oad
Barnes, William Cullimore, Isaac Gray, Whitworth, & Gilbee
Basevi, George Cure, Capel Green, John & Co.
Belcher, A. Curtis, T. A. Greg, Thomas
Bell, William Daniel & Son Gregory, Richard
Bell & Higginson Daniel, (James,) Todhunter, Guimaraens & Costa
Birnie & Waters WwW » & Coo Hall, John & Co.
Bize, Bordenave, & Co. Davies, William Hamilton & Agar
Blackbum, G. H. Davison, Crawford Harris, Joseph & Robert
Blois, Dickason, T. & W.H.Nevett Heintz, Elias
Borradaile, Rdn. & Co. Dorrien, George Henly, Joseph
Borradaile, William Du Bois, Charles Henry = Hentig, Henry William
Bovill, Benjamin Dunlop, ye & Joha Hibbert, G.R. W. & S,
Box 2 Durant, E. Hobson, Allfrey, & Hobson
Box 4 Eason, Jenner, & Co. Hodgson, A.
Box 46 East-India Company Holdsworth, F. R.
Boyd, Reid, & Co Edmunds & Buck Horne, William
Boyes, Benjemin Ellis, Ellis Hunter, James
Bray, J. S. Everard, Edward & Sone Hyde, David & Co.
Bristow, Robert Evetts, Jobn George Idle’s, Coates, & Co.
Bruce, Besett, & Co. rs ge Coffee-Room, Denloge, Ellice, & Co.
nnes & Beverid
err aes & Bucho-Fairlie, Bonham, & Co. ackson, Robert
fan Farquhar & Morice anson, John
Buller, Richard & Co. Fayle, Benjamin & Co. bnson, G. & Co.
Finlay, Hodgson, & Co.
F » James
Findlay, Bannatyne, & Co,
ordaine & Shaw
ttlewell, Thomas
Kirwan & Sons
A | 1814-1815
SiAbbott Sp |H.Filtman| 65|Rye |14/Clark&C
wrl& arp Ox Srpraxe
Wm Allen} 51/Weym. (| 3Capt&xCo} 8|LoCoastr|A : Ry
. Bristow 189 co
otrong Se 14|Lo.N’find|A 1 A.!
Ww Boulcylsps
R. Lloyd ee Barmb cape
'SDB Drp.'!x2
Sw s.CJ.Mordew, 250|Lynn |18/S. Somes |14/LoTrnspt E a Er
cf, x3] J.Bieswe spe 6-12C.
Bg |W. Savage 158 oo ‘
J. Furney
jepe Fir
Gibbon|17|LoTrnsptiE 1 a
Li.Pho tad. O07] y*
J- Ati [sp alSpruceK
Pritchard} 52/Wales |11/Abrconwy)| §}Du.Cork|I a\*
sD 09
S$ |G Johnson|298|Massa.| 5 menberry 15|Li.NorfikjA
P, Simpson
Reprinted by
The Gregg Press Limited
37 Catherine Place, London, S.W. |
Printed in Holland
ee ee ee ee
Inornam-CourtT, Fencuurcu-StaresT.
Langdon|11}LoCoastr| A I
Lo,Lis. uw 5
g|— Ss ae. 256 Amer,
ts.C Ox IB. rp.|/x4 spa) P.Scls
Sp |R. Mather 13 rpshm} 1/\Capt.é&Co]10)/Ex.Fowy A. l a
Be Stcktn |10Grahm&c}15|LoGtube pe
Sp Capt.&Co. J LoBremn At
G_ |T. Milfiel 01 Prkgte27|\Capt.&Co/10j|Li.DublnjE I
Ss.C} Mustard 346 Whtby|13|T, Hall |16)Lo, Surin ET re
eco spn) s.u.w.|x4| 6 Guns
“P Gr jd. Oliver 57|Danish| Pr/S, Bridge | 7/H1Hlighd|F 1} F.I
+ G, i 6—4 PSilpery, Lo-Senewil 5) 5
oe ek E E Fi
10}{Active Bg | Stanburg{/!01/Frenchjold/W. Jones |10{|Da. :
2 Bg |T. Taylori31|/Whtvn|15) Breklbnkj11/LiMemel E 1
3i—~ Sp |M. Till | 50,Frenchi18} = Hyne| 7|FaPssage|l 2
4|— Sp |A. Treat | 51 ee 9Capt&Col sfEx.PlymjA I
5 Sp |Tregarthn be Brdprt 10;\Capt.&Col yfelCorun.JA ILA.T
| 2=9 & 4—6P x3} 9
6 Bk jF. Visser 181 Konin '14/Prussia Lo.Bordx|E 1
| x3
7\—Sws. ere Wall 20 French FP\G.Robinsn 14 LoT rnspt Ka
| | 612NC. 07
8 Srs. C Waterman] 57,Bermu ik W. Neal | 9/BrLisbou/£ I
e.b. 8D 3
9 Sr Watson| 60,French Pri/Capt.&Co,| $|Du.LyrphE
sp |P.Sdsrid nb'& Srprs 05
05/Petrhd!LilW, Nicholl 4|Du.Coast. E
P. Zachrs |253/Stettin} {Dantzic
Qi— Jane S s,C'|Bulberney|220/Baltmr, 3 es 13|LiBrazls'A
pt c.b. SDR uns
Acton Bg | Churchi20aiLynn ‘53 Blctcbe: 1|LoTrnspt
¢.WaCptIB sos Nuw. & grpO3nw.& grp\x2| 4+Guns | 1
11) Lo.Baltic E -
10)T. Tenant/12/Cs Es 2
.C LB. A. ||
Adam § ny Hannibal|280)N.Bdfd|Pr|Bridgess.ci14|LoTrnspt E 1
Srprs'X4] 6 Guns
7|Adamant Bg Angus|210|Sndsid | 6} Fenwick|14)LoTruspt A I
3.C c.f 8UB 4 Guns
Sw J. Duncanji22/Knerd,; | Thompsnj10jLoPtrsbg'E Z
§ 3.C\R. Miller }428/Blyth | 4) Woodstck|17 pormepua 2 VAT
x5 wt". sonisDB —6P & 8=18'N.
12 S s.CIH. Nelson|208|Clchstr'16| Cockshut!12 LoTrnspt EN 1
Langhtal sp | 8 Guns ox! |
1 Sr |B. Smith [157|Pinkbg! 4)Capt.&CoJ12iGr.Bostnj/A a -
2 S_ IR. Stowle [270|N York11 EYEE 15}Lh,Xtusd] E i
SlAdelaar Sr J. Soubry| 90|British 11 Capt&eCo. 10jLo. Caen|E in
80 x2!
delaide Bk [Robertson|272| Hull | Russel&c.ji5|Lo.MemllE I
sDB 2 Guns xi
i dele Bg | Lamber apt LoSViry\E t
40 Oldnb,J12 Capt.&CoJ10,Lo.VareljE 1
| a
S/Adelbeit Bg | Robinson Nae Prussia ce 13\Lo.MemljA I
CLT Smith] t7 6 Prussiall3 peers
sp |
ae &Co.
A tt15 C.
>.Prohn |213 Strism| 3 Sweden
Sr | Maxwell i Quebe | 4\Capts&eCo 11)Li.QuebclA I| A.
Sw siJ. Parkin 213 Shields|22 Lamb|!3)Pl. Wales|f j
len.!99| 4-3P x1
140/— S |C.Poulson|220\/Dram |10)/Bercon&e aioe EI
sDB Ux
Bg s|L.Ronabel|200. see 9\Capt.&Co,14'Lo, EY
06 soe Fir } Ox
Ss.W&C} Wilson}283,Whtby/25|Keddy&C itLoDae ‘ral I
I.B, x3 soe grp05 n.|p. |TpSds& Wis|x1| 6 Guns 1
SjAdjuter Bg si 4s Lund |219 Norwy/41/VuCapeln|13Co.Nrwy|E J
efeTson [ony ptFirtrp.|x1 | x3
4)Adler By |J. Budell {196 Stralsd]i2)Bire &Co, wie LyrpliE £}
cDE 11
G_ |J. Schohl ii 3/V. Stade |10)/HI]Lubec|A i AY
6)Admiral Hamlyn 47 Plymh 8|Ennott&C} 7|/ExPlmthjA 1 |?
sp | X1
—Berkley S |J. Taylor |290 Philad,| 9\Goodsngc|l4 Lo. S.SealA [|
s.W&C xS \.L.0.&C.| P.|PSds14-9P. x3}
—Colpoys 5 |J. Todrig |250 SAmer|23/Todng&C|L5\Lo.S.SealE 1 PA
5.C UB 6 Guns 1 *
9 rn Buchanan] 72.Grnoc |1$|lFerguson | 9|Gr. AntwiE I
Martin&c ‘y r.Antigi/E I
Sce Suy plemnt
Admiral Ford) P. Strand |225 Crnstd 10/H. Wensel/!2|/Be.Drntn|E I
| Sercheres M. Norby]!9!/Gothl
von Rayulin Sr $0] part Fir
3 ss | Christian|500|Nwestl| 7
Bg s 01 pe NKIDepco | |
16¢ ee oA. Bibbins oT P Key 11)Br, QubdE I
7 2-9 pred, Nb We
Hulten}: 53 |Finlnd
sD 8)Fir
Adonis te snack inas| 8} Maychil
jso8! Drp.
Bg |F, Barren |134)Hull
DT Culaum [sop
$ s&cd/S. Letberg|312\Gamby/|i 4
17 5 -Logrom|200|Swedn |) 4\Capt&Co]14)Lo.Medit|E I
Ks A, Martin{131|Stkhlm|18|Schuyster|11|Fa. | ;
06 ep oh 1 sp |Fir Stenhlad x3) y
Bg sf Nollon}zoolSwedn | 5|Lundberg\ta|LoRivanlA |
; x3
176jAdrianus Car| Schwartz|170|For’gn
olina ~~ so B/FrCielng} |
ease 22 a 13|Co.LsbonjE |
18 Advance Bg s\D. Curtis |195|Knebe| 9'T. Lodge {13)Du.
‘aly Larkin
| 2 Guns
N.Sco./12) Fereman|12|Li.Yugh! EB]
Ss. W&C\J.Crocker)$04/Spain |21|A.Fleming|15
x3 |w2.04 w]Tp Sestrpxl 10Gulns
S/R. Curts |100/Amer, | 9N. Lord |10\BostnCoJA I}F 1
sD Oxy 1¢
6 |G. Davis |221/Amer. aiSCarth j14)Lo.Cadiz|E I/F, |
Was LB Wo stokes P. Sds pt!Fir Ciel. 8-12C
Bg |T. Gibbs 7 French are 10/Tu.N’flnd|E 1
] Bg s.C/f. Giddy 216 France| 9J. Slade |12|P1.WIodJA I}A-1
me c.f sow)rscaiii\3) 1018P.] | Ss} +
G | Hammnd| 79|Dutch Meyrs| 9|LoHmbr/E TE
W.Holthy | Nelson | sp 6K! t
Sp J. Hayes | 06/Nwnm |44 Capt g|Du Wxfd E I
iD rb.
Sr Heath | 62/Domrk} 6|Hunt&Co! 8|WaSpainijA |
Sr djl. Hughes| 77|Exmth|20 Hughs&C/10|Lo,.VianalE 1
&D 2-6 C,
b— Ss,W&C|WJohnson|466 Whtby O\Clarke& C)17|LoS.Vin.|F, I
OT ,08 3Dajlen. &rp.|97| 6-6 P
K -Lawson #1 French} 4\Capt&Co] 7)/H1BremnjA I
Bg s|S 5a 7 psn a ‘ees 9|Li. N’flnd|E I
DE NU W,grp
S$ s,CU. Mahony 1 Amer. |L7\CoghInéc}10|Co.
sD /L.0.&C,| wiuw02
|N’fand|12'J, Squire | 7/BrGalwy\E 1
85|Hall = (31|W. Taylor/10jLi.OprtojE 1
ep sd92rp.|02 xt
Sp tennett} 70 bts 13} Wilford] 9)/LoCoastr{E 1
Bg s.W&C}Stnehouse379|French|Pr/T. Benson|16|/FaHalifx|E 1
x3 pt c.f. x3} 4 Guns
Bg |P.Symonsy 74)Frenchjoid/T. Cole |11/P).DublnjE 1
114\Finlnd| 4/Capt.&CoJ11)Lo.Baltic A i
so |Fir
Bg | s.C} Haegurd|251 French] 5/T. de Lisle14 Lo.N'find A 1
spw "10 Guns
Sac - Harvey|278/Poole |10; Vaughanj15/BrJamaijA I
c.f} 8. W x4 &xh
S sC.H 273|NHmp Nd 16|BeN.YrkjA I
- Janson {248)Prussi eee 13|LoElbingjA 1
Ladmekrt631|Dantz.j/18ITC France| 18\Li. Dentai \
926) Eolus S$ dj Lavaven; eal 20)Koninbrg |14)1.1. Pillau/é I Fr
Bg |D.Mollies|210 Finlnd |14)Bjornebrg |12 Li,MassajE 1
| B.Gramin
S08 12 Guns sx
Tolkie}216)/Konin Ale? oes, fe Lo Dantz/E |
sD Drp.JOx
Ss} Tredwell}222 tel 12/8. W. Hall) 12}Li Philad|E I
S s| Williams'331 Himbre Hembro’ } 15|Lo Meml|E 2
Esculapius | Campbell/140/Sndrld {13 Collingwd; 11|LoGtnbr BI
5\Africa G d/DDuncan|143/Hollnd| |Memel 10 LiDrntmll. 4
A, Smith ees Pt
Ji A alls
E Bartlett c.f. Wee gute
i|— Sw |R. Capp [130 Yrmth 19 Hay& Co./12|LoDnkrk|E x
sp B)N Dg IrpJ?| Drp.x3 2Gulns
Bz |D. James | 80)Wales |12/T. James 12 Li Werfrd| E : Ft
sp #iptFrPlnk O97 4+
8p |LeCocque} 42/Cowes [23)Weeks&C, 10) ExGrnsy|E I
1s} Ludreson}i50)|Datch |44)H, erty ie, I. 2),
192/NHmp| §
spn P Tp Sds
L10 Blyth
l140 ora 8 Slth’se &C}t1/LiGibrltr|A tt
Cc. &e oP
T. Hillown sna
S |B. Eddy |269 RhdIs} Tasecies
O.&eP. \Sds
Sohnspnis47/N.Shdsi105. Manby |lojCoTrnsptjA 1
h—182-6C) : 7
7\|Agnes Bk s.C/J, Burrett}135 Liverpl oe Faith
Bg |D.Coghin 93, Scot!’d acapt
Sw s.C\J. Russel | 230|Dysart}16
pt cf. x2 Tap etise
Sr )
iley|100/Irvine 50\Capt.
{5p 2]almost rb}05 |
74,\Glasgw len Perry
sp |prt FirP./Tp|Sds
4700) Dantz.| 4| Francis|19\Lo.
7\Aguilar S |
s.W&C x4
Sp |E.Atchisn}| 66
sD |FirPlank
ptnpO6| 6=4P.
G.Husbnd| 76/Scrbro’) 4|Marfit&C.} 9|LoCoastrjA 1
72|Whtby |36 Walkerécc 16 Li, PillaujE 1}
6 Guns 4
Bg s.C| Bordman|!87|Boston |12| Boston
oRIBD ES, fo Sri ay 5
sD | trp.X2gr p- iy
S sD. Craig |208 avenge 28 CaptacCo} 14\Co, Eq) &.1
a.Cc.£05 J as L}J. Watson u. Antig. 2 (a
— §s.W&C WDrysdall325 Nwestl|/22|Capt.&Co!16/Lo,Antig. E | 1} ] “A
part I. B. Richmond p a)y p,.Bms) & [rp0G 2 Guns x1}
79|Kinerd] 8}Capt,
ep [lend trp.) Xl
+ Quelch|370) Bristol }17 Foun | 17|LoSt Kit EY i
Bg s -Robinsn (76 Whtvn /29/RJohnson{t2|Li.GinbrJE IT P.y
sopialrnst rb [xv
107 | Norwy 14IT Steward|11\Ya. Str’'ts|E I
pps a |r 6 Guns 11
Saunders 14/Lo LehrnlA . A.
2 Guns ,
umming |16}Lo.Malta/E [ E.T
} 10 Guns Li. Jamal Ox} gs
5|Alcyone Bg |WJohnson|366}
yo sCeglE.Waters | | 7 9
376)AldcbaranS s| Congdon|190\Rhd Isl| 10\Capt.&Co] 14, Li. Bltmr|E 7
r |B. Clifton], 16|Dover p Richardsn|! 1|LoMalag|E f ha
R. Somme ul |
2 Guns
Bgs. W&C|M‘Mullen|!14/Anster|12 Krkptrick|10CoNBrosiE 1] F..1
Spm Dep. 07 2-4 P, r. Trieste 3
350 5|Boston |17\LiBoston|A I
}2\D. Colby | 9 ery E Ilr.
M. Smith|i34|Plymh| 5/Capt.
, apn redOXylrp & |brp.x4
+ Tucker/202 Serbro’ 16\G. Penny }13|Po.N’flod) E a
Srprs/x3 2-6 P.
Sw s.C)WConelly| 155) Leith
pt ec-b.x3 soxitrpl 2irp|xs |
| N. Bdfd 1 2\R. Belin
74)So0drid 24 Capt.
an |FrBms& Ci eling
hb TpSds Irp|xl 8 Guns
7/- Be s. W&CU. Donkin|275)Sndrid|14| Drydn& C14
pe a + B} den, |X )2-6P.6-18C,
er|2 Hull
oy Rent oh -18&2- 2 |
. Hardy |:
of x4/C. Brady
213\Arbrdn} 2) “Lhompsn ls
LoWInd.'A 3
LoSwedn ET 2
| ET I
i Ritchie&c|15)PL.TrnsptiA I
x3} 6-18 C, |
Bg |W.Pressey|132/Boston| |Capt.&Co.
_— 4|Wright&c|12|LoPtrsbg/A I} A.
| my ws
“ Bg s(J. Bell
oa) L.0.&C.irp (OL 8 Guns Nl 5
529 Aaae 9 Capt&Co,|18|Li. Dantz|E 1}
4-12 P,
2) Anderson 15 Li, NOrL.| I
Ip Sis A.
11 Booth&C,
“Vor Flaws
20|Hall & Co, 14 HIDStrts
‘On naw erste
H.Cook |325|NbyPt)I
Lo, BrmojA |
Srprs x
8 Wadbec|13'J. Leech | 9\LoCoastr}
Ss. WAC Sangster}
s.CA1 07) J. Lang
olAligenda & fi. FWilchers 8s Prussia 8|Holland
— G |
A. Young|13)Lo,QubcjA 1
a Guns x1
N. Carl)! 0) Drulshng |12|/Lo Lsbon E I
sD P.P-TpS s
Sdspt P.Ciel
owned 13) Li Philad/E i
601' AmbrosiaBes “ee he (70|Norwy |35|N. B. Aallj12/To Nrwy/I 1] ,- J
’ Igps o Vee wp H ae
ptl.B.o1 LO.&C ee 2
Bg s.C\J. Boswell} 140 Qubec ‘lolind ac; ili, CadizfA J
G Doman|!62|Stettin | L2|/Capt &CoJ12/LoGtnbr]E J
Bg | Dorman}i22|British} |Capt.&CoJt3}Lo.Havre|F 1
Bk dj Frederic|206/Dutch | |Capt.&Co.J13}Lo.Ostnd
Bg |M. Hany |140/Cnada | 4/R. Hamell/12/Li. Havre|A IPA .1
Bg | Hawgesc}!40|Bremn Bremen|!C}Lo. VareljA 1
S a W. Haynes] 229} Brazil Cole [(5|Br.Bltmijk I
Bg s.cV. Hewson|301|Liverpl} 3} Livingstn|16)Li.JamaijA TA.1
cb} Rob use [spp 10~12 P.
S s.W&ClJ. Low |231|Massa.| 5}Capt.&Co}15)Lo.DmrajA IA .y
I.B.x3 peP.ptFijr Cjieling 4Guns 7
Sr |A.Manuel oe Prtugl }10/Capt.&Co} 9/OprtoCoJE |
Bg |J. Pasley 106 British} 5]J. Gilbert }1){BrCharnyA I
Bg s{T. Phillips}196;Dnmrk| |Capt. 13/Lo. Fyal jE 1
sont N Bms 6—1 P.
S sJ. Raheff |27O0j/Swedn | 5/Rantzn&c}14/Cs
Bg |J. Reevery{(21|British} jCapt. 2|Lo Havre
G Roos a ambr|15|Capt-&Co|l1|LoHmbr’ E :
Sw | Schustoi 300 Ptrsbg| 5] Brown|!4/LoPtrsbg/A I
S s/A. Smidt |282]Amer Worrall]! 3{Li. Dort E 1{T.1
L.0.& C. al AT 3
Ss.CiC, Smith |S79|Whtby| 5)£. Mille: {18/GrSDomjA 114 .¢
N.> Cm 10-12 C 6
S sASoderbg/310/Swedn {1 2/JSmith&c}15iCs Stkimji 1
SDB 3-1 P. {LC
G |Steinwrth}i87/Prussia} |Stockhlm }12)/LoGtnobr’
Sw J. ee 215)Amer.| |
SDF Rraeee ae
9 § |P.J. Odlin|25z\Philad,}23)P. “Bight 14|Co.
| pts. W&C LB.b, .» ‘
7|AmicitiaBg s/N. Biserk Fe Swedn} |Westerwic}11/Li.Wstrw\L. I
; 8 he Meye 265 Dutch apt.&C
660 S Plas |34qDutch| (Zilborss [15]Ya.Str'ts
i 8 siW.Stalker|38qPrussialig) Ritchi
5 » Valley | 400 oo } apts Co, iLi,Gtnbr'A I
Amicus Sp |R. Clifton ‘To Lynn tgp) Stockal No Hull 1} 1
ié Bg s.CiG, Brine aa iJFrench| *lBrine& 11|LoMesnajE .
4 Guns |
AmigoProtec, Correa 188}Amer, s{Lisbon 13}Li. TenrfjA 1
| ne
mille ¢ -Bennist) 93\French} 8/Capt. Lo.UavrelA I
JAmis St [C.Adelus| 40\Freach} 6Capt&Co] 6|LoCalais'A 1}
670|Amitie Sw | —Dolcelg20 trsind| 4 Robertson} 14LoGtabr}E 2
He Bg | . Lamy L00)British| sapte&Co1 1) Lo.Calais|E
Amity Sp [. Barroy| 80)Wales i3Capt&Co} 9 LiWtrfrd|E: 1
Bgd{P. Berg |11: For'’ga |olg(C. Tunch |L1\Ly.Nrwy|O 2
DBuckley 86|Drtmb 24\Hines& Co|LQDaLbrdriE I} ¢ ,
ep [nS DE Brpp
67 Si [J Crockfrd} 50)Stroud]16| Burford\ 8 ExP\ym\E. V
676|Amity Bg | Drmmnd|i01\Aire 10H, Cowan 10|P1Belfast/A |
SW. Flew iand 16-6 P. Ficaate Ox '
Sw s|T Grayson|186)Wrktn 19 Benn& Col11|Li.GtnbrJE 1}!
xl son| grp.|xl .N. Pin 9
WW. kine. en ‘pp
191'Chestr | 2) Campbell|13|Li.Jamai A ‘
Amer. [21 Willis&C.16 LoTraspt(E 3 J
L. 0.&Clgrp 6 Guns
701) Amphion S 4G. Denhm
C Holstein
Jorgenson 193 Calman 12\Istad 11)Li.GtabriE a
J. Kastem 145 Dnmrk|15|Gregor& cj 0/PI.Frdksl] E 1
P. Leer
P. Lehl
R. Little
A. Lund
-E. Lurn
pe Swedn |10|Gottenbrg}12|Lo.Baltic/E
Zachriasn 240 Norwy] 5|Muller&cli3jYaNrwy|A I
sps| O&Fir
43|Russia |33\Capt. l
spj Cl. rb.jox
2 RemeTeESY, Thames 177|N York\|14J. Currie |14)DaPortglE a
7|Amwell Ss. | Galloway/430| Quebec Anderson) 18} LoHlifas ay :
Om 4 x5 14 Guns
|SDB np.Sprs|() [
5|Anderson’s S| Anderson|273! Poole
& e Ww. i 17|\Capt.&xCo.
ret Sra aD |
soa|Np& grr) xX) 6 Guns x3
Cowle| 77 Prauce O|Harris&C. DaN tod) A L I. 2
s Hitchin
g \J. Enon
i4 Ynghsbnd 12} DuWInd. ET a
epB|N D.é&lrp|X4 10
131)Danish|Pr)} Manning\11)\Lo, E 2 E..1
ap |FrTpSds x3
Bg |P.Furlong a Livrpl |g.
len. 94
S s.CiJ. Garden 304 Bristo! |12| Brknridge|18|Br.Jamai E
C.B, x1 grp-|XL| 8 Guns ie .
} > |
oe ;
Gilespie101 Dnmrk 7|W. Gibson}
ep |Fir
Sw J. Grave |195|Wrkto | 4)Capt&Coj13)Li, nt
~~ Harris sDRE
soljAnn = Bg_ | Grayham| 72|Whtvn) 2{Capt&Co1 8[Pl Exete:[A 1 a
8D i al
2 Sr MM’ Greevy| 91/Stngfd| 2) Strangfrd| gi DuStrnfdjA J n I
3 Sp |TGriffit = Crdign|17|Mathews | S]WaLvrpliE I
Bg sW. Gudg 110 French'26|G. Taylor12[CoJamai.l[. 1
o |n. TpSds_ & |Bms 03
— Be Guray 234 Beverly ! 71J. Bell 13|NorfikCojA I
sps| A. A.
6 § s.CiG. Gwinn|287/For’en Rochel13]} MlfrdCoJE I
captured c.f. 8 Guns
— -S s.W&C| Hamilton/629 Btavia 18] Hibbert/19|/LoJamai B | 1 ¥..*
ptl.B. 3 Ds Teek trp 07} 20 Guns »
3— SHarrison 2 Dnrark _ W. Cubitt!10|YaCoastr/E 1
a S Harper 236 Bristol 30fT: aylor&C/16)HI Sh’lds 1
Sw s.C/M. Hinds |211 ohn : Black&C.|12 Mota J
S s.c}S.Holemb)200\N. Engl t 8/Boston |
Hidswrth|138|N.Sco.| 5}Massacha/12 a
. Jackson|J 91/Hull 121 Cornforth |13|LoDubln
DB trp.'09 2 Guns |
Ss ,i\W. James |301/Bristol 23 P.1. Males|18{BrJamai, E
H. Jenkins/134/Wells ei ee 12)Li. wing LIF.1
cf -Daymong sp 6
Bg |W. Jones | 92/Livrpl 15 Capt g{Li. Cork |E
Bg p- Jones [t1SiChestr 10\Capt&Coj1ojLi. Cork |A T
Bg W. Jones | 92/Barmh| 9i\Capt.& Li,DublniA [
Sr |R. King |140|Dnmrk) 5 oo 12}Lo.N’find|A
8B \Fir
Bg Kirby] 57|French Daral g|LoJersey|E
S Leake (216| Amer Norman|12]Lo E |
Sw 2c Longrdgi254|Shields| 4] Longridg|14|LiNaples|A 17 4. 3
X35 mB ptC.B. DB -4P4-9, 2-61, Ouebe? = §$
S s.C] M‘Kenzie}283|Amer. [18] Lockyer|tsjLoTrnspt E 1
ptc.f. 6DB 618 N.C.
Bg |J.Markhm hs Yrmth rahe H. Brown |10) YaNorthjE }
14|W. Masson/20|Lo.Bmby
16 Guns
s.x8 Ox} J. Smith | sp
5 .Norman|232 British PriJ.
Hb,styv, r prs
. Norman|216 Amer.
19)J. M*Grea|!1
Li. Derty|E I P
«Biuw £D
l CsTrnspt|E 1 E.¥
18&2-9P| | trp x5 al
Tetherley/43}Appldrii9) Burnard)12/Pi. PassgelE, 2 EI
296/Tpshm 12lCuring&eCli6|Lo.MntstlE. 1]
m)l2)\Curin l ntst s
& Goods j apes Br rss Bie F..€
C.Tulloch|/256)|For’gn |14)Gladstnes | 15 Li.BrazllE i F..1
DB\cp.X2,mS\ds j&lrp.x3 6 G 7 9
. Vitery | 88/D Vitery|10|DaWales|E 1} !-.1
‘Dnmrk =e lI DuBergn L :
rp& m Tp) Sds\04 08
Sp |J. Graves | se 30) Robertson S\LoCoastryE
Norwy ol Bickman La Lo.Frnee E
wn foe 15. +a) 6 Guns
9l0—& ElizabeJA. Brown 20 Sndrl’d Capt. a Al
th Sw 5.C x3 x3
seCowes | LOVE. Clear
1 Stettin /Pr| Eastman) t3)LoPassge,E 1) F.
Sk /T. Arians| 72/Dutchy |Capt&Co| 7|LoPtrsbglE 1
G Bakher| 91/For’gn}12|Dutch |10)/LoPtrsbg/E I
G Berg Hofiman|11)Lo,AmstryE 1
5 Blohm/230|Swedn | 9}Capt.&Co./13)Fa. E2 Bu
J. Lund i
5 Bloom /246|Forgn| |/Russia /|14/Co, I. J
S sJ. Bluhn /228|Massa. Gottnberg|13|LiHavnh|E 1]
Bg IGL.Brown|186|Nwhvn} 1}GL Brown\14|LoWInd.JA I} .\ 2
s, X4 Lo Genoa i
Bg s\Christensn|217|Swedn |16/Hearl&Co/13/Tp Sch’njE 1
spu/Fir 1
G ‘Cornell! 143|[iollnd|23| Petersbrg |10/Li. Revell/E I
Bg | Cumin Creighton|14|}LoSUbes|A 1
caf. 4-12 NC
Sw s.W\J. Mather|227|Poole {19 + henley} 14|LoHmbr'E 1
Drp.} 1 Guu
S |J.P.Meyer/210Hmb Hambro’ |14/LoHmbr'lE 1} £.1
a Brenmhl! 990 Pillau | 7| Nicholas|l BeDram,
Sp |H.Classen
G | de Groot!
G !
Bg s s| de Groot 27 Bem 99|WdeGroot/13 LoGtnbr
Bgs!M.Dunin 936 Finlnd
ope Fir
976 ee J. Jorgen 220}Himbro;
sai 14 LoGtnbrE I
3/Pursbg_ 14 yan
. Larsen |118|Norwy| 8/Gottnbro’|10/Li.Gtnbr/E 1|
Bg s| Wickstrm 164 ao 20 Stockhlm |} 2)Li Rtrdm|E _
acobina |) Wruck 750) Brasil \Dantaic |24'LoBalticiE 1
I}\ 1
"Wy. Peters
Lynchj107 -
ap wo.&tyix$
} 70 Daomrh
6}—LouisaSw iM. Detjen|215 Bremn |27|Capt.&Co|1¢|Lo
ep nd.&T :
G de Jonge 06 le \Capt.&Co|12|Lo,Baltic|E 1
Lynch 16|LoSavanJA i
14c Gotha
spn 5 vei, Ox}
69|Yrmth |10]W. Sas 8|YaLivrp! E E-1
+0 | } xs ?
Julian sD
BareelF. Vit 4911 h| 9}
tue sD 7
jAntelar G |. Rickers| 75|Prussi
7\r\ntelope Bg |J. Barron om 4)Boness |401. Watt
8}—Bgs.W ptC\S. Bryan | loo, HP
(09 pt c. SDB
Bg | Heppler146/Konin.|10;Capt.&C
| £D
10 va ay me Nantz | ic Lehbud
"igs Swinburs}175 French
pinoy Sr | Dicliso 250 Amer.
Mangin | William 16 Philad.|1
Anthorne S J. Doyle [{186)Mrypt |!
a.C ptl sps| Drp.
5|Antigonus S (PV.Gibrie'200|Antwp
» Peterson! sDB
Antigua S J. Dawson|?26)Whtvn
7|— Packet . Dawsonl2s o}Wrktn | 5'Chim
$a.C (x) apa}
Antoinetta § |C. Bagge SocfNarwy tot, Bags
Sr s.C/R. Folger | 250 Amer. | 3
il Bg sJ. Jenson {$0|Drork
Nieven} ran British
Bg | Rodrigue 4 aie
vn Fir
J. de Silve alee l1
T.Fericra | gp
. sD |FrCielng
resaBg s)TB.Artrga} 96/Swedn
sp |Fir
Sw d& Boman/208)/FinInd |<
x3 C.B,
Bg [T. Calver |131 Sthwle Its
Bg | Chaming|144)British|!7
5 s.Wk& ber])}3:20|8erbro’|2C
24) D, Wishart] §>
‘|Capta&eC 19) Lo.Ostni ET
Corunna |129/LoCoru ey
Ca t&eCol11|Lisbu Co.) &
nost bea j.Lishon oma
3IL. Tarras |14|PlGrnseylf. I |
S s.W&C} Hammnd]166)Arundlj18) Findlay}19)L
=“. sD |D.& trp}X1) 10-9 N.C.
TC |
Sw |W. Lewss |!120/Wales h6|L, Peters 1)
S3.C Thompsn 360
ef. J. ATU o'nlspa)w.TpSde cp. x2 6 Guns |
LB, Casias | 83/Scotl’d|26|Capt.&Co} 9)Li. Oprto Ld
Ashley|132|\Sweda !pp|Palmerds c} 2\LoVincia|E 1)! 1
x1) W.Swan |ene)FirtrpOXdrpjxi 2 Guns i
Bg s\W Atkinsnj152|British| |W. Stitt
K. Realferr§? 8igrp.07 & 08 ly x3 i
H Baldwin 42 tJhn's| a|Ativers L6|Li.AfricaE 1) 1
® ol
Amer. |15 J. Roberts| 8 Lo.Ostnd/l. I] 1.
J. Sibson |(15/Chestr Be Capua ‘aoe
BD |wKliSctrp).9 |
Sd rT. Taylor) 228|Nwest! 26) Armstrng] | a rkny
1D 8/N.0.U02n)uw por NO 4G une
13)/Du LyrpljA 1
TE, Thatet |195|Konin.
R. Warley 78 Brwick|12/W. Ansly }l0\Ya. Hull :
66|Scotl’d}31) M‘Crmck] 9|Be,Derry/[.
8p jN.TpSd
Grene |17|F. Garden| Pwr Eat.y
10 Guns \) it ‘
-P.Brucel 467] Damrk{21|Hambro’
Brown}14|LoTrnspt|/: |
ff 6—12N.C.) | ‘ r
P. Kieran |154Sndrld {12 Vesa 12)LiDublnjE 1)*:-!
5DB w Bdctrp. 1) 10
ef. 03 pt x1 #DBInD, aw.lirplos |
S c.f.|W. Smith |340|Hull Hamond|! ee A !
&-18 C, x3
86|Wrkto | 7|Virtne&C} 9|Li,GlsgwiA 1
sD ep M. x?
15|Li.Philad|A 11£-2
| | xe} 4
: 4R. Bayne |10|LoGtobrFA I
: sDB Drp.|x2| 4 Guns |
E.Gamble|101)/Lynn |17J. Wales
Robinson laps |
Green{125|NYor| 9 N. Green |12}Lo.ChristA I
176)Flosbg |15'Norw ay
| ‘FI
Sw s.CIR.Jackson 252 Bal cms 3 en 13/Li Bord’,
captured ~G x 5D
3/Attin Hundr-/H, Smith |107|Norwy| 7
ed& Ect G sp |O. & Fir}
9D BSrprexig|rp. .
H. Bloom|27 N Bafa |
» P. Clin 180\Foren ,
Howland|342|N.Bdfu| 5} Hathway|17|Lo.NYrk|A J
P.Brma |Sdj A. y xi
IR. .Camphe DB | 6 Guns |
G |C. Blair |211/Oldbrg/11|\Capt&Co,/11|/LoGtnbr’|E I
230) Philad.|rp|Henley&c! |
L,0.C.&| P. P.Sds 6Gns
1390|— Bg s\J. Classen
06 $0 8| part
Sr /P.M.Cold) 58 Noxwy .
ep |Fir
Bg | Cormach)123)Milfrd | 8/T John&C}12\Lo.Calais|A 1}
sDS 10
1 E. Jones |200|/Massa.'PriE. Evans —
2} Bg |A. Keith | 82)Montrs1g/D, Burn
| sp |FrCielng’ Dr dokcepaal
SF S |Kiethman|250)Steklm) §|latck& C.)15/CsS.Ub
» G
1425 Bg
C) M‘Kinley|2!7 Lnestr in M‘Gownll iGrJamail E I r.. x
spwialmost rb (x |
4 S d&sC artes “4 Brazils
5i— ss Ss. sea. Patteran} 30 Whtby |34 Mellish|1 |
og) C " 04m, Bn'dsOx, 6Guns
6i— Ss.W&CT. Pearson 71 Whtby 7| Fishburn
cb. XA 10-18 P,
7\—_ Sr s|CPeterson| 9ujAmer. |P 7 I en E t FT
( Ae K | sp | | MST ag
2|WnoWIndA j
agit hestr |22/Ross &Co|16|Li. BahialE I} Fr
13|Lo.N’estlE 1]
7\LoAntw,JE J
LoHmbr'E I
apiéeCoj12)Lo,PillaujE I
ownsend] 154) 'gnmh|28 Row&C 11\ExLivrpl E qh)-1
‘apt. 1lLo. Riga A 1 ;
Dudgeon|10|LhGtnbr|E I
10/BrJersey\E I
Alilbesglsnx|Fir | | “IPLSUULs te
Sw sAWigbom]252/Peto |34)J. Smith |15|Cs StklmjE I
Sw sJ.Wigborn 245 Finlnd |gg|Stockhim |ta|Cs Stkim|I. J
G | Willan ‘88 Ppobg |10}Capt&Co|11|LoCorunlE 1
Bg | eee ‘a3 Liverpl) 3] Williams|10|Li.Dndlk/A 1 > J
Bg |J. Wilson Be cond Mee vonereec 11|LoHmbr’\E | rt
G |HWisseles|104)Bremn}j9|Bremen |10|LoGtnbr'|E I
S s.C} Withwell}275)Lacstr |} 1|Graves&C}1 5|/Li.GadlpjE 1
SDB Drp.|05 |2-9P.14-9C |
J. Yond (306)DevonJ15|Helser&
| | 44-12 ¢.
Ss. Zambacd 4287 Frenth
AuskeAmelia|J. Heyes |1 Nee Ppnbg Prussia
Auspicious i thorn 492 Lynn |18)Palmer&c)18\Lo, IndiajJE 1}! ..2
mst rb.|OX | Mobed? Mel? 3
Hplewhte 661 Pleat 19H. Beli
eon Ox
ustralien S |SHommes|250/Arkngl} 7
Author Ss. Nelson|350/Amer. |Pr Capt.écCo,/16 PL.Bordx|E 1
c.f, FrTp Sda
Autumn Sw JJ. Bartlett13 Sthton 10\TC.Brtlett|11/ExLivrpljA I
spi Be. Ox 2 Guns
Ayrshire S | M‘donald 337 Quebe| 2)
.Cx4/W.King |sps
Azia Bg aS DT Martnj185|Brazils|20
spa) Teek
F &S. rp. xe 4-6 P.
E. Moore |i #4\Berwic| 8\J. Foster |12\Lo. RigalA |
7\Badajos Srs'T. Smith | 90
x4 pt c.f) D8 red.
Bg |Stephensnj1 12 Sndrid 2) Swan |12\LoBremnlA 1] -\.'
ef) G. Gibb sn. 9-4 P J
R, Gray [325 PhiladJ10J. Gilpin |18 LiPhiladJA 1
1 M. Rafaxt)l13 one a 10\Li.Gbrl
i BalfourBgs.C\ Dunstan
| ee 3 Cuu-ugsepe 2 Guns
Balloan S c.fR. Moon |316/Chspkel 5. Biays
soa) PSdsPP Ci ling
11/Goa = {17\Krazils
Teek Srpirs (Ox,24Gna 9,
Balthazar Sw|M.deSilva 181|Domrk| |Dixon&Cj14/Lo.Op
|. Eagen |203 at Q|\New Bdfdj13\Co, AI.
WV hind 6
242|NAmel15|Norfolk 15ICo, -
pt&Co)l2|LiBergen|E r} 4-1
i.Virg =i 10 4
Sndrld (ASW Malling|11)Br,N’flnd)E ;
ay x5) 2 use. x3
4/8, Brkwthl2 — Al
eid ae c. x3] I
260)\\ hw 2 24)Fisher&C.|15|HI Baltic|E 1/F, y
sp xgrp.(xrp.|X4/4=12e2—4P 5] 3
4) ‘acest? | LhLondn
7|\Beata Sw le Hough) 1
W.wer jane Fir
+ M‘Kenzie}120)Scot|'d} 8} Demps
Sw |Gillioghaa sp [Fir 6 ¥rp ul Cap t.
s| BeautySr < - Wishart|213 dire oJ,
We Cri- -}' Bo
2|Bee-hive Sp Maddick| 35
S_ |PColinson|360\|Norwy |13/ . Bagge 15 Lo, Cadiz|E 1
x1) a.
2}—Bg s.W&CiJ. Meek
Ox pt c.f. spB| Drp.|x4/2-6P.46-SC | :
_ Bg sJ. Walling) 99 eer poten. i} ‘sae EI I '°-1
spsile wE&Drp09) 4
7\J. i 12\Co.Wsesi/A 1
A. Ox
. Davis |160|\Wsesst
5|Bellise Sw s.CJ levine 108) Amer,
tured pte. Sat sp slalmst rb./x3
6 Bellona Ig s\J. Adams 120) Norwy/17| Lakenan| |!
x1) J.) «on |som|Srprs x1) & | xe
Bg s Cox 114|Scotl’d| Pri Reed& Co, 12)
(x snp
§ s/Cathbrtsn 337 |Shiclds}18, Cornforth|16|Lo, Qub
x2 Heukrsonison Irp./08| 6-6 P.
Sr I: nander ay Wassa, $ Wasacern |10 Pl,Lisbon
D | Fir
8 s'J. Jell 198 Amer, |Pr Sever n& C\l4 Co,
09) Sry mii9 2-G&84 P| |
| 8 Stettin 15 LoDunk.
Prussia |] —
| las teenth i8 Li.Christ
S s.C\C.Saundrs 367 N.Brns| 4 Lunter "i Rtdm
P| 19-9 42-GP
H.Thomas, 91/Wales |13, Thomas
|ép 4 Guns
Bg Ps : Williams 271
7|Belvidere Be ~ Wells |261|Shields| 4'T, Brown |14 or .
6-18 N.C.
sgtuberts 121! Wales 4 Wilms&C,|1 3| Fi-1
wlar da; p «|
| xe
10 Guns
spn p.|09 Q=4P.
Warnech|324y Philadt 11} Willings|17/Cs
A. 6<6 P.
~ Ross |464/Calcut) 3) Davidson|18)Lo, India
rp §D Cai Co, Li, frivst ‘
Bg |A.Duncan}119]Yrmth |13|Evrard&c}11|LyCoasty]& 1 I
; sn] rp.) 2 9 é
130] Ss.C\N. Eames 106) Bermult6) Gilchrist!12}FaN Proje 1 |e.1
1D.M‘lean x9)P.Stewart jin) |yo&PSlas xe 10-98 6)P. [LiN.York] as] 4
S$ sL, Stevens 23%) Nby Pil] Newhavn)|t4|LiNYorhJE 1
—Franklin SiJ.Wheelan|262|Philad|19| Roleston'15|Li Philad| E i
s.C pt c.f] LOC, %|P .\P.Sis A,
3}~-Shaw S dj Lewis }289|Altona) 8) Brydges15j|LoSDom|A [}A.1
[.S. grp.|x4 Hi Co, ‘Petushe 107
‘}200)lsaltmr| 5|Gucring& 12
ae |F-Boaras Fir\Ciclng 2Gns
14 ul BalticiI[. 1
16 Guns |
Nwberry & 20/P] TrnspqA I
Drp.|x4 2-12 &1-18 ©
i Blythe] y\CaptaeCo, 9|YaNorth
Mulgsnvn 257 Luestr |17| Campbell|13\Gr Trnad a
Mon! gomrige Dw ® DS grp|08 abet P 1 fh
Ss wae Ruthrford|$35)Whtby |19/T. Willis |10/LoTrnspt\E 1
Drp./xi | 10 Guns
1/Berendand G Lutt | a Russia }11 (Cap. ‘10 LoRtrdm|E I
| =
“Beresford G |J.Graham 130 Domrk|i4J, Atkins ‘11 Lo. E 1
sp "@ Guns sx
Bg |G. Hansen|i10|Danish}22Capt en 12)Lo. Riga/E 2
Sp [Outrbridg| 58|Bristol) 7|F. James 8k 0 Al
en aa
SDB x3
BergithaBg dj Fredrcksn o Norwy/} Steengard 1] Y a. Nrw yjEl
| x’
150)— S| Toltenind 22. Russia} 3}Capt&Co/14}Lo.StUbs|A 1
lad Amer,
spa| BB.&P.
S sA, Willis [200 Norwy
He!:, soup twivseylepe cab pel
—Christiana) — Rasch }20s Swedn pid Capt
Bg sxe HI. se |spulFir |} | T. Aall
6| Berlin Bg s s D, Boss |183 British 16 Capt&Co. 12)Lo.Ostnd Ei
___ |x-TpSd,| & trp.Ox DX
7|\— Ss Cl, Robinsn 303 Ulvrsts 4'A Davids)! 6|Li
| cb, xi J-1-€' OD spy
Bermond Sr B. Wells SONA
Bernadotte |W. Bragg 190 Gtnby
Bg f -Peterton
Ex3 J.
{/Bernhard Bk'H. Kolf '200 Konin.
3\Berry Bg |WAtkinsy ot 7 W. Pix
4'—Castle § s'W.liunter 200 Stettin 11 Hunter&c}11/Lo,MaltalE I r.
«Phillips |snu cod & rp,x2| ¥ Guns My
2 a G. iffiths|420' Bengal |20|Danicl& C18 wg Brbds|E Wr: :
Teek trp. rp.X!,12Gns
6 Merchant W. Turner 119 Berwie/200ldSh.CoJ11 Lh Lond. E TE. i
Scalt | en | 6-18 C.
7 —Packet ‘Sp Atmstrng 108 Berwic 17 Andrsn&cll1 Lefimrc E 1 ee I
J.tiv | so| Dep|xS| 619N,C.} | |
8) co ageyg M. Crosby} 90 Berwic 2) |Capt.
§pD erp, Ox
‘s nC W. Carr (28) Dutch | :
pt c.b,08'C.Eulgson!sp 2 almrb.02 trp 08,14—9 &
Sr F - Kendall ~ Amer. |
_ =. Ee
176|Betsy Bg \J. Bayley (967 Sndrld (13; Forrester|14 LoTrnspt|E 4 |
Bg | Blackisto\124)Hull
6 Guns
39. Barenby l l Co. ‘ty 1
spe gip 98, rp O1 SrprsOJ
Blythe 202) Brith |12 Dixon& C}15, a RiJan E 1
DB Drp.|x! 10-6C.&2-9/N, (C
136 Sndrid |10'A, Robsou/13'F ‘a.Sh NdslA 1
43 French) |Broknshor| 8)FuCoast ET
6 Sage& Co.} (0) Wa.Brist!] A 1 |
{= Young
Copplstn ee N.Sco.'
Sp |W. Clark 63 Damrk
s |Fir
Bg |T. Collins) 91|Bristol 55.G. Penny |10.L0,Wgld E 4)
sD len dele p OS 'Sryrsf9 xS
S sJ.Codd |209)Amer. ee IMLiNJersy|E I
sD Ox
Sr |S. Combs /i43 Massa. 7 Capt&Coj12)Du.LisbojA J
spw| O.&P,| | A. x1
Sp | Courtney) 45'Y att af Rawlins} 8)LoCoastr/E 2
SD 7
Bg s|EDavnprt/162)N. Carl pres 12/Be. Bostn|E 1
S_ s\W.Dogget/550\Nrfolk el onway 15|Du.Nrfik|A I
anoBlA, PF. P. Sds) (x
Sp Flat\T. Ellis | 70)Nrthw-' a Hayes} 7|Li.DublnjA 1
Bg |D. Evans |133\Crdign| 4D. Evans |12|/WaLond,|A A
K |S.Parbrdg]i81|/Dutch 10)W. Stainer|tojLoBremn iE i
Bg |N. Fisk |126|Poole |28| Algar |10/f'pCoast|E I
sonjlen &trp. 02 D&D rp09 09
S slE, Forrest|244)Philad, ene 13|Co, El
A x1
Bg George} 87 Yemth | gw. Palmer} 9 LoCoastr EI
€D |ptFrPlnk & O.M x3
Bg \J. Gray |134\Ulyth 3 Gray |19\LoTrnspt/A 1
SDB 4 Guns x3
Sp | Hancock! 30/Wales 36) Jarry) 9 Fa.Nwptl. 2
ep X2
Bg \J.Helyard|117|Massa.|!4'N. Martin] 9|DuBostn|E }
sDw Ox |
55|Norwy| 9\Capt.&Co] s|YaCoastrE 1
ep (CiFirCie|lng LO)
Sr |M,Hooper| 77|Amer. |13 Salem LIjLi, Cadiz -
Bg s.C Ww. Liston 160 Norwy} 8) Dobsn&C,
pt c.f, 09] op s/FrCielng 10 Guns |
S s.CjJ. Mercer |243/Cichst pr eee 14|Lo,Triest E |
Ox ace IDE <9 P
323] Massa.| 4 Massachst! 1 li, #* Is),
Bg | Merrymn| 79|Danish/P | HowesdeC} OLoRtrdm ‘
sp BO. & Firjnu eae: Lo
Bg s.C|J. Palmer |
pte.f. x4
Bg Ar .Quinton]181/Swedn | O}f. Preston |} 9/Li. Elsinr| E y
Bes 5 eon 143).
bea x4) Thomypso
. Rilt
2 Guns ak .
S sJ. Wedge 973 British|Fp biraceat 15|LoSCrox/E 1
S »| Woolford/283 Whtby 30) Dowsland|15\
| neta 98.
= Ee
.C| Hendersn|458)Stcktn | 5/Birch&Col17/Li.JamaijA 1‘ :
ch. Ve May ,
Birkby Ss.C
Gila x3 c.bJ 1,7 ay lon
.elep. (M1 7
: g|Hacker&c) 10)Li, Md'ralA I rE
{o;}Potts&Col11 Lo,Oprto Em.
2 Guns ’
Bg s| Machado 160 Dutch Jold Rio Jan,
8 Guns
35 1|Bonifacius
37 Payee:S D. Stalker/$11|Lnestr| 8/Rodie&C.)15)Li.Anti
} SDB 2-18é 18-12) :
JW iilis |
- Rogers |213)\Hull [15
sp 3|P Bms&) Belnds grp.09 1/0~|9 P.
M‘Frine 23 pt.&eCo.|1 4) LuQueb./E 7
omjalm rb.xl 9-|3P
s- W&C.pte.f.
2 Bredalbane
6|Bridges Sat Turnbull/280, N, Bdfd 13/Bridges&c}16
Driver PPSdsSr\prix3 6 Gund
7 |Bridget Sw A.Kennan/#04 Livespl) 4/Tobin&C
wie x1 spa a
: Sandersn|!33\Mrypt| 9/Cay
‘a E, Ashik x SDB rypt| 9/-ap
5 ‘Robinsn|256)Whtby |29)S. Hurry |15|LiMemel/E
SDE 4 Guns
390 S 54/River [3 Pannets|15|PaTrnspt}/E 1
1 BridgwaterSrjT. Pinkins|!08|Essex |41J. Helle
iD rb, (1 |
t. Bg | Robinson|!17\Elmere| 3|Manly % c|l 1|/LoHmbr|A
Ba |
4'Bridport Pkt
5 Brilliant Sw|G. Brown /237 Whtby 2
V. Young |f08
Bg |J. Scott [133/\rktn 18
“M‘Nabb ing e8-9C) 7
W.Stewart/23 4 Prditn Jog Gorin nde | LoPtrsbe|E 1
spain. TySds te Fp L
J) Monty! 2 Hunterdec1 2 Gr Qubc bee |
E 1
R. Stowell] 451)/Wales |, 4 Russel&C ee
~e 15|LoStertn|A x >
_ Sw s€ic, Smith rh, 2 a
Dicksow ! ae A 1
6-1284 P | !
° W. Wilson) 75/Grmth_ usiwec oH Lubec|E
so a up x4
6-18 C,
4'C barksob
19/PL. W.Ind.JA I
aC. |
. Bowen 160 Bidted "sd. Day 13) Lisbn Fa.JA IJ A.
J. Day |sps » Transpk x
Fothrgill}291 |Hartly |15 * Hodgelt Ill N’est|E
| g4|French| 5) § YaCoastr Aa
sp |Fr &Elm purgeon| 9 | xy
22] Whtby |15
joc|np&trp.|x2] 8
101 Damrk 1] Williams | Li.Lisbon
captured 1. Bo]
, S s.CHJ., Fishe
G.Brow "
gD om
Bg s.C|E. Laing |170|Sndrid| 6 Thompsn 12 eT A 1
parte FOn oe #12 C.
Bg | M'Cnchy| 92/Grnoc The
WwW. Frand s))
rp. [x3
12 -Marryat} 16) Lo. Mrtio Ei
t4 Guns Puche’,’ eval 1s
sDB/N TySdsl & Ie ‘
cml J. Stirrat 1172] Monty! 1h one Gr Qubc|A I
~C v4 4
ae if
75\G rmth eee 9/HI Lubec
50 4) a x4
- Bowen 160|[bidfrd oJ. Day '|ag/Lisbn Fa.JA I] A.1
J. Day |enn 2 Guns oTranspt x3] 4
Fothrgill/291/Hartly}15) = Hodge|15, Hl N’cstl|E 1
aDR x3)
French) 5 Spurgeon 9 YaCoastr|A I
| go \Fr &Elm xl
» Coope:|363|W htby | 15 testo, 17\Lo.Jamaili. ©
475|—Queen S
ng|i4i|Scrbro}) 2}GD.Smith|13)LoTrnspt|A IhA.t
JA, Jackson |sp |
‘dlsi| . Withyem
BD loPwH. & |S. len. x3
Ss} Morrison|340|ror'gn |20\/Idle & Co,}1
x2] T Brinn sD gp. |\2| 12 Guns
Dip x “Guns
Butlei}!¢ ‘heer E t
ptl.B.x- 4 Guns
S s.WAC|M.Webstr 160 Sultemn i% Price& Ce 1¢)Lo. Lisbn|E I
pte.f. DB
Sw coe 139 iad 12)
3|Bull Dog Sw| Thompsn/212\Mrypt
nC x3 c.f
| il Rear Orghs:
Pl. A}
Fowlei|6 \.t
Godol I P. (
. aah ‘tie 4
ris ne sD | l:
Clunnia 26 | r.
(Carr grp. x3 JE-r
3)Culedoma bg Anderson) 92)Sndrid
ue Foye 7
cabxLl .,
s - Boag 623 Grenoe 2
‘pp sow gp te 14 Guns
S Cock |300/Prussia 1 5/Capt.deCo, 1 LoStetinlE 1
Sw jk, Ried 146 sn 8)Hardie& ec. 12)
son!|Fir Rey.
Caledonia § [PD.Murray| 82|/Scotl’d[13;Aberdeen | 9/Lo,LibauJE I
ap tpt FrEtm 4 Guns |
7|— S |R. Nash [35)Nby PelONorfole [16/LiNrfolkji i
8)— Bg +jJ. Nicholl]!$4) Amer, | &)/Capt.&Co/12Gr N’flne} i I}P'-1
a3} ge Srprs' x3 Y-4 P.
30 Bg :| Oustrostn|!50}Ginbrg|1U)Scott & Cul LajCo, LisbufE |
IDB 4Gun |
= Ss. W&C|\,Patersn|'22 }Norwy) 8\Cable &C.14 LoPtrsbg}A WAT
ee C.5 Oy) JeCalle ig-12 N.C. | 38) 9
Sr J. Percival] 92)N.Amr| 7|Capt B stn Fa.|.\ 2
By |J. Reid |150|Krkldy| 9\Capt.&Co/i5)LiLimrekjA 1].‘.1
S +|/Stonehyse|550) Amer, Forrest&c/16}Lo.Rtdmi i. I
pw 6 P,
Ss.C}G. Taylor| +28 Philad.| 8' Philadel. |17\Lo.Phlau/A ;
eb \L.0.%C.| P.|P.SdsSEms| .
S s.C{WThmpsi}445Chestr | 7| Sanbach|18|Li.Dm’ralA I|.\.|
(7 16Guns _
Sw {[. Thorn |! 55)Petrh'd 12) liutchnsn|12j)LoPlmrojk ]
f is. Walsh Li 1. Baird |10Gr.Rtdm} i = I
to: SS Al ae
O\— Packet Sk ) Cc 130\Berwic 16/Old ShpC,|10.Lh Lond. E I a
6D |ND.&trpXS| 6-10. i) 4
40/Calista Bg |fLambert|!25)Bath 9 oe &WU Du.LisbijA ]
Bg |Robertson 15u\Sndrld| 8 Lo 121Co. LisbijA |
trp 09 8-6 P.
Al (Cumbria Bu 1, Clayton HulAbrde | 7]P. Rachie | 1/LoPassge
110jCarleburyS | [
1. W&C c.f. x§)/G. paeny ’
8) — Sws.W&C\E. Logan 240 Alloa 12|Logan&C/15|Lo.JamaijE 1
pt c.£0xrp.x sDm/we.Oxpt N.|/TpSds
9\CarshaltonPalJ. Jones [454/Sthton| 4 Reed&Co/!! LoJamai
sp |
Bk | Cornelius/250) British |
201\Catharina G |Goodfellw| 77|Prusssa'l4 Taylor&C SiLo.Md'raj]E. 1
SK xi
Prussia na I
. Jongen| 140)Prossi
- Lucas 53 oul 12)Papenbrg a Lo, er bs
Murdock) 92/Wales |13 Capt&Co10Co, 2 2
Doualilsual sp Thomp*o WpisDu lia | i).
338 i j14 Lo. O!
L. Lor
Ervin |14 Lo,Chrisi E i
Collettiis " aia
Li. Kiel 'E 3
4 Capt.&Co]12 ee 3 A.l
T. Priets| sD i | |
5S. ik. Shiper lar} Rostoc fe eaP, 13) Lo. Riga
5D a)
330|Konin,| 5)Koninbrg |16}Lo,.Koui.'A
‘Sweden |13S\LoHmbr'\A J
2 Guns |
10, Helmsbrg
287 Whtby asNarrostiC,|i
try|97 |w.c. 5 Guns
| -stle Sw
7|Carolina G |TBrauwer|14)
| lenQOgrp .
121 Sndrid 44 Ord
17 ckBps.C A yA.
c.f, x9 3
7?Carron bg
part Fir
8|— Sws.W&C/E. Logan 240] Alloa |12)/Logan&C/15 arn EJ
pt c-£0xrp.x soB|ne.OXxpt N./TpSdsx3 44 &
CarshaltonPalJ, Jones |454|Sthton| 4/Reed&Co)!! casei! All
+k Ss.C x1)
iP TpSds 4 Guns.
Sw s|\DGroome}197 Whtvn |25/Irving&C,
x2 5 DB| Irp.'X2
190 S ie
te G | Braunbrg} 68)/Swedn |17)Criscroon
Cornelius|250|British| |Prussia
201|\Catharina G |Goodfellw, 77|Prusssa'14 fayloreeCy ne E A
12LoGtnbr 3 1 :
Ppnbg |14|Papenbrg sata K X
Murdock) 92|/Wales |13/Capt.&Co,
Doualilsca sp
Ober 333) Arkngl L. Lor
Ryter |230|Hmbroj32} Ervin |i4 Lo,Chrisik |
Lo.Arkg| A rl
| xs
Schafferi455)Arkngl] 5} Collett|1s
Flnsbg |12 cena Kiel
. Schultz145|Pillau | 4, Capt.&Co.|12' LiWolgst|A
T. Prices, | &? | 9 2
S_ |K.Shiper |!20|Rostoc|19/Rostock |13)Lo. Riga |E
LT) ae | 27-4P, lox wa
S Tiers |330)Konin, a
Bg |H.Volkert;216|Pomra| 5 Sweden
525 | 2 Guns |
10, Helmsbrg |14)Lo.Napls/E 1 fF.1
- s| Pi ren ee
itzen|sp a) Fir w.c.
287|Whtby |25Jarros&C, |16| Lo.Baltic er i
almost ry 97 Wc. 5 Guns
W. Wallis |171|Pomra| 7)Capt
S pt dlD. Davis |
Se liter \o48,.& pts
— By |G. Davis
len 8grp!x1 6-12 N.C,
rea, 170|Amer. | §|Capt.&Co.|13|Lo, NYrk a 2
Bgs.C caf. x3 ‘aad
5D PPT pSds& Bms 0-188
. Bella
Liverpool |11/GbrltvCo
Norwy |Pr/A. Bernie | 1S|Lo.PEIsI Et i
ptc.f. mst rb. 07 \grp.Ox,6Gns/Fit|Cieling Ox
Bg s| Linklater 236 Damrk|17 aaa 13/Du Qube Kc
Ht 11/Capt.&Co 13|Lo.NYrk/E . |
Tindall 18j]LoTrnsptJE 1p):
_ 8 Guns
Ss Blanchrd 235 Amer.
Bg 8S. Bock * Stettin |13} Wachter/J3/PLRtrdmjE 1
— Sp pts. ce: Burns |$31]/French/31)Pond&CoJ1 5
P.P. Sd. isp (3Drpxe 12-9 |P.
S .C Callender|$30|Bostun ay Haslett |15|LoChrist|A i
P TpSds A.
Bg | Casbrom/150j)Doinrk| |Petersberg)1gjCs Ostad|E 2
Sp |J.Hincks | 46)Bdefrd| 6)Capt.ACoj11|Bristol Fs
VAD Vii nal op Tiere ;
. | 6D conte Ss prs?
. s.C) Marchalk/216/Conect |i aie
|N. Noord |172 [Piosbg 28) Longound|12)Li.ToninJE I
;|ptFr Ciellng len05,Drp07
D. Seywrd 276 Nby Pt 2 NewOrlng i 5|Li N.OrLJA 1
"une 'Philad,|t4/T. Harry |16|Br.NYrk/E 1|E.1
i eebeasl ct. PIL’OrntiI. I Ft
£.0,&C, DbE-G P. 9
Winter) 533 Arkngl)13)/Buckle&c/16)LoTrnsptE 1 |
_|Fir SrprsOx| 6-6 P.
g|CervantesSsC\F. Sharp (305
x1 Weis wr lat
76,Grnge 13\Capts&Co|
'M, Maine ]
i Sua 2) Muntr&Cj13|\LoRtrdm|A 4
ih 63|Bagge&C, I
Ayre |11|Capt.
Bg . JPlow rght) i 10
in BIND. apes
Bg # f.| Graburn|!26\Hull
Mills 16 Lite
Whtby|10 we Irvine |15 LoT bagu|A ?
lrpJX?| 8 Guns Lt
s' Admiralty 17)PLLondajA |
Sp W. Payne| 72 Sthton | diveance! 10LoCoastr,A |
| 7 Hall& Co.!13 ew {
tsps cas ae
Roach 15
451/Charlotte Be|W. Crews |130]Amer,
Bg dj Dickiman]!60/Swedn
ep |Fir wc,
spa] pt N.p./x? 6-6 C,
Sp |P. Fearne | 54/Scotl'd Id: CaptxCo,
Bzs.Cx J. Storey ; "
7 _ "s J.Kenreauj15)|Finlnd| 5
Meo wie)s DB) Fir
Moller|160)/Swedn |13
Capt&Col11 Lo Baltick. I
:Om |SDB 10
‘Winder 275|Hrngtn) 1)\WPeile&cj15 sural 1
50! apeak Sri Price |160/Bltmre 11\Pl.LondnjA I
pts.Cx@ |
2\Chester Sp ppnes , Li.DndlkiE I Ft
3 Sw |W M'‘Neic taorChests 26) L2jLo,Wtifd)E 1
‘hesterfield S/F. Hale
Cef) Furze 2
5|—Packet Sp |b. Hayes | 72 = 25\C. Owens! 9)Co. I
h|Chevington | Anderson|143 Alemh| 4| Thornbrn|t2 LoHmbr’)\ I
Oak | 2
7\Chevy Chase|N, Bou 3 Sharpless 11\PiFrance\A 1
siChiler Sr |G. Gay British |18)T. Wigan | 9\CoBhistol|E 2
gjChilham Cas-\J. Harvey |353|NBrns.| 4Logan&C, 16)LiJamui|A J *C
le $s.Cc.b.xl #DB/B.B.&C. sf
\Chilton S__|R. Walker|277|Whtby |13/T. Leyes 15/CsTruspt E \
Te w&CO4pt0 :DR x1
7\ExPlym,|-\ i
1/China House |D. Wills 2 Plymh alCollinaC, Hs
g\Choice S sjJ. Hoare 214 Dysart |19 lark&Col+/CsTrnspye 1
06] N. Clark j#>2 | |
3 Bg |D.
5|ChorelesSs. C\J. Bedford|201)Amer, |11) Lhmrey\14|LoCurac,.- 1
6/Christian Sp |D. Barns §|DuSpain/A 1
7 Sr |H. Cook | 55{Drtmh|! EY
| J. Man ‘1 32
8 Sp |Fthrnghm! 91)Kincrd) 3\Capt&Coj10|LiWestprjA 1} 4 7
520)Christiana Ss
> Srprs
530/— Bg | s| Hanstead/250/Russia
8D |Fir
) K djE. Justin |140/Stkhim/15\Capt.&CoJ!
J. Siosten Drplx
7 G Konig |140)Prussi
& G Sejet |120/Swedn |19 Sweden
G |Wrekhnds}!18)Prussia|!7|Rostock
540|— Margaret-|H.Classen) 08)Prussia|l 9 Pedder&
ta G
1 G Koe is Pomra
Maria 5 s| Anderson': 258 Norwy |32/W.O*Goin|15|P1.Londail.
3 G Piper |140/Grpsld{15|Capt
4|— s Stodder410|Virgin.| 9/Capt.
leo ptP.Bms
5\Christina Bk (C. Abrans 247)|Pillau |11/Capt.
6D | Fir
| a s . Ahrens|294|Ptrsbg | 3)Petersbrg |15 Li, Baltic
sD 8)\Fir |
at Sp | Cockrane| 50/Dnbtn| 2) Cockrane
sp |
8 Bg diJ. Groot |140|Domrk
S |, Matson 323/FinInd |1 Lopeebeat Li,GtnbriE I}!°.1
oR Fir S Yr-wold D.C avi
Bk s\B,Stelstrm saab NGottenbrg| | 5|LoGtnbr' | E a I. "
#D u/almat rb. O\& Fir :
Sws.Cpt C.B.x1) J. ae anal
S |S. Coward ial
Bg (Cormack|134)Nwbrg) 11} awe
ev s|BtmFrPl nk
S pt d&s| Steadman|429|Sndrld 119 Stead KC. 17|\LoTrnspt|E 1
| WEC x4 pt c.f, sp B\Nwuwé trp/x4,2-6P8-18'C,
iencia S$ s.C|Ellorri Dowelljl Lo.Cadiz E te
Sr oR. Cauild | ©p | O.&Fir |
1/Clanrollin Sp| M‘Culum} 54/Oban |17\Capt.
Clapham S d/M.Munro/374|Hull | 3} Wright & 2 haga J A. I
17|Udwld |s [Udewalia isCo, = [Lab
13 LoTrnspt|E 1
- Scott [507 Whtvnt 8 pecans 17
arksonSs.C/W. Ross (so3|Hull | 9 Glennie & 16,Lo.DmralA é :
cS c.f. | 8 Guns
aptscC talLoLivepllA 1 LI
Mediin J
j|Claud Scott |R. Cowleyi2bo}Leith 5] G L4|Li. Brazil|E 1] }°-1
Sw s.C sp B|wSds05,\drpj05 16—6 P.
£/Claudine $ ‘Welch 46 alcut| 4/Capt. I
¢|Claudius Be sl, Brownli6s Swedn |PrJ. Shaw
Ox}. Aruiour |spm} — Drp.(c 4 Guns
Norwy 15 Paliaer&c 12\Lo Malta. 1
pe 4 Guns Sn
5|G. Faith |10{LoPIrmo|A 1 v1
8 Guns 4
Clotilda Bg | Kerrin au Konin.|13; Koningb ri I
lwid G | Griffiths 101 Chestr| 2) Liverpool] §/Li. waht Al
Clyde Bg |W. Greig |134|/Berwic/12/Capt&Co,|1)|LoBremn|E 7 Ps
6-18 C, 2
S6.C)J. Hodges|35.3/Shields| ee W. Sutton}16|Li.N’find/E 1
at. B, ey trp |x2
63 Sp | M‘Kirdy| 90|Boness 17 M‘kKirdy|toGrAmstr|E J} ;
Sp |P.M*Lean| 75|Gruoc |14/A. Laird | 8|GrRouen|E 1 .
S s| Messerve|234/Carol |11Capt.é&Co|/ig)HIL.NYrkjE J
OT spoa|L 0.&C,) P. ee Suc ‘
5 ! jG! 8 w | giDu A I}-
SP RS eI i o IP. Al R "Boom Mi . En, Incl oo ;
Sp |. Ritchie) 80Grngn | 0\Capt&Co) g/LiGlsgw.jA I
S s,C|D, Tyrer |401/Grnoc | 2) M‘Inroy|16}GrDm’ra/A 1|A.t
eb. x3R Hamilton|so8 20-18 P. 6
Sp |W.Wilson| 60 Whtvn/11/Bray&Co,| 9/Co Brstol|E 1
7\Coaster Bg |J. Sellis |135)Yrmth| 4,Howes &cj11/Y \A I
s.C xl) spa/pt O.M. |
8\Cobadengo | Rodrigue/125/Spain |11/Gijon —|11|LoCorun|E 1]
Cockatrice |AFulle:tn|/200|British] |Goldic&U|}13|LoSDom/E 1|F-.1
Bg «.C x rk pate rsd, Srprs iBrP-X4, 12Glung 4+). \uica | aa} 9
640|Cocksuu Bg s|T.Robinsn| 77 Wahtvn [58\Mar yport |10)Mt Blfast ft.
1/Cod] lookSsC|Poingdstre|181/Cnada |11 'C. Robin |14|Li CnadalE 1
captured ( 5 ptux part Fir
' Edwards|157|Amer. Hawker|11\Co, El
5|Cogniac Pac-|
ket tgs s Cox
iver tOlAylecdsC.
12-4 P,
\14}LoStCr’x/A 1
15)Hrngtn) 7)/Haddn&C 13)GrTrnad!/A |
spB @ Guns I
| Thompsn|244) Amer. |17 5 8 ae be
LoTrnspt|E J
! 1N..KJ trp,
Bk | Buttrfield path G. Ann 15]Br Londn|E I
sDB g
J. Hazard|282} shen
SDB grp0. Bnlds x3 9-4P.|
.C\J.Y ounger|237|Ipsweh}15|R Gardner|15/Cs Trnspt E | I
Sr \J.J. Berns 92 itrisnd|10, Stralsund |10|/Lo,Crism|E -
ec [. Davis 318 Shields igHall&Co l \LiPernay EY IE.
4| J. Procter sp pit 09 {pax 6-4P,|s V NO 2
S 2. W&C A, Elliott |338 Sthten I 22\Litt & Co,/18 oe
S |M. Fentz |520\Russia etersbrg |18|\Lo,Baltic|E 1
ost rb/xa |FirTpSdg
S s.C/R, Hutton|305) Hull | 8|Bissett&eC}16 nls A M
SDB 14-4 P.
Sk |Cummngs/!50/Brdpri| 5|/L&EdSC.|11/LhLondnjA 1)A.1
Sutliiland) sp 8-12 C, LU
‘di 1. 4 maheroan lo ir Jobns\A 1 I
xi) R Gillies |spn |
S sR. Gillies |420|N.Brns| 3/R. i Biot
spa\SSP . |10-9P.4-6C
Ste x2 |
Sherry 128 Wi ales |12|Sherry& cl12 LoTrnspt L
2Guns | Xe
: Williams 5 N B.IX
. A, Cole/389 PrPdl. 2)Cmbridge |'8|Br. IndiajA I
spn) I.5 2 Guns
|. Corran | arr edringtn| 8 LiIcland EI
gs Fioningly|i87 Brdltn
€DE gry OT rp | 7
Fothringh = Dnbtn {17 phir 12/Gr,Hndrs ry J
J Wilson |s>B
. Hale 106 — Watts&C.)10)Li. N’flnd|A
1 El
£ Frc SDB 6 4
Commodore Chrchw’d| 110) Brxhm sIChuchwd 10\Lo, NwrylA If
Sr x3
S s.W&CideA vriaga|26 ee 1 NPallyart 15|Lo. Hynh\E 1 |
eh Pan a0 Gass
Bk s} Ocphill 143|Murca sp\Sutler&C. 12\Lo.CadialE 2 2
W. Wilson re exe 14 Gibbs& C,]17|Br. Br
pt Nuw.|x4
80 | Ppeig ae Lo. Caen|E |]
Domrk{18 Aberg&C] §|LoGtnbrE 2
a ttl a rae 16|LoBltmr.|A 1
la. pt 2 Guns
AC. Aberz 76
JA. Adams 369
Bg s|P. Bloom 130,Norwy 290.R.Daullt nye 1
( DE /NSds,trp.|xd x1
Bg | O. Bonel 115) Finland {16 7
sD Fir
S Boer thos 12) Campbell] 14) Lo.
6|— Wethand: 131 _—_ 2|Wasa LOj}Li, WasalE 1
| “othe @p [Par
7 A. Wiman en Wisby |14|Wisby =| 10/Li. WisbyjE I
8 - de Ro: sJo27 Amer.| Li 15|Lo,Lsbon|E I
S . W&C.
9|ConderadaPo| MJ Torres|390|Brazils 17|Li, BahiajA 1
-nte Teck
810\Condessade |J, Vidal wes Amer.| |Schider&cj15/PlBrazilsjE |
de Sabugal $ Irp. |
1jCc y |H. Hay 137 Selby |) 8|F. Clarke |11]Wa.LndojE r
Bg spaiwe.Kl,& :
2\Conference SJ. Bond |303|Bristol| |Richardsn}15)LoTrnspi|l. I
| d 08
S|— Bk s&diJ, Dease a For’gn |joig|Simpsn&c}14|Lo,Oprtoll. 1
4)ConferensBa-|Brunswck 280 Altona|16/Capt&Co | 5|LiPtrsbgiE I
| its Baur S s| | xt
onfiance § | Sijostrom|223 stole 11)P 14jLi. PillauJE I
6/Confianza Ss) Zubiaga|239) British Asetter}15|LoBAyrs/E I
W pt. C LE SDB
7\Confidence |H, Rae |168}Amer, |1 EI
tp. x2
8} Start | 55|Bdefrd| 7|Hngstn&c} 8|DuHoll :
Bg | Thompsnji60/Konin, | EQ
820|Confrencerad| Fulrubrg|219|Copen |35|Denmark 13 Lo.Nrwyjl. I}
Preterius Bk sD) part Fir] x2
1/Con) »owe /182 relhmj15/€ E i]
en | | aD x?
mnquerantS| Aubert|350)French El
nquerorBg\J. Palmer 32 Yrmth |1 E ,
sD .
onquestad- .J.Aroza}202|0 oe |
or ep x?
$25)Conr . Brunn /159)Stettin All
195|Hmbrojt6)Hambro’ }11)LeGtnbr) E
aD ox
Sr |S. Collier} 90) Drtmh/20|)W, Collier10| DaWale iz
5D x4
G J. Renberg| 96/Swedn |12|Eburtn&c} 9)DuCadi E
sD | pt Fir ak
Sp |W. Syme | 94/Perth | 2)W. Syme | 9|LoPtrsbg)A
Bg djJ. Classon 250 Ptrsbg
1p 8|Fir NTp Sdsjxt
Ss.C] Peterson|219| Amer. |16|Brock&C,|14\Fa Grnsy
Gynt St
d. Mudson
2-12 & 6-6P. nk
G siJ. Uswaldj139|Domrk} |Gottenbrg aan EI
5)Constantine Sghieldi} 200] Russia |10|Petersbrg | Ss LoGtnbr'|E :
Sw sp |Fir
onstitution |H, Guy | 03 oe 8|E Falkine "gfLi. CadizjA I Ad
Sps-C fp x4) 4 Guns
71— bg |(ndebledi es l Yinlud 2i|CaptéeColi 5|Li, Stk Im}ie
iL ri
G |H.deBuur}123)|Ppnbg |11/Capt, 10|\LoGtabr'E 1) .1
oo aD ulm lex
Sw s|J. Joorten|175/Swedn E1
lA. Reisse 130 Swedn |33|Gottenbrg|10|Lo, Baltic £ I F, J
876\Cornelia S |H. Smith | Al
C.Nortog S
—Hapert G |G. Abels
&|—Susaunah |N. Tanto| 50|/Hmb
Cornelius Sp | Demende}150|/Emden| 6)Embden
$80|\—Louisa Bg) Hendrick 170
1/Cornet S of Edingto 420|N -Brns|
08 12 Guns
2 diteseaniels F. Mather|502 pleas 23 Campbell/15/PI.LondnjA 3 es
s,.W&C|x5,Camere 2.9 P. Loidntis) 8) a
g3iCorn Planter|A, Smatt ) 16|LoAmst:|A |
S s.C x4pt c.f. | P, Scs
4|CornwallSs,C} Chapman|32011,Pans|19| Henley|!6|LoStKityF. 1
pt c.f. x | trp. pC 4 Guns 2
5|— S s.C} Hendersnj80s Calcut| 4) Hendersn|20|LoE.Ind./A 2] 4.7
14 Guns xs
6\— S RG Laughton|400 Plym 21/Dunbr& c|10|LoJamai\E 1} F. I
grp-/X3 |12-9&4—-6C
7— SsC M‘Dowal yey wat 16|Gladstone|16|Li,Dm'ra\k JF. ;
xt > | Irp.09'X3 i
siCornwallis {|H,. Brown 177
French/|13) Williams 14\Lo Antw./E 19.
Sw 6.C xo| K Humly
Mouncy/!72 eeel 3/CaptoxeCa}l2|WhtvnColA |
| | W. Wilson | « iy 2Cuns 3 A ;
=} om |
Bg s.C
x 5DB
Bg |G, Towns |13:/llull
Je. ,° (x5 |Provudlev.jsps) Drpdx5 3
tw Bg siM. Vantz240)|
x4 BD
Sp |R. Young 93|Leith AY
}D.Mevson | sp 6
B\Cothilda Bg JC
ot é€ Maid a. 7
9 ee an Jit I
910\Cotton Bg
1/CoveSs. vo
2|CoventrySs. c
c.f. x
Countess of
Bute S$s5C)
of Chiche| Cook
ster Bg oC c.f
A) of Leve nd& A, Low
Melville Bg | R. Sinith
so, 5 a.C
Noble'375|Whtby|16. Raymond]17 LoTobgo| E S
4 1% Guns
Se 3) Lagshaw/!5.P].WInd.A 1
pB 10 Guns
Ini 7
Garb 320) Nwestl
| §D paw
ptLB.x3|J.Brown |sps
pti.B. (x bDB
Crisis § s.C\/H. Rudstu/284)Hull
Criterion § |T.Bowden}
t | as Palme
5D |
64/Scotl’d|11)Ewing&C} 8)Li. Derry/E I
Crichton Sp | M‘Kardy| 82|Knerd
2 Guns
&grp06 2Gisx
24/R. M‘Gaw|LILiSVintsjE 1
—Bg s.W&C|Moorhead|149 Sasi 19) Lee & Co,j12}LoSmrua E IF r
5D %=6P 4-6 C,
Bg x J. Walker|140)Sodrid| 1)/Marlw&C)1 5)!
x4 IDB | @Guns |
Bg |Longridge|207|Sthton |12|Longridge|i4|LoHmbr'E 1
ot sW&C x1 B. Boraett 4Pae-5C ware 1
ey . Reeves | 41 ifaexbo 3}Capt. )
ven 7 oa SiLhCoast/A 1
5 Gustin Be |, M. Olston200\Gtnbro15) = Gaurnj13 Pl.
sos| Part Fir, |
O\Cybele S BE tchelhs} Some Wi! rrsiy 14 ae El
s. W&C I.B.0x §D 3l0. |
i|— Sr \J. Roose
&RCUcf. x4! ann
‘ygnet Sw | Caithness ae Dunde
Be s.W&CJ.
— Sp |G. Owens 76 Wales
2i\Cynthia Sw J. J. Hall 211 Salem
8. W pts.Cofx 3aF il sini w.c. PSds p : |
Bg 's CJ. Laing (130 Lowstfi15 Wayth&C 11/Ya. Str’
pil xi T- Whitt sD B\N. i sry. 6 Guns |
4'Cyrus Bg sJ Atkinson 160, Whtvn 28) Bell & Co. I3}LiBermujE 1
condemned "xg ‘$DB trp. (0B
, S s.C/f, Bryson 233 Sndrld| 5|WM*‘Capn/}1 5|/BeJamai|A : 4
-Ai‘Lauiingps |2-6P. 10-9¢ 10
f ‘Thmpso 191/Wymh) 9jS. — 14/P1Boston|A I
sDB fr a | x?
D | 1814-1815
| {11}Lo.relndl. 1
yf icu is} sp [part wom, & [Drp.x4 €
S s| Hannamj317|Whtby |24R. Keddy|16|CsTrnspifA J
1 6-6 P.
5 . Janson |275)Hmbroj\18'\ Jean &Co.!14)Lo.Baltic|E 1
G Randonj 1 20) Dutch a Q|Pl.Londojl. 111 2
)| Dairy 0% : ait 79\Selby |12,G, Lister |10|/LoCoast/E 1} ).1
udu) op x ,
§ C R.Hidnott|446|/Whtby|11 Milligan)18 LoJamaiJE 1}) F,
apn) Drp.ix3 |2-6P 4-12N. Cc. —
Bg |J.Mitchell bes Whtvn 10: Capt.&eCo/11\Wa.DblnjA I
2|/Dalmarnoch |W, Aulds 315 Wrktn | 3) Playfair|t5\GrMrtnejA ]
Ss.C ma}. | SDB 16 Guns
3\Dalrymple |Creighton|190|\Whtby |19\Capt 13}Lo
iD B|NW. grp. 4+—+ P.
4| DamascottaS| Dokindorf/220) Amer. {1 1}Capt 13;Co,
7|Damsel Bg |J. Balls 77 Yrmth| 5|Barber &c| 9|FaCoastr|A |]
Danby Bg| Battram} 86)Yrmth |30|White&C,|10/YaNorth|E 1
spB|fsl,N Uwixl 3
Daniel Bg |J. Cousins} 76/Rngmr}i0\Codner&c; 9ExN’find|A I] ;°
W.Gaskin | sp} — Drp. :
Bg s/M, Rich |250)British| 9} Baltimore|15|LiBltmrejA J
c.b. DB
G |J, Schnell/166|For'gn| [Capt&CoJ11/LoPtrsbgiE J
Bg |W. Young/102/French rt &Co]12)|Lo. Lisbni[. J
Sr 13 Pl.LondnjA 2
Bg djJ. Owens Dnmrk}l Wintersal LO|LiOporto
Sr 4 Pi DaN’And|E i J I
saat 8 149 Breet, 1 Pinson&C 11)Lo,MaltalE : Er I
Bg 11
Sp [|WTomsett| 3 British | 8/LoRtrdm\E I
Sr 8\Lo.SevileA I}: r
_ Bg pt s,C/R. Winlay \J. Pirie |11/Co,Lsbon|E I
-B. 09 rad, np./X1 | PSds 6 Guns] |
Dartmouth S|Hoppenst/|329|Ainer, |Pr/J. Dowson/|14 CoTrmap El
5s. W&C LB L.O.&C.| )4=-9& 2-6P.| 7
Sp |E.Randall 57 Drtmbh | 2jCapt.éCo, 9|Da.Bristl|A J I
2\Dash Sws.C\J. Falle Attwood}14\Fa,
Sr IR. Bully | 9\DaSpain\A 3
2-2 P ss
Bg W.Milli 85 “a 5/T. Howes| 9/YaCoast. ET I [by
Ire x5 x2} 40
6|— Bk s.WptC/R. ae 163 Stettin }11)R. pHerpe 13|Fa.MaltalE 1
Chg bal. SDB seed Yan]!
‘Dauntless S |P. Bruce {228 oy | GbE 1 I
speiFir Drp,
Sw B, Williaa] 30 ;
101|Delphin Bg |M. Ascll |189|FinInd
7|Demerara S |J. Dougal/409| Lucstr 113] Sanbach|1
aC XE (ry jeps|~Kl&rpl09| 14Guns [Ph
S sJ. Lime [200\Boston/13/E, Raba
Bg J. . Mayer 1 60\Sndrld 12 Spencedcl13 .
Ueyepah.B.Diyax4 2 Guns
Bg s\T Osborne|217|/Wrktn |:
C. Bell lepalerpdx &lei | Bu .-«'
aiDesire Sr \J. Cullen | 94/French| 4/Potts&C
| W.Prive sD |
Marshall] 45|/For’gn
. Jenkins} 70/Viana |10)
Vincente} 20}Oporto|1 4\Capt.&Co.
§|Diadem Bg
7 Ss
§/Diamond Sp
Sp |A. Darg | 71|Petrhd| 7/T. Darg | 9/Gr.Ostnd,A [
Bg s
IL” Bg
3 Bg
4 Sp
5\Diana Sp |G.
6 Bi
7 G
ms ()G.Carl aa orree aie Sw
Doorman] 89)
Sw | F eels
me Be
* . Ford 154 Ilfrac. |28
1 § Foster 150| Boston )
uli— Sa.W&C| Grayham!27' Philad. 43 Bennett 13 LoS,Seas/E 1] 7°.'
sCix5 pec.B.x1| P, Kemp L.O.m 0, wwitrp98 10-6 6
2\— S s.C/W. Harley|252\River (2g Cundal 14 eae IP. 1
x4) Thompoo) Sry) x5 gp.'0g |14-6P2-18C rey xd +
Bg P.Johnstn ae vine 9llrvine
Bg E. Jones °90}Brmth 11\Capt.&Co|10 WaBlboa E I
? Guns
Bg |M. Lacy | 92/Scotl’d 28\Cowley &|i pie a Ilh.t
‘Dp |.
Bg pts|R. Lawson: 56 ith
§6,.CR. Lewis losaltiverp!
8 S phee
Bg s.C} Thompsn|186|Havre | 5 banckeel LodlgievA 1 I
ptc.f. ma] s #-6P. 8-9C|
Ss Si a Tibbets
pt I. B..
5 s.C)W,Larrisn}402 River i T. Ward
bad aH 28)Stockhlm
Prana 3 10, Finlnd 9 Uleaberg
spa Fir
Bg W. Davis |101 Bristol | 7\J. Uall
sD a rb. oly
Sk |C. Lyon
251|Dispatch Sp| M‘Neider| 43/Air Capt.&Co.! §|Du.Glsg.|A I
+ Martin|115)N’fland}18 LoHavre|E 1
nm 08
1 és hae 12| Saterly, s.| 7} DaWales|E 1
Lyons 10
s| "Fhompsn|178/Whtvn '14/Capt.&Co,!12)Li.G mbr’| E 1 E.t
#DB\/w. Bends 07 grp. x2 |
97|Damrk Ke! Ward | giLo.Lsbon|I. 2
L, Connell] 42! Dngvn| ifrepedeCa s|Chstr Wa/A 2}
Diverdina Sk|P, Mints |102 Ppnbg| 9 Capt.&Co,|10,LoGtnbr’\A I
1/Dixon s s\JSnowden/314/Hull [12/Watsn &C\15 Li. ne
Erp. x2 in) Guns ° Ai Bs,
c.b.Ox] & ! 0
3|/Doggerboot G.D.Beart 86|Hollnd 1a. 7\P1 Rtrdm \e%]
Sk sD
Bk |J.R.Jassen|280|Hmb i bro’ |15|Lo,Arkgl ae
Tha sD
6 DoisCoracoi de Silva} 73/Figura/10 iSnsieite 7\BrLisbon|E 1
ens Srs.C c.b, ep! | x3
Sps.C|H. Merry] 72)St.Vin.13 Lisbon | g/Be. iE I
c.b.} iD 4—4 P. Ox
ee Bernardo}!49/Amer Lion 11\Li. BahialE I}F.;
fe ilved sp [ Sr prs x4 10, «
glDolly “Be » Morrisnj103|Prtind | 10JM Sanaa PrtlndColE 1
de Quaza} 53/Bilboa | 6 ane
pshm| 6/Capt&Co, 19) ExJersey|A 1
S Clements/241/French| 4|/Winter&C}14|Pl.JerseyjA 1]
c.f sp | 8-12&4-9P,
275|— Sr |J. Cooper] 97\Sndrld| 4)Crockford!10|LoSwnse|A I
27(€] Dolphin Sp jJ. Eld 59 Danish 7,Capt.
| sp /O. & Fir
Hagen |236|\Swedn| |Barnes&C|14|\Lo,KragojE |
sD (
J. Kruse |311)Finlnd | 5;Gottenbrg)15|LiPernau/A I
.A. Kruse!305/Finlnd )16 Li.Gtnobr'E ]
Fir Drp
Sw dj Lieburn| 160\F inlnd 14,Capt.&Co]11/Lo,Stklm|E J
sp |Fir
63|/Tynhm| LO
itis | ep Srprs
87 ¥rmth | | 6|W.Palmer| 9) |LoJersey A I
O8pt s,Cx2ptc.f,/sCr x §
Ss.C sali
IW Schult asi Eee 10/ Bremen
5/Dominica S |W. Aikin 402 12 Wht by 7| Urquhart|1
6 W&C@RXS Naldce |spp Drp. Hie.
430 Ri
i7|\LoRiJan.JA 1}
S.Youlden|10|PL. Irelnd| E r M1
J. Orne
ek Spa
sp |’D. uw. Xx? rye 4
Dood atiso3 Konin.! 4 Capt.&Co,
J. Eld 59|Danish) 7,\Capt.
sp 0. & Fir
Hagen co Swedn
E. Jewell ‘30 Domrk
Fir ‘Dy » XL
Swd| Lieburr re inlnd 14
R. Mather 63 Tigh e
a s| 6D
Bg djJ Prouting 174 Dumrk|18/J Prouting|12/Br Cork El I
O8pt s.Cxeptc.f.|s.Cerrx5 jsp grp.|\'8 |2-18&8-9C,
5 s.C Sate Philad.| 5)London
131 Swedn 10, Bremen
len aes
7i—Packet Sur » Hea =/231)River
$01;Don Rodrigof deRamos}512iItaly Martinaj19| Lo, Lisbn
} Ss.W&C. 18-12 P. |nx
Doncaster S |_Binckley|363/Shields 23) W, Haven|!6|LoT
s.C 1B. Pinkney jw pOTtrpix2| 8 Guns LiN Pf
13\Li.Dram. Eb}
Dorothy Bg} M‘Intosh 193 Whtby |14|J. Benson |12/Cs Trnspt!E 1
s.WE&C)N4 Pearsogs px grp.|X1/ 4-12 C., Lo Que
=a tA peeks ]
SDB) Srprsi|X1 2-AP.4-6C.
CJ. Flinn 300) H.Pans| 19) Brine&:Co 16 Li HavnhiE J
Spence'530 ke
L ow |B Dw)|Srprs XI {xv
P Broderic 25 jl ‘Insbg 15 Broderick 14\Fa. Newb I
|T.Jackson|!22|Whtvn |65J. Wilson {11
. Layton|126|Yrmth |
spe lip 5
Py 'alS. BrkwehlAGHIT rsp
4-18&4-6P | Lo.N.S |
108/French) 1)A. Hunt 11 Wa Spain
su rs. lx}
376|Dram SS dP. Stiboll |590/Dantz.|34\Capt.&CoJ20|Lo.Nrwy [I. 2
| G
3) Drois Vgierd
Cake 476|Arkngl
SDB |PSds &Clielilng A.
223|Wiscas|11|New York|15 LiHay an|E 1
of Bedford |E. Moore |321/Blythe
$s.C xi) itnsomeDe
22/\Capt&Co|15 ¥a Sh’lds EE
Drpss | x3} 4
1| Bottomly|l6)Ly
ci. x4 ino | With | awe bate La Jal og tba a ll
Ss. . Woodcock|366|River |17|\Short&Cojl arn E :
Nwestl2 X.D& Irp} 3
Q'nbro|2i/T. ‘Cpe
61 |
Shields) 4\Clark&Co
5Dn ND&Irp, x5 "@ Guns xis
| 56/Damrk| 9 Cupt&Co|10|)YrmthCs|A 14.2.1
sD —— i iy
Muiller/294\/Swedn 13 Russia
Butteras|104)Norwy Pr Rugg&Ce
s.C x1, pt c.f, eo8\|FrBmsé& Cj eling,grp.X1 |
6|— Sp |J.Snadden} 81 Abel, a0 Hudelson}!
of -
450|Dundalk Pri. iW. Dixon] 68|/Dublin 26 meager Coy
$|DuLivrpl\E 1
ende Beg 5D |rsd,wod&'uw|93 09
4 Dunlop S s,C|W Abrams|331|Mntr'l
RK Vuw soe mat rb,
2) Collinson|/12)/HlLondnlA 1
1\Burton& c} 19|LoCoastr|A 1 |
Bg s. i Turnbull 246 French) 2|Barton& ¢}14)Li.N’find|A 1
Pl.Trnspt|E I
227\Finsby| 8 Gregson 14|H1Ptrsbg|A i
T lsperb.Oxrp.ix4) 6 Guns | «&
143 Pterhd 6\WVolumn|i2 ps Frnce|A L
2 Guns
29| Molineux}14
ce aeee
n} 179) Whtvn |23|/Hurd&Co}|
» Fleniingisos | 2 Guns . 4
S s.C} Dennison|316 Whtby |27 Bye 15|Lo,Brazi Fi
SD B|NUW.trp +
spa|Nw. UW, grpptlk 4 Guns |
Bg 5B. Robson} 225| Nwprt on ae eta
red &trp,|09 |8-12C2-4P.
aD 6-12 C,
| Packet Sp
161|Brdprt| 4/G. Brown |12)Lo.Brip Al
aD :
Phillips} 45]French|FP|CaptacCo] 9/Pl. Cork
sp jtrp.03, & {U6
Schroder}100)Damrk| 8
WEC ptc.f£09
¢« Charles |JShakeley|160)Amer.,
| ap | P.P. Sis
D. Davis |137|Appldr|18} Hancom/13/NwptWajE 4 rt
§. Devon aD
Sr s.C\J, English 176 Amer,
4{Rodie&C.|10 Li. aaaE- iE 1 A. t
e G. Lewis | ap 1
Bg s|S. Finch |139|Scotl'd
x1 pati Dusoriltt 4
Bg sit NGardner 194) Massa, |13|Portland
eth ichmispgs
Bg | Williams 160 Amer, |1
D.Kline | FrTpSds
J Williams) 175|Massa.
326 Etisaheth Bo F Banks sae Shields
1) |
Berke an 236|Finind
ena \|Fir
» Bell = —178|Scotl’s| 29) Beveridg
fcC}ieli ng trp.06
Bg |J. Brooks 105/Finlnd| 8) Johnson
|'5 Chapman}! 6|LoTmnsptyE 1\*" -
4X4 8-18 P. On
11 Capt.
SD |rir
Sr |J. Bruce | 58|Dutch| J. Bruce | 7|Lo.Fayel/E 2
'D ik
Bg |W. Byron 155|River |28)J. Byron |13/PLTrnsptil. 1
§ s.C\J.Campbll 411|\Lnestr| 4!Bolton&C 16 LiStCrxiA I]) |
x4 V0 nelall
S_ jA. Carr lo13 Dnmrk|L1\J. pe 14) Lo.Tnrffe' E
lspw O. & Fi |.
Bg reat 158, Whtvn |19 WoL Davis i? pe) ae
Ss. © RCornelis 402 ma Albers|16| Li. Dantz E
almost rb, 05 ‘erp. X
G, Todd
Sp |\V. Croft » Whtby |24'T, Rose
481|Chepst 6J. Birch
Drpjx4| 14-9 P.
Ss. c de Nee
Bg s.C/T Douglas 187 Sndrld| 4)Dougls&c}13 anor
pt = SDB 6-18 c.
Bg s.CjA. Elliot |148\Livrpl | 9 warns LoGbritr|A ; ALT
Xl rT rsgu}e DB
Bg |
M, Ellis |134)Tpshm|
- English) 35/Crdign}18)Roach&
- Evans | 86/Drtmh| @\Leathy&c]10|DaWales|A 1} /\ I
: | 4-42
Hitipheew) sp
|W, Evans| 90\Livrpl | 4 rford& ¢ 11)Li.Dubln
4) Feathrst tflaNift 1 At
x1) Guns ”
S s.C| Forresdle!180 River |20\Capt.&Col13|Fa.Packt\E ‘TF
af. |2-9 & 6-6P. 4
150 'Cheps 27 Brtlett&Clt1|ExCoast. E aan Fr. ,
sDE nes nk |&Drp.x4 }
Ss 94|Narva (16)Li. Narvall. 1}
} sD sx| 4
J. Groner |197|Norwy|14)J. Mayor |14/P|Belfast/ E x
LiBergen! E. 1
pee as ‘I r <
6 shia 13
37 | Elizabeth SpiT. Kem
: Kemp | 30 wc 8|ExSndwJE 2; F..1
5D ) px
sDa)wK1,Drp 2-124 8-6P
Bg owe 133 “| oR 21\J. Bartlett 12 Li.Calmr|E i
§ s.C|DM‘Bride\388|Grr Sing 17 Grama, a |
xt | Landi. P. x5 lima] ©
Sp | M‘Entire stp.J10 pane ‘slba.t roci|A =
.8,F lilng wi 4,2- |
Martin |! 1)W\ Mheatn| 1 Newt ; ;
liv} #0
G pts Osterlats 95 Emden}! 4) Libau 2 Be a |
» Payne |120 =
‘s08|Firs &C eli dete
Bg |J. Brooks 105)Finlnd| 8) Johnson
op |Fir
J. Bruce | 58|/Dutch
S s.C\J. Campbll 411 Lnestr
x9 V8 nelalll
» JA, Carr
n | LOW, Davis Te ak Ip
6J. Birch
14-9 P.
Ss c de ey 481 Chepst
cab, son Drp.|X4
Bg s.C/T Douglas 187\Sndrld| 4)/Dougls&c|13 Lamp Al
pte, x3 spn 6-18 C.
Bg s.CjA. Elliot |148) oe |
x1 c.f.) Hendersousns
E. Ellis
M. Ellis |
. Elmes
4) Feathrstn|13/Lo.Napls|4 I].\ *
p4*1 Guns ’
2-9 & 6-6P.
9] Barkw mee Lol.Frnc!
‘| sp ax ,
J. Groner |197|Norwy|14)J. Mayor sr Bs
| 13)LiBergenE 1
\6 Petersbrg |13 LoPtnsbglE 1 Y
. Haweth|148'For’gn . Crisp 12) Lo. co |
w Vorronlaps wKLDrp 2-3 P.Diji* Fe
S ptd|R, Hay 385 Gnsbro} 3] Wilkinson: 16 Lo.Grold'A
sD |
Halson|156,Prkgte|26| Thomas|11|LiBrazils|/E 19):
spa) P.P.Sdsiirp|x2 8-9 C,
JHorsewll 95 French|Pr| ’, Nichols
Ss SHubbard 163 Boston |13|A Nicholls 19 Bath Co.|E 1
BS aa 15Jones& Coj10|Wa.Lyrpl/E I
. 2 cart utero. EI
isDmilen & rp.
376)Elizabeth Sp\T 30} = 46|Kingwell |
xSnodw, E2 F..1
alata. »
ve ri6l Bdefed 1W Wheato|ta| ScNewptla y-\,
«tt Oh f 3
P. Miller
Bes s.C/R Neversn|178 Spain |
J Guthrie
J. Nuylly |
Osterlots 95 Emden| 14}Libau
S s.C/W.Radley 420 River |24) Oldfield/17/LoJamaijk 1) .
xy 3 Dsin. TySds/Buldsdctr ¢-a/6-6 P, ig)...
G |G, Ramm)l62|Pomer.) |CaptowxCojlO|ll Baluc/E 2
fp | Lt
S [R, Ranukin}!01}Boness|31)Milne&C.) 9)]GrGtnbrE I
G | Raushagn) 82)Swedn [10 Llambro’ | 9)/LoGtubrik I
SsC\J. Rea [160/Brlintn) 5|Ward&Co 12)Lo Malta/A I
Ox SoD 10 Guns x?
Gs s|M.Scalion ee Stettin |16\Capt&eCoJ11/Li,DublnjE IE 7
J wes a's
pt c.f,
4/— Bg pts.C|M. Smith 162 Scrbro'|}10Smith&C,|12)LoG britrjE 1
x2 pt cf SDB 6 Guns
Sk jC. Soper | 603 or Bird 8|Po.N’flad|A I
&D cf o
Sr |W. Squire] 87|/Dutch | |Capt&Coj10)LiOstend|E I
sDw “|X 6
S s.C/AStevensn}261|Whtvn |12| Neilsn&c,|14|GrTrnad/E I
x3 SDE 12-12P. x3
Bg | Stoddart|119\W htby |14/Capt.&Co|10/Ya.Sndid/E 1
Bg |J.Stran | 92|Scotl'd Joid)Ferney &c}11|Du. Lyrpil. 1
sop) Srprsi09 Ox
Sp |J. Stride | 62\Sthton| 7|/Hobbs&C] 9\CoCoastrjA I
5D x1
G |G. Stubb |159|Norwy} 7|Capt. 12\LiBergenjA Ij) 1
5D x3, 7
_ Sr s.C/Suthrland Aas Amer, | 5 noreseh 12|/LoAfrica|A I
g |G. Tate 74 Eymth|14|W. Ayres | 9/LyCoastr|/E 1
K |J. Taylor 160 Damrk|1 2|T, Pitcher|10 LyLondn| 1
S |A. Thayerj253)Amer, | |A. Thayer|15|Lo.HavreE i
Xtiana)12|Lo,Baltic| I
3 | Borowdle|428 fosbg |11
Davisn&c 10\BeBilboalA I
5 cH Belham 302 NYork 5|Brthn&C.|14|P1Brazils|A I :
BedD, Davis
A, Dobre
CiJ, Landon 273 re Gordn&C 11/|Co,
08 |2-9P, 16-9C,
“75)Elepite Sp | )
S s Gundersn|422| v7 old Ce Li. Tnsbgll. I
Salverson 293|Norwy|l
|PDon- -Lirgs pn BemFrPI nik
S djJ. C. Witt 250 nsbrg|16) Rublow|14)Lo.Maml EI
| 4 Guns
55HEndeavourSwiR. Jones {128|Barmh|13} Williams/11{l.oDubin{® }
| Harvey| 8/TnN’find|E I
sp | 7.5.27) H. Dep x3 x3
. Wilson |113/Yrmth} 6'S. Barker |10/YaCoastriA 1
Be 2p s
1187 Ronee LuCapt&Coll) LhGtabr|E | 1
E. Ehlers {183|Bremn ppc 10|/Li BermuJE i
hoe 5 E, Reay 420 chee 2)T. Ward |
ae 6-18 N.C.
hae F. Groma |16 For'gn 17|CaptacCoJ
4 Guns
Mattsonj232|Finlnd | 8}/Capt,
60} Dutch }25}Capt.
iy x2
GjLo,HlindjE 1
! } 4
&DB slusderp. 92 nK1i4,1
Bazanert|!61) Russia! 5/Russia
S s.C P. Blain 26 i|Liverp]|23|Curlng&c}14)Lo.JamailE |
x4 pt c.f soeitrp.O9,Sripr x4 @ Guns 1
8 Ss P.Bromen|273\Swedn |17| Branstrm|14|Li.Gtnbri Ek I
cf Brown 250| N.Bdfd) 10 ir aa 15\LoN.YrkiE Z
i. ii
610 Ss.W&C; Clark |320)Whtby|20 Downsné 16 ram E | 7
td N) pte. f OT} Sunidet it [SDB] Guns 14. Gren
Sw s Dryborgh|181 2 ey 18 1 or 2LoPtrsby|E 1} }
106 inti 3 Hill & Co,|10 tot ot
R.Langley|182\Scotl’d.17} Burstall]/14/Tn Livep]|E r
Dougal 14'P1,MaltajE. 1
04 |6-6P.6-L2C,) ?
Ss.CW. Sargent/261 Appldr 13} Blacket}13/Lo.Mnstr|E 1
cd. 55 a) 2 Guns a
| ao} pt Fir |
Sothwrth/116|Beston| 9 yeaa 10/Co.
14.CsMlagalE I FI
Sy ipaeia G| sn ¥ pt rb
7iErin S$ s.CJ. Classen 268 Massa.|1 Breed&Colt LiSDomjE 1"-I
x9} J, liunt | P»P.Sds ,
§— Bg |A sie ce Dngyn |10)Baker&C.|10/Co Fl
Murphy o74 NYork| 5] O’Conno:
JChi oninor
Gi0h— ss Sr. Cl. Twohy 5 NYork
1\Erinering § | Borkman 450 Datzic} 6 Uphagen
2 ErkentensisG K.Ostrm n} $0 Rtrdm /21 Capt&C
§D |
se tlinda § (CBugdahl 250 Stettin | 9|Stettin
baie (Pe pi aaa oe 2\Gefile
7— Sp |H. Hieuch\ 7
a G_ |Steffenson
! 147 Rostoc
sp |
are Begin Sr} Onker) 52/Dutch| 9/Capt&Co
Popateri 330 Venice] 7|Smyrna
brade la Gertrulila Pol pt Cieled 8 Guns
x1 C rp.x4
Bg Roberts] 123/Yrmth |14 everson 12)Pl.LondnjE 1
Bg s. c Tracey|293|Boston| 2
c.f. XS sos) P.TpSds
A. Kerr
“fr ‘Fie
3/Evergreen S /D. fiends 16 Massa.
Ke (ti.tis [son
4 a en djJ.Hawkins'349/Hull
f. Ox
Euplus Sw Pir bore 5jArkangel }!2\Li.PtrsbglA 1
sD 5/Fir
8|Europa S Brine |52QNorwy|t5} Miller {\6/PINorwy Es 2
Bg (J. Hannah! 60\Scotl’d}11}/Cowan&C|l2\Gr.MemljE I]; |
710 Ss.C[L, Leslie {349}Whivn] ofHelm&Coft6|LoStKitsA 1}.\-1
‘4 14 Guns 1U
S W&C W. Mead |422\Scrbro416 Tindale} i6}LoJamai/E 1
IB. ( 5
G |P.Nieman|147|Mklbg| 6)Capt.&Co}12/Lo.AntwJA I
S sH, Olsen |379/Finind |16) Krageroe|16|LoCpngn\E I
S Snipe |830)Hmbroj15}Capt.&CoJ13]Lo.Spain|E I
S s.éed|M.Thranel420\Norwy |14}H. Moller|16/4" Nrwy|E I/F 7
H ‘i achn Srprs U9 |2-4P12-18N/C.
Pol. M.Ejcoric 00;Trieste|L1] Losovick|14|CsSmyrnjE
108 Krkldy| 19 Porter&C,j0|Lo,.Meml|E E |
sog\ptFrCiel ing! 4 Guns |
124 Rostoc| Capt.xCo.|1 1|Lo.Baltic EY x
ao Ips
G | Thompsn) 87|Domrk|
captured sp |Fir sk
4\Experience | Atchison]!07|Yrmth '25)J. Aldred |{0|/YaCoastr]
Bg sDB D&Srprs x1
Rerkwrds 18
10-9 P. ex
F _ 1814-1815
[35 ICapt.&Co/6|LoBalticl E 1
14/Slater &C,,13|Li.AmIsl/E 1}
W. gual UDuLondJA S
T. Russelll2o2\N.Prov 6|Capt.&eCo, 14) LoN.Pro.A 1
. | |612&2-6 P.! .
Bg s x3 sop) C. &c
—Briton Sp} Morris} 59|Nwprt 31\Capt&Co! 9) Ex Wales) 1
vam brian ’: poner 140/ Wales Price \11 LoSevillA 1
\.) Sw 10S [SDE
—Hibernian} — Fisher|1 00 ier’ 24/B. Casey [11 Lo.BrépyE 1 1
7 |—Reaper Sp |P.Fortane 39 thton |30| Kavanagh) 9|WaDblio\E "
8|—TraderSsC|J, Myric 326}Philad.1 Philadlph /18/LiPhilad)E 1
9g— Bg |C.Steward/!22/Y¥rmth |14 WestéeCoho LoCoastr
20|— S s!S. York {|210/Massa.|10|Davie nels Lu. Bostn
1/Fairfield Sw|J, Elias |254/Liverpl] ; tc LiStTho.)A I
aC XL c.b, son} Drp.
2 Sws.CiJ. Steel [(349/Hnll »Cuming'17)Li.Bermu
c.b.x4 5DB wK,IDrp a4]
SjFairly Sp |M‘Keever| 64|Scoti’d|27} M*‘Leod) 9)Du.Lyrpl/E
a” t rb.jxl]
4{Fairy Bg |[Hitchens) 84)Spain jold} Oats [11\PIPnznc,/L. 1
25|— Bg s.C\J. M‘lver|340|French} 6/Taylor&C\13|/PlJamai.jA I
LB, sDw P.
| D, ptn Binds|x4 2-4P12-6.C,
8| Faith S.C Barchardj3i4Hull | 4) Feathrstnji6}Hl MaltajA 1
: X+c.b. 4 |}4-6P.8-19C
Bg [R. Scott [121)Sndrld| 5|Magee&C)L
2 Guns
A. Hodgsn l LoC.G. H E I
43|Dumrk| 3 ese
| sD (Cl rsd x4
: 6 Guns
Ss.C)/H. Mazza/297/Triest |) 1| Maranbm)15)Li.Lishon
ptc.f x
VWs Newton
T. Baxter
R. Blair
S s.CiJ. Brand 183 River |24)Dowson,s.|18 taal 1] es 1
ao & Millvank 6 Guns
Bg s|J.Colburn|{50)Amer, | 6) Stengmre|ii}/Lo.Cadiz/A t
P.Sda pt/F ir/Ceiling
P. Dagget|172|Massa.| 6 NwProvd, 12, LiNProviA i
6DB |e n&clep, 3 |B. 5 delrp. 0% 2
5 s.C Gacknei +89/Quebe | 3/Bell & Co}16 ret A ,
c.f, X3 Lt-18C2-6P
$8 Boness |20,Sinnot&C} 9/Du OprtjE J
sD) = Srprsi.9 |
» 17 poo 13\FaAfricalA 2
& Danish|Pri|L. Gilson | 8|Mich.Fa. ED
Cinna a AL ‘Mahou
. Masson
J. Megill
M‘Krind)} 206 Plymb tslCupt.&Co. 12)PIDrazils|E alr? i
J. Miller
5. Munn
1 S$ s.C/G. Smyth '384) Bristol |10 | I
Ci, ob.xe). Parent 2-6 C,
Bg s.C| Spalding 154|/Bermu |23|Ryde&Co,|12|LoBremn|E 1|
so lendegrp 2 |rp.x’ BGuns 1
“Bg {WStaffordles6litainly Ri Robertson|15|P!Shields|E. 4 |F.1
rp-uw./') 4 Guns u
Sullivan 53 Cork
5rs.CiT. a Tt ‘Massa./Pr/Barton&Cil ILiBrbads LE i
LB.x4 rp x4
Sr Williams}. 86 Crdiga| 1/Capt&
¢ IU. Uacke 1/236 Prussia}. 9}Capt.
iD B|
Mablts|300) lm brojl?}/Hambro
Bg |T. Roome|134\Lynon | 1\English&c|11\PLBilboalA 1
Sp | O'Donnell 76|Wales |32|B. Oliver 9|BrGalwy\E 1}
sD |N Bndsd&ejuw/06 w wécSrprs(O! Ox}
126|Fanny Sp nel 39|British| 8|\Capt.&Co) 7 are Co.J|A I i
Weed] sn ny
| Kirkus&(
10 tee
Bev. rprs
Jackson) 226) N westl|i6 Py
§ s.C|AJennings355|Philad.|17|Grahm& c\16GrPhilad E |} y
Foreuai FOS/LO.&C, Ais
Bg 5\R. Jobson |229| Devon |27|T. Row
Wad | a, Wesabe ptm}? | a!
7\— 8s,C |E, Kegg 275\Quebc| 5| M‘Dowal!16|Li.Havnh'A I
c.b. X1 pt c.f snB LY Guns
s|WA.Keith|173/Amer. | 8) Newman|13\Lo.Md’ra'A J
x4 spn) P.5ds 4 Guns
5 s,C} Laughton|387 ney Harrison|16|LiRioJan)E i
Ttac Vt & 10-9P,
1 Bg 5S. Lee om shestr | 7|Sellar&C. ll
ny S |Warngton[200[India | 9jLondon |14|/LoBAyrsjA I] 4
W&C ptl.B.x Teek . |
Bg s.C]G. Watsonj177|Chestr| S|J.M‘CrawiSili.SL'ciaJA if .\.7
cb. XA An rotsps Aare 4
| bg 5/1’, Watson} 180) Sermu) .2} Tomlinsn} 13) Li SL’cia\E i. By
eee 01 Cc. Q.
Sr | Williams} 93)/british atlin |10)l0,Goreell 2 taf
Ne | 8D Onde Elin) Clpt-Cieledl K aja x |LC
—& ara orwood] ue Kdeird| 5/Captu&Co) 8|Co. Al
Farina Sw a CH, Taggart 260) Liverp||2''| Fletcher|13|Li. Ptrsbg!E 1|}-.1
xteb| T. Aller spn len. Ir/xX2| 89 C. Gr Janriqa 8) %
7|Farma Bk s/S. de Gill|305|Brazils| |Capt. 14/Pl.Londa|E
« Rollins }216) Massa. |19
H. Pimm ee 4
S |G. Panke » eR ia 16 LoArkngA I
§|Favourite Bg ad Bie 3 lat 3\G.Langtry|11 LiBelfast'A ; ui
Bgs.W&CR Detedees si Campbell 130 Sige : I Oo
a se H. Cook ene fe Bulteeld&c| 9) PI. dei I
Bg s\J, Dennis 58 Bath |11|Bath 12\LiBoston'E 2
Sp J. Duncan} 99 Grnoc | 45|R. Sharp |10|LiLimric A2 Ay
Sp D.Durand 60 Scotl’d 24/0, Bain LoCoastr E z .
197/A 1g
J, Reet a aD
S s.C/T.Everard}/252|Nwest]| 7 Bailey&C, 13\Li, Brazil’ A’ :
captured 03 ne xs
C X5 petaeox| Greig Dr} x3 |L.0.8C||Irp (06,n00x,8-61P.
, S s/P. Kalft |363)/Stolp |14/Stolp 15}Li.Danty| E I
Bg s| _Lelean/218|Massa.j*!4) Boucher|16|P1ChepstiI.
2-19,2-6,504- 4
Sp |G. Leslie Simpson) 9LoTenrifffA 1
sunk SB |
§ s/M‘Donallj237|\Dnmrkj14\J.Larn |i4{Lh Alloa E 1]
og 8-1 P. :
Bg |H Marshl}}160)Shields|45/T. Scott (12) Lo StetthE 1
§ s. W&clW. Perry od 7\D. Bennett! 15}LoS.Fish|E 1}
1,B.00 10-6 P, |
leat TSouthctt|'55|French} 4|Slomn&C) || FaPssage|E 2) ie I
Sr s.C LB, ©.Truea| sp] LK, 10-6 P. Nw 119 aby
! a ee J
sdlestece te I
E., Spence|!24/Yrmth 16} Thompsn/11'
“wthre shinis ps
-n0 Bgs.Wx2&/C LB. xb [spn
Felix Bg |UCornwal/200)N York
225\Fendon Sp |M., Fincks'153 Swine- 12}Capt&
f, x3
3F aaa en
Vil. Bg
4:Fergus Bg |J. Izat, j. coe ee sen. |10
Fergusson Sw/W. Lock (114,Hull
»Pellett json Gi vs
FermenaSs.C\la Rodega 267|Swedn |13 Santander) 15 vcaaak r
7|Fernando Sep act Amer. | |Capt&Col13/Br.Cadizik |
<7 LG |
ud al Walker
4\—Johanna S| Melbrod
5\Fidelity Sp {I. Blundet
Sw sW. Gibson
Sp |.Prescott
8\FidesSsW&C|T. Adie
11|Lo,PillaujE 1|
ED | | x3
peo ieeoae Capt.&Coj10)|Lo. Baltic). 1
s0'Stettin Capt.&Co]12|Lo.Baltic E 1
os Hee [4Bremen |10)\LoBremnE I
Spm |21|Hambro’ LoPtrsbg E 1
207| British |
li French apt.&Co19|Li, Brazil E I
rp..X4| 6 Guns |
201 Finsbg 19) Denmark |14)LoWingolE 1]
2 Guns
275 Stralsd] 1} Lindegrn||
sn Shields|37|\Curry&CJ16|Li. SwnmjE i |
2 (fem. 14) Vallacott] s|/ExCoast.|E BS
353 Wh tby|24/H. Borw]dj16|PLTrnspt E2 2,
10 Guns
70)Perth |13| Ovenston| S{Li.Rtrdm|E
9 Guns
251)Fiel Portu 280|Oporto hee Ee - Oprto}A
3 em 17|LoJamaiJA 1} 4. I
n§ Pre “ao IDE Guns
Sk |T. Calder |12 ei alLeiths Co 10|\Lo Havre|A :
aD 6-12 C.
sO (ND.&rp.X5| 6—18C. |
182|Finlnd| 9'Stockhim |1J
19 eli LoQuebc|E 1
Massa,| S5/\W. —— 17\Li.Norfik|A z
| !
19 PIStUbes|E :
London P|, LondnjE 2
1-12 P.
§\Firm Bg djD. Fowler 102 Krkldy 12|H Oliphot!!0j|Lh.BrmajE ;
Sw | Anderson|248/Ptrsbg| 5/Shrodr&€|13|LoGmbr)A 1
Fir x?
Bechers/200|Prussia| 5|Elbing [1 LoBalticlA 1
H. Braue |137|Bremn |
oh S. Brown |357
Bg pt ‘ G, Burnell 63 tea Obin&Co|| 3 Fa. he I
[Borsiguel] sp |
ptc.f. 09
S s/W. Clark |251 aoe D Everett LyTrnspt ee
spy Fir Bttm Cilelngrp xi 2Gs
62|Whtby | 13}Cobb &Co|10| LoCoastr E. I}
| of
] np& grp 06
Bg | Dickensn bing Sndrld |13/T. Sealing!10)5
| . Foulthews sp llen.w.w./Dk &trp.xt
71— Bg | Harwig|250)Prussia] | 5\Capt&
s 6. W&Cp. . Hayes |395|Whtby 120 Chapmanii7 LoTrnspy E i
pt 1.B.
C S s. :
IR. Hunter) 18) ¥rmtn | 26 CaptseCe
» ov |tpxl red, w, | Dk, Selrp.x3
G | Jachtman}135|Pomer,13\Capt.
G |OO.Kline|!45|Hmbro|20 Hambro
Bg J. P. Krog|!20)Holstn |14)Capta&eC
— Bgs.c Laine |211|NYork| 4)|Mansll&
c.f. | erp-|xS|/ 6-9 C.
= S . Lake ae 33\Nw Orl’s
D Bg | M‘Killopjl17 Quebe| 11) MéCuslan|10/GrGbritriE
spg\N.Bms&| Sriprs
— Bg |T.Morgan| 97|Wells |23\Capt&
— Cr |J Newman ae Dears 7\J. Batley | g|YaCuastr\E 1
eo |Fir Cl
S s. W&C\T, Powell |402/Bristol |21)/W. Scott |17 Betiatils EI
c-b.X1] Sr) pre
351|Flora Sw |W. Roncy|!47,Abrdn| 3/Renney&c/!
c.f | 7 Cm |
ee x?
72) French|Pr Aiton
sp 8 Guns
| 61/Dnmrk! 5| Wareham] 8/YaCoastr/A J , I
sD |0,Tmbrs'Fir|/Plokrad & nluUwXxS 2-19 C,
alae 130
Forrester Bg Jennings/270|French| 6
sWarc c.f, x2 sp |} sharp 10-6 N.C. |sx}
451|Fortuna Bg |S.Graaf | 93 yasiails Prussia
aD 'N Dd&erp
Bg sW. Green |234 Sndrld li
- 3
10\LoAmstrjE I
» Davey |14|LoAmstrjE 1
G Ilaar |180 Suettin| Capt.&Co}1)|Lo.HllndjE 1
St |HHancius 69 eu 4 Hoffman) 6)/LoAmstr/E 1
Sk Hannan 45 Dutch | 6|/Holland 7jLo. HIlndjA 1
14 Leer
G_ /A. Hansen
R.UWanson) 54)Dutch }11)/Holland
G (jC. Harkes'130)Konin.
ab |
S ON. Harris 405/Swedn 15) Norway
Bg s S. Hay jae Domrk
Bk J Holtzhart! 204 Finlnd |11)\Umea
‘spB\Fir |
Bg CHJesseu, 228) Flnsbg|10)Flensberg |14 Li.FInsby| E 4
G J. Junge |107)Holsto
Sk |G. J. Kels| 67|Frsind |13\Bremen
Bg |G. Kock |205/Vismay|!18/Capt.&
G Kohn |168/Swedn |1¢
Sp |TKrisman $s Caeee 7\Capt.
J de G oot eu bre x.) a erp.
S |P. Leberg|202|Norwy) 6\Carlscron
evs! O.&P.
Sr_ iC. Loets = Prussia\! 2\Capt&
Ss _i| Middleton 307 Poa ones&C
G IC. Patten | 72|/Hmbro|21|Hambro’
Bg |A. Peters | 98/Norwy| 7
NIC, Stecle |222/Baltmr) 3/H Wdngtn 13 “<<a Al
so | OVX P. verly sharp, 2-6P.
Caithness (S82) Milfrd} yg
Crowley 137
1" SDB 6-3P.
Bg |J. de Sousl130\For'gn [12;Cupt.&Colt BilboaColE I
Ss |S. Morris 219|Amer. | s|M‘Gee& cl19NJrsyCoJA I
spa A,
Bg iE. Owen | 54/French|12|Lavely&C| 8|Ex. Belfst/E I
sD Irp.|x2
§ sTGunston|/295)/Amer. Jones {15|LoPtrsbgiA 2
PSds Fir| Cileling |
Bg |RRchards}144)\Scotl'd|19\Capt. 1Q\Fx SndldjE 1
v—4 P.
Ss Cl Shannon|983 Chester!
OS rpek4) 5.\) 10s Aspe) Gans
Ly, Tynes
Sticking! 317 eae
6 NS 15)\Co,
LilTickle&ec. 12 LiMemel|E 1
Sw |J. Tickle i70}Woki
Mestaers 2u, Lo.B Bay|E 1
16-6 P, & China x
W. Brownl1g LiAfricalE If)
rp. 08 |+-6P 14-19C°
Be Williams 94 Brnstp. /Oxhm& C! 9 Br,.PnznciA I
7|Foundling Bg! A.Labadie|200|Amer, | 4)J. Renault] 2\|GrSDom
Fountain Bg J. Gibson |126/Sndrld |1 5| Blenkinsp|11/Ex.Coast/E a
Bg |R. Mills |113 Lowstff)1.9) Mills& Co!10|LoHligld
49 Prtlnd |13/Capt.&Co, 1olFa. Cork
re IB, Asberg 120 Hollud]15| Gibson!10|/Du.Lisbn
Bg s| Bolderojid4)Hull | 9/Capt.&Col11/Lo.Oprtj\A I
08 6 Guns Ox
S Borschle|592|Dntzic} |Solly&Cojis8|LiMemel|E I
Dip.|x2? x?
G |J.deJonge}100|/Emden| 8)Capt.acCo] 9)Lo.Bultic|A 1}
Whtby]13{ Morson{11\LoGbritr/E 1] \- t
16) Ritchie&e|16|Lo.Brbds/E I)
EJ f
| é
| 2 Guns
ESeaborn 30 British 15 my 8 YaCoastr ie I
P, Connor ales . Bra L)/Li, Riga |A 1
P.Cc = SJ. B gg Li Riga
Hazwink]| 84
S s Pana ie 14)LoLisbonJE |
Bg |H. Minott]207 |
spw|P.8R. 2.| M ap
267 Swedn| 8|Capt.é&Co14/Pl Sadat. 1
451/Fortuna Bg |S.Graaf | 93) Prussia12|Prussia |10|LoAmstr|E 1
Bg s|W. Green |234 Sedeld Is
11 4|Leer
G_ /A. Hansen
R.Hanson| 54\Dutch |1i/Holland | 7/LoAmstrJE 1) 7-1
G Cc. Harkes 13 Konin.|16|Hensinbrg iia Os | ;
5 IN. Harris 105 adn 1 5| Norway om E |}
Bg s S. Hay 20 Domrk enh 2'P1.CoruniI. a
Bk | Holtzhart 208| Finlnd 11\Umea
ce Flasbg | 10)
o a
‘J de Gioot | ev [Fir ».Kl) & ltrp.x4
S_|P. Leberg|202|Norwy) 6\Carlscron|13\Li.Criscn|A i
jeep! 0.8 P, x1
Sr_ {C. Loets Age Prussia}! 2)Capt&Col10\Lolligld|E 4
5 s|Middleton 307 Prussia} 18\Jones& Co 13|Li,Elsin'|/& |
x1 #DB rp.|x1
S |H. Moller|313 Arkngl 5\Arkangel |15|LoPtrsbg|A I
G Norman|104 Dutch Capt. s\LoDnkrkiE |
Bg |A. Peters 98 Norwy| 7(C. Trustlr11)Ya.Nrwy/A 1)
222|Baltmr| 3/H Wdngtn 13|LoRtrdm|A |
sp | O.& P. |verly sharp,2-6P.| 6-\6 N.C.
; |Caithness |182|Milfrd
Whtby]13{ Morson/1!\LoGbritr/E T] |: +
i 6—SP,
For'gn |12/Capt.&Co,
501\Fortune Bg Crowley 1%
s.W&C 1.B.08L'. F”
J. de Sous| 130
54|French|12 Lavely&C Ex.BelfstE 1}
so Irp.|x2
5 Gunston/295|Amer.
PSds Fir) Cijeling
Bg |RRchards}144\Scoti'd/1 oe 12 Fx SndldiE TI
N.B, XL!
S s.C/CShannon}283/Chestr |16 Ritchie ke 16 Lo.Brbds|E 1) p ,
O88 reed) 5. \, 00 dene] 8 Oris 6-62_6-0| Ly, Tian z 4
S Sticking|s17|Nwbry o}CaptcCo151Co, A
alTickles&ch LiMemeli/E 1f! i
Sw |J. Tickle |170 Wrktn
51 Bg J. Tufts Is 16) Davis&C LyCoast.JE I} Ff ;
rp. X2 i
§ pts.C\T. Walker|620/Spain Mestaers 2v Lo.B Bay|E 3
x2 (16-6 P, & China
Sacnw iams|501|Spain | |W. Brownlig Li.Afric E If) |
+-6P 14-12C | ’
Be | Williams 94 Brostp. UiOxhm& C! 9Br.PnznciA I
. i
Fortunus Sw | Anderson 183 Norwy ia Biron |11)/Ly.Nrwy|A I
-Roxberg} 101 Dnmrk 3)J. Ferney |}0LhHmbrjA I
slavabads , | 6
B, Asberg |1 20)! lollud 15] Gibson|10/DucLisbn'E 1 He
5D rp|xo
530 — | 93)Cowes |11\Capt&Ci ICs LondnjA I
rohenshis BD ice. xs ene: a 4
S d) Ramsey 196 Danish! Pr} Woodwrd]!4/Lo.StJ h HE 7
sDs : 2 Guns xz
3— Sp |ESeaborn| 30|\British 15) Wooley| 8)YaCoastyE 1}
5D |
4— G |D, Spell | 90
Pe Bg |C.J. Barch|) 89/FinInd 14) L. Maribe
O, Birch 200/Swedn 13|\CapL&
Bg |P. Conn 9 Was 5\J. Bragg
Hazwinkl |
Ppnbg |18)Russia
S Maas [300 Prussi
Sk |W.Newell| 60\Rchstr| 3/Capt,
G IL. Roclofs} 61/Groninj10}Capt. |
bo vi
Sp Schaap| 40,Catwic .
ep; Cl,
Ss Me evel | oe
5 Fowey Bg djH. Beecrft 125|Dnmek ,
captured | spp FrBms& Plk x3
§— Bg |R. Rowe | 55 5 sh Rowe&Co} 9\Lo.Limrc}E J
| rsd
7 Fox or
fee S s ose!
S| Bg |C = Densats i
/ captured
Bg s. J.Tilley |221 NYork 7 Capt.&eCo. 11|/Fa, PekeJA iA
s.W&C ptc.f.
cf. Rene eeae C. «:Locst 14=9 e12P.
+9.06,St) xt x3 |
Be |W.Hutton 4 Yimth l es 13\Li.Lasbon| E :
spe xl
576|Francis Bg |
S M‘Lelln/2 Mussa. l pacnnant 14'Co,
S s. 281\Quebc | 14} Fry & Co.) 15: LoSL’cialE Ill. 1
Mavit [spslwow. xlitrp|x2 4-6 P 1
Sp /T.W.York| 61\Fvshm |63/L. Osborn|10,Lo, Pool |E 1
| 'p rp 106
580|—Ann Bg JW. Legget |170)Prize W. Ewing |13/Gr.Pectou|E |
1j—Ernest Bg |C. Delano|280\Nby Pt} 3)J.G,Gellert5|LiSmrnalA 1| 4 1
s.C c.b. x3 spa) O.&P. 4-13846-6P. 2
2)—F reeling Bell |180\Falmh | 8)Capt.&CoJj13\Fa,Packt|A I} |
Bg s.C c.f, P Canin yin 10-9 P, i
5 ey Eliza $ | Harrison|$45/River |33/Richardsn|16|CsTrnspt|!" 1
s. WAC I.B.01 N.TpSdegrpj0 6-9 C. oe
- 5 s.C) Williams}286|N York} 8/Capt.Co|14|LoTrnspt|A 1
6 Guns
7 CC AHaniets . Foster |342'Stcktn|25] Marshall!16 FaTrnspt|E
s07| Fe Otway leva trp.|00 |4-9 & 44P,
9|— S iW. Cosinsts 288|N Amr.
3/— Sr | Tallman]! 59,Bath Bath L1/Li, Bath |A I
epw) O.&P. A. Ox]
4\Frasquita Bg|P. Roca {145)Mahon| 9\Capt.&CoJ12)Lo. Lisbn|A I]
sDB poeta 664%1-12P,) x2
H.Bracms sad al anes L
s. c| Blenkinsn/221|F
a Se Drp.|x
Bg s|RCharters|136|N. Bros 14 Bud Co.
ie ate sD B.B.
Bg s|N. Collins|i48/French PrKempac,
Clemence] sp (36% 4—4 P,
E Dawson|181 Whtvn 12 Capt.&Co 1 2|LiMemel] E I
i, Gilmore} 55 Nwbry, t/Capt.
6n }Firt"ark
bp mo.tly Fr
+4) Emsw, |10}Capt,
Herp. OF ge ltix |
cng 15\Li. Cork |
6-9 & 6 P LIN Tenswh
776|Friends Sw jE
Arnold 345 Amer. |17|Admiralty|17 Pl,LondulE 3
|FrT pSds x5
sp Fir
875)\— Bg |Herniman|163\Bdefrd/30| Barnard|13\ Fa.
Ni ‘arder SDB rb,|X1 | g-4 P,
5 apy N. leSeur 23 Amer,
Bg c.f|J. Parkin 190] Wrkto | operate 13/Lo.Bahi A
s.C x4| Stimuli on DH
. Strange, 45! Dutch |Pr)Mrma&QG)!
Drp.| 2Guns
Bg sJ.Nyander|146/Finlod
G 1814-1845
o|Gainsbro’ Bg|Aystho 12)L0 LsbonjA 1}/\.F
Sp |Carpenter] 60/Gnsb
Packet Bg |E. Aspill I ess 12)G, Nisbett}10|LoHmbriE ] Et
5|Galatea S_ [P. Brown 2 Stettin|L4 Sweden [10|Lo,PrssialE 1
S s/H.Gerratt 324|Hmbro 15|Capt.Co|14/Lo.HmbryE I
S diN. Haas |238/Stolp r 14 LiHavnhiE I
Bg |J. Peasche'! 12 oe Tit.)
x3 of
S |B. Willis |273 Swedn 2Capt.aC 16|/Lo.Stklm/A J
sx R.Wallis|
6.Wa&C I.B.x2 captured cay , 3}
mbier Sk Dare PlFrancejJE IiF.t
Hitchi f.
Cr pt s.C|R. Dare 11\Lo Brest |E rj * 2
Sw s.C/T. Smith 18 Sndrld| 7|Hollnd€zc/13|H1 OprtojA I
c.f, X4 6-6 & 2-4C, 1
20/Gamla Lodo-|A., Silvid |195]/Gtnbro| 5) Wenerslm/13|LoGtnbrjA 1
1/GammellWo-| Forngrds 12|LiBergenjA I}A.1
nskal Bg | T. Roclifs|snnjO. Fr &|Bir | 6
2\Ganges S Fleming|18|\LoWInd./A I] 4
s.C x4c.f} C. Sanu L
Ss,CjB. Earle |492 Philad, 21|W.Haslett|19|Pl Philad|E. 1
pt c.b. £.0,8C.\P. |PSds,grp09
5 s.C\J. Pierce |380|N.Bdfd| 4) Howland|17/LoN.YrkjA I A ao?
c.f. Tomk in pe P. Sds & xz >
25/Gannet Bg s ranworth 1 Le N'fland/10|R. Slade 10 Li. N’find|E I oa
trp, m9
Moffatt 126 Amer. |15)|Wiscasset
6lGebroders G}| Raddmen 192) Stettin |10 Stottia
|G, Kus ach |
IW. Sim
| T.Headley 389/Sndrld |52} Leighton|15
gpa rb83, erp 0x, nN o.X1 SGns
60 lesadieas ” H. Purcell/448 weg: 5 Hanky sieCo ia Savan, ry 2
61/Whtvn 3|M<\hird oo T}Ar
Ci XS] 2
. DE
‘DB P.TpSds te P. x?
S s.C|W.Watson/430/Hull | 4/Buckle&c|17|Lo,BBay/A |
‘DB 14 Guns x1
5 oad
7|—Grinfeld 5}
. W &pts.Cptc.f ix? Seenearstis 10 Guns
8}—Hamilton5|S, Gantley 375) N York] 10/Capt. wee i6 LiINYorklA 1 a)
s.C OS ,Nisthote |£.0.8C,) P. P.Sds_ xe
1|—Heslop Sr ,
s.C c.f BDW ay
9\—Hewit S M‘Tagart 73|Bengal) 3 ment | LoNSWSs|A [
s.C Ds ‘eckLS| | 18-18 P.
Kempt s | Turnbulllgs Quebec} 2/Booth&C,17)Li.Narva| A 1 Ar
c.f.x8) T inuy japs é
eWaCc£. inkla \arpxsirp}x4 =
§ —Murray [|MCaitchn}!51/Amer.
Bg at Gillespi gD
pe rd&inTp |
Stevenson] ] 12) Prussi 12\Holland
Bg s.C 1.B, sw
3/—Picton Bg s A Paterson|183)Amer. |
4\—Purlicr G |M. Jolly
aC LB.X1
sp jtrpUG,09/rp.ix2 2 Guns
“Bigs |F, Duplex|118)Logls). mh i 1}
| “\y. Ll
Richayy- mee yPhouy
6|— Sw |M.Ow wston
8\—Planter S Freeman 38 Plymh
s.WECOxs CxS) 'ermaas yn» len.
_ Sp |R, ‘Alan
2 Sp " Barber
Bg :|L. Curry 160 Whtby [28], Foster |1:2| LoQuebc|
01 d 0 ,
S sed FF ranklin 201 Spain |sp|\RRedman
Srpuajx2?| 2 Guns
11)LoWInd,/E 1]
S IT.Grossrd|150|Amer. |12|Kuight&c\19|Li.N’dnd|E 1F
SDB). «Beams|Srp|ra XS
S slA. Hatton|281|Sweda |Ps/Capt.&Co.15 LoMaltalE 1
Fir 4-vecd-4 P|
Bg |C Hendrsn|!86)Amer. |15|CaptdAcCo, 1
sp | P.P.Sds
bf seep i i} Ea
X4c.b. Ox Ww. Dinsoy aDE
4/— Bgpts.C/R. Jason |112|NScot,)1 1
sp |rbXv ND.) x4
123|— Ss.C} Johnsonj217|N York} 7
| 8-19 C,
SDB Teek rp. x4
Sp |J. White | 55|Cork
» Di 1
| he Majg json 10-6 P. 7 *
S s.C/W. Tripe |339|French} 7/M.Bousfid|15/P1 Brazils|A Z :?
x1 SDB 14-12 C, cx 6
‘. FF. Tp
1|— Rose G IR. Lowrie} 85|Dutch
o LU
G. care
alerson isp wilen.éerb . 96 |trpxt
J, Almy [278|N.Bafd| 6
W&C x2 rpx4
§ s.C/Chambrln312)Virgin s|M. re 17|Li,N orflk Al A I
P Sus
2|— S s.W ptC} WHackny|200|Mxico |15 RKitchen 13|Li. Africa] E x 3 I
pt LB, ug Cxa] BS. , ptc. | |@-9P.d&8-6C
3|— Be J Hughes 111|/Dnmrk Steel [11/Lo.Lsbon|E x
spu\O, & Fir
4— Sw |J. Hughes}!92)Amer Stove&Co/13|LoNPro,.|E 1] }: ¢
S| iIN
5— Bk 1.OOmer? pes Stettin {12 oh 13|Lo.Baltic]/E J
20 |— Cs
iy Pt) 8)NwbryPrt!i4|LiBoston|A I
P.P. Sds; Oxf
4|Gipsey sec\. Dease 172/Spain Ayles |10)Lo MtVd/E i
pte.f x3) S.Sivclair | op |rsd & rb.'x3]| 2 Guns [nx
Bg Edmonds 95|H.Pans|13| Moss&Co,|11|LoCoastr|E I
22u|Glamorgan S| Pearson|274/Neath |2
5.W «.f.0x!) trp.07,Sr'pr xt 4 a
1|Glasgow S§ s|Crmchael]/160|Amer. Beebiel!2|/LhGtnbr|E 1
spB| Srprs|x3
184/Quebc |16)J. Lawson rt L che E 2
4\Gleaner Sp | Anderson) 94/Kncrd | 2)/CJameson|11)Lh PillaujA |
nuwSrps\07| 4 Guns :
85 Brxhm|11/E, eeed 8|ExNeath|E I}
Bg s.C Wemingto 300} Amer,
LB, x4 B, Jin hson ep | P-teHk
nt oDB len9¢grp xz
4|—Charlotte |B, Rewchl|190\Libau
S s.C) Lockerby|240 Philad,|23|Baring&C|15 LiMrtinc|E 1}
pt .fixips C x5 IP. TpSds| BnidsCasdjrsd A 5 il
ba Ml Achnedrf aos Prussia/24| Hiering|12)H1 Baltic/E I
975)— 5 d Buckman}494 Dutch |ojqi\Capt&Co.|16 Le. NrwylE J
3 L
x -TpSds}'
. Kili Rotterdm |12\Lo,BalticjE I
VON | 82]
J. Levin | 90|/Emden apt. 8iLo.BalticlE J
Gg|StJhn’s|14\Capt. | 9ILiOprtol 1
sp |SP.& O,\nu|w&n.xl
P. de Best} 61|Catwic| 6|Holland | 7\Lo.Amstr|E I
overnorHal|T. Justus {317)Spain {Pr{Todd &Coj16\/Lo TbagolE I
ket Ss x part M. 8 Guns |sx T
—Harcourt | Atkinson|369|Hull Bell & Coj16}LoWInd./A I} “.f
$C cf.x3| LVilson ispn -6P. a&-9C
—Heslop Bg|R. Martin) 69)French| |Mercer&c} 9|LiN’fland|E 1
s.C LB, rp.09 6D Ox
—Milne 5 Dixon|S00 nye 1 Dixon] 16) LoJamail i
sW 07, C x4) RW. lilains X4|2-6P 12-14
— ‘Bg s|T.Lilburo|165 Quebe 13 tee | 1QiPl. jE i
17\GrHondr\A 1] -\
sx) Liviu oll ll
B.H,. ee Lubec |31)Lubec
1\Grace Sw ¥ Bartlett 184)Rogmr}l
| >
Bg s|M. Bryne |228/Digby | 4\Capt&Cojt3/Li. N’And|A I}F-?
Taxon |spa|BB.H.&|P. 4
Bg | Compton|108|Serbro'18| Pearson|10/PlFrance\E 1
st J. Harris | 43 9 fe 30
captured EDS
Bg s\G.Homme}! 59 Amer.
Ss.CJ. Kerr |250|[psweh
« Hanson) 14) Li, ow Oy rE.
= ane
ot af sp |0.& Ppt Fir1-18 &2 oP > s
Peggy B ahaa ree Brinth [20 Evans&CJ}11\Co. Ea
iraces Bg |S. Bibbins 162 hepst|12)G, Kemp
4 Ped -6C
O&MpielP. |P.
230) Amer, 15|B. Roche
vq) [S25
gs|!97| Dnmrkjold|J. |
| A.
3/Gratitude Be/JChmpion|124/Whtby
| s.W&C 1.B.x3 € Guns 9]
4 Sw |J. Chodd |249|Lynn |30/Bagge&C,}13 Ly Wybg El
sDe len. & rb. 7 4 Guns
) Guns
5|GrenadaSs, en Gilkinson|407/Grnoc | 9 Campbel icone Al
Sw pts c Glendenin|205|Sndrld| 3 Aaaecon 14 Lo.MemljA J
2-4%6-6P.| |
5 ate (oheen Al
32 eae | jE 1}
2-9 P
Uddewala |!5 Li.UdwallE 1]
187|Norwy} 5|H, Biorn tiLyShid AT
a j Gunder<son{sra| P.&0. | x3
1}—Ross S | Oakhansn}300/Amer, |12/Cept.&eCo, 14 Lo,Baltic|E I
2\Grew weave Mldnhour|275| Norwy 17 Ane )
spB) O.&Fir| |
3 Dawhaset J. Douglas|d 26] Amer,
poner eae aD |
8 sihdille Bay Lwthwate|328 Stcktn
|S S. aa bee xo |
= Bgs|J. Vibert |149\Chluer| 5 Burns&C. 12\Li.Canad/A I} 4 2
Ox Ela lie P.O.& BB, |
Morgan|18 LoRussi Al
187|Amer, | 7/T. Reynids 13
peng Al
mer. alCapt&Co. 9Cs Cadiz /A 1
(243) Massa.| 10 New York/13)Li. Gtabr\E 1 I
as Bristol Cee 11/Co.
sulliver i BC. Prince
ulphof Pari| Gillmore
Sr s.Cc.b. 08
>| — Bg me Pictou {21} Jeckman|12\Li.Gtnbr\E
Bg s|P. Nelson. 210/Swedn | 9\Capt.&CoJ1 mL
SDB 4 Guns
Ss} Rylander)251) British
; Gc aN
450\— Bg Norrelius 190|Swedn |28|Ennis&Coj13)PLGtnbr'L. 1
sosiFis “i
33/P. Molin |10|Lo,NrwyE |
eeoren Bids otrp.07
Guster G_ |D,Lausten/250|Russia {11
H 1814-1815
2\Haabet Bk | Andersjn! 196|Norwy 17\J. Feght [13\P1.D EI
| a]
Bg s} Techman/223|Swedn |18}Capt.&Co]11/Li.Pillau|!! I
sp 8\Fir
Spal SL.Waage} 74|Xtnsnd| 9 eae 11|/P1.Gtobr|E 2
| §D O. & Fir
sou Fir &
1\Haleyon Sw |D, Cooper|i81\Stcktn |18} Nichols 12)/LoPtrsby E J
erp. x 6 Guns B
o— Bg sJ. Hurry ee htby/10|Fisher&C, 13ILi. N‘flnd A 1 A
x3) |} 4Guns
3\— S = ih. Reed |303/Philad| 9|Philadel. /16\LiPhilad]A 1 :
c.b. | PP.Bins, &|Sds
4 5 aC ee htby| 5/Reid&Co. 116|Lo.Brbds A 1
5\|Haliday S_ |R.Snowdn!3606 Prussial18 Satelel Li.Ptusbg
s.W&Ce.f sos P,P, Sis grp|X3,6-12942-'4P
» Brown '146'Gusbro!} 2 Nelson& c,1 2|LoCoastr| E :
Bg s'B. Prynn {138/Hull [46 eee Lo, Antw,| E ' F.2
U5) Coutts json erp. 05
Moody 10)Cs
s\—Packet Sr |W.R.Boyd|176 Boston | 2
p27 2) Massa,
s W. Irving Huntress 15|Li.alif Et fr
9— 5 i‘
| ie big
20|HalsengerS s * Bullen 330 Swedn |! Capt.&Co, 15) WimnCol E 1
1 HamberryBg J. Haigh |107\Scrbro’\13) Fishwick te El
Difavidsn} 74'Scotl’d|12)J. Trail is olLh.BrmnlE 2 2
| so |Firu Cie Ing
3 a J Bardwell)112)Sthwld}16) cageeGe 10/YaNorthi£ 1
‘DE erp..05
Swedn | Py IParratu& | 8\Lo,DieppiE I
b.OG rp/xl} + Guns
75|Hannibal Bk|J.C.Frents/253)Stettin 12|Castendch1s LoStettn|E 1} x;
r. (11/Capt.&CoJ13!/CoJamai,/E 1
x] som, Sepr/Cx) 4 Guns Ox
2\/Hare Bg |D,Lincolnji41/Knebe | 5/Wiscassct /12/LiWiscas|A J
21 ep fn ET I
6-13 P 7
ino Cielng
S - J Stn 86|French |18 Martinéec !
DB) sgt. 10-6P8-12C
s.Cpt ec.
}|Harminie § E. Hillers 279 Olster |14|Bremen
9 Harmonia Sw Arcansen|! 50| Umbro 1 }/Gorbie& c\12|Lo. Riga |E I
| Ox
g|Lo. Lisbn|E 2) © 2
15 ah Al As
] Aud
Bg c.f.5. Dysart (2. 4
s.C x3 |
Bg 'G. meh) |
S s.C\T. Flint |
44 pt cf oy
Sr |\J. Gifford 160 3s) *
c.f, XS Beara jqape
W iin
ari in
7|Harp Ss.C} Gillespy|471/Quebc| 3)Bolton&C})8/LiSCroix|A I
cbA mpiogi>® 10=18 P.
8 I ey |462|Liverpl| 3|Bolton&C}i7|Li. Dm A I
Sr |J.Spindell] 66|N fand) 6)/Squire& C| giCo.
190|Harpooner $/J.Simpson/370)Whtby |49|Richardsn|16|LoTrnspt| E
c. sal
Si— Ss.W&CIJ. Bailey
x3 LB.
S |S. Chase (275|Nby Pt) 5|}Capt&Co.|i7 DuYirgulA ]
P.P. Teds
9|-—Sw wee DClipshm/286 Bipcath Li} Rassellj15{LiStCrox/E J
7 Violet 10)
8 i”
59 Conwy |32 ae sai ik 1
9 Bg s.C|J. Lowrie 153 Kent |21|J. Koster |12LiBragils
so B/rd & rp. 9; 8-9 C,
210\— Bg s.W&C} M‘Hndrk}217|Spain |21 Gwin&Co 15 x xe
pt 1B red NT p/Sda 2-4 P
1j— S s.W&C\A, Miller |440) NScot,|17 Hurry &C. I7L
PBms,T\p 5
S s.C\E. Philips 246] Amer.
O & Fi
Sp |
pt 1.B.08
Be s.C
part c.f,0x SDB
2|— B 4, M., Wilson/150)Swedn
Sr Wittnghm :
8|LoCoastr|E I
§E| x?
sD len.!
Harringta B Piper |182)/Hrngn| 2Capt&ColisHnW.indA I
a. W&C xS oDE
8) Harrisou& T-H. Harrisn|188|/Mrypt |19\Harrisn &)12|Mt Riga |E I|F.1
omb Be sDB 6
Harrisons $ |W. Prior |720\Quebc| 4/Noble&C/20\LoTrnspt]A I)
s.W&C X53 c.f. 12-9 P,
23 paneer R. True |153/Amer, | 5/Fellis&Coj11)P1Brazils|A 1
1.B. jaDw 6-12C,
J. Otway |165|Nwestl Robson& 18|LoNwest
s-Gud ops |
3|Harton Bg Etheridge!124\Sndrld| 3 ‘hts 11\Po.N’find A I} 4
Al/Harvest Bg |J. Pimer |131|Poole Colborn13|Po.N'flnd|A |
captured son |
Te Bg |Parkinson/213 —— Wilkinson 14|LoTrnspt/A 1]
6 Guns
Par 16|Lo:Trnad| E If
ptl.B.|! Sj clait json
» Webster| 78 N‘fand 14 Noble&C.
5D ral rps ot 0
Flaherty 2 = Amer. 9 Brown& C)l
S s.C'C. Gordon 252 French!Pr Geddeske 1
ef. sD Drp.|x3 |¥~6P 6-19C
Bg n Gildroy| 97/Sndrld |22'N.Hmblto|1QYaNorth|E |
son \0. & Fi l
Bg |A. Leslie 91]Abrdo |21| Maitland] 1 Lo.Derry|E I
sp len. degrpiCx | x3
ol— 5.C
= Bee He From $08 % Guns WwW,
gston 195|Bermu ‘i ALQ\LAB rai. \
. Baker l1o3 Plymh |17 |Codner& c}1 0} I'n N’tind E r
x2 Neck sD HlenOLlrp.
Ss, os W.Brighm/413/Hull
Bg |T. Duke
5S s.CiG, O;ton eal Hull
ZB. Mabe. bal * SDB
Sp | Flemin
G |HT-.Flindt}164/Rostoc| 6)Rostoc
Sp |P. Freyett 68)[psweb| I BRaymnd
G (C. Harder|107|Dnmrk|1 Russia
Bg [{TJameson|!18)Sndrld| 3/Capt.&CoJj10\LoGbritr|A I
Sp |E. Jones :
S_ |H. Kaston|239)Stimbg|13\Capt.&Co,|14)Lo.Stettn|E I
Sr |A. Mackie]!
Bg s.C| M‘Gregor)231
sia Ole 123 Philad, I pees LoPhilad|A 2
5D Dip.
S s.C/H. Periam|196|Amer. |27|Liverpool }1
OX rp en98Srpira [x3 12-6 P.
Sw |J. Pringle |285| Nwestl/18}J. Walker}!
'pDB FirCelng & |Bms,trp.04
Kasner, 93 Prussia| 1\Capt.
6 Heer yon Neg|P, Winter 330) Amer.
Ine FrCiel ling
160 Stettin |13|Stettin
SiHelen Sp |A. Blair 52'Knerd 9|Capt.
Bg |J. Boyd om. Walker&c} 9)Lo. LisbnjE I
sD 10. & Fir
3 Bg |J.Chartres|152\Amer, |Pr pees 10 Lo, Boy
Riscaliso) sp |w.K1 yep,
W. Currie|/!55 Leith
bane 16|P1.TrnsptiE I
| 6-UPL Ox
Sw |J. Christie/!79 British
Betsy. Fouse |110|Amer.
"90Kieecdl <1
Bg s.C| Whiteside a
x1] Prewning |spn
192\Swedn |]
5|Helmsley Bg |W Leadley/2 12 Hull
WA RCreasorcjnn 6-6 & 4-9P
is 350 ata Lk T
§ s|P. Hanson|385/Bristo! |: ‘\Stettin
N Dé&len.|94
. Hoppe | om Stolp | 2|Pillau
| Owenson| 179 |Finsbg jac
S |BHenrick|250]Italy
SS. on led} 2 Guns nk
1) Aol
Stettin 11)Li, LibaulE 1
SDB) part Fir) | | xd
Rickelien|32 aot Dronthm |14)Li,Hlmst|A I
45ijHenry Ss} Andersonj267|Holstn /19|P. Burger|14|Be.Livrp] E a |
6 Guns )
Bg |Crosthw’t 175 a s|Ellwood&|t Li,Dublnl|A J
G.White |sps |
S sCuninghm)374/Prtlnd | 9}
P.TpSds| | A.
Sp |S. Drewitt} 60|British |19|S’thamptn
J.Rew | sp
Ij— Ss.W&C)B. Ehlers |509)Arkngl) 3/Russia
| LB, x: Fir LU Guns
Grimsby|105)Swedn |10/N. Wood | 8/HILisbon|E 1
so |Fir 09
175| Liverpl|18|Ellis&Co.|
soB| P,P. Sdy| 6-6 P.
476|Henry Sr s|P. Pearce 129 Amer, )Pr/R. Fuge
10,haMlagajl I
Bg |S. Raper 153 hori Standley|1 Lo. HulljA i
pte.f. sDB 2 Guns
tp Grimstne} ! 46/Yrmth |1 Padget 12 penan EY ty). ;
! —Hastings J. Wheeler a7 ‘\ htvn 2) Hastin 9\Li.Dubln/A r \r
s|— Wellesly A. Spain |s20lIndia | 9G. Faith |16\Lo.MrtinfA 1] *
Ss.WAC 1.B.x4 Teek 2Guns | |
—& Elizabth Berwick 300)StkbIm)/35 H. ay fkins)14,P1.Lisbou/L. J
S « Fir
Bg | Custance147|Whthy |27 Brereiga 11\Lo. AntwE I} 2.1
spelt rp.|x1| 2 Guns
—&Mary Cr| Rumney] 34/Wales |25| Gauteurs| 8Co. EI
sD x?
7\Henrys Bgs| Bruce|141/Sndridj17/T. Everet 11)PlTrnsptE 1] p. 1
ext OFF ‘Vi wise jepe 2-12 P, x2
Hepss Bg |W. Bayley|232|/N.Bdfd] 9)New Bdfd|15\Lo.Nwry|A 1
sos/0.BttmP ly x1
Herald Bgs.C\J.Chayter|318|Mryld | 5/T.Pennent|15|Lo.MaltalA I
sp |P.P. Sds 6-12 C x]
S |J. Dow [|518)Portl’d| 9,A,Waader16)HIPhilad|A : |
P,TpSds 09
Bg |M. Miller) 75|\Whtby| 9.Capt&Co) 9/YaSndldjA I
; en |Fr Rottm| 09)
a 3CiJ. Newry |189\Grnoc |11\Hunter&c\13|Li. N’And|E 1 EK
SPW Shoe 12 Guns |
S |J. Price |378|Massa.| 5|Plymouth|16)LiNYork/A ‘
Bg s)R. Stone |198)/Knebc |12 cenniey 11)KnebeCo} E. A
HerecnleSs.C} Shkinner|\300|Genoa |1 "Faas 16|\Br.Malta
Fir uw 16 Guns |nx
}Hercules Bg | Anderson} 87\Danish|10\Capté&Coj10)LoGtnbr
sp |Fir
Sw d| Behrendt}196|Konin.}29\Cromr&C}14|LiDantz.|E Y
Bg |D, Boyak |152\Inster | §)Ruthie&cj13|Lo,Turfic|A : Ar
Web. ptm uw) grp.xt
A, Coclo |180)51U bes] 1 0|5. Lapash|12ICo.
150 Sudrid|13 capa} 11
su Bilen.é& rb.)
ro suciok
5. Bartlett ms Brxhm| 5
pte-b. XS
Sw |J.Grayson/261
Bg s.W&C)D. Munro, 190 si l!
pte.b, x2 Drp|x} 10-12 C.
1 6-2 P,
—Wedel 5 Ce 271|Norwy| 8|Holmstrd |14|LiWall
SDB \0. & Fir
Jorghelm 99 Norwy| 8} Newnson|10|Lo,Nrwy|E :
sp |Fir Cl, xi
1 ere W. Moore|258\Quebc | 4) Haslope|15|LoW1nd.
| P.&0. = Guns
Atkinson 150 Sudrid|13
spoilen, arb. xt
ND Sst, rp
S. Bartlett) 85|Brxhm|
-/K1 |w Dd rp.x4
Papenbrg |15
pt c.b.x1 s0B\0. & Fi
Bg s.C| Donahoe|185 Wrk tn
s| RFenwick éiog Russia Pr Idle & Co.
12) Spurrier|14 Po, N'find E I]
Np&uw,|x3 |w K1x4 2-6P) 14-6 P.
Drp.|x2 |
Massa.| 7|W. Parsons} 11)/PI.LisbonjA J
‘ XS
Sr Martin} 108] Bidfr
Whlake | so ol \s1
Bg s,J. Morgan} 165) Massa. /11 eat
iow 5
Bg Neil |125|Ayre iE
‘l. O: lett sp} | 1 4
Bg s.C J. 154)Bidfrd | 7\Rogers&C}12|Li. Sicily|A 1 oa
1,B.x1) Mi wt = one eas P. i
5 sT, Potter |195|Wtktn |
Bg | Quinton|160)French 11
5 s.C Richardsn|36 Shields ty. Bulmer|17/CsTrnsp LZ
8-18 C.
Sp |WSander = Cork
Bg | Stndwrth 165 F mneme
Tha '- Srp
+. wanson us , ofaridpt|
4 nee? Schagiscre 161 Stcklm/10}
Bg |
spn Fir
8 Tlessen S |E Walkers}?
.W&C I B.Ox nx]
9 Hester Bg |W Bristow|134|Sthwld|10|Green&C./10/YaPtrsbgjA 1
| a0) TSilycrs [oD Biredn uw. de jerry
600 __ Be |WJohnsonji 45|Shields|30jC
Gladstons SIL. N’fnd E I]
2 Guns
Sullivan} 8 Co.Grnsy/E |
Bg s.C|M, Clever}!
c.£.xg Stevenson | L
Bg |J. Davis a Bristol bona § CoBristol E i
Bg s. + Dixey eat Philad.|!0 Philadel, |15 i Philad EY I}
| Daatep. xt Paneer
CC IndsDowell 206|Belfast| 7)Martn&C/13\BeJamai/A I
a spg| Drp. od er ae G
5 ro 218 rbachring|15/\Gr N'fndE 2
‘ a SDB APG Aaa
| is
1/Higgioson S |W. Hill |423|Liverpl} 1
iC cob. x spa) :
. $s.CU. Stroyan|363} French] 13) JGladstad 16|Li.Din’ral E 1
re 08 3 Ds|P. P. Sds'red Sew vx3,4-1:!
3|Highflyer Bg Blenkinsp|165|Nby Pt|t3|Shackls &/13 HI W.Isis|E }
sOx d ops| BB. Ok. | # Gune
625|Hilda Bg s.C\W.Hunte 265 SSh'lds} 6/Roxby&C}1 5) Lo, All
pic. LX2 ops 4 Guns
| Pe Ley
alfippolyta 8 |W. f i 352 Hull
sCcfhxe DB
3) HoffendeAer-JC,Ashley 300 Pillau
nite Ss fe°3
051|\Hoffaung G J. Darmer|154)/Volgst |1¢
S s| Guntker 202 Nwbry|!4) Buddukj14 LoPtrsbg EI
son A.P.Sds\Fir'TpSds_ x
waernFe ff * © 6
up %,
12 bras E ‘
229| Wolgst| 1S Capt, 14|Lo.Baltic ET 1
| Wiebers| 64)/Prussia ome 7 LoAmstriE I
S sA, Wulff /242)Hmbro| |Hambro |14|\LoBremnjE 1
SDB NW. UW.| & trp.xd SK
i\— G |M. Zevan|201|Rostoc |10/Capt&Co,|10,Lo. StrisdjE 1
| — 12\LoGtnbril. 2
9|HolcombeK s\J, Penson |119/Damrk|12R. Penson}10|LiOstend|E ]
1/HollandBgsC} Boyce|203|N.Car.
c.f. SDB
2|— 5 sel Orie |225)Lnestr |12 Taylor&C 14/Fa.
07 | 09] 4-12N.C
5 Homer 8 : = ty. Jeffery |256 Amer.
( HondurasPa- F, Gibbs |160/Spain 17 eet 12\Lo,Smyn|E I
ketS s.W&C ptc.f.x3
7|Honor Sw | Emmersn\155|Yrmtb |12 Capt.&cCo. 12/Li,Bremn|F 1 Ur
, sn len.f&tre, ;
Bgd| Andrews|100/Spain |
2 gc
726|Hope Bg a 4 aac tetteios Ledgrd&c|12\Co,
J. Bishop |126/¥Yrmth} 5 AT
a] Ds 2 Guns
p |W. Boke | 66)Brdltn |17)Hall& Co.) 7|LoCoastr/E I) » I
| J l.cow | oD :
S sd. 3. Boose 226]
| son
S s Briggs|320|Whtby|28|Clark &Co|1 dio i fe I
W Tis; MW 08
Be | Low a 5\J. Reed 1Ya.Sndld A I
Ss.C Brownlie|\387|\Quebc! 2|/Bogle&Co donenala™
cf£x4 = Hnnter jspe 12-9 N.c,| |
sp |G. Bruce 99 Scotl’d' 14|Capt.&eCo.!
Sp |J. Bryant
6s ahs Capt.&Co.
0 Serpepodoneagl |
S's. W&C J. Bullpin 208|Bristol !2
W. Dick [142)Brdprt}i1|/Leith SpCj11)Lh |
sD 6=18 N.C,
Gales |16}Lo.Grald}£ 1 E-r
Drp Xt e's sx]
15 paride Cas 1)|F
G Tp |\o
93) Danish|27
W. Jones
WV. Jones
OB) NUWerp 99
122)/Prize | 7\J. Potter
Be s|L Knutson/21 1} Norwy /32 Schiyter|14(Co Qo
5DB pt Fir |
ae &Cil4
X4 |
Papenbrg | ere EI
Cant&Co., 5 HavrejE: I
S siH, nt eel Lo.BrbcelE I
M. Matz soars 14
8} Janverin| 6,GrnsyC
117] Pluen&C,'10 Ly XtianjE 1}
Frazer &C) 12 LoSenegilE ;
# Guns | x]
Sr . c T. Parker 116 Philad.! 11 M‘Crkdle 12'Li,Lisbon|A I
Lo AfricalA 4
Sr s. ¢ J, Pattersn|160 Rerun ] Patt: r onli
Bg s|R. Pringle|157|Amer, Ps Poni GrBAyrs|E 1|
jou l1
83 Poole eat ii Po.
9D |ND.UW trp x1
Sp |W. ey 47 nmrk|12\J. Derry | 7 aScotldlE
ptcf. x3) * |
Sp |F.Sheldric| 28\Cowes | 5\Capt.
|W Trotter/318|Whtby|27| Jordenson te Livrpl|E I ,
Lo.HilndjE 1
45 Dutch 17| Holland
Sr | 62/Amer. |2 W. Pies
OD Iredw p.& trp
53/Cork j
rv . Wilkin 123 -
Brudf cla BD
x3 pt c.f a
S . W&CW. Wilson 42/Chestr
Bk . Goblie |199|Norwy Bell & Co. 13/Br. ayn
S s.C\J. Grossrdj2saiLeith |13 ie org | GrJamailE 1 f
vol lope
Sp |sotiarris | 71|Hull
876);Hopewell Sp [E. Hugh
S oCU. Walker 346|Hull
D. James | 61)Abrdy| 7|Capt.&C
M‘Kelle:| 98|Grnoc | 3/Capt.&Co]LojGrGbritrA 1
MPT day sD .
J. Peebles} 71|Boness| 6|/J& ATodd oe) Al
R,Richrds| 62!Barmh]14| Williar
BD |
@- Stenant] 73|Fevrsh./48/J, Stenant| 9|Lo.Ostnd E1 1
| ep |. TpS« = ep. x1
amg 98\Swedn| 8|Sweden
sp |O. & Fir
Hornet Bg |U. Rofl
s.C c.b, x¥ Cok: jiellspe | 8-6 P.
191)Nwbrn| 9 nan 10\P1.Gtnbri E c
sp |Fir
| sp |Nmé&trp. 3-19 N.C.
Gravitz in Sista b| Proud &C/12)LoKonin/A J
"IShiclds|t2 Plumr& JLO}.YaNwestiE 1
0h 7 |W. Bodgs 10LaAmstriE I} \.7
3|— Sw pts.C| " Hirata 262|Boston| 4 Hunte 14,Lo.Hayti A 1
X4 c.f| A. Grant pt FrCiel |i ? Guns .
118|NScot. $iCapt.d&eCo, 10, Pl.Passge E
SBP&E 2-6 P
| 2 Posi O fice 11|/Pl Packet A
Firs. ndixs '2-9P. 6&-9C,
295 reat 15) pee rast 15|LoRiJan
SDB rp. 12-4 P,
Bg s.C'T. Ronson|! 30|Bltinre}17/Baltimore|10|Li,Massa E
| eo |L.0,&C,| P.| P.Sds
Bg s.C/J. Salmon|165|Montr!/ 1\T. Boag i3|Gr N’findjA | Sh
S s.ClJ. Stafford|336 WY orkit 18|New York/16)Li Philad E I “
pt LB.x@ £.0,&C,
W. Walker/260) Amer. ITunter|15|Lo.Qubc ET I
2\Huntress S /T. Bonson|258 Wiscas|11/Boston | 13|/LiAmelsl EY a
P.P. Sds} CielingP. |
; Nicholl|1¢ Lo Amer, Ky 7
« Hawker|16|CoTrnspt|E I
, po-sse-te |
Supplemen obit apudlen boule to\ the End of ‘tha!
J 1814-1815
5)Jackall Be Richardsn|154|Howdn|1
sp Birsdk trp. |Ox
pve Brixtn| 5 Drinkald| 7\|LoGrnd
1Jager G . de Vry 82 Venter |12/Papenbrg
anu ap]
S WSchroder|555 er 6/Capt&Co}18|Lo,Havre|E I
SJagaren S| Sundman/280 Finind en 14/Li. XtnsdjA 1
25 Bg Reincken| 91 Bremn |10/Oldenbrg 11}LoGtabr} = T
5| Thompsn]10| LoHalifx/E 1
6 Guns 7
Bold &Co, 7
jsoB|Lip.OTrp.' x? |Srprsx4 46'P
it}420|Whtby| 5) London 17/L
Li. Afric
101 Chestr* ‘20|Gal gey&c\10, WaWal L.2
SDF len.'99
Scotlnd &|10 Lo Antw.
265 5|Domrkt Lyall& Coi13|LoTrnspt|E |
sp8| Srpre(x }4-6P. 6-6C. | xs
h) 7\Capt&Co., ‘Li.Dubl Al
Providnce|l 1) LoN Pro,
4 Guns
oes ptFrBms rp, |X1
Williams + French|13|W. Black | 7\|ExCoast,
1 sgt Hoghead 281 Belfast) 5|Gordn&C
HTN ta pp 2-6P14-12N'C.
dw G Bare! uu
3|—Cook Ss} Dempster|250|NHmp|11| Drinkalds}15)YaLondnjE |
510/\Mntral) 2/J. Dunlop|15|GrQuebciA I
9.6 P, 8]
75\—Hamilton Hamilton]! 2/Grenc f
S s.C}H. Bloom |255|Hmbroj10jGroningn |13|Lo. Lisbn/E I
4 Guna x3
| Crawford|240/Amer. |19|/Hurry&C./14| LiBrazilsjE I
| trp.|09 (6-G&9-19P.! &\@-12 Cc. | 09)
Bg s.C|JCuthbert/23 5] Medit : :
§ s.C| Garw ood|242/Philad1olR. ‘Say 16\Li.Philad/A 1]
06) BL«rF | L.0. PP.'Sds 1
Savage 87|River ;
I fl velit | ao
DMS 208 fle 5 J. Gordo his
] Satie E. Garden|
ery Bg c.f. x9
aj—& Barbara|J. Butter a .
a.C ¢.b.
Beil Sp eins 73 earn: 20, W.Rankinj11|WaLivrpE 1}E-!
a 4
BettySp R.Thomas| 37 Conwy| 2 R.Thomas} 9
Du, Cor E 5
D. Simson| 51 chido! 4;Capt. 10/Du.
W Wenoe O3iIrvine } «
spp] part Fir
Ss. c Rennison|320|Sudrid| 1/R, Reay |16|Loni..”
- Ss, eee I: Watson 308 NYork 5|A&J.Gale}i5 a A 3
4|Jaquet St Huss | 60 Dutch ee 9|Lo.Ams “eT I
Jason S Fisher|3'25|French| |Capt&CoJji5/Fa
S |W. Flagg |335|Prtsmh) 8\Capt&CoJ17/Christ.CojA |
S siF. Hilbe Spain |14) Vorkamfij(6}Lo.Meml/E 1
Bg |N. Hook [116/Wells |12)/Palmer&c|11/LoHmbr'E J
Bg oulder|! 25S5ndrld|16 Pickrd&c 11/H1 OprtojE 1 '
Tienes aes 11 7\Swedn 15
sO1) AH Vavtin|s>™/Fir
e R. Bruce |235,Petrh’d) 2
112] Chalmers/10,P) Brazils| E I
RSangster|120)/Petrh’d) 5|Mutchnsn|11
14\Capt.&Co| 9 Lo Amst. EI
189 Scotl'd 16|Russel&C. 4 FaTrnspJj& I
sp |pt FrBtm
. Bolin |100)Finind |14 pees 11\/LoGtnbr’ leo 2
6p5\OeFir Dip. >
9} [ndefatigable|G, Best
Sws.W&C cbiOx ptx2 |spr/Srpra09,)0x| 10-649 P.
330)}— S s\Brockman}464) Dantz.|11/T. France|17|LiDantzJE I I
OF) J. (i009
OiIndian Ss.C} Barclay|522;\Whtby
c.f. { 9 JG: fort]
340]— __Ss.C\A.Hanney}247|Amer. | 7 S.Holland|15|Li.
Ls =.Cx5 LB. L*olt 'DB |
Tp |
3|\—Hunter S sJ. Stevens}288 NCaro lO. ‘Scott
9 [ndispensable}
O|[ndefatigable|G, Best
Swe. W&C cbj0xptx2 |spe Srprs 09,10% 10-6&9 P,
46] Dantz,|11/T. Francel17|LiDantzJE 1} r
2]— Ss.W&CJ, Cross [549)\VWhtby|16)Attyé& Co.|1 S|\LoN.S,WiE i
at tr: 3 Dsjalmost rb{Xt |rp.x4 10Gns
| z; ae 17|G. Faith |15}Lo.
PB ,
Sw Renstrom|113 Swedn i ICapt.
| sp | Firw pw,'Tp/Sds, &egrp x3
Roswrthy}150)Massa.| 8|London
Qi[Indian Ss.C} Barclay baths 5] Mannings|19|LoBotB At
cf.(9) JG hat
340}— S s.C|A.Hanney|247|Amer, 7 S.Holland/15)Li, C
p«.Cs5 LB.O4 Lot! SDE
] S |P. Torry |344,Conect| 5|New York/16|/LiNYor
cb, |
2}—Chief S |S. on 256 ites 10/\Capt.&Co,|14|/LiG tnbr} E
350 wid op ates 4P
s\Packet $ |M. Farleyl2s6|NHmpii2| Maitland|t}Pl,
P. Sds A.
s. W&CXIKCIx4 |
350\Indus 5S Callende|397 Nweutl 3 Nark&Co\t7 \Lodamanr xy \
4 Guns S
| sD | i sal
Bg |W.Hutton/149|Dunde|22/Capt.&Co!11|Lo.
:DE _ x2 etre
i 104{N.Brns}13)N. Hurry} 9)Li. N’flod/E 1}
ap | BB.& Fr |
x2 | sp IND. |prext! YAol
Sp | Matthews) 87) Devntr a8 Worthy &c I
sD 6
| §D |trpxtlrp.|x4
» Patrick] 211) Paussial 14] Frfoot&C.) 1
Schieman ae 12|Lubec
W. Scott /220Sndrld|15| Weathrly 13 LoTrnspi|E 1|
ine 4 Guns J
1A 1
Bg 3\J. Waite 205 Whtvn 12\Capt.&Co, 14|LoDubln|E I
J. Ci: iff son |
28 RROEES 9\Co,
; “Watson| aa Scotl’d
430 lasptenes S Stratton|330) Hrweh
5, WéCx Ic. f.des C3
ea] 36 oe Fieh
oS sate SD
Sap 1/4-9'P.2-18NC,] 10
1'Parlne LO!Li. seal Al
pts.C cb.
Ss. = Postgute 374 Nw cstl] 5
WC pte.f. |5.6.
7\Intrinsic § | Phillips|414 Ss'lds l
s.W&Cx1,rp.x SDB Srprsix4
silnverable S |F. Kernan|)46)Dantz.}) pence
pt ».Kl
Q|laverness S |J.Prowder|333|Prussia|39| M‘ncilage|14\Lo,Grnld ED i Er
sKd O05 8 Guns
— Sp (J. Litch
401 ae Prenton| 75|N'fland|20)|Windle &c/10|Lo.Fayaj/E 1
G.Rickl iy Konin | 7 Penny Ci 12)Lo. cn A 2
Rotwick 162 Crokry|12 A, Hook |11 ae E I
sp 8| part Fir x1)
| abel
Sherman}205) Danish/12 Pons 1 Li.Dantz|!2 2
_ Wright 16|Lo.Qube|E ;
6Guns {J
a l
r/E. Silva |14|Lo.Fayal|E I
4 Guns
42([InnocenceSrs|de Campo}! 18|Viana |12\Capt &Co)/10/Br.VianaJ& I
| lo] ptP.]
: - |
43¢ Sotteti 5 Stratton|330|Hrwch| |D. Bennet|l0\Lo.SSeasiE J
4. WE&CX Ic. f.kes) C x4 ,
7 scion i Livingsta 303 French 11 Mulurleli4 PLLondnlE 1
s.C TB,
giIntercourse | Davi N.Caro| 7|N. Carol [15)Li.WtrfrdiA 1
Interitus Bg 112)Yrmth tle&C.}11|Lo.LibaujE I
440|[ntrepidSrs,C 90} Prize Mitchacel] 9\GrJamailE &
6 Guns
S s.C) Cummins|340/River |39/Gladstons|16 LiBraxlgE 1 I
cb. ' ost Irp Brpx2,1)4-9 P.2-18NC.
Sp |A Gilchrst| 84|Grnoc | 8| M‘Farlne 10lLi. eee Al
6\Intriga Bg jdeCavalhoj255|Medit 14/P1.Pnbsct oe 1
W&C ptc.f.: ciel] 2Guns jn
Intrinsic § | Phillips|414/SSh'lds}10/Phyn&Co}16|LoGrnda ET t
s. W&CXL,rp.x Srprskx4
siinverable S |F. Kernan)046|Dantz.|10 Dantzic |18\Lo.Mem!
pt ».Kl | Ox
ojlaverness S_|J.Prowder |333|Prussial39| M‘ncilage|i4\Lo,GrnldjE 1} x.
sd 05 8 Guns 3
450i— Sp |J. Litch | 84]/River D. Bain o.
ty Pcke a |
SjInviga Bg
Bk |C.Reichell 259 Akt g/Bryam&C|15}LoHavan|E I
pa oe
Bg |S. Jurdin |200)FinInd
son |Fir
S | Bergst
G |A.P, Boe
Sr |A. Burge
Bg JCummn
Bk WJ.F.Frete
Bg |P.Frober L
5 ‘Gebardt
Bg | Gorgensn
Bg |RGourlay| 86|Abrdn| 7|P. Gibbins |
S| Hacklmn)233 Domrk
GIP. Hassell] 74 Ppabg t1/Emden
Bg s| Kearshlm 15 ‘Amer, |old Capt.
Sp |J. Kitto 65 Wales
Sw |LC.Lassen 16
G Lessen| 150
Bg |OLungren 200 Swedn | 3\Sweden
Bg Adalngren 202 Nkpng] 5 AL
‘Ronga 180|Stettin |32 apt.
rb [x1
. Sanson |300|Norwy 35 a \ LoBaael. 1
|sDB ~rp93,Bu ds, 06
J — ie -R. Dahl 136 Fh H, Crudie}12\P] Drtmh
| =tha oe s] Wilhimsyoe
ME tle
Bg diJ. Zander 156 StkhIm| |Sweden
ens O&Fir w
Aldride a
Bg | Almcrim|208 Sweda |
Fir Bms| C
| Almgreen\230
NYork| 7\J.
Bg s| Anderson|175
Loesir | 5 rvine
S s.C} Campbl]/358
Bk |J. Knight }157/Thorne!/Capt&eCo.12)CoTrnsptl|A |
oDB 2 Guns
Bg |A.Krusing}!40\Cmbrl.|17J. Mores |12\Co,
Sr |JH.Larson|158/Truro {14} Elenbrebt\13|Da LyrpljE 1
Bg |J. Lewis | 95 Chepst |29| Buckle&c\10}Ex,Dblin|E {
Sp |M‘Carthy, 50/Y’ghall/l0| Kirby! 8/Du,Coast/E I
sD |FirPlank
S d|Marshal,j.94S/Hull | 5! Marshal/1G/HiDStrts|A s}* f
c.f. OX 1-12.
Bg |J.Mathias| 87/Hull |13) Key Co
Sp Miles | 55)Bdefrd| 7| Keating) 9\P1.Coastr/A I
Se | } _Miller|L01)/Kg’sYd}45) Simson) 10/LoCoastr|E
ap xKldelrp|0ie
R. Miller |169)Saltc’ts!13
S Mitchell|244\Hull (13 ee 15 Lh Bonss|E 1
c.f. X 'DB 6-12 C,
Oe. | | spn 12-19&8-14 1
¥y lp Prince 59! Bidefd |27\Captu&eCo. 9 Pl. Wales|E 1
oD |W ode Irp. XL
Bg |. Pugh BY Brinth | $|Orford&Cl1o|Li, Cork |A :
gs| Rennic 146 Boston! |WHall&C}19|Lo OprtolE rf ©
7 UN AS) iD) trp. |
Bs J,Rockley|t17|Wells | 4)W. Bagge |11)YaCoastriA 1) 4 9
03 Cx4 ptn TpSdixt| 6a@4 C.
« Turpm |115|N’fand) 6)Hine&Co.|1 0jPI Franc
som) Sips
ohnBaptistS/P, Pauels |$20/Stettin |\1 J Nobal |15|Lo.Havre E a
Lo.Triest!A 1 ‘1
1| Crowther|13
5| Moxonsil4
|L.0.C.4e| P, |w.Bnds& grp
Hmbro| 9} Wickman}
—Reid Bg | 250|Mrypt | 4|Reid& Co.
s.C xe
621 John ae \J. Simond aig Amer, |
o|—ShandSs.c J Greenup 480 Chestr
c.f. la WR
‘ Thomas Sr
y ceig nSs.C G Howard) 401
7|—Weston ‘Bg. Gibson (31 Bermu |25 ete il Li,.Mrtnc\E £
fect! <0 |sppiwp.derp.|NS| ©
Te Ann Sp T. Seddon 72\Rucrn | 4 Hozlehrst| 7\Li,DublolA 1
a |
660, —&
tosh JThompsn 129 Sndrid|19)J. ie 1ij\Lo Brmn|E ;
pt LLB x3,
9'—& Cathari-R. Stitt |S : Li, Larne|A I
< Prtlnd|E ad
| rb.Ju7 | >
: 145 Tricute LO}Hunt&Coll1|Li, Lghrojé 1 i.
Dep. X50} & jG. s.5, ay 2
Woodhall] 46/Hull ‘Capt,
» Parnell | 66
iJ. Bernes
70)|\John& Thom: Douglas|/298 Plymh |27
‘Sicp.xd 1 ph ae ay 5WRathlogs pe erp OTrp.jOx
Bg |J. Jenking/!22}/Domrk
Juv ~om/ sD
» Brown |15|LoTrnspt|E 1
, 6-18N.C, x3
Gc & &
Ee “LL oo ae Re om ae oo oof
Folley 8 Damrk bf
Be |c. Hansen, 19 Stettin! OC, tii ah Al
C, Sijtzes| 139 Finlnd |LOJ. Elall
9}—Frederica | Hollermn)120)Stettin oldG. Rinlie |10}H1 Hilnd|I. 1
876|Jonge Pieter JA. Rouse us Dutchj12@/Helland | 7\LoRtrdmjE 1
11 1 aad B |
E 1
ch a lolland
-J Tunteldr 102 Dutch |13-Caprt, 8) Lo, Baltic
I 1 Lo. Havre
G jH. Smitt LOU Emben/23]Papenbrg |!
§D | Srpra O35 grpyb,oy
ee ie te Classen 170 Dantz.|16 Dentzic 12 Li, suas 1|
Joseph S$ |P. Burgh 180 British 15 Capt&sCol12!LaBalticE 1
Bg sJ. Burrell 149 ised LO Capt. i Br.Malta E 1
xl) Hucwrti [aps
Bg |E. Clark 7a\Scilly Tidtaperce cm
sp |we&drp 09
R. Covk ‘101 poe 19 J. Culling! 9 Lo,Fayal E
| 2 Guns |
\12 Embden | 7 Lo.HIInd
Dickensn 212 Sadrid/i2 Capt.&Co, 13 LoW.Ind
Lateran 273
ouay a Ql
Sr |J.Salter | 55 %
920)— Bg s| Sargeant/196 bg
| sp fadO8PTIp S ds A. 2-6 P. | F
192/Amer.| |Philadel, [13 LiStcklm/I.
Irp.}Ox PL. |
, Ii
—Ricketson Fooldridis ge|t45) Massa.| 8) New York 12 ILiNYork Al
125 Liverpl osls, Marks |12)Li.Dubln
oD »KI,\rp. 08
Sp | Harwood 59 Nwstd |10) O'Conner
86/Prtugl |
sD |Cypris&/O.
Bg s 4 “Waulace 224/W htvn|21|\Capt.&CoJ14]Fa.
iene) P. Sds 4-3 P.
w. ane
pants 172|Bath
“W pt « BR
9 sala Bi
Sp |J. Brown | 80Scotl'd a0) Banatyne] 9
| © Jalmst rb,
§ s. W&C|GHighton 194\Italy Cox & Coj14/Lo,MckijE J
(x ef.
trp.) 15
S pt s.C|] Newcomb) 220) Philad,| SlSova&Co.
Ox pt c.f. 6DB/PBmsTp|Sds| A.
Bg |J. Niccol |t54\Sndrid | 29|J. Niccol
1.B. x? spn) Pe
Sp WJ. Palmer | 96 Dm 8|Capt.&CoJ10)\Lh Wick |E ]
By |Parkiuson|118|Whtby| 4} Parki
aD . 2 Guns
JH. Taylor 309 Shields)33/C. Wanon/! 5
sp algrp. O6 &) x3)
75 Pama 6 is
sD Fir
Bg }PD’ Orvlle/220|Stettin o[Dkershall| 14|LoSndh ery
SDB 2Guns |ser x3
01/Swedo j1]/CaptxCoJi2|LiMemel/E I
_ 4 Guns j
-G. Hoge|230|Stettin | 18|Stettin
Be : W Mnerck/115|Lymps|13 ba 10\Ly.Frnce|E I
KR. Morrip ¢p [lenO5irp,|x1 6
iIsle of Sky Be. Thorm |182|Scotl’d| 9 JHDixon|12 LiHalifx|A I
Gass |225 Dutch
'T. Hill | 49 French
oF spw)ptFrBms red
Sp |B. King 51) Bdefrd| 6|MChanter| 7|BrBdefrd A 1
V , ‘ae SDB)
Piaxton!| x Hull
Hendrina |Inglisman) 02 Groninl
| fr
. Morrison|401|Danish
60 ltrp.Oxn,|Kl epxé Gu ns
5— Ss. Waec N. Petersn|370|Hmbro} 17) Campbell 16) Lo, E I
| 6 Guns
6|— G. Pickbrenr| 74|For’gn| |Sweden Ae ts 1
5p sk
i— S djJSchroder/24! Bremn lola) Blewett]15 PlNorwy E ]
5DB rp.| XL
ii Sw | Sprotoc|l09|River |19/Capt. 10) LoSwednijE 4
508 wie
=, SsW&C] | Talbutt$16fudia [17] Thompen|i7|LoTrnspt E 7
XS ptef. x2) Hoen' 10-1.2,2-6 P. |
1090|\— G U- Undrbrg 1g2\seriendlt Stralsund |} 1|Lo.StrisdiE 1
1 Julie Leopold'J.M.Blank cay Swedn tendck|1}/Lo,SwdnjA J
| Authorne 305 River |22|Neave&CJ16|LoStKitsE 1
| | 4Guns | |C.
|—Cesar Ss.C\G. Neale (290 Whtvn] G)Piric&Co.J15 Leip 3, J
<) xg) DLichey spa| 18 & 2-49\N, |C a
Glesinia}t40'Sweedn |.ubec
110Cj— S J . Rooysan| 217 Amer.
P.Sds Fr Ci
Dos Past = |J00,Chistn |10|Westyn&c}16 Gr NYrklE 2
A |
Bg +] Bendemu}212|British} apt&Cof14|Lo.Memill, 1
SDB 2 Guns
125|Sndrid} 5)Shearinan|!2|/LoCorun|A [ A I
spain. K),trp.|x1 'pt Fir
Hutchnsn|131|Spey | 2) Hutchnsnj1!/Lh Rtdm/A 1
Ss} Schwartz!407 Hinbro 16 Petersbrg
Do SDB Srprs 4)
tne Lrp
138|Swedn |13\Capt.
'pDB | 2 Guns
12/LyCoastrjE 2
| | 4
c/LOWLi. N’find|E I
Bg djJ Horsewel) 113 Domrk 17 Henley&e
so 8|N.K1trp.|X1 ir x3
Hutchnsn|181\Spey | 2) Hutchnsnj1!/Lh RtdmjA 1
ght | 79|Lowstfi]11) Costerton} 9|YaCoastr\E I
Bg |W,Leeford)127\Lynn | 5 Hogg& Co}! 1|LyCoastrjA I
ACox |spz
G, Leytics}173/Bremn} 5 MckInbrg|12/LoBremn|A r
£D gE
aD P,
174\Nwbry| 7J. Black |12/LoAbrdn\A 1
‘DB xt
| EI
A. Oliphut124)/Dysart}17) Oliphant|!1)/Lh MaltalE I
apBE 9-3 P,
46| Leeds ” Fletcher) 6|ExCoastr|A 1)
| | |
221/Swinm|12Swinmndel2|LiCrishm\E t
{137|Dysart}13) Thompsn}!2|LoTrnspt|E J
SDR 2 Guns
u8}Massa.} 5J. Noyes |12/Be.NYrk/A I
| A,
125|Sndrld} 5/Shearman|!2\LoCorun/A £| 4-2
5Justina SA. Joy
'T soll
part Fir
Culmr |10| Dronthm!|13/Li.FlnsbgiE 1 FI
»s.COxct}] Molly spwirsdacgep [x2
Katharine Bg|J. Bibbins 129 Kismr | iC er |10/Li Lisbon
BN D&tepe|(7
I20/Elsmr | J
129) Amer, | 8]R, Fuge [1 Lo.N’An
KineGeoree § J,Cottcr 200 River 32 NenreicC 15 LoSVine F.1
_@ 5 ey pt ef Grp.09& P
|H.Roberts| 79|Kinerd}22\F, Joy
ep jalmac rb./09 |
bi\Kingsmill $ |
| gp Cpreb. x |
i noua A. Hall |177|Amer.
5 Southard op |L.0.&C
IKinpstonbs. - Dower |380 Bristol |1
4— § Wal Stevensa 203 postal 34
ow Cx? O91B) Kelly rp.
$s.C| _White|@8 Halt”
15 ¢.£.06 rp.Ox| WA Drpix5 grp.
fi wsW, Wise [200 we
>} — Be s|N.Blundel|i 25)Prenc
aD 0. & Pint
apt. .CLB.Xxs)
ij/Kranick S_ jC, Becker |%
L 1814-1815
x3 pt
L'Eroe Sw |R.Messin J18Sicily Capt.&Co}!
| | ptP.noC iclijng 8 Guns
4|\L’Sage G |T, Gille 72}French 1\Capt.cCo] 7\Lo Diepp|A 1
5D 11
5\La Bella Ma4 Ellisentall ah Amer,
iw. T Sils & erp. xs
9 Direction. PF. Rakliti/200:. Lubec t2Christiana| 1o|!
TiGier dwn x Loeb ap
§|Lady Andovr W.Walto
S 501)
.Ww&cC I. B.xS JSevitin |s ‘DB |
20 S oe Se ager|213|N land slGGurland 15 eer Al
Hi17|NScotJ35| Lynes |10|LoLimre|E 1}
so |BB.&P.)np|&Srprs0T | x3
Ss.C CB.09, 5px
30|-—Cathcart |W. Osbornl16 Leith
$D Birsd,y ayk|Tp ;L'- |
1)—Charlotte |R, Biggins| 57|Leith |old|W.Gjbbon}I 0 LoCoastrl. 1
Hope Bg
S.C xa] G Cobb
7\—Hill Bg |W. Wills
trp, -1g\C..
Christnsn|!5/DramCoJE |
Penryhn SIT. B 29|River |29|Law &Co.)16LoG
gi— Pe n S/T’. Burges |322/River |29)Law &Co,/1 rida
We prek.o9 “2 9} 19-9 C,
| xe
|_Ridleyss P. Inglis 373 sloiyth 2|Inglis&Co}16|LoGrndajA I} A 4
iNdeisom = X4) 7.Ovson [spB |
—SarahPrice|J. Hughes| 55|Strngfd) 6)F. Gelson| g/LiCoastr|l 7
sp |Fir Pink |P. |O.M.
Ss. W &Cpte.£. SFr&B| | 2 Guns Al
7 ee Watson|3i6/Hull |22/Old & Co.|15 LoTrnsptiE 1]
. x3] 8-18 N.C, | x:
16/5 Markhm| 9 taco I
OT p Lsbun|E I
l Lawrie, 8 ary
? Guns an
13|Burcham | 9)Lo, at
| Nahan,s,
Banseoger 15)P1.Philad A
7s ere 9|LoRtrdm'| A
42 Sndwh
| 89 Tonin,
’. Smith 155 Shiels ecb eA 1
spe 2:95)
8 Williams| 9 rt 7
120|Petrh’d} 9|G.Skelton|11|HI Oprt
sp |ptO.M.| |
322\Chepst| 6,T. Daniel
ge 32-Capt&Co] &/PaCcasti|E ‘
151 pees. * s.C G. Lewis
C of KY
2)— Sp J. Quick | 64
i Ss Sinclair|244'PrtInd ee L4j;Li.N.Or|.).4 + i
4 SS sR, Taber (307/Conect{12'J, Lovett |15/H1 Baltic Ee
aes ae
Ss W.Warren
244 Quebe 19 Hameo
| | wow. 2 P, |
Laurel § sid J. Atkins |32) Hull weaete (6/H1Ptrsbe| E 1 he
xi J fa k xl | 6-6 P, 2
Sp |W. Davis «
Bg VJ. stale Lnestr lo6| Armsted| ! 2}Lo, Havre EQ
SPB Nn BSds & |
Sws.CJ.Fox |222 Liverp! i\J.
cf xh) J, frill vr a athe i
1 A.
Sr Wrbty. 108 Tumth! 6/Green&C, aWales }
c.f X4 ODE |
Bg Mackie}!112,Mntros| 1/Capt.
Bg |A. Munro 129 Sndrid 2) Lumsdale11/Lo. Naply
p | Seer
sC 1.B.( 9) p | 6 Guns
170\Leander S_ | Drumond ats Goo 5 Wood&C,|14 Gr.BostnlA I
Bg |C. Heath |223'Bath — ps
176jLeda Bg | Alexandr|102|Swedn i . Basse een EY}
sD x1)
7|\— Bg |C, Dunkinj114 Sree M 12,Lo.Lubec|E J
| soe wBScgrp, XL | x3
§|— Sp jR. yi Sexton 91)Whtby| 7/Andrsn&c} 9 —— A : a?
Mes 5D x
‘}— S s. CG.boto NYork!10,New York ig .Cadiz\A I), %
. Xl
1svl——s—séPoll' ¥Eidsed 303} It
| | ptcield 4.5, 4-9P.8-0,491-18 C 09
1|— G sA.Wencke!150)/Bremn| |Bremen |12,LoBremn|E :
iD ik
2}— Ss.W&C) Wilmot|403/W htby! § Richardsn|18|LoTrnsp Ad
3}— Bg | Woodthrp| 91|/Y¥rmth 12Green&C,| 9|Lo.Hgld|E 1
cay SDE | 2 Guns xs
4\Lee Bo |W. Cassen|!76|Wrktn ais toon i3|Li. LghrnjE 1h 7
spn ! 6)§
— S pt d Crompton|363 Hull Ss Lee |17/HID.StrtjA I ‘et
8-6P,| Dy. x3
6\Leeds Bg |J. Rayner|!71|Selby | 4'R. Moxon! 13|HilPtrsb A 1|A; t
CB. Montrupiso8 x3
Bg ns nih eobaete 173Selby | 7,Cooks&C.}13|HlLondnjA 1
Sr Venanto
10 Guns Ox
5|Leighton Sr |AJ.Wilson ee Lnestr 3}J Leighton 9} Li Lisbon|A ,
6|Leipling G |P. Zulcke 116 Rewld 10)\Capt&Co]10)\Li.Gtnbr) E I
7|Leipsig Bg 3|Crompton 205/Hull = |!4/Hall &Co,)12/CsTrnspt Et
Bg ar. Dryden|t99|Hull |14 Drydens|14\LoAmstr\E 1
sDB 4 Guns 5
G |W. Drum}i05|Domrk/|18}Hall &Co,)12/Gr.QubclE I
SDB\Fir rp.j09
134|Berwic| 7 pers: 1)|LaCoastrjA : |
lel 78\Udeval 9} apt.
sp | O&Fir
. Cowley
M,.Foas Ip.jxS| o Guus
. Fisher }153 Bostoa }oprowale® ui ie
4) wD rp.
Harriect ILI Ya.ShldslE I
Srpr: x4
4 86/Rehestr [lu ee 10/TpCoastr\E Ife
JU 5
P, P. Sds ‘be, rO5
. Wilson | 92 Newhg 3] Wilson&e lLaBrema
uP. Collas 188|Amer,
5iCarterit&|13)P1.N‘fnd|A I
\x3| 8-9P. | ,
263|Boston |43| Staniforth|15/Li,Grn'ldjl. 1 rt
np uwé |irpi()l 10-6 P.
J. Hex 13|Amer. |13/W. Pulmer|l ay traibjE 1] Ey
F. Hornb ool Dan Prijold Capt.&cCo] &
J. Leisk 176 Abrdn |15
| Tomkins'217\N, Bros} 3\R. Pagan 13’ LoN Brns|
2 Guns
Levy fd
JGodon} sp Siper x
Jackheltz| 189 Swedn
3| Staniforth/15/Li,Grn'ldjl. J ft
OL 10-6 P.
| $8)/Liverp)/22|W,. Clare
> rb, XZ
| “Ox
Crs,C} Thoborn 128 Hstngs| 9/Treux&C.j12 Batiacs Al
46P, x1
/Tomkins!217)N. Bros 3)R. Pagan |13' LoNBri
ve 2Guns |
1}— Frederic |J. Rodgers |
Sw s.C x
84) Norwy|11 iMxwll&e l LoEmdnlE 1 I
ep |FrCielng 2 Guns ,
49/Yrmth| 8)|W.Palmer| 7|YaCoastr,A 1
351(Lively Sp
A. Low
$0 B) pt O, M.
Sheringtn|104/Stcktn| 7|Stockton {11 an A I
S ¢J.Kinnard|277 ~ ne
5 : 5. Ryder aoe ss 3|/M ‘Carlton 13 wer
376|Livingston . G ¥
Sw : 2-3 P. 1
Livonia S c.f.| Nichvlee}218|Sndrl’d|13| Dowson|t4|/Lo.Hayti 7
rS0 » bs Oe ae eh spall) ie
$«,.COB ptOx * ,
330 Liaustephen T. Willi $7 Wales |11)W. Morris)! 1|Lo. Cork| a
N. M‘Neil
| 70, Oban |14\Lake&Co,| 9\Li.Dubln|E 1
390|London 5
WAC pte.f.x1]_
| Ss.C + Barclay 260\Stcktn {15} Dowson/l4 tate ET I
pte. xs] fe," 6-18 Cc,
Bg s. ss W. Brows 193)\/
4 b Guns
7|\— Ss.W&C Davidson)339 Whtby |20] Chapman|i7|LoTraspt|E I
ptc. £x1] mB.) | 10 Guns _ xi
08 05
Bg dlHl.Dryden 113|Whtby |s1|Fosterée|12\Lo. RigalE 1
sD 2 Guns 7
Carol /20J. Annen |13|LoB — I |
OPP. Ip. 12 Gujns
Ghani 3 Dsiwp&trpJx] 12 Guns }
6}— Ss.W&C\R, Simncy|379Sndrid |14]J. Spence |L0|LoTrnsp.|E I
len.) 9] 8-18 C,
, ‘,Scollay| 76)Scot!’d | 27) Lakltr&C.| 9/LhLrwek|E i
$0 | trp.OL&|x?
—ForbesSs.C Mackie)556 Chestr {11)/Card&Co.|17|Lo.Bengl|E i Ey
x1 on _|xp&etrp.|x5] 14-12 N.C x3
: HobartssC Gamage 18U/Sitemb
c.f.) JBowden Srpws
{Strnwy! 2/M‘Iver& cj 12 }ftimae i /.2
sDn| O.M.
8}—Melville S [T. Atman|351|Blythe| 5|Hawke&C|17|CsTrnspt A r
s.C Ox jsoD 12-12C, |. 7
Sk [Haliburton !57;/Leith | 2} LhShpCo.}1 )|LhLondn A
pte.f. x3 sD we =
470 S s.C|M.Watson/214/GIsow, |10
S dix&pts.Cx?
2i—M ulgrave
Nelson S Armstrog J19)Scrbro |lo
} RGoilacds pe cee Q
119 pee 17\Gray& Co}10)Lo Havre|E I
rprsjO6| 2 Guns
S s Harrisool 177 acy Meare 13|Lo.Curac|E M
0 a4P. 4-12C,
94)Domrk sd Blackbrn| 7|P!.,Coastr|k:
Ir. UT
15 Z. Brown |12/Lo, Mdrall. ¥
aD F:Cielng
s|— Ss. c D .Phillips}265|French|12) Mullion |i4|LiRioJan|/E -
9 \-9P. 12-9C)s« 09
6D allen, & rp. 4| 2-6P10-9¢
1j— ans E. Smith |150)Amer, |Pr) Lanfrank)11|/P1.Gbritr|E 2
sD | O.& Fir |
Ss. W&C| Taylor 401|Berwic|t4 Dunbr&C
2|—StHelens $5} Todridge|279|Whtby {1 +) Woodcoh| |
5|—Somers 5 |J. Brown |
Landles}453/Qubec | 5) Chapman|1s|LoTrnspt|A
} 10-18 N.C.
| sD | Gel? P.
7j— Ss. W&C|Slighertm)410|Whtby| 4)Richardsn|17|LoTrnspt|A 1]
cub, 6-18. xi
8|—Whitworth| ( Douglas/294|Whtby|!1]Cummngs|16/LoMrtnc|E 1 r
Ss.C xl J,Youd £0 B|Nd&lrp,|X2 8 Guus x4 e3) *° I
G|Lorenzo S A. Wills |250/Conect{10|A. Wills |14/HavanCofE 1} 4
520|Loretto Sw |MGMayza/!94/Pomra] | |
1)Lorina Bg |f. Artis pat
Los Buenos |J. Jackson|400] Danishjola|P. Pons
Hermanos 5 SD Birpxt FrK
Lothair S |J.Zubice [307] Massa. ;
J Stone -f
Lottery Sp WJ. Sladea | W0}Lno
525} Sw | Thompsn|i45}/B
af = Aut
6} + Hebron{16|LoMrtng\A |}
LO Guns
| a
oe" Oo
| >
540\—Sally Sr |J. Nagle N’fland|12| Garland} 9\Co,
1|Louisa Bg | Armstrong 93 Plymh | 4/Hill& Co.)11)/LiExeter r
§,Biowuii 2 Guns i.
Sw s| Atkinson 134 Derry 31/Cotter&C. 11) Lo,
C35 Ox soa} N’} | 10-9 NC. Bo
gi— aioe’ > 5 Davey |220)Amer. | 3|Lockyer&|11|Fa.Packt/A 1]
$50 st
Sp uh vy de 5\Capt.
ap (Cl,
4)Sharp&CJ 9/YaNorth/A 1
5] Ark
189 Ame 12 *Higgin 11/Du. Lisbn| E
k |] @n P.TpSds
63 Yrmth| 1\Bathey&C
133Ulvrstn 4 eha, Li.Lisbon|A I
SPB i l
348|Lnestr| 5 — Li. N’find|A . iv
i LoTmept AY ]
MG sno 6 Guns xS
S s. a R. Young |345|Lnestr |16/J. Russel |15)|Lo.StThs|E 1 r
spp grp07,Sr prs (B,erpx3,6-9\P. - ‘J
Henrick| 80) Dutch | 1L0\Capt&Co! 0)
sp os
4\Lusitania S J, Barboza\333!Brazils) |Brazils |! te
s.WAC LB.) | Ow 6 Guns jn) 09
5/— Ss.W&CIR, Brash (245)Wells | 10 JAI
c.f. x3 6-12 Cc. 10
6 Lustig Bg d| Reynorst/220 Stkhim| 9 Capt&Co!13|/Lo.Ostnd ~
7\Lustae S VWJ.Fouman/?3i'Hull |10| Johnson|!4|LoJamaijA I}F.{
s.W&C pte.b.07| C-Harris ews| & Guns ) 7 i
S)Lydia Bg s| Atkinson|115)StThos) [Malta at
9/— Sw s,C/Balberney|112|Norwy| 9|/Hmltn&C\10jLi, LghrajE 1
1.B. 4% smn) Oa Fir | 46 P. 9
650}\— Bg | Butterfill
—" 9\Capt.
O5i\Lydia S S G, Frantz a0 | N.Bdfd| ln 13|Co.
" A
W. Hall 1320) Abrdu
Bg |EHarlowe|163 Mussa.|11
paymontl L2iLIN YorkiE ’
A. x1
Ss.C} Nicholal353|NYork| 5 Fry & Co,)16|LoTrnspt|A 1
e.b. Drp.|X1L x3}
Sw | Richmnd/157|Amer. |10,Capt.&CoJt4)LoNYrkjE
, 5DB | 09)
S s|W. Taylor/274| Massa./10 New York|16|LiPhilad/E 1
G |H. Vinck as Dutch |! rie 8\Lo.Grnin/E ©
660) Lyme Trade Perry 102 Dutch old Dunn &C,) 8/TpTenby
ep |nCielin & trp 08
ijLykleg Sk | Stilstrom) 91/Carlsc. 14'Capt 10.LoNrkpnjE 1
¥ 9 Lynx Sw |G-Phillips}it1)Abrdn }12, Bruce&C.10\LoGtnbriE 1
Lyra Bg | G.Symons}117|Sndrid |17|Symos&C}11|/LoRtrdmjE 1) py
| sD . Guns 4
Sr West |109|Massa.| 9 |
M 1814-1815
2\Mabella S {T. Neskell/225)Norwy| 4|N. Mow |13)DuNrwy)A if
soelO. & Fir
3 ene « Revens /280/ Amer. | 8 Kemp&C 10|Po.N'Hnd] b Ey
OP. 4-6C
4| Macedon Sp R. Jones | 72) Pulhly 2) William | §|Br.Livrpl|A ¥
5|Macedonia |S. Jocovic|275/Trieste |! Capt&Co]t5)Lo Malta) E
Sw pteviledss.| G Guns |ux
6 ne ~ Gonsules | im Amer. | 8)/Brazjis {1 4 LiBrazilsiA
Maderia |1)) Li. Md’ra BF
|) Johuston| 16
W renga 19
Parker&eC l7
Gr Saviola| cA
ListUbes/A | |
Pl.Caiol, A 1
9) Maddison Ss J. Quin 210 Knebe | 8
10,\Madoc S i Dunbar 384)N. Bidlfl! 4
O&FrTp Sis’ A,
1\Magdalen Bg J. Facey |212\Scutl'd|t3|/RScougall13) ”
- Cxi ares SDB 10 Guns “ty
2— Be R. Wig sg 1880 188|MagIsl] 3) Magdlolsl19)Li CanadjA : At
x5| Sawyer son 0.%8. |G dingaC
ee S J. Broad tees pra old) Thornton
G Doyer 103 andes
S er rre For
condemned O09
| CWinter| so} ||
j)—Catherina |P. Green |150/Wisby | 6/Calmar
2\— G |C,Neiman}155/Alenbg|! 3/Rostoc
51 M Ifa. S s.CjR, Ball
aps iJir
Junckes {221Swedn 9\Capt.& Co L0|Lo,Baltic|. I
sD Fir
Be JCleghorn}173 Hull
sD Binuw, rd
Bg s.C| Elphinstn}! Ny
‘ 10-9 & 6 P. b
Ss} Ogden/2s1 ee 25 W. Wiles 16|PIN Y ork\E t
ptt. G.) Lr
Ss&d'S, Ward |235)Hull 26 Egan 15}H] GrnldiE Ij J:
O2) Ant a) 6 |e.
Sp |Wilkinson| §2\Hull
1/Mandarin Ss E, Dunbar 3LO| Nwkry)1
Line la
2|Mangles 5
| s.W&C x2
76 SERN M‘Connel!195|Bltimr
Tenant!!4/Li. BltmrjA 7
- Ox
275|Hull |15)D. Crane [15/H1Stklm -
Drp.u7} 4=4 P.
Banfield ay Fs 4/Capt&Co]11 BrNwprtA- )
sor/Eln Bem 1
5!)| ifrein, 17 Capt.&Co]10|FaBristul “im
F. Gould |14 LoBilbou'E ' |
3|Manucel G |G. Martinjt 80 Stettin 17/Stettin = {19} Lo Ptrsbe ma
.C.White 260 Ostend 17|Rabell&C)15|Lo. Mem! E r
4 Guns |
Trieste 14 Maranhm |13|Li Lisbon BE 1 .
6i— Sws.CiA. Wise [150)Whtvn) 6} Breklbnk)12/Co, A 1
(9) SDB
7 en bg W. Starks|192|Wrktn | 2)\W.Neilson}12/BeJamaiJA i LL
05)British 31/A. Stevens/11 oe E I
G| Marcellus 8 |W. Ward |370 ikea! 4 Boston
3.C C.B.xy¥ PLP. Sds Sp rce Bms& Knees
90] Marchioness | Hennah/!SOjLiverpl) J 1o-reoasr 15)t
ofQueensburyBgis.C ¢ £xt | |
G. Balks | 8)LoCoastr iy Ley
BD ax
MargaretSs.C\J. Allen [262|Milfrd | 4)Laird&Coj15/GrN Pro, A 2 \{
ob. soe (h1284-6P)
y | Anderson|!18/Amer, | 5| Anderson|10/Gr.Havre E WEY
sDWw 1
Be s.C/R. Baker |165|Amer Caton |11|Li.Africal/E 1]
LO|Ex.SndldjA i! Ar
Skelton'14/Li, Meml|A ‘ LE
2 Same 6
Wardlow 179
Grindley 12\LoTrnspt|E r nf
J »Blo¥ ab wBnds &
TplSdsOx 4Gns
0/Youghal |
15|Lo, ShidyE 1) yp ¢
7 ent ik | Hoppell
Margarets a Davidsn 16 aia I cathe 13) Lo, Ay
'oOs |
Ss M‘clymnt/240/Grnoc 17 Campbell|!5,'Gr.QubclE } .
LYaw Dn | 2GuN CW Tip wt iy cy
7 MargarethaS Wert|247 Stettin |1 |
5 Hansen ieity oStettin
an §rp-X2,N| D x&grp.x4
Bg |R. Curson) 78.Yrmth /15/Towel&C] 9|LyCoasti|E 4 IF I
ap | D.derp,.'x8 |& x3
G | Grenevid/202'Prussial 8'Russia
Bg |D. James o7Wats 8 cn
G | Kortland) 216 Bremn |11 Capt &Co|13/Lo, Revel] E I
sp (Fir
spa Fir
9|—Sibella Bei H,Wessels!210 Bremn |18|/Bremen
190 oa Smith ee 12Wilson&Ci1 1/ExCoast./E |
icelgs 196|Swedn |10}Petersbrg |14/Lo.Emdn\E 1}
5 Nirninyen es
Ps Hillman!
5 s avy. or
By d "Sorkitvass j
| Irp.! 09
Q04|Norwy| 7\Capt.
505 2—4 P.
hed 1] Beveridge|15|LhRtrdmjA I] 4 i
Bg s Py O4'Spain |Pr/Rains&Col19|Lo.Sh'lds|l. 1
09 | 10 Guns
Bg Alson |104'Rostoc| 5|Wanstor
sp |U. & Fir 9
Sp | Anthony| 54)Dutch |Pr} Huxtable] 8}Hl Nwry|E i
5D Sx X1
Be |R. Aves | 84French) |Capt.&Co! 9/Lo,Limic
G |U.Barclay| 96 Dutch
sl W. Bartley ihe 12] _M‘KrealtalLi. Derry, a
5 e
INDATp i <54
Lei gh&Cof13|
Deauing) 1-95)Spain
‘ne Wtivoces 6)
151|Yrmth |22 J. Estall
. | 2Guns_ |
Ferriman|330}Plymth)20 T. Brown |I
| Binderlke 133) Live pila 22 Price &Coji2
7 Capt&Co,|11
Grayson 104|Wrktn | 2
JP cbles | sp
J. Griffiths . Wales Cer 10
360|Konin. {$1 ICaptéeCo, 16\LoG ae L "
Du Lyrpl} i 2
3 Lo Bordx|: I
Lo.Ostnd|l. 1
Br Ptrsbg KI
YehliCo,|A 1 |
22(|Maria Sp |M.D.Heer| 60 Emden|17/Capt.&Co| 9
i|\— Bg d| Hegting |243 Prussia old| Prussia
s}— Sp |EHendrsn| 68 Cowes /21/J., Knight
sp len.&lip, x2
— Sr |D. Hobbs| 62 Bdefrd| 5|Andrw&
H.°: ha ol 5D |
93.1— Bg x Hohurst{iG0 Bremn |17|\Capt&Col! 1|Br.StLu
— Bg |HH.Holst}i 20 Yrmth |! 2/Capt
snl x3|
3)— S | Hopstoch|352 7 |eapeaeCo 16 aCpneh LI
O&CPP Sd x?
| = Wales | 2
7\— Ss.W&C) Jennings|320 Hmbroj17 pet: ies, Ke 4
LB, pt c.f. 0; 10 Guns |sx 0
8|— Sr | Kellicke ha 10)/P. eck Co,
— Sp i. Kelway a French|Pr\J. hen 7\Fa.CoastriE I
240) — Bg J. Kidger | 71 British 14) Dickson
IDB almst rb, x?
6|\— Swpts.C)} M/‘Gill
U9 pt LB... eedey
201 a §\Laird&Cul13/Gr.N’And|A 1
| MfKirdy
62 Leith |15|Read&Co|
Matgit Is
251;Maria Sw jJ. Mason [1)2/Brmth|13; Thom
Drp. x3 9
a S. Moody 11 1{Sndrid /17/T, Annett| 1 1|LoCoastr| E u
ap jlendegrp. Ox
J. Newby ree |
Bg jE. Olsen | 94/Prussia
lsoR Fir |
a Bg 3\F. Perhot 180 N. Eng 21/F
x? N.Tpsds & |Irp. Ox
Elbiug j9/Capt&Co]12|Lo.Baltic
3i— So 8s Rsinsberg 130 ae
Ss.C Rawlinsal2 t1/Amer. | 7G. Elmer |I be veil
| | Psa] “| aie
ee 224)Stettin| 5|Stettin
‘Salisbury 77|Yrmth |27| Brown&C}11/Ex.Lond.
~Weeke | ap pan w Dé Deen
Bg s.C/ Tregarthn| 159 Wales | 4/R. Daniel |]
x2of) Kicla dsilspa) | | 6 Guns
pt. Bog
Ss.W&CiJ. Weller
C.rp.55 09 U8 &
LB. rc.
8)—Anna S_|Hendrick 93) British | Pr/Capt.te
Ss.C]} Rodon/200|/Amer
Elizabeth | Ekelund|115|Norwy|11 we Lo.Gtnbr
Bg SD | part Fir |
| Groninglt 150 Pomra {1 1}Capt.
se Fir ped 4
H ore 313| British
351|Maria Xaverijde Weerdt|144|Dutch |11/Russia
G iD
—&Ann Be | Goodman{!1 |Abrdn |15U. Sids
pt ep pt Fir
gj—&Sarah G| Isbeste:! 9 |Unmrk itskill
eo |Fir
Marian Sp |R. Brown] 6: |sthton |27\Capté&eCo]| 9)LoC
ao of
5\— $s.C art brad 34)]Hull {10/D. Gonnell16/GrJamai.'E 1
Win}ioB 6 Guns
6|— § WAC Jameson, 224)Amer. |20/Prince&CJ13 pear ]
part c.f. (hx | s Dtrp(\Strp (Ox 10-L¥ C. x3
7|Marianna Bg!A. Daniels} 26j| British )
| PS
7 Marianne § |R, Butler |170)River a7| saat} 13} Fa. | Ex
1.W&C x3 c.b, grp.(x3| LO-12 P.
Bg ‘W. Davi |132 Bdetre 1Q|WV. ‘Tail
| sop flen,& rp
S sJ. Hardy {193/N’fang|t1| Spurrier13/Po.N'fnd| r
x3 s 2-4P x 2-6C
Srs.C/P. Law | 70jRiver |2y\Harvey&c} 8 Br. Malta|E 1
Ox cf. sn |Bttm LO 10 Guns
Sw s|ASchmidi Ls3 Amer. |17|/Papenbrg |13/PLAmstr.
222|Serbro'14)R. Taylor 1
IWhten 11/Carr& Co,
4D 8)
84 Dysart|10,Capt.
sp FrBottm|
Wastman|150|Russia | 4/Petersbg
én |Fir
| s4i Wales 1 Redmon |: &
grp.|Ox /4-9cv-L¥ P.
135 ane
Bothan) 633 Lrclian | L4 N*Catuen iSiLoBotBu E
ar amas i4|Lo.Dblin|E 7
% 9- 5-6P.3-9C.
P.T pSde We
187/Ppabg|!5| Kercofij 1« Lh Riga |E 1
lig sil. Baron |
74, Dunde| 4)/Capt.
SY L.Proee E. Wilson|12}GrGadlp A
sn | Teek
173 rth | Y/Capt.&Col14)LoDublini A
sou 4& Guns
Sp s A ieeasniae — Prize | |D. Laird |JolGrN’flodE
Be siJ.D. Allen 1 Nwestl is Beswick c/] J|/Lo.Pillau| LE
snp) ptn.p.
93'\Promh 26 H. Massey 11
0 | Gliterdak
2 Guns
Ss.Ci\R. Barry |$44)Bermu |?) Twemlow|L2}LiAfricall I
jC.rsdua >, rp. (OX earns Cc.
“Bi 240\Nby, P 13}D.Hughes) PLChistnlE 1
eyplina ‘DB
Sr T. Davidsn| 96) N.Brns! 1)
. E, care ¥Be.SurinjE J
sD 4-4P&2-4C.
Bg s.C} Tf. Durant|] 22} Wells 11 | Hammod)))|HlHmbrfE
Xl ‘DB 6-6 C. |
Bg |R.Holland) yo|/Yrmth }1, Eilard&C. 10 YaCoast,/E J
\H. Chaplin | sp
Bk s.C\R, Hulmes}208|Dnmrk| |C.Dowson|13,Cs Trnspt| E ]
pt c.b. sop | | ee
G. oe 10 Ya.SndldjA I
. Jeffries | 73|NScot. 4 5 Capt&Co. 10 CoN ‘flnd|A J
| Dp _ Srprs x4
Sor 10, LoCoastrE 1}:
Kirby |359|Quebc} 9 Fraser & C|1
x 10 Guns
Bg |N. Knight}150|Amer. |20)J.A. «Check
. Wood yf I
Staniland| 9: Ya. AJ
S s.C| Loughton|312|Danish/14)R. Holt
pt C.B. Ox epB| SrprefiX} 14-9,
GON Mary S s,C|/DM'Bride[334]Grnoc [26] Stiting]i(|GrJamafE 1} £-
ne rb. 8 Guns 4
| Ss] MCouul:|22 |Amer, 1PifWyliedeC]i 4] itGdlpdE
x1 spa} Srpr} |
Sp | \M*owatl] 5. [straund i | Japt&Co) 9} 2u.GrncfE
a. )
Sr {it. prie| i [Torby |) [Cedner&e} | Pn N'A EL
Ms 1p len.
Bg Matthews |) = nee apt£&e Co | 1] JuStkin
pte. F. x5 |
By |i. Metcali dy Sndild| ¥{funner&e|: 1}Pi Cardiff.
2 Guns
Bg sc). Miler S N Prov.) 4] Poster dC.) ic!GrN Pro,
Be Mitchel | 73|)Drtmli |! i}Goss&Co.! &| ln Livrpl/E !
T,Uwern | op jlen& re] 9 5
Bo |WMiteheiH07|N,Eng)2 19. Gedder}io/LbAliont/E |
(3! sO0kirb wel lo] A.
Sp |XMonday| 5¢)5thton | 2o|Capt. 4|LoCoastr lo I
be s.Acu |W. Monr SOF \i dull 34) Audersan| 4 uh Ptrsb ] F l
go sDB | D&tr; | 2|NTpSisderp,|X4 ges
s|A. Moore }27Ulirvine | 9) tMunter&c|!5|GrQue Avr
rp x56-C it Oa) 2 Guns s
#. Moore] 63)For'gn| | Greenlow! &|Lo,Diep
By | Morguy)! 1 |Ghsbre}d! ones&Ci:)11/CoLondalE 1
By s.C) A. Nithwi ars WV Writs/] Thompst
; Drp |x4| 6-12 C.
Bo MW. Olrver|187/Briush| |R, Hill = [11)/YaNorthiE 4
+ Dv flen.rad&s ltry |
Bg |\V. Otty }152)¥rmth|23}Hurry&C)1¢)Lo¥rmth eT I
IDE trp.l09
Begs} =. Owen |205)French])4]/Ackers&C}13)Cod,
AN 2 Guns
Sr |N, Owen 57 Mrypt} (lOwenn C) &/Li. NuryiA %
Bg |T. Owen 100 Wales | s/T. Owen |t(|LoHavrej|A } Ar
Sp WV. Parry | 3yfVales [29] Eyans&C.| 9\Cork Fa. BS
Sp s.CiR. Petit | 67/Scotl’d|16| Redmayn| 8}LivrplCoE
Bg s.CjA. Ward
pt ‘ x1
| BrP.
— Abererro} Morrison | 52 Midutt! ee
*D OTimbrs P.
op iG 3
yo Yrnth i Palmer&c
as ot
Lo. Conkle 2}
Baros 98 Mrype $3) Nicholson! 9
sD |
5S s.W&kC Buttrrw cr} 180 Whtby 16\J. Bone (17/C#'frnspt| ©
arr |scm) Srpes xl] 3-18.
Sw sC D, Chestr 184 Swedn I7/ ERG isher|13)Li, Brazil] E |
Bg |JChristian 108 |Mrypt 26|/Capt&Co] 10] Mr Bl fast
Sr {T.R,Cebb "6g French
} 60
Sp | Coleman a Cork 2
Sr |TCatteral] 101 / :
Bg |[Crewdsu) 70/frish /25)J. Jaties | §]We
iDB rad.j0e
5 oC) W. Curry |h7-4) Btevia| 8] Newmrch 17\Li.PnsclyA 1 Ast
pte XA x Todd] | Teek AD-12e A.C
CLd ards \
Bg s|RK.Garrick)144)Amer.
x3) Sorvmgeouf son 10-6 & 4-4 P,|sx
Be s| avin |198)/Bruns.| 5)/Portland
Ox sp |
Sr | Germain)120j|Amer.| 7| O’Brien|l1|MrtocCojE 1
| €
Sp |J.Griffiths) 55|Wales |93)Harris&C.| \FaLivrpl|E 3
aD |
1]; — Sw pts.CJ. Gwinn |174|Prize Fisher&C.)13/CoLivrphE 1
sph | |
S s.C’} Hamilton'239| For’gn G/Stokes &C}15|LoSLeonjA 1} 4 4 ,2
LB |a5 Li ew VN Ly
es Ford 1 Co.
Bg | Harding) 56|Plymh -Rawlins|10|Wa.Lond|E 1] E #2
Sr Harlan| 51|Norwy| 6J. Hall
captured | sp \part Fir |
p |\WHawkns| 35 ate
Bg |C.Hendry| 87/¥rmth|10'Crickmay| 9|Li.Hmb E 2
S s.W&C(C, Jones |430/Rhdlsl, ana 18|LoTrosptiE 1 E- .
‘rp.06 10-9P| & |1%12C. | ox
ls Lo.MaltalE, 7
11|Davisk Co
4 Guns
| 6|Cotter&C
captured '
1j— Ss.CiR, Perey
&chx ct pe Pruce
Y itchie!?
Mt |
11 !Hobns&C, 1 4/LoSKit
2-4 P. Loins * 4]
pt LB. ( |
5\— Bg J, es 105|Wales {14
Be siJ. Service wolE |
ac Cs Lowrie [sn cipepaicent 5 AGrAntw 4 oh
Sk J. Stames| 59) itchstr |15 ne 9Y|/Ex. Lond|E 1]
M eredith!
9) Du,
15|Lo.MaltalE J
5,ptCxl, ptl.B.
S 3! Woodman) 19;
S)— —F'rances Ar
Bg 1
4|—Barrett isg/C. Folger
—Causon Swi Pra
s. WE pte.fx Dili: 4-6 é 2-3P- 10 E.2
6) Dorothy |G. Brown]i86 Sndrid 8/M.Robson|14|/LoTrnsptjA J
Bg s.C ptc.f. | | # Guns x”
7/—Lilen Sw |M. Ennis
Fell Bgs.C) Wallace|i53 } Ar
x5 SDB tFsPink| ole
Ford § sJ. Spence |30s]iiitish |39| Barber&C LOjLiSthn’si) 1) Ly
sn 8 Irp.Jud | ey ;
Casting 5|Castine
75) MaryleabellR. Mossop|183(SSh’Ids|19 Capt. 12(/Du,WhtnjE Fr
sp n\n p.drp. x
‘| — akinah S J. Jokey [s80)British| § silva 1: AN2
sC cf! 7
S]—Whitule SrlJ. Beatty |153)Amer. |
z.C en
4/—& Ann Sp » Lyle 40) Perth
sp |Fr Hottm | ,
5 of 'M. Miller|33) Whtoy| 7] Mitchel} !6).0JamaiA J
L.=6 P,
6/—& BellBg s M‘Donald| 142 Amer, |Pr Ure & Co} HGrBovdx B 2 L-'
He: Betty ise'D. Davis 70 Nrthw, islw. Broem| 7|Li. Nwry E
su |
6 Sp | Saunde in 29 H.Edwrus| 7/CoFalmhil, 2
oj— Bg J. Tugguit!t 34 Hrngt, 8Capt&Coli i /LiDublinjA 1) A,r
| ong:
60l—& Devry: Heickm: 7 ok nom | Blebr jtojV).LivrpHE 1
V—& Eliza * Bee. Dannett 309 Shields 32, W. Bolton|t5iilGmlaE me
s&idG6. J. Ceuk erpSrp ox! 6 Guns 2
2 Sp |N. Row | 4! ‘vales | ee o}Du Wafd kt 7
3}--&Elizabih P. Gard | 50 Plymh)t8 A. Fox | 7/Fa Grnsy\l
Barge. | ep!
4—& Panes i Burrow|410 Massa,| §/Buston 17;Li.Christ\|A [|
5— = Ss.xdJ Welburn 335 Mall |32)Hall &Co/10|HlNarva JE i} pot
x3M, Mviris Ison grp.l Srp. 13 4-6P 4-12C a
& Jane By J. Fellis <0) Mas-a.| 4) Plummer 4|Lo, Bostn|A I
w Spiwee K ne es A.pePineC ieli ng :
7 Sw iF, Fillenl 15% Qu be | 4M‘Cullua PCED
snk O&P. | > F
8 —peacaeees ts Jenkin eee 9 Capt. .
p® mdOg) 2% Guns nd
gi—& Mati R. Quiller| 6. » French PiW, Moyes 8|P1 PoplarjE 2
| rid 44) 5 Vow oitet
—& fais Sk W. Rowe 3 Pulhiy| iy M.Bieman| 7/Du.WxiulE 1
}|\—& SusanSr,W.Henley! 8
— sensailih Barret) 2
5 3. a &C/|G, King
24 Yoghl at ,
so |FirPlank grp/
3 75 Shicids)t reiiy
Maryland’ . SIH. Peters [374 Nby Pt; 8
775|Marys Be J, Cross way
16D v9 O..M, |
} h A. hy N U
sta a ee cue | 337 by Pt/1
PP.TpScs| A. |
Massasoet S [M, Whiltu/258|/Massa,| 4 niyeaouen 15}Li
Davison 93 Dinfes | 3) Gillespie
JBoyd oo |
W.[lutton 67 Brdprt |
G., Priddis} 64 Brdprt
Bg s.C| Dalmahy/200/Prize
H.Mtthi 325 Konin
SOK Scrim erl138 Amer.
%B . sp |P,Bmsk\cielli
2)Matthew Sp | Quinlatre 64|Dngvn
MPowler ts
l May 5 CW. aihiok a
cb. Eiherhy toa
wo. 5s,
4 pavers
Bgs.C x3 c.f.
7| Meanwe]l Wheatly/ 27 £{Sndrid | Philli Pl, MaltajA I
Ss.Wac x 6P1
Mecklenberg J. Banner |405|Whttby| |Mecklnbg|is/LoBaltic/E 1
5 4 Guna
Mediterrane-|H. Martin|202/Lowstfi] 5}CaptdéeCo|! 5|LiMssijox if
an 5 s,Cx#?C.B. fon kd P,
Bg s.C\J. Morrisu|167|/Amer. | S/F. Jordan|1)|LiBrazils|A J
on |FU P P.|Sdsl|&eS.redd&calm
Sw |P Steeven pe Yrmth| Sistevens &}! i|LoHmbr/]A |
137|Dnmrk 15] Middleto}! 1 LyCoastz|E I 2
apw Ir.)
Medina S s.C|Kenneday|409|Tpshm s|Davy&ColtfLotamaijA I
c£x Drp.\x4| 6 Guns
Sk Sladen wes |12/G, meee Lo, LisbnjE I
S s.CJJB.Gooch|35 ee j y Muli 18jLo.EInJJA -
J.Herd — 0.& 1-1
4 p|Leith 29} Davidson|11|/Lh. RigajE 1
¢ Guns
. Berteaw 296 Massa.|16|Nicoll&CJ13|PI.N’And|E 2
166 French |Ft Roger :
275 Stettin
103/Mutree gC ibbu&sc 1 Lica} A
aD | | |
|French 5) Vinter&
I & tt
a4 Figura ji} parte
19: s|Weer f23|H. Megs !
Bg J. Barron a O|Leith [26 Davidson|11}Lb RigalE 1
2 Reston 296 Massa, 16 Nicollée 1S/PILN’And|E 2
. teveng 15
$5C tanerie 176 Shield | 1 4 Benbri 13|Lo, Mal ET
J— te |
92F| Mercury S: |C, Chant [108;Drtmh
J.Pike sD
Curtis |314
S s.C, Hunter |28!;/Amer. |34/A, Hewtlyj17|/Ph Brazls|E- |
spalL.0.&C) n.)p&erp09 1U-) IP
146)Alxndi} 7] Deniston|i2/IGnN’fladjA Lf
S s.C\J. Murphy|288)/Amer. |
pt IB, ¢ .
Sp }. Stewart) 0} Boness|16\Capt&eCo,10|LiLimric|E I
il ho LiDrghd/A 1
B.AGrpP, 5
9|Messmate S
“Nee N, Way 86)/Damrkj |
9}—Margaret- | Smgdalsn)383\Cpngn
ha Sd x1 soa \Fir
~ Boat|/P. Smit 19/Dutch
no deck
5| Midas Cr s.C)W. Giffard 37 Rmsgt.| 7 nent 12\Li Lisbon|E J
ptef. 09 cl. |
_ Sr | Howland) 131 N.EngJ1 Boston
53|Whtby|26) Chilton|!
pts.W&C x2e.f. ytrp/O9 |Drpxe, 8-18C. | |
1| Middlesex 5 |J. o 70\H.Pans| 7)J. ae 18/GrJamaiJA I
5. C Ober
3|Miguelonisse|J. Ware 350|French 3|Staniforth| | 5/Lo.
$s.Cx3 18 Guns
V3) aie ns
jutithars Bg
2 WEC of. WT yy SDB
Bgs.W&C)J. Deeper |! 66/Amer, |20| M‘Cauley}!2
&C& LD) Jennings sp pialmost rb\Ox Srprsx3Z O. & C. 8 Guns
we Bg s|J
Bg s|W.Trotter|232{Trieste |
x2! ‘DB| Srprsxijdrp/x@ 8—4 P.
29.|Nwesti}l 4 oe. 15|LoTrnspt|E 1
06 lDunbr 2\Capt. 8|Lh Belfst|4 I
S_ s|S,Aggens 521 British} |Prussia |17|Lo.Ostnd|" 1
S dj Anderson|402/Dutch | |Denmark |17|/Lo,Nrwy|© 1
Sw |W Bennett 154 Wemys|2!1 Capt& 13 LhBords|I
Bg s} Bholman 1 14IPpnbr 2U| Papenbrg phos LI
Bg | Boadman 130 Amer Capt. sles,
Bg | Botman 130 Stettin] |Capt.é:Co/12/Co,
Bg |H, Breet | 35 Finind |22 Deedn& C}12:BeGbritr|© 1
Bg |JClarkson] 89 Swedn
Bg Courtney (16 Ym sor GLang 11|Li Belfast}A 2)
Coe “3 ‘De i
« Derhoe|i72|:{mbroj1g Bergen
| Avt
WGibbons 150/Yrmth Lonsdal 13 LoPtrsb
sDB rj). |X!
Sr J. Gomes real Prtugl 9 Capt&C 11|LisbonCo'
Bg pt s. Govey 311)\ Virgin | 6) Winter&c}i4)Pi.Jersey A
5Dw a
S J. Gross |343|Massa Ay
. Groth |325|Dantz./16Dantzic |15|Lo. MemllE. I F. r
Sp Wac Gynhouse 551)
ackie |S’Ds 6-9PL-18N Cc.
Bg pts.CV. [lannah|!85\Lnestr 20 Akeys& Co)13/Li.STho
Bg »|B. Harris |124)Conect|11/E, Bridge |11)Du Bostn
s| Ant
G |B. Hays |101|Friesld| 7|Capt,
G d\J. Heintz | 73);Doamrk \7 Longirke} 9/Pl.Londn|E :
sD \Fir Ir.
S = |Hendricsn) 100) Norwy |! |
S s| Himguest 203)Wisby |13\J. Burymn|t3|Lo.Stklm: Et J
(2 4-3 %& 2-4C.
Bg |Hmphries|144)Wales | 5\CaptaC
Bg |P [verson|!65)Domrk! 9|Noble&C iS LoLisbon
Bg | Jackson|!54|Whtvn | SiCapt.&Co. 12 Li.N'find|A 1
G 4S. Jansen |!23)Emden|11| Hoffman}i1|Lo.EmdnjE |
5 Jardiner|272|Oporto} (Oporto
1051|Minerva Bg Jasen |160'Flnsbe
er spe | 6 Guns x3
Bg |Y. Jessen {120 British
he. Tpsids 05)
S skd|M. Jordan 234 Saeanlael
|sr 0 lends trp, 91\np. (9 4-6..| #4 P.
S slT. Keney {190 Mussa, Lijd. ue 11 GeN.Yrk\E J
5D a! |
G | Kndschft 165 Stettin 15 Capt.
Bg |C. Lander, 90 Poole 26\C. Lande:|I
| ap) Srprs Ox
S Larsen 332 Norwy l paeeme
Bg dj/H. Lauby 186/Altona|
S . Leavens 161 NBrns. 13} Willms&c 12 LoStUhns E
5DB ‘WH B. B.
Ss.C} Leslie|500|\Whtby) 5 8 )
Bg men >| tnbrg, |Capt.xCo|10 LoGtnbr’|E
Bg |W.Litcmb rot Stettin '10/Taylor&C a |E I
Bg s| Lorentzen 135 N’fland| |Kenlow &|#3 LiGtnbr'l. 1
SD s|BB. &P. | “Os
Sp |A.Louther| 45|Honess 1 Dog&Co} 9
#0 [Fir Plank:
Irp, x2}
SrsC C\|F. Manuel|111L/ Amer,
be : Sores 17 Sweda| 7| Castendic|13)Lo Stklm|A 1
Sw earns 150/Yrmth a!
SDB) > xe
1051|Minerva Bg | Jasen “lea
2i— Bg |Y. Jessen |120 British
Ie, Tp Sds O05
S skd|M, Jordan 234 Sone Jordan&C
‘oo Miunee 91jap.69 “— |
aest 3 :
Bg |C. Lander, 90 Poole '26\C. Lande:|it PoLondn|& I
| ep| Srprs Ox )
S Larsen 332 Norwy 1Q,Norway {16,Lo, Moss
Bg dH. Lauby Ato! at Tonin)
Kenlow &|'3 LiGtobr’ I. 1
Ss.C} Leslie |500\Whtby, 5} Leslie |18 LoTrnspt A
x1 1-18N.C| |
Bg Liberg + ie Capt.cCo. i mcaoetd
Bg IW. Litemb ~ Stettin 10/Taylor&C ae ae!
sDB laa er. | Ox
Sp |A.Louther| 45/Boness '15|Dog & Co] 9,Du.Grne|E 1
so |Fir Plank! | 09
Sw |T. Lyall |202)Abrdo 2) Saunders|14\Lo,
c.b. x3 sD 6 Guns
sae: x2) 4 Guns
SrsC C\F. Manuel ba Li/Amer, |1
» Meyer {17 Swedn 7| Castendic|13)Lo Stklm/A 1
5DB 6 Guns x3
Pmbrk |26/Gardor&cjl4)Se LivrpljE 1
rb. 08) A.
8} Massa.} 4/Capt.&CoJ15|Li.Boston
| A.
» Valley |249|Swedn |11/Geffle
N 1814-1815
Co, |e
S 3S. im i 227| Wiseas| )| M.Carlton| | 4 C.
5010. A&S
Ss » Pousch/216 rinlod 8)\Capt.&Co, | 4 Lo Livrpl} Ie
Bg |Rechamsn|227 Finlnd 15/Geffle
so B/Fir
1)Najade Bg s)J. Kasdoff)177|FinInd |11)Stockhlm
S |BH.Lendt|309|Konin,|10\Koninsbrg|t.3|Lo. tnb EA
Sr |F. Lewen 44s Wisby | 4|Bornburg |10 LoLisbon|A 1
S |A. Mau 205\Finsbs| areas 14\LoPtrsb AI
Bg |l.Namelin'225 Finlnd 1alBjoraberg 13/Li. ElsnrjE 1} 5.)
apa|rir |
Bg | Nemmlin|23 viaied 4|Bjornberg|13| Li.BjrrbgiA 1
ep rir
Bg | Rehausen|225|FinInd |11/Geffle
Bg |S.Sjobeck!210|\Swedn| 9i€
Najaden S Ander Finlnd| 8|Brodstrm |14)LhGtnbglE |
Sw |Biorkman 233 Finlnd 4
so B)Fir
G djJ. Froy |114/Gtnbro 13|Gottenbro|LOBrSwedalE 1
ep |Fir
Ss Junker}250)/Swedn |12|Reid& Co.|14|Lo.LisbniE |
Si\Nancy S sJ. Allen /218 Amer.
Sr JW. w | 73\Bo
r hee 7s ness 9\Capt.&eC
Sw Ayles {111 Wymb) sf Walace iar
Bg s.C/W. Bayn 191|Amer,
psd. SDB O.&P.
ney J. Johnston | op
| Bg s s| Donaldsn
\ pt "hx
SDB Srp rs 9
Sw siJ, Foster |237|Whtby {54
Bg |J. Hadley
Sr |J, Hunter|122)Amer. |P
Bg :
Sp |D,Je 75|Newpt |!7
Bg +| Jenning ‘ruro
Bp | Johnston) $2|Berwic| |
_ |spTpSd ac lerpaxt
6 eel b/Appley&c) 9/Co.
162 Aplurel 23| Hudelson|13|DuWInd El I}
| | 5D A.
Bg s.C|M‘Crmick/131)Amer. |PriJ.
| JA ‘cert jepw
76|Nancy Bg wee 23) Capt.set
G_|R. Wilson}128|Copen.|13|Capt&Co.|11/Lh Chali] HE
tephen-on] sp x
Sr |W. Yates | 50] ndgte| 1) We Yates | 8)LoR
sD ieee
Be |R. Young
—Ann §$3s,C
—& Mary |S.P. Fitch/226 Massa}
Be eet
90\Napolean Sr} Matthew 280, oe Pel
Refused Survey
3|Navigation |S. Lofberg|l159\Swedn |34/W. Kruse |12/1.Gtnbr4[. 1
Bg s ir tpj0S) 4-6 P,
4\— Pol. | Popovik|386)Malta |LO;Capt.&Co. 16|Lo.Malta
Drp.!09 IN Ti
5— G |J.Snelle |180|Dutch [20 = 1 2|Lo.
, Nav'gator 5 R. Foster
__s.W&eC c.t.0x| TE ong 6-18C.
L9a\J. Clark
110 Sw [J. Clark |124/Hull
sD 6 Guns
5Ss.C) — Collins/335|Whtby| 3)Fletcher&|1
JAdlard| | | 4Guns 7
Sp |J. Fry 47|[frem |11\|Lock&Co,|1 FetonstsrA aA ‘
OX pt c.f, 99trp, ‘i
5 s.W/Simmonds|306 my ahaa 15|LoWInds|E 1 Fr.
7'Nicholson|16 LoTensptla i
125 NeedElven § C. Ness |207|Norwy|!! Arandabl |1@Li
12|Nehoan § | Lampkinj650/Dantz.|15)C, Francis/18|Pl.DantejE £
Negotia G | Mpherm,| 4 ene 7\Capt.&Co] 8\LoCatwc/E I
Nelly 8 ds.t |J.Andersn| 265) Livrp! |28)/Hall& Coj14)/Lo. Cork/E T
04,147 no Avw|O4|Drp.07 \
or Boyak ri Dndee }12)J. Lawson} 9|Wa El
130} — Sr |G, Gibbs 134 Blythe} 3iGibb&Co 12\Lo, HigldjA I} A.
| sD 6 Guns x3) 4
S BR Hyndmnj272\Hull = |Pr|Brown&C\i4|LoPtrsbg/E &},.-
nuw,C8llrp|O9, Srprs x41 9)-6 N.C. 9) BT
Sp T. Lawson| 84|/Knerd| 1} Lawson|to|GrDantz/A I
Sp |T. Lock | 57/Dnbtn|39/Capt. 8|Br Dmfrsi[. 1
@p |pt Fir rb
Bg 6. c R.Pattison|282|Hull |12) Dowsland|15|Lo.Malta|E 1
x1 cf sp 8|NKI,trp. 10 Guns
Sw |T. Read |296|NYork| 4)Smith&C,}14)LoPtrsbgjA I \.r
| ep B|P.Sdsprt|Fir/Cicling
Sp | Scotland me Kinerd 5)Scotland g La. Al 14 t
Ortdumbey x3
S s.C} Shrugrue 336 Yrmth 15 Bartrm&c/16)/LoJamailE 1 " i"
C5 spa| Drp.|08 |9-4P. 4.12C| 10
Bg |J. Sim 83)Grnoc |26/Cuninghm| 9 DuDerry|E I
sn Bialmet rb.|[xz x3
* H. Toplan x Sndrid j29|Watsn &C}11/Tp.Tmby|E |
] S s.C|W. Veitch 267 Hull | 8| Fletcher|)5\LiBrazils|A 1} .
eb, R,ehin |sps 8-«P x3|-l
Sp |A. Young! 69\Perth |12/Capt. s N’cstl|E 1
P |
sp |FrBttom| | ae
q|Nelson Bg VJ. Andersnj134)Selby |15)J Job&Co}jy|Li.N’flnd|E I! 4
133] J. rench [spn | +) =
Bg | Davidson|170|Sndrld Wake |12\LoTrnsptiE I
|spa] § Guns Ox
Sp Griffith = Wales |11|W. Philips} g/DuCoast/E A
Li Bord’x|A
Bg E Grisdal 137 Wrktn | 9} Donihoe|1) rd'x ; AI
S | Haywood|249| N’fand 14\GGarland 14)PoLivrpl|E I}: §>4
Waubill| | 7a, P. xs
S6.W&C| Herbart\359)Sndrld|14\J.Blackett|16\LoStVin.|E 1
1B. sb a) Srprs X1)nujwx312-9NC 9)
Bg J. Howlett}114)Yrmth| 4)Capt.&eCo]1 4 Birdies 5
| eps) = rp. :
Bg |WH-Jones/108 Wor ingtn|10|Lo, CorkiE I
2 Guns
Bg |P. Butler j143/Amer,
eps |Fir
151| Nelson oe W. Powell|[$81\Chepst) 5|Daniel&C)16(Br. Brbds|A 1
C.B. Ox
2}— Bg | Richards|132|Nwestl/14|Rowc&Col] 2|\CoDublnjE 1
| 82)Dutch |20/Davis&C| 9)LyCoastr|l. i
aD Srprs}c6 x
7| Nemesis Ss.C|W. Gage |201/Rgusa |) oJames&C,14/Fa,
Bs |, Smith |225|Amer | aromeee 14/PoN’fnd|A I
Nemuse K Deners||78 Finlnd|12} Engman}11/YaLondn|E 1
160) Nen Sp |R. Patrick ey Hull j/Capt.&Co] 8|HlCoastrjA I
1)Nener §S /deUrguisa/479}Prussi pt &Co]17|Lo,Lsbon|E I
pts.C 09 I.B.
170} Sr |H. Clow | 50|Wales /15/R. Greig | 8/LiOstend/E 1} 7.¢
ep jlen & rb.
Bg s|WConnlly|!65/Hull Bragg |11|)Lo,Md’rajE I
06) 2 Guns
Bg | Coplestne}!01/Yrmth [24|Seaton&C} 9/Co.
8p B| almstrb.
§ s.C} Cowham}|$31|Yrmth | 6/Foster&C.|16|Lo, Hynh
x3 10-12.N.C
Bg |A.Davisonj1!00}Belfast]i5/Grnlw&CJ10/Be Livrpl|E I
175\— Sp Fl Lymp.| 7}I. Bass OE xCoasthA Voy
Getwood 114) Boston
J Wonpra sp
Co.|14)Lo.Baltic|E, 1F.2
Spolurj180jSwedn | ICapt.
|_ J Torgett | 5°
|D.J.Visser| 7))Prussia}] |Holland
Tilly 67|Drtmh| 2\G. Vernon| 9|Da.Sctl’d Al I
Nereus Ss.C/S,Pattersn|434)Whtby |12| Campbell)17/Gr.Dmra ET
| | 12-6 P
Nerina Bgs.C| Lauchlan|206|Sndrid| 2/Nixon& C|14|Lo.Brbce Ar
A. Thee {387 wean
Winerbg 107 soa
sD |
Bg |. hth ee Sndrid}13)W. Horn [1 2|LoTrospyi 1}
# Guns | |
I|/Neuva Ai
a.W&C I.B.
a D. Garcia\237\Ivica
tion son) O.&Fi rs ieled 2-4) 6
3) Neuve Mon "uneien _ Amer, oe
Hurate Ss.
4)Neutral Bg | Carlbers etd Gel | aloetie “
5|Neutrality$s| Barditch|340\Prtind | 5|Portland |
| XL
| New ‘os M:Carthy i= Yrunth| 24 s|Harris&C. 1t}/DuLisbu/ E -
gs rr
Anson Bg
Astley Bg dae ah
f 6D BilrpO8 drp|X1 lerp x2 &x
Augustine} Mullony| 69j[rish
| ep | Fir wn p&lgrp|0s
Bee Sp [E, Jones ColWales ap Tones §|Du.CoastiE I} y 7
325|—Blessin . Tidbal]] 141 Bdefrd 9} Tidball ? AIDE
J. ‘Ccoaker DB >
-Patrich| 53 Wales 93/Capt.&Co,
Menzies 348|Scrbro 23) Wilson& u7P aan EY I
trp.O8 Sr/prs X1, 1-6,2-4P
3|Nimrod S_ |D. Hood 231 Flnsbg 1i|AChapmej14/Cs Trnspt|E 1
trp. : |
|} — Bg sc Robinson|216|Sndrid | 3|N. Horn |13|LoTrnspi|A 1
8 Guns x
T pea C x4
Noah Bg | Bowman cae Maotrse| 9/Capt.&Co
EP lm
Morphew| 189 Falmh | 8|Carne&C.|13|Fa.Packt|A 1|A}1
5. cf.
3|Nonpareil BgjS. Hunt |339)/French
s.C OB} AD
Nonsuch Sr Fepndersn 79 Scotl’d 16}!. Snadon |10;\GrHmbr(/E 1
=f gp | iio
Sr J. Wallace! 78! Scotl’d 11
ao |Fir
Bg cer 107 heey
reher ‘Da
Ae Haake |505/Bremn
| or
H Luming|130|Dutch
425 G
476|N.S.Carmeli-(LSMarino| 39'Fguera) 7\Figuera
telCarmon de A pai
Lr Allio
Bg | de Arana 77 St ae 11)Plencia
48 Sr |Garmndo} 48)Bilboa |11/Capt.
Bg |Gonsalves| 66/Prtugl| 5)/Portugal
5 Lauder|300 jgres id) M. Traffa |16|/P1 Lisbon
5 = Salcado/262 oe 21|{lavnnnah\14\Lo, Lisbn|E 1
Sr | Sarahera|!10.Bayon |12/Plencia
Bg | Ybarabrn ba ae 11|Bilboa
— Carmo|D,deCastl] 126 Lowe
—de la Cinta Cabre
8 etree J. de Sliva| 157 Oporto|13/Oporto
Hunda Bes
9)—dela Guicode Roteir
490)—Ira u B. Abyles = Spain
Pint ,
5|—de los x F. ah ieee itect Ubes Bc StUbslE I
Bzs.CL B.
7)—yAlmaSr s|P, Spieton|111 Lisbon
Nottingham |J. Maw ir
- Cr |P. Johns | 55 Norwy| 8| Broderick! 9|Lo N’find|E :
sD Fir
O 1814-1815
“Oak Bg |J. Bolton LoTrnspt|F. I
Bg |P. Crag LiMemeljA I
Be WJac Clark |11|LoCoastr
Bg Ledgard}11)PoCorun|A I} 4.
Ss.C|N. F, Fisher |16|LoJamailA F} *
cb. XI SDB
Bg s\J. Pert |120|Abrdn {15/T. Spitall |11]Lh Meml|E 1
Bg |H. Blake |161|Mrypt | 2} Huddlsto|12)Li.PtrsbglA 1| ,4,y
S s.W&C| Bousfield 481 Shields|21| Bousfield|17|LoTrnspt|E |
06 & pt C xi) [x3| 10 Guns
S s.C\|AClutsam 1)/H.Hooper|17|/BrJamaijA I] 4 j
S sW&C Clutsam|255 a 23|R.Hooper|16/Br.Jamai\E J
Sp D.Stonem| 7\Co. Rye |E 1
5S d 17\Lo.Ostnd|E I
5 Hewitson|!5/H1 Baltic
Bg d|P. Diercks 230 For'gu Lo,Spain\E I
Ss 1 La Ulobeg I
26\Ocean Sw [S. Gilham 58}¥reath 19)8. Alter 13)
PhiladJ19)/Pack&Cu. 17 LoTrnspifE 1
sonien.rb.x2 in \River 8-9P.)2=12N.C. | x3
eal” Garces, 231 Philad.|21)J. Daw
Cs spa\Lo, & C.| P, ri pee
C\Capt&Co!} | Ya Baltic|r. I
a rar xi
76 @conomy Bg/G. Neven|227|Sndrld|12|N. Horn |11|Lo.Brnsk|E I
Bg {R. Oakes [137|Lynn |11/Wales&CJi1|LyCoasti E
Thompsn SDB
- Taylor |!54)Sodrid| 2. Nesbett|12/LoDrgdalA 1
soy 2 Guns |
5)Ogle Barony Siete 436 |
S s.C 0x:
Norwy5 d
T. Toole |
9, Olhum Sw | Gundersn Lah oney 37\H. Borrhn)li)Ly.Nrwy\I. 1
0Oiim Petron-J, Nybroe$90|Norwy P. Blair |16|LiBergenjA I
136 Russia 7lCapt&C 11\Lo,Hlind| A J
- Konig
5 |B. Gatzies 26
Bremn| 6/Bremen
| FT
Sweden de LoAmstijA I
15|T. Guy ‘5 LyCoastr|E 1
S s|\Cun’nghm 190 Dnmrk| 9 ae 1 PLTrnsptj/A I
“wag (x sp p| part Fir 1
” British 19 condi
» French| 176 Kgs Yd a Fenwick|12
sDB|ON UW. & irp.x2 Drp.x3
Overhead) 64/Rtrdm | 4 Holland
slOrestes $ R. Allen 255]knebe s MKilloc}15} 20V
P. A.
= Bg Warren| 98|/Plymh
on nn IX |
5|Orphee Sw |T. Hallen |246|Finlnd| 2/Vellstrel
Bg |ERudberg|121/ Dnmrk13/Gottenbro{1 2)Li.Wis
eStie 284) Trieste] 1 iawase 15|Li Brazil En
sp |wp. TpSids kptn es .xd : 4
| Cazenove|220)/N.Eng,10/Capt. 14}Lo, VianajE I
|. Row |170/Falmh| 9\Capt.&CoJ!3|LoGbritiA I
| L
spe) A.
Osprecht Bg |J. Rorie |150)Amer, |P: P].Londn|E 2
2.C spw | 2-4P.
i Bg VJ. Black |(94jLeith | 2\Capt.& LoHmbriA I E
210— S Rolenson|276|Massa.| 8|/Portsmth |16|LiAm,IsljA I
1/Ost Friesland|J. Jansen 76 Dutch | apt.
Sr |
. Borch 225 Lubec | 8|Prussia [12)Lo.Meml
H| Packdo 153¢ Finlnd |17| Krichner17|Pl.PtrsbgjE 1
8 Guns
« Ingram |348|NYork| 9|New York|16|LiNYorkjA 1}
L.0.C.&| P, as L
50\Swedn | |Capt.&eC 10LoBalticlE 1]
sD a
SDE pt
P | 1814-1815
) 1 {9Du. |Ar
5J— Swsc\J. Mordy 177 Sudrld|1iyA, ‘Young 13)Lo.Brazil/E 1
pt c.f. spa len.).1x 8-6 C. 2-4P,) nis
O|— Sw pts.C}J.Peterkin]315]Drhm |15)Terry&Co}!6|LoGtabriE | Be
0.5 Xeon sonD.&Trpix5| Lt? Gunes
S |J. Ray 260|Bristol | §|Kidd&Co.|14)Lo.Surin
pt s,C 07 son|Fir
S c.f. J. Stanton 364|N York! 8|New York|16)LiNYork|A I A.I
{£0,866 P.\P.Sds |
Massa. | {rina Br. NYrk ES I
ly, Noyes [290 Prtind |10|New York)14 LiNYork|E: 1
3)—of Boston $/L. Rogers |272| Nwbry Wiggins ! 4|BostnCo
—de Brazil apt&Co,12\LoPtrsbg|E 1
ws C ptl.B.08
Bk so |Fir
6|—of Lisbon | Naceman|150|Lisbon | 9/Capt.&Co11)PlLisbon|A J
Bg s.C spB|
7|—de Para Sr |S. Abrue “3 Brazils| (|Brazils 9|LiBrazils/E I
8|—deSiera Sw/SL.Ramos 179 Amer. Brazils (|15|Lo.Brazil
s. W&C Ox 1B. an | P.5ds 10 Guns
9\—de Viana |A. Farara|123/Faro § |11/Capt. 10|Br.Viana|E I
Bes. W&e 1B f. |
20)Paction Sr | Lunenbrg|516|/Dantz.| 5)/H.Dolf |16)Lh Dantz\A I
2|Palafox Bg
84|Domrk|Pr| Woodcok|10|P!.Passge Ez 1
EC ae c ) —<T fe
9/Palinure Bg |
gC x1 c.b.
Poems acs 941\French| 4 ane LiN'fland A I
: 10-659 P
sp \rd. w.Tp Sds|x3
R. Miller |145 Orkny| 3/T. Trail |12\Lo.Rtdm|A I].
NG. W cbstr ‘s3}
. Garden 158 + es
peeree Ss, Harrison ae Lynn |
x4pt LB. & Irp.t
| ark Bg |R. Wilson Li ISelby 1
5\Parker Sr }
Sons Bg
sCI..Bx YW ifedgson [eon
7 Parthian § | A
76)Patientia SdJ. Schaw |241 Norwy|3 Anker&C,|12|/PINorwy\O J
7\Patriarch S$ s|E.G. Katts/41 ae 6} Flambranj!5 Lo LivrpliA J
W pc I.B.x 4Gun
PatriotBgs.C| Anderson) 198 Abrdn
ws.W&C Watcnuns 232 Serbro'1 §|W.Hendry
L.B. 08 106 6-12 N.C,
38 Crdgn }31/Capt&Co] § acpi 1
\7 aoe 14|Lo.
8 ep Dkes BGs,
"SG 0. Holten|12 Norwy| 5| Dronthm| 9
sp |0 & Fi
Fracexo/21 5| Massa, |14|Pierce&C, \ajLi, Penselj E I
Bedford 103\French|15|R. Hine /11)/Da Wales|E I
. Bennett) 168/Yrmth| 5/S. Padget |13|LoTrospt|A 1 A.l
lis1 4 Guns 1
15|Dantz,)1 ey LiDantz.)A I] a-z
241|Wiscas| 8| Wiscasset 14|LiAmIsLJA 14 ®
J Slade |
Heseltime|157)Wales |19| Heseltine}12|LoHmbr)|E 2
‘wy |10/Isemonger|] 5|LoTrnspt E a
O&FrCie|lng) 318 N.C.
— 412) River Mellish|!17|LoS, Fish E 1
21M,Watson|11|LoHmbr’A I} A.
A |
spk news
British {16 Baltimore 16|LiBaltmr ET
8 Brdgw.|18|G.Muckle|10 eT 2} EI
Sw |R.Roberts 133 Barmh 9Capt.&Co. jLaDabl
SDB | 6 Guns
Bg |WSerjeant|108 Danish 12 Fowler&C}12) PI.
rNKL&|p, |(9
S Silver |233|N.Orln| 6|/Massachuji4|LiiGtnbr’A I
- Dnmrk|iJ) Absolem{10|LoCoastrnE 1
dre Mrypt | 18} Twntymn]11)Li. N’And|E 1, F I
Ss.W&CIT. Winter 299) VirginJ is Boyd&Co 15|Lo.RioJnjE ry?
SDE lerpX2drp/x4| 16-9 Y,
3 Abrdn |17| Chalmer:
23()|Perseverante |R. Mishod 307 E India| PriJ.
226|Perseverance|D. Took
2!Perthshire 8 |W .Wright 287 Dunde| 4| Campbell
s.C x) ‘sDB 6 —
c ot x1 sp | sharp 10-9 C. |
+ 1P Wouters 192 Hmbrojt5|Hambro’ {12 Lo.Amst./E ‘
7 Be |W. Wright 259 Nwestl22'S. Dean |15)Li.Londn E i
8;—theFirstS s| Burmestr 508! ar 1)Russia [18
er Fred Lust H fire pu 109 Oldbr joa 12 LoHmb A 1
24 —Henrick G| Lampwic| 160 Prussia
1—Proctor 5 |B. Barnett 264 Indie
‘| Wa) J-Pcterkigeon| Teck
ithe F. Petersn 200 Swedn
7|Smith&C, schol reepuh I}
8 Guns [84 Culseniagu
5 Enstrom|12\Li. Riga EI
3— Be Lindehm sae Swedn |11 Capt.&Coj10|LoGtnbrE 1
ace diJ.
| apa
the eee Lembeck) ee Prussial13
cket Sr
Petit George
W. Keen 67 Petrhd|1
8D /ptFirien.
s Gomeur oy Prussia
ee G_ | Kock 119 Dutch
250} PetronellaJo-|Vandrmay 73 Dutch |10
hana G
Bg s.C|W Neilson}117|Fowey 10) Crawford|11
z-12 & v9 N. Cc,
5 s.C\|A, Boyd 47 8|India
pt c.£.x Teek
S sD. Cargill/284/Scotl'd/22
Cook | 94|Mrbhd/41| Hldswrth 9 Da
Upham | sp rsd&cgrp.|X1
. Fopps |210|Stettin|12|Koninbrg|12|Lo Havre|E I
Np. |K4
301 \Phylleria B re, |152(Scrbro'12) Hall |12\LoTrnspt E r| F.
, Geutie Ware SDB 23P. | :
2|Piadade Hon |A,FE.Santo|122/Prtugl seed Da.Lisbn|I 3
sow] rp. Oe |
AdeSanto m Oporto 7 ne ay et Es 2
sw 1 aa
2! Bach Capt. 6|Lo.Leystll. 1 I}
| le
6}— jun. G | Molenaa 209) Duteh Friesland |10\Li,Pillau/E 1}
J. Levang 79 GBermu. Williams) 9/LoAfricalE I\Fy
aC 2Guns ise 5
§| Pilger Bg s| Dankwrd 166 Finlnd |14Stralsund |19/LiStrisnd/E 4
192/Scotl’d |17| Beveridge! 19|Lh Krkly|E I
spa/Fr Bott x2}
| DuCoasujA |
5 2 D. “Fadl 306/Bristol |28| Bailic&C,|16|Br.StKits El I xT
S_ s|S.Webster/280 Bet Prl13| an} 15\Li, N’flnd|E 1
5|EdShpCo12|LhLondn| A 1
8-12 C. |
325/Pindus Bg |S. Hitch | 181|N Bdfd)11)New Badfd}i4|Li. Cadiz] £ i
326|Pistola Sr : 1a Brazils'11 Ste LiLo. Bahi
Drp |
830\— S$ s.W &C (C.Compts 354 IShrhin 2s/J.M‘*Nal
ptr.B. O wnuw. 31] + Gum
74 Yrmth |18/T. Temple} 9/Ya NorthjE ;
Drp. pt». Kl x4 }
: 15] N’tland| 8|\Codner& c}/13|Dalrelnd/A 1) A.1
WH.&S. drp\ x3
Robinson) 15) Li QuebciE I
Anderson}221 ll 2) Anderson|! Lote Al
V Ridsou 6-18 C.
x1 P.Sds |
7\Plutus Bgs.C|SBrewste:|2'5)Dnomrk 9
OX pt c.f. SDE
Bk s.C\J. Rattray|/182i[rish | 7|Capt.
moerty Fir
tine 126|Brxhm| 3| Sheilabar|tz|PI. SwnselA I A.
avis ap jo
215 Wiscas| OJ. Hedd
Holindsee}ts LiNOdsIE |
5|Middleton|t LoBAyrs|A 7
9 P. 8-9€. Iron Cable | x3
. Shelbrn|279|Mussa,}11
6|Pocklington |J.Sim sex5 208|Hull
Sw s.C c.f. swe
SDB P Sds,lp 08 -6 &Y-4P,
s} Edwards|281 Whtby y 153 Henley&c/15/Co,
DE } 6-18 C,
a Kennedy 254d
P |
aan “i Grnoc
3|—Royal.Sw |A. Rilhan|
s.C ptl.B. x4 Wardlow
Bence 12 Hl Ark ArkngE 1
; sDB\/N.TpSds 4 Guna
9\—of Brazil S$ |T’. Taylor |256|N.Eng| |Nobleé&C |15|Lo,N’fndE 1
s.Cx4 c.f. almost rip 6-6 P.
Amer. |12) Hitcheok}11}LisbnCo,/E
Gosprt|19| Randall
6-4 P.
L. Franks 143
510|— Bgs.W&C\G. Rogers|120
Brazils|i4) Harrison)20\ Lo Bragls|E I
» Lambo |753
O& CIS. & “xs
411)Bristol | 1 Hilhousel |BrJamai. A1|*
ptc.£ x3
5 8.C Leech 361/Shields| 1
Ss. W&C\J. Syms |408|Stoktn |20| Vaughaniig LoJamailE i
wDXitrpix2) 8 Guns
Principe Bg |V. Garvin)139|Domrk| 8\Capt.
66% 2-8 C.
5. W&Cyite. json
2)}—Bgd pts. C/T. Waterers) 308 Hull
pt c-b.xX] SD BIND
pt LB.x3
560)|Proserpine Sp
#DB NDptn B ms rp.0x,6-6C. | il
» Martin |173|Hrpsw,| 4\Capt&Co,|11|DuHrpwiA I
so A. Fir | |
eat 26/T. Gibeo 16|LoQuebclE 1
107) Dutch |; 2/T. Heftye| 9|Ya.Nrwyj|E I
| | xd
Ss.W&C|WMowatt|178 Dorark
X2 ptc.f. E.Mitehell SD rc
Bk | Moxham 284/Sndrld |\4
aD Flalmost rb
Oy x D&BmsX
Sr Musquiea S0/StUves| bist Ubes JiO/StUbsCoJA I
Sr Oliver a French) 5/P,. Barker FaCoastri/A 2
rsd XL
Bg s. Wee V.V. Rasa 18s Brazils| Capt&Coj14/Lo. PrnmjE |
rsd XS
40|\Barmh!22) Roberts, 8/Co.Bristl|E 1
Bg qt. Smith |142
SDB iNuw.trp|0S
Sw aie Walton 161 Scrbro
46) Brdstrs|54,Knapp&C) §/Pl.Coastr/E 1
06 & x8 sh
42\J, Robson|13|\YaBalticjE 1
Shieldé3 Jondshes 17|P1Shields|k a
spsiFir Srprs|x2 2-6%2-SP.
Sw di/R.Roberts/!21|Wales RK. Roberts} 10|LoGbritrE :
sp len & rb. 99 | x3
Sp |R. Sextor 59) Sthton |3 Pein 8|LoCoastrl. |
651|Providentia 5| A,.S Chary 3 Hmb
s.C x4c.f.
— 5
3|— Bg |F. de Silva
Sr IP.)
ror 8 Sp | Hammnd 52|Nwhvnl33
sD jalmst rb.|O7 | )
3)Prudent e eee 53\[Wight| 4\Capt.&cCo] 9/P1Shmtn Ad Al
emery ap | | i
4i— § s. wae Richards!227\India |P Birnie& C 15|Lo,SSeas|E :
pt c.f x4 :
at 5 Et .Dericks 22U|FinInd |15}Gottenbrg|14|L.i,Oprto) ! Fel
¢lirom | esd Fir rAlit, wil
15% Figura|11|Figueira j11/Co.
68U Buliavoe. Bg ¥ ba an Lubce | 5\F HPaully 12iLhLubecA }
T. Teel
M. Roig |:
I.B. x1
T. Artis
}Pulteney Sk
3}Pursuit Bg
— Ss. W& Millerj213/Selby {15Muirhead|! ¢LoJamaijE |
sDB 2 Guns
— Bgs.CiT. Pain |144/Sndrid} 5 Embieton 12LoAntwo A {4.8
ptc.£.x R,Newma SDR Dowell
Q 1814-1815
QQuaker S s| Anderson|177 ee | :
Wx1&C I.B.x2} J. ! lou |
Quebec Bg [DWillams ose Wales |
~ Wilson 292 Quebec 16 Jacob& C,)14)Lo,
W&C pte. x: 09, x2 x4 Imm Kns&S.4 Ce | 28 t-G P, |
nson 80/L nn
Santer sD y
136 Berwic/13/OldShpCo 11 Latonds E TE.
sD oa) x3 +-4P. 6-18C,) c, lA
10-9 P.
ws. Wee Nicholson 211/\Whtvyn|it| Brklebnk'13
Hurdle 198 PrEdl.) 4) Welsford)] 2/PL.Tras tA | oe
Chandler sp 3|BB.& 0. .|&S. 2-9 P. LoQucheP xe]
Strckland/260)Naples| | Campbell
| . 12 Guns
R 1814-1815
ehorse March 123[Tngmbhi &Co.,|11|Li.N’flnd| E 4
| Thompsn]182 Togmby
spslvery le
jess a Brixm 23 Mathers.
DE 2 DkJrp. at
Godfrey hag ‘Dunde| 7| Williams|10j/L9, Cork|A JZ AW
na eer, Crue
PP. Ci
| 69) Wrken
234 INwestl 2
tps wp.x?| 6 Guns
! ED Th
25|Ran 42
iS Remingt |
2 Banger Bey). Harker i French;Pr{Forset&C414|PIW.IndjE 2
) f, L212 P.
Norrij11|LoPtrsbg A 1
2 Guns
Boulcoi15|LoTrnspt E 1
8 Guns
Day | 9\Cs Amst, 1}
Capt. PI Londall I
‘B-9CK2-2P | =
1G, Ritson otalWVrktn 19 WalkreeC,}13/LiQuebe E 1 Bug
(ap ‘spp |
e ; re Da. Load
| $D iy
A. Watt (247/For'gn} W&RCattolls rupees ¥ 1
almost rb xe| 4 Guns
a2/Brdprt|40,D.Wiucey| 8|Pl.Dublo&
erp. /X1
J. Winsor 230 Amer, |Pr
Bg |J. Wood |i 45/Sndrld |10.Capt.&eCol1
: Jivlyn [sps! NB. ot Lanmea
40,Rapid S$ Fleming 210) Nrwch
spn A.
H. Hunter 208! Wiscas
Admiralty|i3/FaLondn|/& 2
| A. | | :
dite s.W ~ R, Miller 153 Amer. |Pr/T.Steward|10 Sees EI
| 8 P.P. a 4-444-5P.&) v-/12 AS)
s" Marie Savanb| 5|Rhode Isl. 46)Li Rds AJ
S |D. Nye i228 Massa.| 4|W. Fering15|HIN.YrkjA I
spB|P.Bmsk piSds A. x2
s|E. Rhodes’ ae Hull ~ Moxonsj12|LoStraits|A 1
x1 pt Cx 6 Guns
7|Rastiera Bg. Mai 9 98|Brazils|?5\delaCro
§/RatcliffeS nC Holiaday 305 Flnsbg
&wpte rs (5) Foreman
-Gamble 187|Italy
IC, Potts | 97|Fintnd |Pr\Dorry&C
8p |Fir SrprajX4
51)Rattler Bg | Tankrsley|172)Hull
s.WeCoxC x3 SDB
RatvishedenS Stork |200 Swedn
Reaper Bg Spooner 257 Massa.| ¢
pt s.C c.b. W Baris ns |
arden| 15.
7 paveces, Se " Ranees 5) Amer.
S d| Barnett270 Amer, Enderby|15,LoS.Seas|E t
s .CIB.xt Srprs 8 Guns |
Sr J. Bennett 90 Tpshm 6| Davey &C|10'BrLisbonjA I
| 6-5 P. | | x3
6 S sH, Choate 208 N. Eng, L0|\Capt.&Co ae NYrk]E 2
1-12 Cc.
i x4) SDB |2.0.%¢]
1U aun
Sr “p, Smith |108|Nby Pt) O/T, Ellis
1.B. x5 P.Sds pt Fir|Cielngy4—9 he
Bg s.C\A. White |318]french|PriCumng&e|14)Pl. N’find|E 2 Ej
LB. |
S_ s|H. Willis |220) Boston |P 14 Pl.Londn/E 1
sp e|FrTpSds
7( S s,CIW. Worts |262|Nwestll{12| Schroder|15|FaBord’x|E J
DB v1l0-6 P Naples |i1
G s.C|W. Worts|113/Hollnd| 9} Swaider| 9/Lo,Napls/E 2
x4 c.f. 5D 2-6P.8-12C.
2|—& Elizabe-/J. Brown |154/British/21) Carringtn|11}/Lo. LisbnlE I
Sw SDB len. Guns
Mary A-| Crackney|109|Dnmrk} 7|/G- Fees |11|LoRirdmjA I
Sr BD 2Guns |s«
75 Recompence B.Graham 1609 F rench) 7U. _ Miller 13)GrAntig. e
Bg s.C SDB | G-6ée-4P.
I|Lamb&C./18/Gr.SCrx|A : A. t
wDks rsd] & |trp.x3
1. Barnes |298|Massa.| 5|Portsmth |15|/LiPhiladjA i|
| i A. of
roll) Yi Aloxond
s| M‘Connll|170 |Laverp!
5D B|rb20,trp.|06
or. i artinj/!01/Krxhm| 3 i see LOT'pPssagel
= rst ue.) op R.Uall
R.Pinkam 7 'Prize Jos. Wren
Bg s.C|C. Spence| 231 StJhu’s|16)J. Spence |15|GrRiJan
eDB\|pt wuw.|X4) 10 Guns 6
oe Spense | 231|Nby P 231. Spence}15/FaRiJanjE yf
ww &etrp.|06 | 10-446 P. '
| Whitfield) 157 Swnse 0 ee 11}Lo, =
ed =
aps Fir
. Aberg |150/Finlod
ap |Fir
Redligheten |M.Astrom|238/Ullabg/13|Valley&C}i5/H1 GeffleE 1
ep |Fir
S gs)... Beckmty 200) Swedn
Laing& C.)13/Li, Riga |.
e - Liv aie 1
Wilson 105)Dnmrk|}
gD 0. & Fir
13 Ss.C\J. Reed |(225)Amer. |290| Hammnd]/13|\LiBrazils|E I
Sws.C| Slulgerj204|Philad.) 7) Wilcock] 3)Lo.WstrnjA I
c.f. Ox
1148| Norwy|PrCaptéeCo,11|HIBilboalE 1|¥..7
Bg +|Threadgld|148|For’gn |Pr) O*Connor!10)P1 BilboalE 1}
jeoe)\O. & Fi
J. Cutter |237|Hartly |23/Capt.
2 Guns
R. Whall
J.Croker ap FS. |
9|Remittance S/T Maddox}3 13) N York|10) Robertson
s.CO5 P.Sds.
s. WC XL) spe grp.ixl i
1/Renovation |J.Garrath|320\Brnstp.| 5|C. Young
Sw s.C x? 5DB| 8 Gune
9)Renown Be | Chapman|170|/Swnsea}i2} Chapman 13|LoGbritr\E 1
‘DB 2 Guns
Bg jf. Ellis {111)Wales | 2/TEIhis&C./10)Li. Cork
Sws.C\D, Rait |178|/Dunde| 3|Rattry&C)13|Lo. Bahia
I.B & Inp. B+ P.
Sp |G, Willis | 47|}Drtmh| oj. Forbes | 8/TpCoastr
8 Requiem Bg |T. Harris! 55)Spain jsp| Oxenham) 9/DaWal
Giky tpn e
grp- x4 |
9|RequizaS s.C\J. Marks }$72|NAmr.| 7
150|\Reserve S |M. Prior j$20|Bath |11/Bath
oe rownoj135)/Dnmrk) 8}\
Be 1S.B.Cham]109 vend
ane =
Sp |J. Crosby | 560 Gnibro 28 rott&Co} 8|LoCoastriE. 1
sD len 05 7
Sp |[. Davis | 34)Wales |11/Capt
Sw s.C/I’. Davis |216)Amer
capt. J.B. 06
Sp |I. Evans
ee Rawkener 100 French
Be s\F. Gaidig (226|/Lubec |12
5 Granbag}252|FinInd
G Hanson|203} Dutch | Ee oe] 19\Lo,
Bg sR. Hill |199/Stcktn |} 7 Sharp&C, I
X4 cf, spe|NKi,trp.x4
S jE. Jewitt 332) Amer
Ba Jones
Bg J.Kerr |1G0Scotl’d
i finan SDB
Bk djJ. Kroger |223| Norwy|36, Denmark
g |H. Morris}101
T Roberta| K Jones SDB
ef. O7
si— SwsciT. Hague 271|Scrbro Hill &Co|14|LoTmeptA 1
e.b. x3 | 6-18 C,
| 4-9P
210\— 64)/For’gn |21) Rowland) 7|FaCoastrE I
&Co.12\LyCoastriE I}F.7
S28 rp x4 7 f
2 Rewards. s.C|R. ee 323/River |26) Davidson " LoJamai/E 1)4+2
x1 3 wD Bonds) & |trp.05,grp) uns
) oat 13 Lo. Brmu|E t
4|FaTrospt|A 1|
2-4P.6-18NIC. | 09)
°26\Richard Sw
Bleasdalej112\Chepst) 2)JPark&C.10P1.LondnjA 1 a |
ae LIN‘ livel %
Sw |T. Brown |197|/Swedn| |. Brown |1%Lo.Oprto|E ‘
2Guns | x1
Sp |B. Collins} 50)For'gn| SiR, Hill FaLisbonjA I
Sp |J. Couk PriCapt&Co) 8iCork Fa.|E 2
23) Sr |H. Couch Capt&kCo] 8|FaCuastriE 2
G |E. Dekker|!9 Holland |19LoAmstr|E I
} K
3 s.CiJ, Greenip)345 Gladstnes|16)LiMad’ra|A 1}4.1
cb.x2 we ure |5DBE Drp.|x2|14—642-9P, .
Ss.C\E. Griffith Haworth}10|LiBrazils|A 1).\.1
efx3| A Mol) js08 10-12C, | LIN, Peovid xo) 4g
S diW. Hurst |304) Domrk|P paarand 15H) DStr'tk 1
aD 8|Lawrnee |Irpjx3
Lloyd |194|Chepst) 8} Bowsher|13 eal I Ihr
sD -9 & 6-4P. x9] ¥
Sp |B. Lock | = French) 9|T. Pain | 6/TpPtsmhjA 1]
= to
pt LB. x1)
Ss.C} Mentrap/320 Hull |23]J. Collinsalas ILot'enep E I
spB) w.p./99/ 8Guns | a.
| Wilson} 16|Li.TrnsptiE I
8D B/NUW,grpO00 |rp.09 5Guns 09]
Bg s|J.Milward)202) Amer. |12 Capt.te 13) VirginCo|E I
A. (Ox
septs Leith 212 N.Baful Staples| 16) Beare
6-ty 4-68 4-1 |2P x3} 5
250) —® Margaret|A. Sisson |,
S LB} w24 AB
—Taylor S sJ.Jackson|315|Konin.
W Jlolue
eel i,
350)—& Barbara |J
, ae apt.
5D |almst rb. 89
879 x pLeGo LhGtnbrA I Af
— 5 4 fies
10 Guns
5)Rochdale Bg) Smithson ie Selby /21)Wadel&
6\Rock Bg s. x J. Findlay 169 Plymh| 5/Cooks&C,/|12/LoMssna\A I
$a) 4-12&6-9N ,|C. :
7 nocksaibiebs| G.M‘Lean = Niimp}12)A. —
Bg s 08
§}RocklandBgs|W. King Ps NYork| 9
sDB |
9|Rodergo 5 |EAngleda
230) Amer.
iptP.Bms) & |Cieling
340|Rodie Bg s.C\J. Taylor i214'Plymh 11)R. Roxby |13|Li.Gtnbr/E I
09} M.LMilmer sp»! 6 Suns Cilstg | 11
1|Rodian 5. J.Prophay 330 Swedn L1)\CaptacC 16\Co.
2\RodionS s.\ . Popoff 431 Arkngl) 4|Russia
pic I Bx ‘Fir
3\Rodney S_ sJ. Bowles S09 Whtby |30 |
. Moorson $8 gr). 98 8! 4
4)— Bg sE Dale 203'Swnsea'34 =e 13|LoTrnspyl 1
| ‘sna almst rb. O4 |trp 09
5|Roe Ss, CU. Berry 319, French 23 AI Dowall 16)Li, Mad’
ptl.B Oxpts.CxS lust eps) P.P. Sas rp (ia yrpsx?, 12)-9 |C
Koebuck Sr !
s.W&C I,
= Sp J. Finch | 5
s\— Sps.C/A, Miller 44 Grnoc me Kerr
9\Roger StewrtWJ. 7’
| S 6.C c.f.x4)
360 Romp $ |S. Rankin'290|Massa.| §
S |
te |P.P. Sds| Ox
6 Roosen Bg s} Grohtmn|!46/Crishm| 9/Carlsham |12)Li Rtrdm/A ; A. I
’ Lane WSOM s ny I’, Dowel FaLisbn
part Fir | As
» Rahden|175|Volgst |17|Volgast
Baaker 200 Russia | 6) Petersbrg }11|/LoPtrsbg/A 1
so |Fir | | 10
ijRosanna S |S, Spiere |234|Philad./11/Capt.
sD atts O.&C. P. | P.Sds&Bms
pu i i ne a Fir S. i J.Ku:
5 5. Brook /245 oe 9\ Kenion&ci14|/PlJamai./A I
a Dw 2.9
S siC,. Encher|271)
Bg ‘SR. Kirby [246|French Robinson 15|FaDublnjE J
“06! sp B\pt FrCielling|Irp.06 |
Bg \J.Losh 134/Wrktn |35|Capt&Co)19\Co.
Sr Saul oe Er — old Carmt&C g| Pl Bord’x
§ s.C/WStewart 209 Whtvn ‘olStewnté Cli 3iCo.
1.B.06 |SD5 =
*P [. Stone | 4 "a 9 st i g/ToWymh/E I
"ie LS]
5 at! ‘Thompsis 294|Nwestil 5tLwrnceg-c|16|LiJamai. A I AY
el XI SB)
176|Whtvn |18|Capt.&Co13)Li, N’find)
‘Elliott 108 Wymb|13 12}Tizard&C}13)PI. Irelnd
476;Russell ky Jj. Allen (28 heer
| 7 :
1/RussiaComp-|M.Corney/315|Hull [21 orney dc}! 15 Lo Arkng
anySsW &Cptc.£}@>%4 Barges v e|ptn pv. Tp Sds|X1 10-42-16 P| LoSi Tho
azRuth Ss,C\J. Briggs |244\Chepst| 2\J. Irving l14|Br.Brbds Al Mk
‘et arry |18S|Hrngtn eh 13\LiMemellA | At
Nth fi SDB
Supplementlof additional|Shps| carried heats the! Register.
2\Saark Beekh--M. Pool |121 = 10|Papenbrg on Lo.AmstjE I
s|M. Colla |292/Veniee |LO\Capt.&Co,)12|LoStAnd| E I
Drp. (xs, |$- 4 Guns x3
Bg |HEllingsn| 69\Danish
|. Crosbie 29|Bdefrd 3iPry & Co,/16/LoJamai AT I Al
cDB 8-129 C.
ua Bg ,
5|——Tejo S| Fguisiedo 391 Brazils 22|Brazils
s.W&C 1.B.08
‘Ss x1 e.b.
50)}—Femma G | Creemanj!6 ms a ,o|\LoPtrsbgiE 1]
Johanson|250)Ptrsbg |14/Capt.
Ds| Srprs\x5
. Bloom | 89|¥rmth}| 4J. Bessy
ENB 2 Guns
1/Salamina Bg )
»sW&C ptc.b.07
2\Saldanha SsiGG. Melloi210 Amer.
so8'Fir Dip.
6|SallySs.W&C Brock|sby |208/Amer,
cf. x?
t}l27!Yrmth |
§|Bristol ul R.Claxton|18 BrStVin. A * 1.E
|} 6
21\Hurry&Cj14)Li, N’find|[. i
s|HIHligldlA 2 Al
"s Hope Ss W.Stewart 205 erp
5D B)ND&lrp.
Barron| 56)/Hull 6 Souleody é
1S Pl,Lond J
"LLondp|A JAE
S s.C]D.Sughru S16, west 24) Baitrum|16 LoJamai/E 1 F: T
1.B x3} J.Reed x3) Gres
3|S. re 19)Lo.
x3 a c. Ipictou
s.C pt eb, Dp Talbot
9/Samuels S d| Plaxton|$99|/Whiby |12
2|—Pascall S oem 227 | axa Brooke&c|14| Br. Spaiujk. 2
3|—Vincente Zamaca | 7/BrBil
ae ne Rentexial 180 B.Ayrs13)F, Vere as LoMVid|E I
_ iola
7|Sandwich Bg ee 180 Falmth) 5 “toF 13) Fa.Pach:
s.C x4c.f
Carthgena 12'Lo.CrtnglE 2)
Pitchiter| 115 Bilbou
Bg | Ruchetto|!97 Cadiz
| 10-6P. |}
16/Cs AlicntlE 2
1 ‘LeG brit; ET 1]
= 2U
CIW.G 361|Whtby| 2i\Capt&Co]16|LoJamaijA 1
3 One | Ais rack ees
so8| NB &lrp. 3} 4=6P.
A. Grant |530|Scotl’d|14]W.Osbornj! 7|LoJ amai Ey 1) F.2
ipa\Fir rbixt| 1@Guns 10
T \lams
301|Saftah Sk s.C\T. Hill
Snyden}! 50/Swedn |
Fir W.c.
Bg s/R.Wallace|153|Wrktn
Jac Leo SDR ownke, x3) 3
Bg |W.Walters 92 Nwestl|i4/Capt.&Co]| 9/Lo,Ostnd|E 1|
Sceptre Sw
CchXx Wsinpeon| sDB 0 C.
369|Whtby |1 1) Chapman) 16 Cam iE J
6 Guns | 6
c.f x3
ijA.Jordt |214)Konin.| 9)D, Bryan 13\Lo, Riga|A 1
Srprs x9 x3
9 Schriverhedn|O. Albrstn|400| Dnmrk\33
5S |
Phone ren tt s DB}
3\Capt&eCo!13\GrHalifxjA I Ay
eDB) {-12&2-6P | »
Bg s.C} Norquoy}232/Chestr /27| Smallshw)14)Li. Brazls|E 1
sp B/lrp,! ep. x4 2 Gns
Sr\J. Knubly| 61|/Dan Pr12iCapt.&C
so |Fir
pt ef, O9 Ng
5\Seaham Sw |GSimpson 152|Dnmrk|t1
sp | O.&Fir
Bloomfild| 96/Yrmth |10| Barber &c| 10 LoPtrsbe 1A I ALT
FR Rattedisog >
7\Seaton S c.f.'J. Moses |34)|Hull | SlFeathr’tneli4 Lo.CG.U A 1
s.C OT 12-6 P,
3}— Sw orig Pearson|230 }Hengtn Scott&Coj13}Li StKits 1 Ad
a Lo.Strlsd} E ¥
7 ‘LoArkng|A 1
1/Seeman Bg | Eisenbrg 47 Konin.| 6|Koningbg 10 Lo Konin|A Z AT
2\SeePferd Bg s Mendals 60 Domrk}19|Meyer &C}14)Lo, ET Z |
d OT soB!n.TpSds| & |trp.xz |
3|—Vogel G [E, Mass Ba Ace Be Rostoc |{12)Li, WismrlE 7
4\Segar Sw s.C|W.Thorpe 185/'pshm (\Jond& Co. 16\Loy*mtic/A 1) Ar
x5 x4cb.)R.Curtis ison) w.Dk'y4/ 12-9C. 1} a
5\Selby Sp |W. [Cooper a Hull |23/Spldng &c} 7 LyCoast \e Et
|Watsriin e 1,3
6|Selina Bg s ss Andrews} 59 Liyerp]|18|W. Blake |12|Fa,NplesjE 1
SDB. 6 Guns
Sr Fitzimons| 60/Stngfd |11|Capt.&Co] 9) LiBelfast EA
ep |Fr&Elm x2
Sr |P. Palmerji03/Tpshm| 5) Wuilliamsn olxCoast,|A IjA.J
TT 4-6 P. 4
Sw | Williams) 18|Brmth 8) Wiliams&|10/Li.Antwp VE ALT
$00)Scenhora dos . deCosta 52\Prtugl old
wgustins § Pul,
St Mchaelj 7|Lo,Md'rall. 2
6D ptr Ciel a
Nedar ne Lo.Mal ET I
: 10 ‘BristolCulE I
12 Li,N’And)E i "
ip LoGtnbrA i
SK 3]
10 ve [,2
$59 Bmbay|16'Melish&C)16 LoS,Seas'E
monet tar Teck | 15 Guns LoBer: Bay xs 9
mn 19 Bremno| 7\Bremen |i12'Lo,Brmn'A I
1/SevenBrothrs H. Beyer 120 Damrk sitet ees Ai
9|Severn Bg J. Dudas 109/Stkweh 5'Hcksn&Cli0
LoGnsbr|A I
3)— S ace Arew |478 Bristol 9 R.Claxton|18/Br. NevisA I
yes | sp |redO2trp,|x1 Drp.xs
7\/— 5 5C\ * Rubb |220) jCPngn 33'A. Hunt
Wo. Cork E I
~”|Wood &C 11
420)Seville Bg sil. Merry |203|Amer, J. Merry
x spa| pt P. rp.\x4
Rober ae hort 5 Fillis
p |Fir |
H., Petersn 135 Dnmrk|38 Iceland
! x3
4)Shakspeare SIG, Towzer 288/Amer. |10) Dowrickj1G|LoTrnspt)A 1] A.r
s.C pt c.f. x3 PPSds &| Cileling, Demer
425|Shamrock Bgs|M.Conden|1 48 Massa.
1] Thompsn|12|Wo.Lwepl|A. I 4 Ay
iMstCrai, 12
§\Sibella S$ |D. Hays 279 For'gn
W&C LB. 0x} captured P.Sds
4IBdeted | o7 Tr Burnard 9 Pl.Coastr\E I
Fj |x
<a Heselting 169 Spain
WC cba Rumsay Ds |Fir Derp.jxd |b
480 SirAlexanderJ. Skinner 391 French] 6
01/Bermu}14|RShedden|10| LoJamai E I 1} Ft
red Fer rol Ah SEeehia C. |& 409 NC c
SDB sev. rprs
Cra 11
\175|Bermu] 4/P. OBrien 12 LiTrinid Ay I a 1
—F: rancisBa4F. White
S08 GC
WIS. Bo 541|River |16|/Plmmr&C}19|Lo Jam: iE I it
xa] &W&CAS |B Ds [-19P16-8¢1 ie
. M. Kerr |12)LoD i.
! lax!) LoTenry; 1 t
G. Hatter} 8)/LoMesn alE 1 I
2-3P, jax
dmay Bg d&s x i
§}— —Stanho-J. Lowrey), 8
ham Bg > en rb, XI
490|\—J. Borlase |P. Baird 360/Plymh {1 Noble&C./16 LoTrmpd E 1|
?7-6P6-18C. >
1 R Baxter ie Hall &Co,/15 re ae aA 1
6-18 P,
§ s. C 4 Davidsn 686 Quebec ‘7
M'Tver 1.5. Drp. :
3 J. Duncan|277|Amer, .
oke Bg s.C x4captured = | Dw
4|—J.'T.Stanly| Dunstone,160/Amer, |
Srs.C pt LB s. x
5|—JohnDoyle/T. Ray 2a X ork de oe I4) PI, GrnsyjA I
Be ie c caf, &D B-9 P. | Aa
6|— aes D, White | 74 eae M‘Clan| 9/GrHa AT
| BD LH Ts
7 aiocks Ban|A. Danby341 Boston Japt.&Co,}16|Lo.Md’rajA I]
ks Ss. WaecisCx4 16 Guns il]
W. Fleet | 83 Arar | 7h. eva oll LhKrkwl/A 3
5D Tp x3 x5
10 Cs Cadiz ie 3
We 1DB|NUW,grp
S s.C] Holmes}?82\Amer.
42 Knmre| 6} Sullivan) 7 oLiveplA } I
526\Sisters Bg pat Scotl’d|1
S d) Marshall 303 Hull
&c.f.x3) J.Rose |
A os J.Oldham)291, nee:
P. Sds
Sp “en 67\Koerd 1
Bg s| Passmore 185 Boston
x5iWaLead [spwis.
Sr |W.Randle| 57
so |\¥Sx PP
Sp |R,Wlliams; 42)Wales
[R.bloyd | so
- Ss.W&CW. ag Ast
Ox! jeDB ee
peer oy he Se sp|G. zen vse E | I Va
5 s/ Gellermn 260 Amer
| sxipyeitPe CF. Holm/3 Finind|
trictism § |
1\Slebeck Hall, R. Penson
: Ss.C 09
2iSmart Sr
900) Malfrd
$ aid Spr .Paterson|' 200 Prize ,
tksmolensko J. Jowsey 204/Sndrld 2) Cockwell}14
Bg s.C c.b.x® T.Twuey [spa
5\Snake Bg |R.Fairbrn\127 For gn |
J. urver | op Spain
Bg Hall |207 Spansh|1 |
LoS Do
-12% 2-6C, LiBrets
550|Snipe Sts,.C W Hudson 69 Flushg
5|Soc Plun Sr Brandt) 77 ews 6\Capt.&CoJ10|Lo.Nrwyl/E I
sp |Fir . x1
Sr |J. Rivett 83)Cichstrjoiu|G. Palmer|!0/YaCoastriI. 1
ap | Drp.|X1] &\. |
1 Solide : Chrsphrsn)430 eae 3| Easterise}17
C. Gast
he ef ty
4\— Ss. W&C Weathcral'221!Philad,
09) aD |L.0.&C,
p[Somersetshire Scott |450)/ River
$3.C x9 NKIJ,DrpiX2 |6-158 a 2-9P.
Sonne G §Plessenton 178)Swedn |13)Lubec
G Shouls!130 Anclm Sree io}Lo PillaulA I] 4_T
“ters re
8Sophia Sr Babrman|107 Stettin
3|Somerset 4
G }Brodhring/105)Anclm |
| sD
"= 22
Sp | Reed | 45)Scotl’d29|Broady&c| 8 WaLvrpljE I
Sr Roberts} 5'.|Yrmth |2:.[Lane&Co.| s\BrS.MiclE. 1
CaptaeCo, obi. HmbrjE 1
ao rb, |x? 11
Srs. W&C|W. Smith 124] Amer. |11/Clive&Co.|11'Lo MaltalE 1
pt I.B.07 BD 10.6 C z ; )
Sp |J.Smith | 41/Bentile28\Capt&Co) § Tn. Leith|F 1
| §D |FirBottm|np|&uwi4 |
Sw |H. Stave |189Gtnbro| 7|/Sweden as Al
Bg |J. Vjnrot |220jGeffle | 1\Capt. epee Al
Bg | Waldmanj223|For’gn | |Rostock {14 LoGtnbr'|E I
S. Shalien 95 Dutch |392;Calmar olLi,Calmr EI
Bs J.Stenbom 156 nats Gothland ,10-Li, LibaulE J
SD Pacer
sD x]
5|\—Gustava | Brandstn|189\Swedn Y |
Fir x3
—Kirstina 'ULN Veto|166| I Insbg |13|/Kyberg ie Rigal/E 7
B 'DB Ox
Sinnielent Helander|l05|Stcklm| Sweden | 8 Li. Stklm E a
Sp 6D |Fir Le SK
S s|D,Kahars/252)Hmbro} 9\Capt&Co 15 Lo.Baltic|A :
og spe ae | 09
G | Nennen wy Prussia old ete Lisbni[. |
620\—Ulrica Sa s|A. Scon 280 Swedn |21/T. Helson Lit Stklm/E |
§Oo5 et
me Patterson|300|A mer aptuCo,)15 BostnCo.|A J
S s x3)
terne Bg | Torbiersn|267|Norw onsberg sta I
508 r x?
g3\Sotro Bg Jansen|120|British [13 apt.&Co,'12\Lo,Balticl|E 1|
Barrick! 16|LoTrnspyE J
1) Guns
1l| 5
Now. ww) & |trp.05,12-6
377\Rochell O/Q. Dick
'LiPhiladJA 41.
Bg s.C. Green |233|Philad. 6 Philadel. 15)
508 /L.0.&C,
k207 |Coneet| | 4 NewOrlns'13
oe In i
P,P. Sds 2Guns |
7|SouthamptonJ. Proctor 263/Sthtuas | § Robinson 1 5|LoJamai,
§:C Son jU-168C,4-SP., Ori
8/Southesk Bg |T. Scott [116)Mntrse 7'Souttr &C 10\LoRtrdm/A I} .A.1
7 SDR —} P | i
9|Spalding Bg |T. Wilson |154)Shields}20 Wilson&CI12 LoHligld|E 1}
| LenOT grp|\'9 4
64.|Spanish owed Cunnghm,138|Philaaj14 Thompsn| 10\Br. NYrk EY
s 3D Srp. rs|(X A. ae
1 Patriot Bol RCridefrd 145 Chestr 7\5.Hendrsn!) 9)Li. N’And
s.C OY Ep |
ree. Durrel 217 |\Dauish
* OS
a Hodgsn}1U2}lor'gn |29)S. Ber sand 12)Lo,OprtojE
| sD | D.ggrp. xt $ Guna |
A. Brown |107 |River
| spB rid03,Tp! Fs 4A86-6P
IG. Bacon 377|Dxbry 5{Ingleys&c}]
Furnell|176)Poole |10\B. Fayle 14|LoMaltalA t]A A
0. &P.
Ree Ss uichrdson 421 oe |
sCe.f.: Yavis
4\Cheeswrgi!18/Lo.DmraJA I}.\.7
12 Gans 8) »
pt c.b.x4
Bg s\N. Barns
J.Beundt |
S |FB.Biork
Sr |Bocklman
S |Burmester|220|Boston| 9)/Rattenbry|14/Lo.Baltic E 1
Bgd| Dahl |110)Kussia |
§ J. Dunke |300)Prussia)15\J. Phillips|!2)PI.
Hopkins i,!
Sp |A Dunsine}150|\Swedn |18)Nicholson}10|YaNorth E J
Cr WJ. Dyer
Bgs.C} Fer 138|Prize
eS sguyon soB| Srprsj
S |W. Gott [185|For’gn |ola|Prussia
Bg |W.lugleby| 79|Loo
sp |
ww. ww) d& trp .05,12-6 — 10
377|\Rochell 6\Q. Dick |18\LoSThoslA 1 fA.
5D 2 Guns
Norwy] § euenae 12)Pl,
spn a
Bg s. C . Green |233|Philad.| 6 Philadel, 15 'LiPhiladJA I Ja. 1
c.b.u9 spB\L.0,&C,| x!
"aneeL i + NewOrlts'13 LoHligld EJ
PP. Sds 2Gunm | rx
7|Southam oa » Proctor! 263)\Sthtuu | §/ Robinson 1 5|LoJamai,
-C S08 \8-L8C,4-SP, Or
8|Southesk "Be T. Scott {116|Mntrse| 7/Souttr&Ci10 LoRtrdm)A I ALT
GDB 4—+ P. i
Q|Spalding Bg |T. Wilson |154 ae a Wilson&Cl1Q LoHligld
en! i
64.|Spanish ai Cunnglim Ls Philac Me —e 1O\Br.NYrkiE 7
Patriot Be RCridefrd ! 45 Chestr 7 eae 12\Li.N "And
5.C O09 sm 4
Ss. WACIR. Durrel!217 Danish 9 M‘Carthy 14)Lo.Cadiz/A : ae,
1B. 08 505 li-6 P. | #
Bg 'C, Hodgsn)102)lor'gn |29S. Bernard)1.2|Lo,OpriojE t
sD | D.&grp. 2 Guns
4|Sparkler Bg A. Brown |107 |River a Brice |19)PISJho's|E ;
SDB ridOS,Tp r 4-446-6P
5|Spartan § . Bacon 377|Dxbry 5\I[ngleysé&c)16)LoGtnbr'
6 Guns
” Bes.C| Furnelljt76|Poole {10 B. Fayle |14|Lo.Malta ri x AA
O9 pt - 4-60) | 5
s|— S sJ. Warner/193/N.Amr/15/Balumore/14'LiBltmre ET I
0.2 P,
hrdson/421/Whtby| 4/Ch 18|Lo,D rf
spseectace 8 Pippa tt Wiis | Shenae ee
650)Speculand G | Grootsmn|170\Swedn | 7/Capt.&Co10)/Lo Stkim|A i
pt ¢.b.x4
Ss. Ey J i
By s|/N. Barns
S_ |FB.Biork
Sr |Bocklman|!
§ /Burmester|220 Dowie 9)Rattenbry 14\Lo.Baltic
Bgd| Dahl }110)Russia |
Ss « Dunke |300|Prussia}15 Philli
Sp Dunsine|! 50\Swedn |18 Nicholson 10/YaNorth E | I
Cr Dyer
&D ban
Bes.C 138
Fagus “Sry
S |W. Gott [185|For’gn |oja|Prussia
Bg s|Hamerbrg}!92\FinInd
S | Hentz | 00|Konin.
Bg aia 19 Loo
Ciraatlin ly
M‘Ilwrth] 9]
oof Dyn to
Du. GrncjE£ |
Cr |J. Tyrer | 40)/Flmth
| $p (Cl. Drp, xt
| Vandyke} 69)Dutch |1
Bg sDS
S | Christian}300)Norwy
Bg |P. Collins134/Sndrld|28| Spaldi
SDB erp.
Bg s|F'. Gomez|148)SCarol|1
| &D
— Bgs.C\P. Gould |116|Drtmh |11\J.
ao .
Bg } Halman|149|Bdefrd |10|Beer& Co,)j2\LoDublajA 1
Bg |T. Hill
B Long }I
. K.\ isl
Bk sJ, Rappin|215|Finlad| 8
Sr : |
Sp eens 7:
S s.CiJ. Brown |191|Amer, |Pr/R. Cassels|12\LoTrnspt|E I
pt c.f. spe) w.c. 6 Guns |
16] M*Dowal]15|LiSurnm|E 1] Me
rp.(x1 }2-1¢8%10-6C} | LIPhilud.) 1
'30Wales 15|Griffithscc| §/Ex Wales|E 1 F I
ki rf
Caeningtn 1) Lo Jersey I =
726|Spes Fortuna|B. Mellef|128}Dnmrk| |Amstrdm|12|Lc
Bg s sps\Fir wo,
76\[frem 18|Hall& Co,} 8)\CoPtrsm.!
sn |@'p x4
§ D B\sevrl rprs
Sp |P. Squire a Bdefrd |20,J, oe,
eee ee 4|LeithSCo,|1 -_ Hull jA 1| |
6-12, Cc. Zt
pt caf. 3 x {spn}
tamper Sw |T. Wilson }191
Goodwir}233|Plymh| 5 Capt.
Bitoliwwea spp) A. FP, A.
/244| Massa.| 3)Capt.&Col14,Li. N'tind|A J}
09 |
soo)Start g |J. You |. .| 4 r 13|PhiladCojA 1
801\Stately S s,C) Snowden|474|Whtby| 3/J. . Barry 17|LoTrnspt|A 1
10 Guns
€)Staverton Sp} Smerdon| 3)French| 6)J. Sawyer} 6)DaWales|A 1] A.
ep jrsd&grp.j/X5 10] a
5|Steadfast S |G. Sand Ho Bristol} 8/T. Daniel |138/Br.Brbds/A I
s.C cb. 07 A.
4|Stentor S |J Hodgson 389 Sndrld| 1) Bevorn&e|16} La. Alla.
C,. Surr de Lila Onl
5|Stephen Bg |J. Berry [176|NYork/11]New York): 2}LiNYork/E 1
—Bg s.WptC)J. Bull (20/Spain {12} Holmes|!2)/LoCuracJE I
pt c.f. x LO.n0&! rp. |08,4-9P 10-9/C
7|— Bg |R. Dixon '302| Nwestl]11/CaptCo]16)/LiHmbrolE I/F 1
IDE bP, Drp.x5 ‘fh
§}—Knight Bg |J. James | 84/Bristol) 2/Gibbon&e} 9)\Co,
Sterling S/T. Baker |246)Wiscas| 9)! samen LiNYork/A IfF.y
sop x2] 40
s10— Bg s|T’. Elliot |150/Carron|43 Capt. 13/YaCoastri[. 1 It
‘ly i 4 I acr ‘spa Irp. gy Diprxs x? v
— Ss.C Gr cenw’d 283|Quebc| 3} Burrows/17|Li.SCrox{A 1} I
we HAN igpp CaplaCo lu
2|— sig Rogerson 383|Lnestr | 3/Capt.&eCoj16\Co.
1) Guns
3i— S WaCd Suitkenless Amer, |g |Sanderson 3}Lo. Haytijk 2 Eur
ptc.f. x Ruse | ‘sla Quebec] LO 4
Stert Bg /T.P.Coath'144/Plymh/14/J. Teed 12 Lo Havre|E I
spa)" Kl dep x4
5|StocktonSs.C] Harrison 339)Stcktn| 2} Laugley|16|LoTrnspt I
N.1>./x5) 8 Guns 4
6\— Bg |J.Moralee ws Whtby| 9/Stcktn&C/10/LoStcktn|A 2
7\— Bg |J. White 105 Stcktn |24/T. Wilson} 9|/Ex.Leith|I: 1
2-2 P.
siStoker Bk |B.Gulzart 208 Konin |17|Koninsbrg|12}Du,
\$on x1
giStork Bg s.C Re t ate 136 ee 19/S.Holland 1 1|Li.Gbritr/E 1} fg
8.C pte x? ih aD [wm K1,S rp » (OO 6 Couns x3
'spn(0.P. To, Sds .
57\French| 6/G. Ord
DAcy «3
‘1G. Thomas|209| Bath jna}a. Baker 12 er c
4|— Ss.W&C|D. Tonge |270)Amer.
c.f. X P. Sds
op (B, ptFrP ’
+ Nelson |565' Dantz. |15|Dantzic
part Fir
Shipman|162 Ppnbg |
3|EHunt& ji tees I AT
“a od
551/Snipe Sw s,C| Powditch'!195/French! 7}Capt.
D 12-9C
Sp |R. Wilson} 93|/Whtby|12) Ingelow
Bg 110)¥rmth} 4/D. Colby
560 Soleb 9 Bg
pt c.bx
Brandt a7 worey 6|\Capt&Co,l Lo. NrwyjE I
Soe Blomster|H. Dahl 294 Navay! 5] Erickson}! 5)Li.Cpngn AT 1
Sr |J. Rivett | 83 ata. Palmer 1o)YaCoastr I. J
JHarmson) 533 Arkng! 3
B. Tindall
sp} = Drp.[xl} &.5 |
1\Solide Bg chapel '430|Norwy| 3} Easterise|17\Co,
Dn 8. |
9|— Bg |C. Gast ae Stettin |2 IStettin
3|Somerset Sw |T. Taylor 141 Bdgwr |20)Redmn&c/13
s.W&C O09 | ? Guns
4i— Ss. eee 921!'Philad,}11|/W.Danson/15/Co,
09) sD |L.0.&C. + Guns
5|\Somersetshire, Scott |450)River | 5|Goodsné&c
S s.C x8 | __[wK1,Dephx2 6-18 a 2-9P.
G Plessenton
‘o Swedan [13)Lubvc aS Lo,Meml! E I
7 G ‘Shouls|130} Anclm| 9/Capt.&Co. lolLoPillaulA 1 I| A. I
Peters sD x3
sSophia Sr | Bahrman/!07|Stettin} |Prussia | 9\LoHavre/E J
sD x2
G |C. te 60|Prussial\i2i/Prussia | 7|Lo.AmstriE |
Bg |J. Berven 164 Norwy ado 11 arerny Oe 4
° 272
55 Soatha 26 26
Aly . Bryant |12| DuMd’ralE I E.1
X2c.b,)>9-1trant|s pw rsd, sirpOx drp X2 4 Guns LiBermud
J. Johnson) 107|\Thorne|27\G Rootsay}10| YaNorth/E 3
ep sharp - 4Guns
Clarkson} 1 15|Mussa./10/B. Monell] t4]/Be.1.May}A 2
976\Swift Bg
s., W&C 1B.
5|Chsmngr #13)/H)LondnojA I 2 I
Sk |W. Dick |139)Brdprt}11 EdinSCo. 11 ey E i :
Jolueon] ep 6-16 C.
J. Henson | 74)N.Prov 3| Gordon} ¢ FaN Pro. Al
Hall& Col 8 LiDubin Aq As
tilwore jv
. :
Fenwick|12| BrSndrldjE I
5rs.C. J. Sorege
Sr pt s.C Tankrsley
Sp |J. Taylor |
87|Camrk Pr| Saunders) | Ya. HulllE 1
6D |O.&Fr Sr pre |
72\Plymh |37\Carrell& c|_giCo. y Le 1
1 1814-1815
| | S\Li.Cope
S s.C| Johnstgne|/226 Cowes |15|Fraser&C.
1 Gemmeagg| J+\' ) le sa Srprs\09 |18-982-6
H. Brown/154 Hull
1o\Tamer Sp |WBullaby) ner oman 13|Slogett&c if Grnsy/E 1
—_ HailN
ee ae !
9/TancredaLug F. S, Loys 37 French) 3|M ola ae Al
$/Fantivy Ss.C|W. Dale 279 NYork Sawyer 13 Lo.N'tindA 1 :
) Xiefhxi) J Pargs | sp |OC&e P
4|Tarantula SrJ. Toole |180|French
OSS sCLB. Deer |sow) Srprs
‘a1 French} Tomeeke 12|LoBilboal
8 s.C'J. Johnson 59 French Ls} W, "Taylor 1SILi.AfricalE I
e.b.x3)-Pearce | — |rsd&irp-xde-6p10-18C) | x3
5Ss.C nema
q Qx| Mon 8 Guns
20 Sp M‘Carthy coe 32\J, Day
Bg s.C)R. Ross M‘{ntyre19)Li.Africa| i I
pt c.f x4 bps) O.&P.| almost rb.xz | Tl
Sr Thomas| 77|Norwy KE
Pcterson|197|Sndrid} 4 Cochrane|14|Lo.
K.C hilton enn
ies fie Bg
7\Teresa Sr
entacaoS |T. Matta 250 Amer. }14 ped
spa) P.Sds
Terra Nova |
Bg 6
Bg s|J. Wilson |171)Mi
u, Litle iDB Un
W. Dick hah 12}LeithSCo, 11 Chonda) |
i, SU wart aD
aulaphc icine | 2 Guns a
fi Ganfi | 2) M‘Kilgan LaLsbonA Tf
Bg |H. Madis 184iSndrld
ee rw n lspa
Ss.W&C/|M, Scott S79River 21
JS Storey |
Sw s,C| Striplin |
X1 pt o£Strich
Ss.W&CIH. Todd |:
a iN" jad
10 a
76 (Theodosia S |R. Smith [391|Shields|33) Dempsey|17|Li.Ptrsb ee
.Cx8 cb.) Ur, TO! a ee: xt }LiT. ila
5, 9 pt cf 03 Thownps on tne oP Keefy
Bk Cock |170/Danish|11 Deumark 12, U.Balis
L. Frese 193)Stkbilm 8 perma Lor
4174/Tgamb| 3/Young&C\13|LoTrnspt|A J
|SDB 4+ Guns x3
. Wilson {171|Mrypt alBell & Cot Li,
G, Lidice |sps|sundry 4
| | ‘Srprs 08
W. Dick |133/Brdprt|12 LeithSCo.
i, StoM art sD
Ba |H. Madis
GC Urewn
Shepherd|412/Shiclds|ig) Blackett)!7
trp.ix@| o-18 C.,
4|Theodore Sw(O. Lewis [237 Norwy|
| g.Cptc.b, x8jc Wiiison |Fir pt rb/04) 10-6 P.
(3 Sp | Wigstrom|10s/Swedn | 11|Calmer
7| Theophilus thf Us Barends 9
a € ptc.£)
}125\Bremn |15} Heyman ©}PI.
i) TaBr nn
Ao pt ef, 03| ies opjtde 8-6 P. i
Bk Cock |170|Danish|11|Deamark |12\Lo Heb B i 9
a 296 Lnestr |14/Capt.&Co,15)Lo.Bahia ET I
a PF. =
Mlaughla 202 ee 1|Robertson!14;GrHalifx A IjA.1
Morrison [528
J. Martin | 77 Yrmth 1j/Hurry &C} 9/YaCoast Oa i
101(Thetis Bg
“| whompen 215 Leith 17/ Hewsn&C/14\Li, AboalE I
‘DB 10 Guns :
yj190 Finlnd |1 Se 12}LoGtnbr |E :
T 1814-1815
aifeimotees N, Larson ae 12|Arundahl| 8|Li.Coper
S08 Fir
3 ol Bg s. sc . Farmer|173 Sndrid| 3 Hodgson/12/Lo,MaltajA I
IDE 6 Guns
S s.C| Johnstone 26 Cowes |15 Fraser&C 13\|GrDm'ralE I
xi Gemmedg| J.\ » lie ta) s 18-9826
¢\Talavera Bg |H. Brown|154 Hull |
aptured s.C SDB
bg |W. Munro i 10} Hebbidsn|13\GrAmIsiE 7
Kempton|318'Cp Cod) 6)R. Garden
12 Senta LiArndh E2 2
7Cs Grnsy/E I
eae 10.Li. LibaulA I
ver tay on Gijor
4) Sawyer ean
LO.12&%2.9p, |
sftantivy Ss. cl W. Dale |
M5efxt) J Macgs
4|Tarantula SrJ. Toole
-5S ¢.C LB.) Deer |spw
Tarleton S |T. Payne |298|Liverpl/25|M
ols s.Cc.b. X41 T ‘Ditvis
S s.C'J. Johnson 59 French|13}W. "Taylor 13)Li,A frice i
c.b.x9 W -Pearce rsd&Irp.x P10-18C, x3| 3
K 326/Perth |22)Robertson 16|LoTrnsptE I
ne . Moncrie? ; a éSicas Canwer 2 x
20} Sp | M‘Carthy| 63\Cowes |39\J, Day
20 Pp J |
@D jlen.d& rp.\95
Bg s.C)R. Ross |187|Amer M‘Intyre12)Li.Africe us
pt c.f x4 epg! O.4¢P.) al/most rb.12
Sr Thomas] 77|Norwy
sos} CL |
bg * Bee es Abrdn 17]
Anderson 77/Plymh 13\Clapp&C.
| j09 |» Klé Drpx3
Peterson, 197|Sndrld} 4 Cochrane 14/Lo.
3|Terry Bg s « Wilson {17 1)Mi
G,Liule SDB
Sp |W. Dick |133 Brdpee 12 9) er
6-4 P.
“UWurl | gp
x4 hile bal
Sw s.C} Stri hi Dinning/15 LoTrnsptlE r i I
X1 pt cf. Strickla 6 Guns LoBahia
Ss.W&C|H. ,
Bg s s - Schloar 240/Finlnd| 8|M. Fris
§05B/Fir | MS
Ss, wee W.C.Siver|396|River |23|Long&Co, 17 ue \ Ei I r. r
xl jNp.detrp\5| 6-4 P, 10
Bg |LStenbom|235|Finlnd | 9|Wisby
SDs Fir
»Morrisog [528
Bg J. Martin | 77 Yrmth 1/Hurry &C} 9/YaCoast Al JA. I
x4 |? 8/Fir
Bg s Thompsn/215|Leith |17|/Hewsn&C)14\Li, AboalE I
:DB 10 Guns
Be Tracey|!90|Finind |10|\Capt.&Co,'12|LoGtnbr |E !
0 |
Sw J Williams|!83/Whtby| 9/Langston’s14|Li. Riga |A I ee L
Bg | Woodwrd|!33|NYork|11)J. Pine
aD) P.Sds A.
G |Wuninbrg|150|Bremn|21|Bremen
8/Thirza Bg |G. Garson|117|Yrmth| 1| Shephe:d/10)Lo Antw,|A i Al
giThistle Sp |. Mirk | 77/Grngm|i2|WSandmn
Bg Jp. Rennie |141/Amer, |Pr] Milliken|11/GrRtrdm|E I
s\ pw Nilacels og] Massacs 4
Sp WW. Wright |101/Grnoc |14/T. Orford
| 6D /TpSds P.|Plajnk,» K107
omas K |E, Ball 1|Domrkj12|Brydgs&C} 4)LoCoasts|E I
$D |FlatBttm
S s/R. Beard [451/Norflk |12] © Oliver}
Ss Cis. Bell 11GYrm.) 5|Brook &C,}]
c.f.0x DB Drp.jx2| 2 Guns
S s.C}W. Bethell}307|Liverpij25| Haworth|16/LiDemra EI
x4 PLP, Sdsiirp
S s.C/RGranger301/Spain |{10\I[dle & Co,|! ILoC.G.HIA 7 a
pt c.f.x O. P & P \red x Drpxt 8 Guns
151}Thomas Bg [W.Norton| 63|French|P
Water &D
a 5 diJ. Tay! 355 i
oMurshall¢ no W ‘Goanis epa|
By J. West [171 Danish old
| SDB 0.8 Fir’ inp} | 7
16 x R. WY Iliams)329 oe = Prothero 17|BrStVin JE 1} ft
SDB /0SEN +\a k] me
Sr 8 .C W. Wright)l54 Serbro’ 5 |
AS pte.f 0. SDK 4
9}— nets “ T. Barrett a et
3|~Bouch Be T. Bouch 235 Mrypt
aC J, Nelson | iVingini 7
4 elston S |OSullivanj454|NBrns. 2/T. Gelston|17|Li. f
s.C I.B. Siriliin Isp s|BSHK& S, | 3
5}—Gordon § s Treadwell| 189|NAmr,'16|Portsm’th
6|—HenryS_ |W.Phillips|409|Quebc| $ Usborn&c 16/P1. Livrpl|A 1
c.f, 0-18 C.
7)—-Jefferson |JConaway|174/Carol, |14/H. Hayes |1]
sp 8)FrTpSds A.
8|— Hig |A. Theyer|155 Boston |13|Boston
9 ein apex JSandersn|!19 4) Amer, |Pr)\W. Ray e
«Lister ippp \uderson ’
170|—Nelson § B. Trott ben” Wisc
e.C pt c.b. OF
2 aoe 5. Wood 292 Lye 2|Dixon&C.|14|LoJamaijA 1| 4, L
6-18 Cc.
54 Virgin./11]\\ ilson&C}16|LiBltmre|lé I
lspalpt PP.& PP Sds A. Ox
(283 Boston| 6'S. Ilan
| P.Sds A.
. Morris
176{Thomas& Ad\J. Wilson |171|Sndrid Reece t Hull jA I
-ela spa
7|—& Alice Sw|LHodgson)184)Shiel Hodgson 13|Lo MsinajE I} »
sx3 SDB 4 Guns
si—& Ann BgiW. Hull | 81 T.Cullum)10|\CsLisbon|[. 1
S siT.Newton|333/Hull [13] Wood&C,'16/LhDSrwiE 1}F.
part d 05 tps |6-6P.4- 4
18 fee TStoddart|110)Sndrid| 9|Bowser&c,)0/ExCoastjA I
1)}—& Eleanor D. Major] 55|Rchstr|30Punnit&c| S|Li.Rtrdm|E |
Sp sD
—& Elizabth|S, Small fogehmer Smith&C,| 10, LoCoastrE I
missing Sr s
3\—& Hannah | Holeman 78 ala 5\F. Paine |LO/Ex.Lond/A : A
Sk aD
pr Barris
eet S|W.Philli
sC cf x2/RJohnson |
6|\—& Juliet Sp) H.Pounce| 88/Cowes |11\/Capr&C. won Al
8D | # Guns
7i—& Martha | Ransome! 96/¥rmth | 1 el &Co| 9 LoCoastriA I
sDBE pt O.M.
Ss.C Dysart|136 Bdefrd |t1/Carne&C./13\FaTrnspuE 1} F
190] — Sr |R.Filks | 71|Amer, |15|Liverpool| 9LiAzores|E J
5D x1
Bg |N. Gibson|104|Dublin\15,; Sparrowj10\Li. Cork|E 1
sD | Ox
Sp |T.Godfrey| 46|Rngimr| 9/T.Godfrey| 8)ExPrtsmjA I
D | xg
Ss.W&C|T. Green |291/Stcktn |23|/Mason&C\17/CsTrosptiE I
—S Sally Bg] _ Stokes 89|T pshim|t8|Kenaway | glEx.LisbulE 1|7
4 a tokes; 83) pshm|18|/Kenawa x.Lisbnik T]7
<> Il. Brooks} 5» sepraly y . x3}
Bg d/R. Martin) 81}DomrkjldiCapt, | 9iCo EI
sn | pt Fir sx xl
—&SusanSp|T. Webb | 56/Brdgw.| 7|\Webb&Co} 8|Li Wirfrd|A a
| aD
Susann- |R. Dacres Sei\gorah 2\Capt& 7|Ex Dtmh| ET I
Sr x3
—& William |E. Brown 105 c= 14). Brown |} 1/Lo. Cork/E 1
205|W hee 30/Thmpsn&z}1 2)Li N’fland
sp pilend almjost irb.00
200] Thomyrics s J. Lecock|2
. Wilson |171{Miypt {39[Bell & Co.
| GJ ile IDs
mo k 62) Bar M‘Kilgan
ite. —Alkiot | sp .
Bg jH. Madis |184)Sndrld| 1|Madis&C14|/LoHmbriA I} 4.7
G.Urewn lspe 2 Guns
- Nichols131/Yrmth| 5)Holt&Co./1 YaCoastriA I
Bg s\J. Ord = |270|Whtby |33/TCuningm|!5|Du Arkg/E 1
sp slalmost rbix2
6\—_ § s. W&C|M, Scott (37: ies 2! Dawson’s!17|Lo.JamailE J
Dinning 15|LoTrnspt E I i I
é Guna LoBahia 9] 3
Sws.C Stripling 18 Sthion oe
Xl pt c.f Strick |
Ss.WA&CIH. Todd |211)River
part. 06
4|Theodore Sw|O. Lewis |237| Norwy
s-C pt c.b. x3 eptured Wi i}sun |Fir pt rb.
| sp |Fir Plank
201\Thorne Bg
7\Thorntons S aan 263 Hull
pert s.Cjx+ Fisher |#08) N.KIP
Sp |L. Post
G Smitt
Sr |JF.Hrdrth|103|Norwy| 9
ep {Fir Plank
Bg Muller}120/Stettin |11 |Capt.&Co,)12)Lo.
S diJ, Taylor |355
ol W.Gennis \sp5
spp, A,
» J. West [171/Danish:
son! 0.8 Fir|Irp
160\— d Kt. i, |fiams529 Copen. 42 a
— Sw CW. Wrigh iSisein 8|
AD pte.f O ir
« Gelston|17)Li.
CIB. x3} Clan ppp) SPHk&! 8.
5|——Gordon § Treadwell} 182 NAmr, '16|Portsm’th 13|Li,PtsmhiE 1
JConaway|174|Carol, |14)/H. Hayes |11|P1 Belfast|E 2]
Bg s SDE FrTpSds A. x3
Bg |A. Theyer|! 55] Boston |13|Boston
8.C pte£xs SDR 6-12 C, 4] 4
3}—Wilson S |D. Brown/24$/Philad.25|\. D. Cox|15|Li.DublajE I
35 Virgin. L1/\\ Teon&C LovLi
| spaptPP.&) PP Sis A. | |
17 5|— C. Morris/283 Boston| 6'S. Iam
x2 sD B)N. TpSie
Bg e hurlbck) !79/Sndrld
Bg s Ox | |
290\—Sons Bg J. Doake |205|/Massa,| 8\Capt.
| A.
soa] grp.|96
I83SiNY en 3\Capt.&Co.|12|Lo N'flndjA 1
Tickler Bg J. Street
missing | 60 |P. Sds.& Cijeting 4Gun3) | x3
Ticonie S sN, Cobb |245,N.Eng,15 Eacrivan + Li. Savan es
le nf
er «X35 is
oe Hizzin ip
7| Thorntons S 'M‘Dougal 263 Hull |
part s.Cx4 Fisher |spa| +A!
pteb. $D 5/58. trp.X1 gr)/X2, FirTpSdls| §
Bg W, Boness|12 Domrk|20 Pupenbrg
5c 07 2-P, 14-!
§\Towan Bg |J, Cundy |142)Falmh |19)R. Danielj12|/FaCoast: E: : r..)
5DB . 6 Gans | 1) gy
5 Trafalgar Sw Atkinson|204|Wrktn | 8|Peele &C,|13
Srs.C\J. Barr |105)Halifx ohnsn& c| L0| Li. Afric > I
LB. x4) Mumford so |BB&H Capi &t wi
Sp |J. Boxam| 76| Exeter |10/\Captdé
Bgs.CjS. Hill |173 Spain Pr] Hammon|t1|Lo Brd’x|E 2 EI
x4 c.f. Hammon |epe lx¢] 10 Guns hea rif |
Sr {R. Jones | 74)StHins| 9/Gregsn&C) 9jLi, Cork |A I ml
Bg |D Morgan 7 Wales apt&Co,/10 Al . I
S s.C\L.Quintin 267 Lnestr | 9}W&S,Hndj1¢ yp ORiols AI
c.f. Neill oP.8-6C
Sp | Williams| 31/Bnstol |10)E. Gwin
Bg J. Wright} 80)¥rmth}iojW.Palmer) 9/YaCoastr/E 1
- Bg |W. Main |13)/Hull » Larki
ts. W&CLB. 08 #pB
6/Trafficker Dg. Gibbon |143 — 2|Hough& cj10|Lo.OpriojE I
g éed 'DE x| 2 Guns
Tranby Bg |W. Wilcox}/259 Sndrid 6|/Kitson&C/|14|LoTrnspt
BC ct. 09 §DB 6 Guns
Transfer By | Harrison|142|Scrbre'| 6} Cornwall|11)Lo.MaltajA I}\.1
pts.C x3 SOB : 2-9
OlTransit S$ a J. Ware |350)French) 3)Staniforth|15|Lo, SmyrjA 1
Sndrld |17|WTomson ma E2
Sker&Co.| 9Co. ‘|
1LoQue oy
R-Mitchel 92/Yrmth) 5 &A.Kidd we rRerda
Yrown sD
13 NorfikCujA d
~ Uiting 201 Stein} Fisher&C,|11|/Lo, Riga|E |
of Cues sk x3
Treasurer Bg/W. Nixon/22 Liverph QiEllis &Co,}15\LoRiJan.|A TALL
.C cb. x3] Ke 0g [spe | G12. LS ilud] 1147
‘Bg M*‘Farlnej123 Grnoc | 5 jcot & Sus
giTno Bg s. 7 Abraethy
teas Srp. =<
fa ms s|M, Brune}lO3}Spain
| 6 12N.C. |
312/French| 8/Brocklrst/15 Lo,Curacl|A I
| , red 'X1 '2-6P&8-9C, |
420)Triton Bg |M. Beck |154)Knebe} 5|Nortoudcc,12 Gr. BostujA Bh
* 31
J. Fisher
19] Saprsxo
Sp jR. Kath 61 unea "SP. Davison|1 IL
Kloed |174/Swedn ‘old Capt.acC
Koge |171\|Hmbro! 4 Hambro’
. Kuhl |161)\Prussia heeseey LijLo.Grnini|A 1
-B, 6 Guns
Bk |M. Meyer|249)Pillau 13
Bg |Mddimast|i42|Wrkto |32 pa 11 WoDubl. ‘
§ DA oftengrp. ND |
G \J.T,Onneng8Q Prussia
sD sr
Sr |A, Pratt 3 mer, G(Capuac i] eth
Bg Richardsn 17 Hull (8
srt) Welece lynn trp 2
—Bg s.WptC\A. Scott |204 ae ae
— ptf x2 js DB) 6 Guns
$ s.C|D. Sherry\3 14 NYorki12 .Carbery
cb, 03) @ Nalai |L..0.C.8 t A.
S = [Stringardt|252/Prussia| 5|A.Crusser|12|Ly.
Bg s Thompsn| 100! Boston |13
7\Tugend G_ |C.Fielding!156|Rostoc/21
8\Tulloch Cas4W. Gullen|442| River slp Davidson 7 LoJamai E I
Es 5 - Bone
| . W&C 1.B. 0
Tseshesluva ah ] lospodi}1
luthafen .§ |B. Barends'218)/Dgrs ,
Bg |
pt strp. ay
sos one i ip aith &Col14/Lo.BrmulE I
mae £x3, inn 2426-12 C. |
ao |~pT pSc 4 &|BmsO2
| scales
Bg dJ. Jarrett |
Bg js. Jay
Sp jE. Betol | 4
Bg |W. Broad| |
§3.C Fe Gristall 235
x1 ype caf. "Kenzie qeled
Srs.C} Cullicane ) French}ii J. Sealy
wo Friends| Hanson aren! 5)
$3.6 x3cf.
Bg | Krookmn} 95 British
Sr Middick| 59\French| 6 pit
Barge|W. Morris, 45)Falmh |52/Capt.&
Oscally|102)Petrh’d o}
Bg ally}LogPetriy die
J iw i Saleh Eng. ohxs
Sr ‘Is. Rene iel | 5iCapt.
Sr |T. Sewell | 62)Danish| 7|/Beels&Co| 9\FaGbritr[A 1
ep | O.&Fir |rsaj0x
Sp Smith | 67)/Domrk
> ICI. Fir&|0
K ae Idbrg| 9
: ao wp &itrpre
Bg s.&d/J. Bugie 179 Domrk | Skvgsstog i2Co,
Sp a shia” “fare 14
Sp |D. Clark 73 Alloa 2a] H. Watt
Bg |W. Davie 3 Yrmth |12 Bishop&C 11/Da Lond JE I
Bg |J. de Boer La Amer. | 8/Embden
G |U.L, Fubr|104)Stettin | 16) Droback
Sk |H. Geddes = Dutch | 7/Captu&Co| 6|/Lo NwestjA 1
G Harms 60 Ppnbg | O/Capt.&Co} 6)Lo.HllndjA 4
G Jans 82 Prussia] 8}Capt.&Co.j10j/Lo. RigajA f
26/Vaynol Sp |E Morgan| 77(Crdign) 5|EEdwards|10jLo Havre{A I,
so] 1
Veloce Pol./L. E)lill (23 For'gn 144Lo. Maltal E 3i
Fr x1
B\Velocity Bg | Crickmay,13° Brapit Stanon| 1O|LiGbritr|A I! \ 7
Cob! MStanion | ep ne Jiaodopl x3 y
Vencedor BelF. J. Felz Papt.&Co. 16|Lo Brazls| E a
| of fe
2-6 P.
11/Pety t&Coll4 sll
cr lsd & IepJx3 19-9P 9-42¢
4\Venice S J Codner|16 ae 15 Hingstn & 13)}\DaN’find E t
7 Venise Bs Sothrh]m)|155 Swedn |
spa Fir
X1 pts.C IDR
8— Srs.W&CJ.Crabtree|142|Baltmr e2ingec tote Al
pte.f. O spB/L.0.&C.|P. P.Sds Og
ID. Davis |113/Wales |capusce ‘
SProptrt] ep |
O, Davis
R, Davis 70fFrench 5\J. Nevil
5 s. Js Harrison|2!
: atta Johason| 9|PLTrosp
KS} 2Guns PiBaitic
12|BrCoastriE 2
'14)Br Pssage|A I/A.7
9 9
12/PLSndrldjE 1}
Ichsjx| 1 eee 11 LoMinre E |
4-4P 4] refus d tube
| i “yd
Ptrh'd 13/6. Skelton|10|Lo. Lisbn E z
| Pi a Nex w Yor we sere
ost N.E *
Jaw kine Sot slit il xs
no &|trp 0s
Bg s.&djJ. Bugie 179 Damrk Siverston|12/Co,
Calne | 43 ee 14
G. Sily 2
Jans | 82|Prussia| 8}Capt.&Cc
LhDndeA -
Se Hurst 358|Dutch |pp| Thompsn}16}H1 Baltic\E
we d | OxDrpx4| 8 Guns
5 s Wa | Lothrngtn|336 bar Campion] i 8/Lo
ptc.f | 8 Guns |
26/Vaynol Sp |Crdign EEdwards|! [Lo Hav A 3
Veloce Pol.JL. Ellill |
Velocity Bg
Cc b.| MStacion *
Vencedor BelF, J. Felz
s.W&C LB.
30| Venerable Ss
s&d 2
4\Venice 5 s
S\Venilla Sp |W. Binn
6\— Ss.W&CIG. Smith Is67 Hull | slrshedden 14)LoJamailA i A.l
Sothrb)m) 155} poeen CaptdeCo]t) Du.Lvrpl|A 1
Lobo |120|Amer.
7\Venise Bg
+ ag G
2 Bg d/R. Boston
2% Sndrid |47 Te FaQueb
Srprs|Ox| 12-9 P. | |
255\Lncstr| 7|F. Clark |14 ee Al
‘pal 12 C.
73|— Bgs.CjG.Kilgour|158\[ndia
J.B ck& C.
S ise new Wales t “KOs
rbix5}) 2Guns
Brazils| 1Capt&eC
ichatay 43 sateen 11 LoMinre E
| refus d tobe
jLo. Lisbn Et)
Belfast |1 1) Crono ea BelislP
dsiE. I rt
ptl. i | DB T. 1
Bg» s|Whitaway} 40)N’fland|20) Fouru’x| 8/Ta N’find/E |
oD x1}
114|Brditn |29
Nichi lsou] sp len. Acgrp|Ox |
Tpshm |13|Capt.2Coj13|/LoHalifx|E 1
4 Guns |
ts 228 Finlod 12/Abo
Fir |
Leberg 151)Swedn| 9/Scott &Co}11/P).
sp |O, & Fir |
F. Sjolund)215)Wstwk |32|StockhIm |14|LiStcklmjI, 1
F. Perrie
155) french) 11|/Dupries &|12
Gronning 174 Strslnd|17|Capt.&Co.|1|Lo.StklmjE J
.M. Kidd 168) Massa 1 1}Norfolk
J. Mitchel
D. Mun
Bg | Mn
Lewdeen Fr
| @
: Ay I
SDB 10] «
Bg oC H. Dare |162)Wales | élviolet&c. 15\PI. Ma'ralA I
c.f. 09 sD 12 Guns i
. Ruse [2 sean 13) Fa; yiekC lL Lo.NrwylE 1|
£0B/0, & Fir |Srpraxd 6-9 C.
Vorrid Ls h
5| Vreede
G Berknhmpy !
G_ |Boergaard 72 Dutch |17|Ca
ost rb.x
Sp | Degnaan| 3
GIN. Dogger
| | sD
St Klein | 7
G_ |P. Kuper
GIP. Powell
G Pronk
Dutch }10iCapt.
ip | |
-Parlafeit} 65|Dutch| 4|Holland
Dood 74\Grong. 6. Hall
Abels | 71)Prussia}! (Capt.
. Hultz {105|Prussia} 8{Capt& Colt Labatt a]
_Kerster] 72|Dutch |11} Vink |
‘Coostin) 84|Dutch
FF, Josten
*|LoCalaisiE I )
4, | G _|P-Kormpy 70\Dutch |I
“Tuenigina| de Vildy 77|Dutch|
}_Viske G J. Janns 100 Prussia|! 9/Capt&eCo
530) —W ilhelmi- |K. de Boy| 77 Dutch |12/Capt.&Coj10)Lo.Hav
— G_| Muller 70'Dutet
wn St Vilhart) 60 Prussia
1 = G_| Witlardid « |
—-Yonyan Sk/Hendricks| 80 Dutch |13/Capt.&Co,; 7|Ya.
U 1814-1815
Udny Sr [A.Christie! 67) Nwbrg " yy Er
Jameson] sn e
forsagt Sw s{C, Bodorn oe Amer. |20) Thergessn|13|LoM
‘Ulla Herm Whim 180 Swedn | 6
lrica H Arndt : bi Stettin|12\Capt&Co |
| | .
6 Bg Boyson 16 Finlnd |11/Steckhim |12|LoBilbo Et i
7 Ss Norstrom|542|FinInd |33)J Waller |17/HIStUbs E I
IFrpt | & /TpSds07,2-3/P, |
Comberton 1. Gilhadt ug Swedn l Stockhim
4—3 P,
hristina Mher 219 Swedn
epa\Fir 4 Guns
10}—F rederica F, Zowen tSOrrc aptdc
] een JDStrentz 17¢ Stettin |13} Castndick 12
hoiynerBgs W, Brown/210)Monk-|11| Davidson|14 LiBerbeelE IF- *
x2 1.B. J. ret lsoalermou
rp. * B a- 3
- Brown /176)Hrngtn/21) apt&Co./13\.M silt Ames EL FE. I
Todd Bes
~ Ss. W&C|W.Taprelll385 Chepst 14|Baillie&C| 16 BrstVin EB if
c.f, Srprs Ox, 14—4 P, i
- Wulf pee Stettin [20/Stettin
20UnanimityS s
SDB 2 oat
Unanimous | Garrioch| 70|Strmns| 4) Sinclair/11\Co.OprtojA I
Bg | A.Sivca [op] J-More
a er Dement/!12/Du:hm} § E. Wilford] 9\Lo.HavrelA I
fl. 90
c.f.x4| A.Pullocklaps
G,. Rohne er Prussia
Bg s.C Smith 322
Sp Panatyn 92
u't | op
Yrmth| 5 Satie LC
5s3.C Brocklsby| 38 British
pt c.f x1
S s Chisholm 220 Swedn |
Ox DB Fir
IF. Finch |
» Fisher
sD8 irp.00,Se prs.08
171 Ringsd( 151. bey
t 1b. 06 jlrp.O9
Sr P. Head | 91/Brdprt|17)/Head&Co
> len. ate CS 2 Guns
's ee erp. &ix3
Hopley| 62|Dover
/ c5 i
Bg |J.Jameson/2
Bg |A. Jarvis |1:
Bg |T. Kemp | 93)Yrmth |!3
S s.W&C|W.Kendal}2 16)Liverp!
Sw Kraff ($26 Arkngll 11|Norway
Fir 2 Guns
. Long 1306|Bristol |2
lackburn | trp.|07| 6 Guns
Pee abe in ‘
cb ox Heathe'ly/son
lig |Robertson|!53 tyne
W.Dean |,
. Fisher
7 W Harrisn 59 Be '25\Clark&Co} 8|Co,
| nosire ie sae |
§ -t rb,|06 irp.09 |
Sr |P, Head 91 Brdprt}17|Head&Co
BD |len. & trp C9 .
136|Boness |13'Capt&Co12
Banfield|187|/Shrhm |30\J. Horton|13|LoOprto\E Fr
Srprsx1| 2 Guns
68U/Yrmth |SS/A, Hardie/10 LoPtrsbg|E j By
tp |np.ptw a] & 4Guns 4) 4
124) Danish|25
Spurrier 14 Pl.LivrplA I}
‘se >
C.F. Maa ae Anclm
V 199 Plymh |}
oy Aa sD) | p09
an x
Bg | Nieuman/250)Rostoc| 5/Capt. 14|Lo. Rostc/A J
S lJ. Riche |$10|Konio,|14)Koninsbrg\16|Li.Gtnbr’
Wuaudrilirks ps J
g|Urbano : “ G.Brittain 287 Amer. |17]Wilson &c\15|Lo.IFrnc|E 1] 3
Drp.|\xS|} 10 Guus | Wweles cag’d J
19 Uspeck » ‘Be C, Jansen |141)N York|13)\Riga j12\LoGtnbr'|E 1
‘W&CO06pt c b. isp E 4 Guns
] » _|LStickney|40: Arkngl 5, Grabner/1$ PI. Baltic 2
jSOBIF Ame 2
9|Utile Ba 1B, rack |170 vinlad 8\Geffle [1 1/Li.Hrnsd/E UF.0
| Oi | gp [Pie nker&e
glUtility Bg J. Fell |127,Conwy |so|Capt.&Co.]11 Co Livrpl I
1| Walsingham
S a.Cc.f
5 ee 9|WidbrCo Am J
25|Wanderer Lr |\W. Reeves|i1 Stadgt|
s]Wansbeck Sw{W. Walton 193 Blyth 19
pd Wotton Redc:
H. Moore}253)Amer, | 4)H. Moore\14|LoBotByjA 1
.C x3c.f.| Sirichlanq — | PSds ptF irClieling 10-9N/C.
S s. © R. Morton}400| Devon.) 13) Rains&Co}17|Pl.Londn E a
W&C ptc.f. x3
e\Warwick S |P.Lambtn|253\Sndrid| 5 pencetec 15|LoTmsptA 3 AT
s. — X5s.C x1ic.b,) D, nnison jspn cll
3|WashingtonS Boyinton|276 Wiscas| 3} Boyinton\16 DuNYrifs 4 i |
Amstl/E 1JE &
a 189 Stettin 23) Prussia
ote 14 ust AITA.I
Be s.C|T.Cockton|224|Whtvn| 5)J. Mandell 13|Li, Dm A : AI
cb. Vi ndellaoe Liv Wei
Bg |R, Codner 162/Tgnmh PI.Rtrdm/A 2 , [
R.Langlyjsps| O.M., 44 P,
Sw \|J.Creigh |117|Grmsb| 2)/Neave&C,)11|LoGbritrA r A.I
c.f XS soe HG C, 94
Be | Edwards)139| Br Edwards, 12/LoDublniA 1).4.1
Bg i
S_ s| Ferguson$41/Whtby |25/C Fenwick|15|Li,Pictou\E 1
ot) \2-4P, 8-19C, x5
Bg |O. Rugted)116)/Swedn |10/C, Burg 9 Ya.Nrwy\E I |
sp |Fir
110\— , 247|Amer. | 8 mi
ai Weenleysinte i. Hudson 68)Hull yer 7\HIStcktul A i
Wales |156|N.Scot/15| Dowson, 12|LoBrbiceE
sps|\SB.&P.,| | 91
159|Sndrld | 6/Rowe&Co 11) Ex.Sndle
pec hie |
4 Guns
8 Westbury Sw. Sinclair 208/Brgwtr 13 lEarle&Co 14 Li Brbice|E 1 Evy
s.C 08 F.Farthy |soa x3
294|Stkhim|13|Stockhim |14/LoMrsels|E. 118%
DB Fir grb ht Dans ns
iy Nene
5{Taylor&C}16|Lo, Ciiais « ! I A. I
LO=12 N.C, ,
125] c 328|Shields shWardle&e 16 Lata la’
3 ef. 818 C. |
WharfeBgs.C B. Taylor 1192 fall
c.f. X4) Haz!y vod|s > B/pt OM. N-BIN5 .
G.Roberts|213/Virgin,|10/T. Oliver |13)Lo.Cadiz\E 1
6\Whim Srs.CIN. Banan |109|River |16|/Bold&CoJj12)Li.Afri EI E.
x3] 8.Gritton | ¢p |wp.degrp|xi| L0-6N.C,
weet Wilson |19!|Hull |!o\Coulsn&C/1 Hi Persb EI
son) B.rpre-x:
» Miller 302 rates
ent DB|»B,
|Whi )
Naas WBriitou|son | 525 |
aWhyton S | Collinson|370\IJull
eb. XS. SDB
6) Wilberforce W. Benson}: 167 Hull 16 y= es 144Lo.Jamai|E x
| Bk s,W dc Cm pti. B.
Bg s.C|W. Thornej104 o> Z W. Moly 1] Br.N'iladA .
pt c.fx
Meditt! [Nobles
| part Fir ja
J.P. Lange|172\Massa.|161D, Stead |
rown| 94 Knerd, 4
‘liyte | ss
12) Gourgon 12 LoSmyra E I
se. 8-6P. 44 :
4\W. Martin|13|LoTrnspt A 1]
| | 6 Guns | x1
Bg IN. Clark |151|Amer. |10:Capte
sp |Fir
rp.{08 : | Ji
Bg Cor rane 951 Poole |26 Capt.&Co, Polesin E 1 Lt
arvey ap Srpra 'grp x4 |
Crabtree!4 Port leas 15\Lo.IMa ai
» Duncan 161 |
W,Carterjens il] 3
. Earl = |102|/Brxhm/12|Breede&C}11/Ye Sh'idsiE 1)
aD |lera de trp. |X x4
| 74\Berwic|i3'G. Clark |j9|LoHlighd) E 1
Dp \
Wiliam 8 |[A.Filmorejs Dj) Norwy/12|F& GCla 16)Lo,Bahia(F. 197
1.4. Crowly 6p e|FrBms Clieliing&KosSrpsx4| 4 Guns 4
djJ Gawthrpj350| Hull | Ss |
- §8.W&CiJ.Gum |422 Homb 15|J.Marryat|18)Lo$Lucr/E
part 1B. x
Ss.C/L, Hall — IWitby . Ushrwood}!5 LoTrnspt ue
c.f.x SDB 6-9 NC,
Ss.W&C/R, Hill |183)Lnestr |20)W, Hitl [14|Lo.N’find/E J
ptl.B. DB (|Z3} 8 Guns
Bg |E. Holde we: Nwestll11|Ward&Col14{DublnColF J
4 Guns
9 Sp |H.Hols “39 Plymh 20) Oxhaml!4\LondnFal E I t'-¥
Bg |J. Hull 140 Sndrld| 7)}C. Murdy jl 1|/ToNwest A 1
DE |
Bg |J. Hunter |259|Nwestl|29) Fothergill|! HiStkhm|E i
‘Ds 4-6P. :
5 lJ. « loglee 393|/Massa.| 4|New York/17|LiPhilad/A I] A,7
Smitl a
Rial” 05) &»18.C
‘s pts.C Keyroydl 43 Bath Bath 15|Lo.NYrk/A J
09 L.B. |
sp 3|N D0SIrp 07 x
ta. - Rowe |10Plym, Coll. T
Keetin fee IE I
6| Paterson To Elly
s| Paterson|2S7|Amer.
spa\jptO M
-Preasnt| 87|Luwstii] 1/W. Present}10 Ya. Al Av
Bg s.W&C| Powditch|24 a i3/W. Watts {12 LoCGH El ee
J. White eDB| | 10 Guns | Lol't-r' 5
06 ;
Ss.W&C\J. Watson |311/Shields}20) Chapman) 4|LoTrnspt/E 1)
pt c.f ; spn) W Dd Irp, &18C, x2)
wic| 8J. W. Hay} 9}HlHmbr'A 1}. 1
S s| Paterson 237 Amer.
ircenw vell ape
H. Pierce|i6u|/Hrngtn| 3\CaptceC
son\ptO M ) | iL
-Preasni| 87/Lowstf] 1/W,Present|10 Ya.
\J. Stewart|117|Boston |16}Boston
S.C ptc.b.
Bradford 3/5. Fa lis
4}-— Dawson $ | Furguson|48 TALE
#.C cub. sDB “4
i Holland | 6 LoRtrdm|E I
SP y |
—Dickson |J.Dunean ‘92/Amer. PriLong&Co,'10/Li.GisgwiE 1
Bg 3 | 1
—Estell 3
Fell 5 s.C\J. Boan
$10}—Fenning S |A. Brock
WiC x N.w.grp./09| 8&Guns
1}—Flounders |J. Alcorn | 75\5 Helns) 1/Flounders O|Li NewrylA I A.
r |W illiams sp 4
j}—Heathcote} Bateman|517|Livrpl |15 Forshll& 19) mp E I
Sa.Cx$ P.P, Sds'w, |@.&almst rb,'x3/20-9 i
7i—Henry Sr | Doughtyj101/Quebe| 4). Hateenltol — !
aD rsd x@
al—Keais 8 siM. Price |254 N Caro|} §|Norfolk
P.P. Sds
j—King Bg
£17(Tpshm|16 Capt&Co. 18|LoJumailE Fi :
5 Ds\y .Bosk/Srpj0T 6-1@N'C, a“ ay) 7s
Lushit sl Sughrue naa
577 a 7 P.J, Miles|)8|BrJamailA x
| § Wek
pene ee | Thor |
326 Neilson B Armetrp a7! divin 2 Davison] }¢ Lo.
149 P,
326]William Piele|W,. Smith |1
G | Douglas
Bg |W,Slocmb} 65|French{12
Vihite | ap
5|— Sw s.C Robertson
c.f. x2
AnnaSp| Jameson 1
09 i
S50\— Ss.W&CIA.
Ox |
401jWilton Bg
geo |
ax Teverson
IC, Sinclair|3$2|W\ htby |12/B,Hickson 16 CsTrnspt|E iE.
soos 8 08 TIN Yor OE
Woodland CalT. Hardy |173|Yrmth |13)Capt.
+e Sws.C 10 Guns
|W.Stewart 256] Nwestll35/S. Hurry |15/LiMe
faalasaecrlaah Drp.xL
P.Sds | ODA
440\W unng hm 147 Blythe 13 smh 13/Pi.PillaujE Thy
obl rf On spel \LiBreai's| 2
Ka, Hu
401{Wilton Bg
S .Sinclair|3$2) Vv "leak 12)B, Hickson 16 CsT'msp
a (Cc. ivt Freeman
£|Woodland Ca\T, Hardy |173/¥rmth 13C =
‘| -etle Sw s.COx 0 Guns
, L.0.&C. P.|P Sdade Bo A 7
6\Woods Bg |J. Hewitt : alLAMt Dial 1 : I
Rh. Waller
10 ) 7\Br. Vigo|E 1
|idGardn &C 15|BeJamai le I E.r
10-19 P, BeQuiheq xB} 4
4)Spark& C. 13)PI-LondnjE, 1}? rot
“Ach: 10 Guns vOpe, at
Fanny s L. Visser 194 British |old| Wombwel 12) P1.Londa E J
rs nj285
tewart Jenn
Hicklets 195
7 —Peggy Bg C.Perebrd 61 French
aD nbyf ow
i bart por | PilW. Smith|ta}YaSbilds|E. 3
soe len. & rb.\09 | x)
49 Y rth |10}Lettis&Cu :
Bit eg
| Flushing
Consinton{215)Hmbroj18|Hambro’ |15|LoArkng
2 Guns
7iZelfia Sr
siZelia Srs.C
1 Cire
» Harris
2 Guns
Bg | Lumsde I153 ISndid Webstr&c|12/Lo. BrmnjA I}\.9
2 Guns .
Ss.W&C| Perry |280|Amer.| 5} Bridges/16)LoS,Se
OCP P< 14 Guns
6 s, Price |284Amer. |Pr| Tweedel/13|Pl,Londn
Fir 2-4 P,
S s.CV. Potter |467|/N Brns.|31| Robertson|18/P!.NBrnsiE I
1B, B.P.&C. 14 Guns Or
Ss Robinson|392|Whtby [34] Middletn|16[Lo. JE a)E.1
SD Bi nuw ty xi 4 Guns eBoston J
IW. Scott 308 Pirh’d | 2} Hutchnsn|1!1|LoIcelndjA IjA.t
Trigowith|107\Cork | [kCBlewet! 9|Pl.Londalt. I
_Tullock|295|Cheps 16 Dryscqlj1f|Lo.Curac|E 1} E-F
Tunbrdg 113 Yrmth |17|Palmer & 1 Ya. CorkjE I
VV alson jx? 6-9 P,
C.F. Aldag gia2s Finsbg 25| Moller|13|Lo.Baltic EI
Baillie 298 Sndrid |121J. Smith 15|LoJamai.JE 1
odiac Ss Cl - Brown |397|Shields| 3} Bulmer 17(Cs Trnspt|A I Ael
; 1 “pe ce !“ oA 16 | xii
FE, Clark |274)N, Eng 5|Capt. 15|/PIN York oe
B.ialstew pt P.
62 megenkc Fig Ullessanit 0% Rtrdm |16 | Hoffman 10/LoRtrdm|E r I
7\Zorghildighe|J. Hutson |190/Swedn | |Capt. Lo.Havre
fz ongerne SHA: Be 195}Finlnd s|Spain 11}Lo,Gijon}A |
yiZufriedenheit) Eyteman|240)Bremn |15 Bremen » Brd’xjE 2
70 s* Geeltz|s 30 |Hmbro| 8)|Pouch &C/14)/LoHmbr JA 1
G_ | Schrode L7OR al 10 -_—T 12/Lo,Baltic E
So far as Surveys have been received from the Society’s Surveyor.
1)Auckland wd CYT. . Bridge = Rehstr |13 Capt. 10}Hr PacktlA 3
e 6=6 P.
=o Hamond c Yrmth /15 arr 10) — {EI
King George|M. King 82 Dover {13 Capt. 190 6— jEI
Cr sp 6-6 P.
LadyNapean} Living
Lark § Wye | 71|Brnstp.[13; Wye — |EI
Per eset
1\Rlucher Bg
s.C cf. x sp | P.TpSds oo
g\Chesterfield |F. Hale |207|Drtmh|151C
S$ s.Cc.f| Furze | 10-986 P.
3iCountessofC} Cock [180/Falmh| 7 ark —_
ichester Bg s.C 12&9
Darlington “Harvey|216]Amer. | 9 Capt.
§S2Ccf L.0.&
5|Diana Ss.C) Parsons}190]NYork) 8/Capt.&C
ptc.f. jspa| P.P. | P 2 6P
Duke of Kent/Coteswoth/180}Falmh |13)\Capt&C
$s.C cb Arp.|x2 |8~6 & 2-9P
L180 Falmh ll CaptseCo
se Bga.Cef. . Srprajxl| 8={9 P.
10jEliza Bgs.C| Stevens}iO6/Amer, |11] Slade }i1] ——.
cf, 12-946 P.
1jElizabeth S Forsedale [SOjRiver |20j\Capt.eCojis}] ———
a.Cc.f.0m 2-9%6-6P.
Sexpreeige a. Quick 1208|French} §} Bulmorei2}] ———
spw/LOC & it FirTpSds [14 )9 219 P
4\Francis Free} Bell |180/Falmh| s/Capt.cCoJ13
ing Bg s.C c.f } 10-9P.
5\Frederick Bg} Lee ([155)Amer. |Pr/Wiliams&]1)} ——
5 De Be9 P.
6|Grace Srs.C} Vivianj194)NYork| 3|Bullck&C}10] ——_——
op | 0. & P. |-12&2-9 P
"| Hinchinbr Jumes |195]Amer. | 3}G.PstOfMc]1 |
ke Bg s.C c.f. x er-7RT? 2
§|Lady Arabel-+ Porteus/172|Drtmh|16;\Capt&Co}) 9
la §s.Ceb Irp. [x2] 89 P.
g|Lady Louisa | Gibbonj180}Drtmb| 2/Capti&Co}i2] ———
Bg s.C af 12-9 P.
Qyu|LadyMary P4 Graham|180/Drtmh| 3/CapteC'o] 13] ——
lhamBg s.C c.f. 10-9 P.
1|LadyWellin Proctor}189}Falmth} 2)Capt.aeCoj13
ton Bg s.C c.f. 2-9P8-12C
$| Osbourne Bg
e.Ccf. x3
Prince Erpest
Ss.C x3c,f
Se, hee
ECast-Jndta Company's Service, &c.
Those Ships marked ® are extra Ships, taken up for Four Voyages.
Those marked § are taken up for Eight Voyages, but are generally termed extra
Those marked ¢ are taken up for Six Voyages, Ships,
Those marked }j are taken up for One Voyage.
Seasow 1812—1813, all arrived except the Devowsnins,
SEASON 1818 — 1814.
—— == = —
When Ships’ Captains’ | Where Where & |
sailed, | §Narnes, Names. bound. hen built Husbands. |
| 1814 |
Lee withisnide sus H. Newell greeny. iverp! 03) J. Moagies |
jJune 8]Ann s.C\P. Cameron fad'ra&Bengal/River 1/8. Reid
| Feb. 22 Asia s.W&C| Tremenheere|Madras & Beng]i—— x1/H. Bonham
‘Feb. 22] Astell s.W4&C|WH Hardyman|Madras& Bengl|——_ Ox}G. Gooch
| May 10]Bengal s. Wee G, Nicholls [Madras& Bengl X1/G Gillett
1813 |
| Dec. 31]/Bombay A. Hamilton |Bmbay &ChinajIndia 09|J. Forbes
6. W &
I Dec, $1|Cabalva . Birch Bmbay & ChinajRiver x1|W. Davies
| 1814 | WC
} Feb. e2iCastle Huntly |J- Paterson |Madras,Penangjindia X2/T.G. Murray|
.Wa&C & China
| June 6) Coldstream » P. Mansell |MaraxBengal/River Ox)]. Dawson | 65
1. W&C
April 9/Coutts s.W&C)J. Boyce China — 96/F.P, Martin)1g00) 8
N, Turner China — 99/R, Williams
'M. Craig [Bmbay& China . i, R. i lai!
1814 6. W&C |
Feb. 2y|Europe s.W&C|W. Gelston | Madras & Beng]| —
April 9[Glatton s. W&C|J. Halliburton |St Hel.t& China 08|SeRWigram| 1200} &
} April 9[Heary Adding-|J. Kirkpatrick [Chi i 01D. Hunter [120
i ton 3. W& | Pe!
June 8}Indus G. Weltien |Mad’ra& Bmbyi—— 03/R. Borradaile] 590] 6
April 9|Dorsetshire
1813 s.W&C
Dec. 51) Elphinstone
SEAsoN 1813—1814 continued.
) When |} Shipst
sailed. Names. hen built Husbende. |
} 1814 |
B}June 8)Lady a coving Becher fad" rak Bepgal|River oo] . Campbell | 60+,
HTune 8|Lady Castleres-{G. Sim ‘Bengal ~ 02]W. Hamilton] 820
1813 | gh s.W&C Paaaen' |
Dec. 31}Lady Melville |J. C. Lochner |Bmbay & China|—— x3]SrR, Wigram|1200} 1}
| 1814 s. | i
June 6} Larkins .C . Dumbleton Mad'* ie Ber P india o7} ~P. Larkin 637
P. Campbell |Ma Liverpl(4)R. Morris | 599] 6
5.C & Bengal
May 1(|Marchioness of/B. Kay StHel.&Bengal|River X2|SrRWigram| 950) 2
Ely 5.Wac |
Feb. 2: Marquisof Hunt D. Macleod |Madras& Chinal—— x1|T.G.Murray| (900 @
April 9|tLord Keith
\E. S. Ellis Sh ed — 96/rR.Wigram| 1200 "|
}June |Phenixs.W&C\]. Pyke Bengal —— 04|R. Williams | 818] 4
May 1( Prince Regent /T. H. Harris |Madrasé& Bengl|—— x1|H. Bonham | 95! |
WiC |
Feb. 22/Roya! Charlotte|/H. Rush Batavia& China} 85|/K. Smith | L200} 8)
a) 1613 s.W&C :
Dec. $1]Scaleby Custle [T'T.Harrington|StHe!.Bataviak|India 96/W. Moffat |1242|
1814 s.W&C China | | i |
Feb, 2: |SuratCastle A. Robertson |Batavia& China| ——— 989)J. Innes 1140) 4)
Wee | |
May 10|Surrey 5. W&C|S, Beadle Madras& Bengl|River 04/WBorradaile| 819) 5
8) April 9/Thames M. Riches China | , 95|A. Chapmnnpi 900
&C \ |
s.C/D. M'Dougall |Madras& Bmby|Nwest. 03[D. Hunter | 525) 6}
jv 9 thomas Gren-|W. Patterson
=: ————
| 1 s.W
jJune 8 tTigris
China India 0©9|Company’s S
ville. Wac
I yune 3|Warren Hastin-|T. Larkins gal River 08)J. P. Larkins}1000) 3}
gs 6. W&C
April 9)\Vexford C. Barnard hina —— O@/SrR Wigram|ig00) 5
I Feb, 22)*Vinchelsea » Moffat
Madras &Chinal—— O03/W. Moffat | 1900 |
5.W&C |
ee a SS
Season 1818 — 1814.
Madras,Penang|Hull x9)J.Staniforth
é& China
Bridgewater |P. Hughes IMailras,Penang/River x9 f. Sims
wéc & China
Carnatic s.C)J. Blanshard [StHel.&Bengal|-——— (8)W. Agnew
Carmarthens.C/]. Ross Mai'ra, Bengal, Del]. Williams
& Bombay
Ceres s.W&C)H. Scott China , 96)G. Stevens
Charles Grant |J. Loch Bmbay & China|Bmbay OO7W. Moffat }
Cuffnells R. Welbank |Bengal,Madras,|River 95/F.P. Martinfy:
Wel | & China |
| Bmbay &Chinal— Q)|]. Locke mw!
| David Scott iy. Locke
Essex WaclR. Nisbet
Bmbay &China]-— O2/H. Bonham |; 9 | ¢
General Harris | [A Cumberlege|Madras,Penang,—— x2|/ACumbrige] L200]
| & China
StHel. Penang,|India XS/J. Walker [1900
| é& China
St.Hel Penang, Bintay x3)W. Daves [1L200}
& China
(China River 95|W Borradaile] 1200
|Mad'ra,Madras|—— O@|R. Burrowes} §
& Bombay
Bmboy &Chinaj/Penangx1/R. Hudson | 1&0 OF
Lord Castlerea-|C. Kymer Bengal River O#\H. Bonham | 815) sit
“gh ac
*LordEldon s.C/]. Cowles Mad'ra,Madras,;——._—_ (i |R.. Borradaile
& Bengal
» G. Crabb fadras &Bengli—— O/H. Bonham
Lord =
Lowther Castie| (C. Mortlock |Marras,Penang,|———-._ x1 Crosthwaite}120¢
s.W&C| & China | ,
Marquis Cam-|H.M. Samson |Bmbay &Chinaj—— x9|J.P. Larkins} (900)
den s.W&C
Marquis Welli-|J. Wood Madras &Bengi——_x¢|H. Bonham | 96a]
6. W&C
tNorthumberla|].R. Francklin |Mad'ra,M Shields 04/W. Sims 60.)
-nd =. C | & Bengal .
Princess Amelia|E. Balston (China River O8/R. Williams)1200
. Craig Mindsas k Beng) x2(C. Christie | 97
Wales 5.W&C
Season 1814 — 1815 continued.
soz] i | Sete | St ne it
Roses. W&C}T. M*Taggart |Madras& Ben , er x1.
Royal sen C. B. Gribble |Bengal,Madra mei. F. Timins| 1200)
& China
Bt. Heleas. ac _ A. Atkinson st, Helena —— x4/Cmpny's Pkt} 1
roller: H. Chriopher Maia Beng ndia ~OSjJ. Locke 565
| R.S, Dalrymple|Bomby &Chine} 1}. Mangles |1200
River 96]. P. Larkins}¥200}
I—— 96|M. Lindsay {1200
&Bengl]— 0411. Bonham | 8%
, ‘ si |
gp pi. 2 i avneutfast kK, Kawes China wer GT VV, Sons
} lig® a & ; ;
oe a
| When | | Captains
| Siled.| Names Names.
1614 |
} June 8|Amiston 'W.. Simpson
Asia |W. Hall
Sept. 1 moness Merch-|T. Ross
h Feb. HBroxbornebury - Pitcher
\Charles Mills |M. O'Brien
April 9/Clarendon T. Lynn
May 10 WmMerce J. A. Cole
|] June 24/Countess of Lou| W. Hammon
} May 10/Cumbrian
Duke of Welli-! J.
1815 | ngton
Dec. 31|Earl of Lonsdale! |
] Dec. 31|Fort William |J. R. Parish
Free Trader
Sept. 1|General Stuart |W. 5. Robb
| Oct, 29/Gen, Wellesley[T. Heathorn
| ov. Raffies
S. Neish
} Sept, 1)Halcyon W. Johnson
| Hebe Porter |
Hibernia J. Lennon
} ©1815
} Dec. 31) Java H. Templer
, 1816
f June 8 Kingsmill Caseclls
: Lady Flora {| W. Knox
} 1814
f june &|Lord Duncan Coxwell
y 1815
Dec. 3.1/Mangles W. Court
Sept. 1/Marquis Well{G. Betham = N. S. Wales &cindia CO
China \
LicENsEeD AND CountrRY SHIPs continued.
\Where &
when built} Hufbands. [Tons
Amer. X1} Miullings| 3559
| 05 «Palmer
ngal Bengal 99 Fairlies
N.S. Wales &[ River O00) Crosthwai
P g,Malaca|Canada 00
& Bengal
Madras Sndrindx2
Bengal Bengal x1
Batavia \Cleutta x1
Isle of France &|——
Bengal |
Isle of France,|River 97|Lyney & Co.)
Batavia Cleutta 9 Wade
Batavia \NwYrkxl} Gilpin
isle of France&|Bengal x2] Boehm
Bengal |
Younghusband) Bengal India O3/H. Bonham
smer,.old, Capt. ad Pl. ve
Amer.. WME Lver 12 LiRotntn I
, Loe 2 Lisbon lz BrLsbon Aa
& .
sompsow 1 J! jLo Calai Eat
iT. Davies oat ardgr Cone Br C ie
A.Clark 316) Raltmy 9 J. rie hu LoNY: ae I
L Virgin. Pe
hrstrphis ah Norw ix scfm
J.Gilbert} 13 Aidt 1 Ems 19 LhHmbg A.T
| Steck 18) U. Wyk
jeD1 Fir
100! ConstantiaB | GSpinde 15
aC 2 aD
1OUClydePkt Sp| J.Booth | 74 Arbrthy 2) Catto& Ce a me
Holmes 13 1 Cardi A
2iCzsar Sw ef |Swinburn| 159 5
3Christiana S| Hurrins|
: cai Batlg WmSw
athasine& F., TP: tl
dward “p.
‘eres beg
21G.Smales|16 PY. ondohaA.t
2-6 P. T
Norwy 1fOld& Co 9fL oN
Alm. Bo @ WRIA he
Yrmth 5 Barber& qT 2 Va ll
Nicholsn 10/LhB I
| oe 5|Li Sayer
W.O. P.Pi sds
' 5|Russia’ 16 LoPtrsbg A. [
Fir Stor x3
Camilla § s, A.Coert |
Chxr.otte Sp |Wickstrm| 54 Swedil @ Capt&Co} |
PL sce <mt Et
1S i frereeeaenen ey: Jones , 50, Ramsay Capi. si 8 DuW. Isls, I
een Sp
thaciae Sp’ WmEvan
NCarol 7 rect LoPbiladlE E. I
om !
7 CossackSr's. ¢ Crawird| a: ae
S4Citizven 56 J.Brown
g Charlotte Sw JGraysun|. 4
1 jColumbusSsC A. Baker Juui
coed i eo Et
Py. Grenock 1 SDomCoA. I
Vetocad U Vous AL TOIL Bass ‘nl.
; Charlotte S s Appleton S42 ee val I lea? CLO] <stcalpa Jd
Ce ae Shs 4ACaNny ;
x5 Jxret 1K Th ; ae
st yunarroeigl ba ai] 1/00, Sev, aaah
al Oh Mel diac rei 101 Lute la pats C iseaal HL awstid Ey
j id« G a | a
ik altiope has Goodwin }27 Varmhjxsls. Paz aut u Strvits : I
ct.26 a
7Kity of Fim Lock 76 eng gall] 1 fi.
| burgh S sys
HCosniay ect Mealandend 1d Pec
lene rst 4
By |
9'Concord bg fale 5d | Aplar 12°C
170) 'CommerreBg IBrumelt" 19 | Leith Sutton 13 LiNYor
a %
Cri ‘uy 7 b. Sdorel i. ‘4s rane fl] lduiakerk =e
i 6D
o\Commerciuin Bootsma 51 Papnbg 3/ Prussia
5| Curnet “be - Kerbetso 264 Sundids
clara Bg J, Weens to
rpnaeenen A a
rm x} France
Whitficld}171!N .Sco:
9\Denison Sw |G. Fowler/201/Serbro
3/Drie erg P. Sink oe Duich
1|Wilson&c415)H1 Pin
+ Guns
tixseH dee |
7 | 5 cehaa’ Raa
| ana
s[Dogtat. ida H, Duit
180 Hambr15/Hambro 1 2/BrHambg Ei
BD |
71 Groninl JnHall 7| LoOstend Ey
yDuke axe JnAmber 70\Qmbro 15/JnAmber | 9 ‘Lo
iFeathr-ton ae] Ini | .
Doris 5. P.Groner re Finsbg 1.4 (Capt&Co 14 PIXstianad e.2
52) River 28 jCundale 6
iar aSs.Cx4 | F
7 homnpsom Grppx
achessofW- erfindcr 23° Shiclds1 1} Moe
‘thumberland Be ‘aE | Guns
4Vove Sp
evonshreBg R. Day
uke ey A. Kerr
ade den. W lr. Buck
53} 53) Whi b i At hapmyl
| | 6+ uns |
Duintzer 99) Dutch 8 faviiana
ers G
iana Sw d | J Walliams ra Mkinbg
W.RBorue | eps O.wxFir Gro.ys |
emousia Cl A.Lvci: |11 nee avs aswick
olph'n Sr (Tp:
Disnatch Sr | DrTcohn A.t
Dir Seent Ealadia |'s 28
a WAC x
Dove or
Denm itkll |
5 (Dort
296) Barmh 18 Capt&C
|Dragon Sw G.Ba :
"| D sggerbant. St Graweiu] 8 Ostnd [x4 Holland
}Domrk 4] Denmark | 8/LoCopen:
Fir &K LH
4 Foregm | Beylis |
Firtnd 1 Jacobstuit hile
82 Wales |x5 Gritfith oars Ar
- S_ |WmWest [349 A ‘ 5 Paoilad]ph|1 roel I
orothy Sw
6 vjplin Bg
7b wins
gD raper Sp
gD edalus Sw
| 1 JEdmnds \ Habra: JI
Ewerert (889 Stral 10 on ™ 13 eetteaaah L
GulDorotby By i
B.Robso 334 NShids 1) Taylor&e 15 LiN York Act
K coghé&c' 16 LoSum A-k
Wales} 13)Johns& C) ‘13 LoOpor Ba
! Rees Sw
C x5at
section of
‘Soar. §4.C ot cf x4
Dinas Bg sj H.Evans | 18¢
4| Debby& Eliza 1.Folger 27h Nid fd New Yorkts LoNYothA.t
| PS
Dorset be tenwortl} 1446 Pool |x TColbursna PoNw Lae
| 81 Ipsweh 7| Dowsing 10 LoC ; an I
7 Diana Bg |J.M.Lebl) 192 Wo Yotadt pen: Al
gDuniel G [TVerbordhf Ain he Schatz [11 Sond Et
AG. a 4 A le
peor 4 aoeeen 25: Amer. Dein Vir Et
obin& C Is eonte tae
| 10
ectePicti Si J.di Silva tr StUbes| 3 oi StUbsCo | A I
Q | sp
40 Rehstyx5 W Varrel| 8 Moran
| aD
\ \ j
t |
3] ton «= Sp
1|Emma Bg s.C}P, Tosell
ae, Ss. £
6)Ebenezer Sr Tucker
| sp
7hJvanor Sp R.Roberts
ba ard 9 s.C)S.Palmer
x4 aD
K.poir Sr | Barra
iward S {MRohlost|2
‘smeralda § | ii Allen
Wx1iX&C x4I
sther Bg J-Gibeon
xpeditionSp Mulloncy
dw nigel M‘Dowal] 32!
Ba. cf.xb M’Mullly
ule Sk R-Todd
~ Ch x4
9 NS - M* Donlcl5
$ DB
20| Es. svonSa ’. Pink ney,oud Tfull
1B daictien & |CCiasseu }17
9|Engle Sk |G.Todd |1!
g|Edward Be Pp Lowrey |177
cr. Dp
4{ElizaBys.. Li] J. Hind
153 French
rb. (ix
belfast x
ward G Volckman [0uUjStetin | 2 Prussia
ne .
175)Amer. |Pr|Nicolles &|13]Pl.Jersey|E 2
go 8\FrTpSds
1300) Amer.
0.5.4? .
‘sperance Bg LPergront 90) Frencl 9 Pedder& 9 |LoRouc: EAL
dymionSw) Salisbury 656 Mcdit
aC pt chx5 BD |
liza bg Kye 174 pee |3 [ELBooge It PlRotdrm |.
izabethSw WT wining |196|
Wrken 16
SwsC1.Crabb [27s|Livepl
3olElizabeth St 6. Musen |"65) Cork
pacha R. Ashton 4 Piymh
aoe I
1 a LoOportoa.
ninges § Haviscud os Tonsbg 6| Capt&Co!: YuNorwyf
Philad) 4) Phitadiphi6 |LoPhilad | a 2
OL] Phisb&aBime |
*Tulssia 12 LoDantack, I
|Weydema| oy
it 96 Mryp{x5| Capacois LiN Som ht I
tnigkcit G
cb. aD
uphrates S N.deCost |358 NBdfd 6] Gunnell |16; LiPhilad | Hs
dmundLock- Clements 10§ Plymhx4 Blewett 1 Pl Wales |A.I
yer r | 7
0 orig i F
ot openba. !
: LoStcttir A, L
[libbrtsn M4 Cs Livrp} £3
Wiscaset| 1{ WiscasCbA.1
“Fdward Bg J T.Juel {1
SIE endraght S| P.A.Pust
9 exporiment § § .Vail 3
liza Sr | WClifford 15
TPetersoh1$ Du LAT
Farskand 1g Du A. I
: |
Kendraght G3 emai Gronin . Li a
ina Sp M.Watt F Cullen :
is bendraxt G Jc. Doyes | 90 butch j
rong Fs
Knigheden S$ A.Neilson Ago orwy3'Dram {S\A Drem
Encket G CTBrabm 170 ERG AR, SPER
"Enighede Bk hompan 1 ae
" Eiliza Bg | C.Dall {
29)Crdign, 8 Capt&Co ) 7;WaPtsin 4 Ll
Dunbr} 5 Crawford | 9 ‘.
100/Forcig Eg
47 Pulhlyt5 Capt&Co |9 Du faa
| .
02 ree
Fir st
138; ‘Bide ll js Neavode | 3/PoNwflndiey
Gip sx o
49 Cardgn 2 Capt Co. ls VaBristdlk.7
. one,
ander Bg s. B42
9 [Fishlay& | 3 PIWareta Py
‘Rb.00 p.hs tN
Us |Rings- k5
“utha Sw
nina buem-
1.Muller 175 Emdn old Capt&Co 10!/Du
aul ae _ ap |Sev.R pia
Jizabethe M47.Wilson 57|Dovir Erat &Co Calaj
ap] Len x! alais) Enz
Allard | 90) Bordx| 3|Bordeaux}1
Shezalw ide l-]D Murray) 74
Pail “p
My Aas l= A.Suler
der Lg
“Tiwi } “Pid Duarentr: 12.
eit bed)
Shzabeth nu5- Simimo!
arab 8p |
Jeunor Sp | Morrisey
ula ate Waren Ket
gins “Dp |
Sniciprioe G | Coklius |
it HF rechs ‘2B Embdal
dca ° j ‘ep
rik we » Labridg 340: re e
| »-Cef ,
os we 4 Nickley }7o Asn r
) azle 4. s.C j. Slider
liga’s Anasr J. dest
1 Fame Sw |WGoodallj1¢8,Plymh/14 A.Malel
‘DB 4 Guns
Flora Bk |. Backer/291/Elbing| 5)Pillau
Friends Sw |J. Kydd a8 Sndrid| {/Capt&Co,)
Fame Sp | M*‘Ewan "821 Alloa 1,Capt. |
5| Furst Bluches|C. Schol 120) Prussia] 1} Zurhost/10|LoHmb ay
Free ns, L.Ramer 21 Wisb Wisby ;
= |W Baxfiel 8 Yarm uJ. Preston /1 YaCoastdr, “st
SiFreden Bg s|A.Nessen 204 Finlnd, h Gottnbro} 1, LiGotabr ea
Frene | IC apt.
3Favourite Bg
rederick G a 19 S:cttin
‘rendship G PPCcoper| 71] Prussi#l2'Ca t&Co| mete
P a aw Drp.s5 . een er
welder its
fortuna G nr 90, Boom aye 9 ToHolln EA
oorbrotmerns DPD. aes
ame Be b.deCost
le ic Ado
pa G a
oe beg Licnaw
Faiay G I’, Mooy
IFiach D2 ct.
IF iveSisters”
! faNrway bt
e .
FriendshipSp Csheess 60 0 Lys 9 9.
Fame Ss THailn 22) Massa 14 N
HomiUlnches F.Eden ins Einden 1c
Fama bk s PC. Kragh 204 British N
FrawAlbertina JBakker 179 Dutch 5 F
7 Friends p InBarnet ‘78 Knerd 3C.
— Bg WmGadie 96 BmtI.x5¢
actor 6g (Follonsby|148|NbyPt EI
ortroendet $ |'T. Vestros|349) Swedn uSwed ke
9Financier Bg | Robinson} 253 Phil
S0FrendeWenndr Ludingsp209 No Lee
+ Jciana SeINFrankl'y 279 Philad 4 Thiladipht4 LiNO ida 1
Fawn %s-C/T.Curtis Massa 9 Boston jl \jRdued Act
3iFruc on Bs | Caloniet 160 swe S.Norbin 13 Pl | Jat
4\FricndshipSq Ashendogf4un | por | P| Babi But
) W'db LoCoastrA.I
aI ‘
eat Ro cf. |W Warren) 7o} Finch P
9 uth Bg fe Gip. J |
rawAnnaG $7 Rusge ~
101 Fricden + ie 77 Finind | 1 Borgo
oF ortuna Sp Holster | 40-Catwic
a” ,
SFame Sw WGamm! 48 Watbyx5 QQ.
elm Bg Balparad ac 0 Bayon 4|Santandr 13 rSantnds
6\Furtuns G JC.Bucy| 176 Pomral 1 Sweden
7Free Briton [Peart a Whtby
Sw a) |b
gFanny G (Mangel
1251 ‘Stettin | 9 |
oFlorida Bgs F.deSue 100 Forcig
110FloradigeDu- Alamurd 120 Portug
1 ae tee 146 Alon: ia
c Cr Hell | Fikstahs :
gPortirude om) Thompeo hi
gFavourue Sp | Jntlarris sd oils JSS) apikCol 7]
su L pax
Pritcien Ss dy Ekom 7U! wh, | Wek
3 raw Anat VL Varnow ont ‘ 4 Syre i lo ;
& fi
riends by | Hoskuns lee Whee +
} verSalen %( E.Eetun 102 ee
‘avou °° N. Tanto’ is N- oc 3
fer’ ara Sr ¢. Myra fe: 3 Sein iat
| ob
1 oR route 3 Qulxe gor Secu $ Castendik 1
Fortune Jus Diradly as9 onoy t 1
ae Uneniee
11/\Capt.&Co], 6|LARtrdmjE 1
Mitchell 1127, Amer.|11] W.Bruce |10 LoLeghy
we a P. Plank Ex
mabe} s.C]/WmCarr undid} 1) Carr
ree&Rob-\J.Duke | 44)/Krkidy14j J.Mealey
hi 5K: 1/Capr&Co
nLaar #380 Prous Lat 0) Pedidler&
10GutHortvung | Prahm AD ) 1Carluam
Hope G|ARSpelde|1 1¥} Prussidi Holland |
o\GleanerSr ef. JaMorgan} 85 Whiewa
x4 N .Mu
6 hentPacktG) J Zellan | 92|/Flandrg2Q Holland | 8
i eu. Blacher A.Corouet|:, 3
Kg Dp
Good HopeSp| KJohuso
gGungesBg s Abrdaj14 Ol'ver&c
9 GlocklichVi-+J. Prussia
e ‘o' t 2
26 Ganges § ‘| Falconer |6°0 ore 2 ee 9 fo India ,,
T |
[is ad
MGowthey G | Jay
Soul utp D.Mbiler
‘n. Norons'4 deAguia P45
"prattude B Bg| JnDavies |134) Milfrd
‘bboodtiope G 1B Sian
Galen S$ (C.Tracey $7 5| Boston
onions Lyall
x5 :
31 Gottie@oons Reoliane 40 Papbg 11) Pikela | 19 LiAntwp 3
Gen. LinculiS G.Coffin |260 Boston! 6 Capt&Co|15| LoBoston
epg Pda
3=Knox § | le. L.Scott}254 Massz
Gen MooreBg P. Hoare Ml:
[ire ee Suuckfild or Amer. PrJ St.Kitts | 14 Li Triest | ke
{ienJactons aca
“bh E.Ind 7
vata |AThoma
fiction, S.deCroo Holland | 9\Lo sabi {
i Glory Bg | ii ‘Yarmlix5 Elgard&d YaCoastrA.1
spews sited 95 Norw 5 Rash SiLo At
enabrols Wincatley!7 7 Stokwh11/Catley&c} 9) LoCoastr E.y
diusiee Ket Packer 103 Chepstx5 [Bowshe ;
73 J,.Kardas
7OGoodIntentSp Shepar _ Cowes $ \ Shepard, § me) I
7Gallant Sw om 172! Sndld beS|Blyth&C p3}LoAntw
SiGenny Sw |WLeith 237 Chestr 8O(|G.Smith [14]! lNwest : L
BD Tp? ep. x1
giGilbertifend- E. Cutton 31! Si tis e5ilTonicnnfl@ Lin Sins M1
er-on 5 'D
80KGcur: 1 Lich sabe Eic.d 1 1Capr&Co 22 PiCoaste i]
so Li pis $4 ai
1MGustuskied ‘= Slouje ro 54 Cut “i Siiiolland |7 LoAmsudf.1
rick sp pC), A
2 i ak Ls comealttl Massa. 3
tho +eC ing oe
— a =a —
1 (Hlumanitié
6 Guns
pe ee em
= —
> we ie F ae Te Fe oe
> ve fr eo
— ey
26Holda G WPsmray160 Prussia, 9
gHarriet Sr WmOke |
| R.Skiene
ope G tkinsva
tai § S }CGehvenl] 5.
Heu enethdl Popshi
SpriaAdelie Sp| |
4 lurriet SrsC/R
5 lendyuiaJoh+ ELJonke |
g{Hulda G | Plumm
Newnals&a RClayto
$4{Plymb {5 [Blewett& |10) Pl Wales A.
| 4
9.39 Sund)| 1) Burrels |14] LoSt ttin |A.F
| 2£Gnus 4
J Sundldxg Vi ices ong) 4h os ibe gAT
: 5
37 Fiulid 8) Stockh'm 1: LiBeryen; b TD
Fir 5
Sundld GW biteeC 1 LoSinymn. A. I
| 6i8c |
Bostoy § Gre& Co} 10 LoCom he ue
Fowcy | Emery&¢ | Lot. ms). x. I
Foregat | Oldenbry 1 Lo 'E.?
rg. “diwe l Yonngh Watring hs
Wooster 298 |Philad | 4 Philad|ph}1
surinony G 1 — 8 CaptkCa1d LoM: me
Li Philacl. } 1
Belfast 6 | apt&kCo 11 MrtAmer-!t: I
"8 SRSA? 5|Capt&Col1 1 Sthtonolé.y
tlalcyonS sCj
Jiberniabgs| Archer |
Hinton Bg! J.Palmer
»|Herstelling@ | Schunin o Dutch
“Hull Bg cit PI 11 Selby |x3 | Waitor y1
Se HarlequinBk: T. Brown 31
pta. C pt cf.
Sp ‘Anderson
R.Vine 65 'Bidefd n5 Cunt&Co SIWaSw ase AT
76Horatio Be
ne Sepes ! 7
utene s ‘CHowlnd$37 besten | wenaitay6 iN ort,
10) HenryClayBg P.Barker 094 NBdf@ 1 Tilszard
aflebe Bs |RLawsonf!55) Wi
sHcro Sw |hCooperfes
4Hero Sw ms Cooper} .
5Helvetius SsC} Megin oe a
CHenyes ane WPicker
‘ Pp f fi 1
7tlope bg Ete 215) Sndl.l
af Se A Wilson zs Kirkld
Can er
‘Lake oth «Cooper
“| |
40 [lull Picketuc
6» &% &*© -
2 eaeaia Sr J. Hillm
j Holland Sw r leppel 178 Blyth
| FirB.& Ciellug
giaabet Bg | Pedersen 20 ' OReisrB2 J.
1g0ktoratio Bg! Vine
; piope Bg d. Alnwick ert
0 Icnnetta G h.Rabnert Tad cha ‘d De bic
. \linry § =f) Mozeley | Ei Gai
oh 40 Damr
BMiidiit Le
all&Co {" LisThomA.2
4+ ‘Lo ,
al'ls Sw <f) JnHall
SU Pomsad Sweden
OB |
ie) Vil ish
Torna ¢ fi
> WViaton Pio Nwestl]? Cast’ Co 14!/Lo Baloa Al
4 WCorlert |
| 5 Dunicts Capt. | 8| Du VAY
i Dunde J.Lisk }DeLih a
‘Cornby |
5 C or §| Lol’ alm ‘ I
180) Moss tue ‘it eee r i
|en iv
nkle Bg s |D.Cowen {1 Amer Thatcher i LoBerm E.f
obnBarry $3 J.Peat (521 Whitby’ 1, J.Barry 118 LoJam 7 I
Xx ae | 68 Cuns | 14
Gillies Liverpl 1] M. Hamel 8) LiSLuci A. r
10 Cowes Piric& Co niisaMed : K.TA. i
3 Catwik Hollana [ PNT
| Cl. ISK 12
137 Ply mh x Banks&C 12 Pl Foy A I
15¢ Swedn| 17} Capt&Co 10 | DaLisby E I
Ja yi
umaicu S §
ba Walx
7Ucssic Bg s CO P.Dugg
cence J Thome
bg Carducci
oe 30 Livrp]
3D} Drp.x.
5h as Hedman | 179 Finlnd 12 Tottic&@ 11 LoGotnh F.y
Alm. b.
2)Panny ‘s; Campbel 4 +1 Millik GrAmoidrr..1
indlé 27( Hull [x9 Beadle&é¢ 14 H!Petrsb At
llambro F Lolimb: Va
6k 6
1.4 Capt. 10 LoBremnt. J
i| Capt&Co 12! Lo ie
| Holland | 14 Anite
teens Pl Amer., =
NwBedfd 1 LiNYorkA-t
PSocberg | ols I
- 6
4/Fancy Lr ah 29 Deal |x HP home LoOstnd A.t
FriendshipSp C.Sheers 60 Lymstn 9 Shears 3 LOC ousir A I
Fame Ss THAlIlen ¥2U Massa 14 Nwhbedfd 14 LiN York at
Paclilacher P.Eden 28 Emden 1 Capt&Col0 LoAmird Ack
Fama isk s PC.Kragh 204 British NrthBrgni4 LiBergen Eat
FrawAlbertina J Bakher arp Dutch 5 Peckel 10 LiHmbro Aa
’ Friends %, JnBarnet Re: Knerd 3Capt&Co 9 GrlImbwo, I
ir Bg WinGate | 96 Brnt I, x5 CSimpsn 9 LoMadeira. I
“Frederick Au- B.Hicks sae Massa 9 BRuggles 5 ChristaCst 2
9| gusta Ss |
‘factor § s x5. Robinson 36 Phila a hiladlph LiPhilad K. I
_ Funchal Bg J.Gilchris een 8 unter&c 4 GrNwfd
F PocdedlandeS tenon a0 oo Pramas \a sienna We
101 Tegrity § cf SC.Reid | 389 Massa) 3 New Yorgi LINY..
: ongeJacobG D.J.R 89 Prussit 9 Yutiing| 8) T.oAmsny i. 5
72 Amstr |12)/nl Lall 7 | LoAmstr iy
5|_HendricaG HdeB
Amer.) [Smith P4iLiBrasils I I
"Nessie 5 s'Cummins| 21
SiJhns K5|WBCrips }¢ jLiN Brns a1
eT Reid
6Jane Bg JnForse 58 ‘Sundld) 8 B&tartos } 2 -yCoastr A. I
7IndianOak S J.Feexon “ India: | 1 {Fearénée464Lo Indiala.r
&C 7
8Janc S s.C ie C. Byrne |3°6 Liv. 1k 5] Pavidsonfid|Loamaic|4.7
! e055 7
i Bgch. x5 JnBell 144 Mciby yo PetheCo LEHI Pursbg|A.1
| re 6
110jeony Bosx5 Elves | 860 Scathbr€0 Keoughcs [0 | Pa Ross |k.g
eo FirTp We Cicling 49
' Jupiter G |MBakker/192 Hmbiqi4/Amsedm 2.2/Br Bithoa F.1
indiana Bg | ‘ WFreicht in }1% KoninbralS BrNYVo:
3 adian @hief{E.Watsen| 37 Norfolk jAmerica [16 LoVir gin A.1
6 pt s.C 5 i
a J5 4 7/Yotine [1 LoAntwo A.I
54 betten G |
JaneS s.W& M q@ Paxtonds 1G
6 SongeMaitit F.Unruk| 7 [Prassia
Sk ) | |
7 Isis Sr GF,Flindt 1: stop] Rostock | ld LiRost
* 8
Sw ,Ormeston 134 Lynn jx5)Capt&Coj12 LyPersbg A.I
ene _ #8
120 JongeRengert J = Dutch @Flolland |10 Lo Ad
r NYork |
— bf Seti 77 Finind ; 1 Borgo
2Fortuna Sp Helster
pe Sw WGammi
relat Bg Se aable
6\Furtun: G seers
7 reeBriton ay cnet
s Fanny Cc *|Mangel |
gFlorida Bgs F.deSue aa Foreign
110FloradigeDu- Alamurd¢ 120 Portug
| Finda IMTimm 146 Along | 19
aL: | ou
aif airy Sc A. Flow in th i wowxCul
Vie sp ntdarrn Sb vy lye
b} oi L pax
new § JE ketyorul Fu! ter.
g raw -nnale VM. Variniw a Swresh i lo ;
9; | B fy
FPrivnds Be i! loskis las “wie £9
120) eon ’
vurSiler Sp E.Eeton 109 | iaseagis
avou *> w N. Tanto’ is N “cnt re
| B.
Porva, u Sr (.Myra i 2$ecin 2 Sweden
1 gk ote 5 Bulke 361 che $ Castendik |
Fbrune $e» DBradly 439 Petrsbg | tilknentct
. = mae | aps
lll i —
John Bg W.Sadler 1
oJuliana G 1. Krett }12 Stralsqd 4/Capt&Co} 1 Siralsd| AsE
30n Dickenson |A.Baush | 274 Phila Philadiphi4 LiPhilad|A.
s cf. De PPS
4Jonannes Bg |Christensy147) Batis Denmark | 19 LoAmsterh: 3
| aD
esie Sp \J.Brown| 8
t A
W.Miller } 10:
JnLorn 10 Gr Riga |A.{
6John Sr Mnutrl «5 Grahmecl | GrNwiln - I
7)ane Bg |S. Fish 125) Yar. Barber&¢ 14 YaCoasr « I
8 oe 1 |Lintoné&U ee eee i, I
das Desc Alderage 26
onge Wilhlm OSymons 107
G = i
Wino oo & 3. ery pA LIM:
ascie Po «.C| Lutron Pla]
| x5 6 ii
7 ony Vita iM. ~chaup tie
G .
Jane Sw 4 Mow 21 (Prussial’r Robertsn 12 Pl ~hiclds #
| | FI
wianaCarol- © shaceel go|Stettings Capt. poll
ee $\ ae
! | |
| Hh
i |
! |
2 | | | |
4 |
26 Ganges $8.C| Falconer 600 onan 2 Hoge& 09 J o India
[is ad
7 Gols, iij.Poyen Thoin % mat S] Lt iesidrnee
‘. 5D
ans G | Jay 7 Austr | 5 utuing
-~ & 6%
Jov.Strong $| A.Scott [379 Boston}
aC cf x2
a WedelJja+ Anderson 21@ Crokry} 1
eS ae he
nae Bg W.Sadler (1.
uliana G lh. Kreee
n Dickenson |A.Baush
S cf.
onannes Bg /Christens
Jessie Sp J.Brown
ohn Sr |W. Miller
ane Bg (|
das Bgs.C| Alderage
oe 5
onge Wilhlm OSymons
un oS 5s J. i mery
osc’ Rte «.C! Butron
x |
“Jong: iwru i. ~chaap)lig Dutwhjl1 fotrerdm | \} La. al as “iE
vianaCarol- C Jancke ) O\LhStettin A.-
ve, G |
}OGoodIntentSp Shepard = Cowes $3: Shepard, § il
7Gallant Sw poi 172 Sndld x5 Blyth&C SiLoAntwra.7
& Genny Sw WLeith 237 Chests bo > Smith | 4)! lNwest r. i
GilbertHend- E. Cutton 31 "he nS t
smicrealiGiLiNDinsk AL
er-on 5 LL
Midor + (Liichard i
ms Bid 1 Capr&kCo 2 PiCownriE.1
so L pis 34 bt
NGustusk ied - Aboojesud 54 Cat “ig S)i.0lland {7 LoAmsird!.1
rick sp , BP, C).
55 #1
2\George By Hutcbasn 101 Petrhd 5 | -Gorlon 3 LeOpurtolA.§
Glaticn Sp Si.Hoerx GRP Morey | 1
3 pth Co| 8 1iXtnend Sg
© i» | oe
Seu “hipim sw Cherrysns Se arb: | ' Hl Balnec Ag
_ 56 &
, itu *> Olson 26 (Norway @ Campbell 6 Las Ag
Bas | is
iy ont: rw ae i. Ke mp, 8: 82 Uusch 9 ollana 7 LoAamrdE. 9
—tie G ' ; uw
a rk. Lsebael#31 Massa. 3 | ‘ :
ss ,Cined eon | | aa
| | i
LO | .
| | |
bt tae |
| |
| |
| ! |
S| | | |
J | | | |
i XN \ |
Ib JnBarbed if Liblaiifix En
sich JOtad {10| Du Crdid Ey
rey. >
"NCO OIL. Tadis
France&C14 LiD El
vida G WPlammy60 Penesta 9 Privecta
gHarriet Sr [WmOke
ope G {Atkinson | 3:
sStheoss Bg jHelerberg 1
9 Tek I'es Davidso
hiope “S$ 2.0] Cachb
fo Ss.C} Ca.hbitsy 27
re os
Sr | M‘Killo
ij/Lang Ss.C| M re 350 Tpsweh| 1) Nicholls};
ae ar |
Leeds Bg s.C. Reynldsi2
S|Liberty Sp [{I. Turner
Zeal Lb; i4 Hall &Co,
7 Latona ; iT. Hat
ie x4
‘Lady Flora 5} \/05/ Benga:
.C SDs) Teek
u L'Edmand C.le Drust “ French
4 2-4P. 4-180.
2 Pantone)?
WD Agrp
‘4 French}! 1. Capt.
J i Douglas 140
Low Mal
xB Tindale | 14 HiLeghh A.
1 THankey 17 [11G
7-9 ¢
II. Gibsot 11 Lo
65 (Bide fl x5 Cam& Coa} S/WaSuar AT
| | £0.
James | 56|Lnestr27)T. Davis Glhsgw Na j
| aD
SHarriet 8 .C |J Vnllock spe Amer. r| T.Crew I PoLivrph : I
pt IB p| Sipre x5)
9Harmony SsG¢ ockin 243; Massa 10 ei 15 Lined F I
pt cf |
5/Cs & I
aD Srpee 5:
3 pula s CHoewlnd$37 buston + Nal 6 4 LiN Yor. 2
verpodl Pkt $.Nich
84.C of. |
is S | Felerm
ongii }dCoxG. Blair
Sr ; 5
ively Sp J.Lrooker | LivrplW 4i:.1
| | Lrpre x4 | 2
Ba | WGroves| 109 sickwi}x4 Thompsnl | alga
LiNBrnsk At
Lil’hilad A.
| 5
ucly | ushin
a & WC
4 Philag, 4 Philadlph1
2 French = |Chubb&e
3 iberty Sp MAldwri } CoLisbo nen
4) ondonPktSp A.Crane LhAbed EE
3 dWellingter| Matthew 2WaNwpth 7
< wl | .
6 uiwig G [Sebults LoSittin NY
7 widy Frowhr4 RUScott LiSrasils At
3 dee Bgs CI |
ord Nelsnijg SSpeight brLimicl I
9}London Be Irvine PINw od f Bt
(0 me Parkinsot Gr Phil: i i
uisa § s|SKellm SavanaC A. I
LiNYouA. [
7Haberty Sr f1.Rymer | ¢
renzo § 3 | Waite
ja6flalls Swe) JoHall 297, Blyth | 1 Hall&Co f pa, a
f.s5 nF
ee i Malchew |S Poms weden + Lo
by Wermerse lpe ey pirsesh avid 9 2).0Du pp
mal 1
Hebe Swe C WW anon Pil |Nwestl]? Cast Co 74!Lo Balua Al
<4 ;on at
i3sdlowp f+ fanl ermy] 9 /Damrk vornmldy |8 CslLisbon E.y
ean Willaims |}52 Wales 1] ATadiou 6 Waliverpl*i
nie Brasin stn 43 Ana. |8 *ork daa
rp |
bowen WalMoall-. £5 een 10 LiGensa =
7\tlope G | D.Gayt 9 mre, 9 olland 10 |LoAmetr At
T. buck 22 . ) a7 4 faites Xe
'| HLaringtog i Malretni a8
140}Hyndmantg| Follins Dublia 1 a
| |
¥ :
| :
1\Mary Bg s. He Wthycmbj!37 ae .
2— Bgs. C E, Wilson |208 Wheve 3) Wilson&e,!1 4)LiJamai
c.f, x3
Marchioness | Thom
of Huntley Bgs.C/X4A ber de
“\Marys Sp | Prim
ke. ei Preager| 116
| =D
g|Moffatt S$ |Richardsn 798 Bengal uf
| see
oe Hen- Jonker oe
3 ay flowerSp Poundsbry <
4 Towns f
(Magdalena G. Lutje
7 fargarctta€ Schoon | !
s Mercury Sr Fillia
o Mazdalenal « Exhevania
cOMargaret Sp |S.Smith
1 Margaret Sp wa
2Murrarettab Schoon
lara, eCase|J,Ralph
. the S§s.C x4
lab anew He
oi ptefad
4 | i
Bindu -:cy oT
MWoageBui s '
sponge Wil
y— rusted G CZeilcn
Judes G J Strivaar
1 AlbvrtusSp] F
iO apt.
2 PiLonds lA.7
7h ntwp £1
) 2
14 ‘niwp h 7
0 eee a
ol favre Aa
g ttm ‘Holland i pAntup Ff
ckinp 20, Frotnd 2)Scockhim 32)n ‘Ry
t Sthhturl “g
3 IEvuderick] 9 WaBrieis de rr
7 oat A2
6 bas rhent he
Gronu is otirdm 16 oltotrdma EE
9 Dutch: 16 Anwtodn 12) La, {ance ‘I
tf dbin G /E.Bakker|) 15) Siettm) 13 Prossia a2. ollaitic E. I
John = Bg
evuCecine |
Vo ne 4h He)
Ip. aginre S| A.” ok
Jucobx Ja’ fakes WOM Sn Poke LaloekKou
a AY
Qi, realli De
rie i!
™ Abedn a Hudson 10 Mer
istic i
te | ger ud Cane ae
Puc Ld" de -Bultea 1 Lo Aa
iLok 1 yg
i Las 58
Wein lf
SiMally Bg f.Press | 77Scotld 48,Capt&Co, 9 WaLivrp|E.r
5 3
Macta Dr ' uBordaunk.f
: 4 3
3 Lim iva Bg a. Teka tA A.I
4Muaria Be pt WQuincy|15q : Chuviber 112] LoGenoa er
Cc & ptcfix5 | ep x 3
Mi woos WU. Barker LoftWmA.1{
lesley8 &C IB 4
6 Lich 10k Me VinPiely Wa Cork /E.I
3 ae i 1 Mapole] GY at'ou A I
sn ‘+
9| : Be 1 Woolsey . YaCva | I
; Lg a | 6
50m) aAuuit]Vartrk ¢ stely 8}CapraCo) 7] Lo. civ 5 “-
Minciva 5 37 Yabattic 5
2iMary Be |R.Rrown | f54Sundld10|Middlebrk13 Lo Ey
| 4
3[MontrealSs | ORoberts| 380 Gans Mitchel|15]LoPetrsbaE.y
~ 4
4IMarivnne Sw Patter sen oughton| 13} LoCGHypE.4
o Y¥&C pt cf. ‘14
5 MManaAnnaG/CHR LoAmstrdA{
| 6
6) alvina Be -Dri . 2 c 4 PIMilfo E.r
ay Sw ; 5 LoHinbro :
oMar anctr % obler |174
Eli-aveih 8 Ns unbza al P tenses
70Minerva Sp |W.Jones
i+—Bg s.C ptef |Wildgoose} 164 Ki Milne 3 LoTraspe
Luilda Ss.C| Dixon Davtritia ro
| te i coir cables \4
3Mary Bg |WmFox st
Sw |A,Cotton |159 eq [W.¢ 3) "ol Linbro
Amstr a
75Mercurius G /Dublegar .
ary Ba Kneal /S50/Blyth &5 JonesitCoA Qa
onze Mendis J.Barnes| 78 Wre 1 14 PBrunge}
: Dim px C. diners
3y Hull |x3 Bo kwth
"sl Yamh 9 HN.Ha
7 Grangih 1) WLindsy|
Perv. ito ; J
sit» ila S s.C} J-Cooper|317/Amer AN R. os war
- 28 Gu
G |J.Matthic | Brdgw3s capac Co
8D | aap Oo
S$ s|Cummins 216 Amer.| |Smith&C i ‘Li Brasils 1 ‘ -f
5pohn&Jarv8) J Dalby 51 liull | 3\Gilliamanl 7h oCoairIRE
5D) Cl.
6PulieS sW& G Lager spel 299 Aincr.| 8|A Barklay 15)PUlavanbA.t
cf | '
7 upiter G yngeblan 13 ) Dutui
8p} |
obannaW ith} Reamany 61] Hmb
ongeJanDirg TC Duuy 150 Foregn
An ap |Trp.x5
900 amee 3 & 3g Finteb
Me 4 (Hen
119 Sndrid §
|Delmonidt 79 Portgl
SiIsabcila Bg| JLishma 134 Bostopxé | Inglelw&| }
‘ 1 Britis
J ilmvrp 4 Hambro
Lo A
sad 6 7
im oes
| JnCarew 74 Dngvaly Capté& Co
Holbroo 37 NbyTt 4§ Baltime |
7\Jane Eg s| Asbridge a Mrypt1! ) Capt&C 19 MtLivrdl Er
Andrews o Foreign | W.Mfajo
7 ) Fowey Grover&
100] Juno $ s{ Dodds | 170 Wedbhdg O Capt. | 12 LoM rAE
Sie ee
C pr ci x¢
4'M.rchant Be
iD} x3 8-6P (246 Bu.
Swekta 8} Stockton {12} Lo
Mary Lr T,Patty 50 Yarmhx5 DMorhng § VN oltioosc x
126] Jarace& Mar{ J.Mace Sndld x5 | Mace A-
rT Whipple] 7) Fo eigh 7] Captsec bt
5. CI] 8.Juuns Li wrpl x5! Herd& C b.i.f
| 11. Major }200 ee 13] Memel Pt
130 5 Dub 19 W Hardi fi.
135 Bostopx5 Inglow : =e
ancé Alice
Marsa] 5)/NewYork|1 =f
157) W ales k5 Pones&C 43 LoGibrler!v.,
| +¢ P.
idustry Bg | 2 cal i I
Jane Sr es x5} Ree&kCo it Lo Cork i I
9MongeJan St |K 4 Catwid10} folland 3 LoCalai Esk
ackall Sr } ? 4leeni-biPr iS. Barber si \ aCoastd £, 1
g Ml. 8 prem "ts eee
a-llupst 14) eile A. I
hae LiPhilud A. I
"5 Jnilall Pe ssbielain Act
. A ora, - S Livesh 1 s2
13;John Bg W-Sadler )143 Yarmhj1 WSadler|1
uliana G 1, Krett Capt&Col]
} Vhiladipht
30n Dickenson |A. Baush
8S cf.
vianaCarol C pores 9O|StettinxS (Capt.
¢| ep
LoOportd E.2
TpSiralsd] AsE
ee 1 |Linton& 1, LoLeghnt E I
O|LhStettin A.t
een Lumberg 280 Finindt7 Aherman 14 LoMarsls EF.
Fi rm
ee a8 ilolivad Vaya vida Met
Eo oaweie AL
lo EX
il ibe. i be
1 Lo. \wokat
toh win hs J Sheals lit Alea . I
ses _ . 16
\8 Watondak. a
10 [rt edbn aa
9 WaLivrpl E E.j
1 Nordstern G |A. Feyse 97 Amster|PrF. Franse | 6 peru §
2|Norfulk S s.C/S. Sayers 547 Lump 2London |18|/LoTrna ik I
$|NicolaPaul J. Thusin [2350}Russia }10| Thusin|!5/Co. ET
60) Neath 32 apt.&Co, 9/P! Coast ET
French 9 Capt. 1] LoLlavr - 7
Di von|29, E.Evans | 9) BrWate ‘ I
ND.&Srprs x4
7Neptune BgsiPerteat [16U Swedn{ } apt&Co {13/Lo Swed ; I
ookGedagt #1.J.Zaven! 77/Dutchh2nHall | 7|Lo E. I
*35 Osten Holland | 5}LoOsten : I
ewHopeSp a
SLO evel 13 Revel 10] LiAm: as “
eptunus bg Grammon 1GOFiaach (Capt&Co [Li LoLive: ply
wDelightS nrick 79} Whivnj24 Daviexsa 9tWaLiviping
onsuch Bg | Wooley |11G Thorn| 1)Capt&Col 9 I11Sh ae I
,N-deCarmo -Caste vy{Portgal (Oporto {10 iis t.7
Sr | L
NSConeico PosSantos or,iugh §=Upoito LUIOporto: E.F
Aritiets-24 L. Barron |12 eae sE.I
dull bed} T.Coox = [1QLoCoas.
Jovi] Mullowny Q\eabs -;
So cldb J Blackb n}I7PLiN iva Al
iE diaty [EL Cagr&C 1@ LoSm,: uit
oom) 7) Vink | 4 LoOwenp.s.1
3 B aAsers J.Grant ExCoas
agLively Sp JBruoker | 45 Em w 89 NBrookr yee We Eg
7 ai Sr W.Lays 0" Nritish
SLordiicliaven RAditche 119 PrGlezks
is saUiuca | Soss 127 Swedn 11/) Schulz
1 Lanfer ol Dorut | 9 [avnvty ached!
i § Siprs
2 Louisa Bg s Grunsund 120 Limbrdi
3 Loudon Se J ia
shai ulus PML.
5Lauced Sw M' J oaald
6LauraAn >
7Ldilungerford J.)
| 8 g@ Val
: bob
ta bs 1 |S arks
tynke 3 /niwhtog ®
o WiC x4
to > __o
“I —
Ss &
5if®ordstern G Strootman)118) Dutch| 1|Capt&Cq 9)Lo intwp/A.¥
ative § T.Jones 10|;Amer. means Li visi 2
devtoga Harper | 35}Gravsdil 5 saa LoOstendB.2
ep| Trp. ‘8
4Nayade Bg lomnrst 223} FinInd]11/Geffle re LiGefile Le I
epg Fir
Naomi Sp |LWilli 5% Wales) 1)Capt&Co;1 DuLonduiA. 5
i sas 8p|...
GNichola Pow-lN Gia pape a eh yP an gner}14| Be Es
lowits s 8
ewe oth Coes 4. o Lis ‘
as | : rade I
Vea Wh acts: ACGue |. OSitide -
edios Lug sv
la: jira S s sd LOM foes.
GONeptune Bg } Hleany [135] Vol m inci
Newton ee ee SS} Datzi ISwinm Ft
shewhuryPortNFletcbe 12] Massa| 4 whryPt 17 INYurk AL
‘Sp j-Jones PS
4Nathalia G Maglite
ores Bg H. Smidt
htvaWa AY
9 eaiteaieile | 7 Yarmbk5 [West& Co 10] YaLondn
sNancySsWaed Barnes 67
sNely bg J.Brown Sly
eleus Bg H utchinen2Uo \Sund\d
Asnovtela 17 Amer,
8 aa
%Lize Sr | Rousseau|118| Bordx 141 1| LoBordy A.»
| :
Landsturm Gj Leitchok Prussia [1 1) Lo Ad
| K} LoPiliau| ¢
Nc Lr |N.Person 2|France | 7 Lo Havre A.y
wiza Pg s.Cj Rodri: . |
. B | Fide Siva peeCo fOr oRahia cE
SOfLounsa Ijus.C} FBahl ock $3 [LiBorduyE.r
rench} 4 Wm Nealc|g brPlymh|A.1
i. 2
aLibeiteSt s] Cloqman jeaux }0 LiBordus | el
oda Bg Forsyth J i flerysae 9 I
mc ctiadlas Buchnt | Jamsbro 4} oleae t I
seiPisefereaay WrpHart|1 T.Ge I
Dew! x5 omas | Cepia |* '
‘beaty Sr | T-.Ellis ee 8 BrPlymh{A-7
7Lavinia S s.C | T.Goag Nwesil y Swart 4GrNwfindA]
ouisa 4G | Reevers ! rebate be
sLouisakoning- Klawitte im. ani zig 7 E.t
von Prasse x4 WwW. r.&erp x4 :
lark Bg |J.Orleur armbs5 Pulmeré® 119 7
j ord Hill Sr |W.Davies i} rickle& |9 [1 aE
a “tlere acl [; K ymer yer WS | Vrilsw th A - [
is wel | | SO Guns ,
vial... Bg[Tickell | W (5 landing Ji WoL. p [ALT
0.0 |
Br. eng 7 ussialO Meckinbelp j-oRostoe
| Tickell VikeayS Meira & pi MoLis AY
Ras hic bo
7 mae - “5 | caf, Ao | iTrinid
d_ondon Sw |J-Pain ‘utwyt5 [Dowall [4 LoTruspi) +.
pos! | 3
LordHill Sw [J.Gray Brnsk 1/Capt&Co ]2/LINBms ee
so |/BB.&4 Hk
1 JsMurry |ToB ne i
| 10
| RicJanCo li
/ 40
oot eo
. i ig
~O' Vind AL
“6 meets [em Ow 1G | mrF. 7
| "SeaC x9 7
7c “ipPeasy Pugh 3d Carag 14) M.Pugh
en Igondman|+70 —— 2} Ecknas [15| LiEcknaja.1
Lily Sp Griffith per Bidid § 3| Capt& srl f.2
s(Louisa Sp ae
z signe 1 Fairlie&c
wa IB.x4 |
'S\Dover 5 RdJell | eae I
French{2 Capt&Co |
So ~ <j
iM | JT
Set indale | ema 8 | hapman hetpe AE
Aad jane E.Evans 2 Wales |1 RJong&e| gs VaLivrplja 2
. Pertatesy 5 Havre 43 LoHavre | lI
Sw |JnDick 304'NB
tery Sw | JnDic ~ rs. |1 Curry&C 16 LiNBrns
ively Sr WmBays e British apt&Ce :
oe bavinia 8w ‘A Keith
1\Mary Bg aC Wthycmb|! 37) Byes
2\— Bec E, Wilson |208 Whtvn 3] Wilson&ec.|1 4) Li.Jamai
Marchioness | Thompsn|209/Abrdn | 1|Aberdeen |14/Lo,.WIndjA I
of HuntleyBgs.Ciz4Aberdclnson
Magdalena G| Brodhrng)!77|Anclm |]
9 — s hots 798 Bengal 11|Timbrel &'!g0|Lo. India| A 2
ia sD
] Mary Bes C Mathwsn 71 Amer, | 7| Matthews|) 9/Li.Lisbon|A J]
1.B. x4
3May oscde Poundsbry 7
(i, Towns
4MaryJohanna Vandrwil
4 Mergenstro G | L.Kerdel 01 Elmbrd1 9} Capt&Co}10|)LoHmb bE. I
6 facdalena G, Lutje {123)Gronig 9) Hoffman
ae pean S:hoon > Oldenbrg, 6 LoOidbg A. I
ercury Sr Fillia pareve! LoRoue he
5 , 12
gMagdalenaLr Exhevania| 54 Biscay! 1|Spain 8 oSSeb At
8 12
coMargarct Sp aa T.Hall | Ex Hull Ea
il largarct Sp 'T.Owen 37) Wale 9 Capt&Co, ; WaCor At
2 NMuesrarettak-| Schoon : ¢ 5) Oldsnbrz| 6] oOldnl cr A. I
| Bratbeth G 5m
SM ulgraveCaseJ.Ralph Tindle&C) 17] LoJama A: I
the §:,C x4 6 Gu 19
4 |
Morris&e12 NwfldWa A.2 4 |
8) LoLivrpil +.
7[MercuriusS s/Westrtrul y4. | 1jiluven
§ G |PBGingal} 1049S
9 ary& Silly J.Adumes
#k |
SMeMaly § Plaulard }3: | BuDavy fay LoBordya.t
MMathildeSw 4 Buckholg 107 Forest] of 8 > bling aa EE
LoGibrity g
‘Eee a nm . ) | oQuebd LJ
) 2
MariaA nna iRents 8¢ . § 1 Lr
entor § s Ox Hjelm junds ui Abo |E-y
cad ctuvona A.V.Kaa Jrusses S}Holland | 9} | oAmsirj4.z
onan Ca:hue ji.mer' sty AL
ary Brtx J.Gray Fer
Ja yAnntg Rieu
| aCxg | ‘
450 Java mw | R.Key
Ugland | 124 er dacs| jira]
76Pct enclla B
eps OS Fit
ruvadnes Sp {CCornish 53'Plymbiag Hill&Co| sjal Waly At
8P rinee tegent/H.Blaber 105; * shebf Capt. : 8 Brshrhi - I
9Pandora Sw {Jn Mason 0 Walcs| 1 Bennison. Labi Nose - I
Smithson 123 Me . 4 Ritsondéc 1 1 LaGibrity A I
72 Plyml 9 Sinith&sC! 9 Opnio Ta A. J
‘tI Dubin 1 SO’Neal | 9 DuMlagaa. I
sv Firhk
P.E.Tabb 37) Virgi 3 Norfolk 7 ane As
. |
OFreema sb NBA 1h Ne Ws Bal
> Pbilip Tabb
ks Ste a
| LiNYor
2/PrncessC ha 517) Whivalxs Pree bk 17 Wo ; a
Med $14 P.Srown| 8 WaNwh se
rlolte Se sve
6\Proviaencosa J.Brown _
Dnmkj25! J. Devetti t PISMrosk, £
NBx x5
Norw t.tTauff® WLb Dran; Ey
Dublinjx5| RMorton} 9 DuSevitle.s.¢
e ° e 10
Spain| Spain 10 SpainCo £.g
Amer.{1Q) TN 14/7 Winds £.3
Lo b x5 ‘u the Kiv 1 jaa
Suicmy 4 eee) EESO bp 0 Meaift bag
| 10
NYowk p Nebond LiN\oihA.Z
Lidir pemlyes WalnbenA.r
PMerpiy 75 Pres “al GrNwflnd Eg
_ 8
GrAuatwp 4.]
2 Sp RSimpso
| 6
3 Margaret Ang H.Owen | LiSDom. A.I
SaC cf.x é; , &
ary 5k U.Towg WaLondn &..I
| &
aryvs Sp |APrm Du AL
MaryJuneBg ZGarbu Li Malta 4.1
a ( ef |
ary hy ».Cef JLowdo GrBa
MargarettaSw 5.Lew Lo
9 ‘aCorun
MessengerSw GKoubl | . Lillay.
90) Minervainifh JW Alleh 329 Philad 4 41 LiNYorkA.t
| “ ww 6
1! Meirose Sc Dempst YaPetrsbo At
- 6
*!Marlock Bg| R.Garton HlOporte » .£
i 6
a arquisWell- NCalva | Havoh@o + .2
Li Ha ae 12
| , 6
8on Bg
6 Mary AnnS H. Dorr
1|Raikes S c.f Gardner|353 a
, ct.x4
; mit ut or
¥ ger
Leisend “
aC oan
? yt. Cc cf. 5
Ache we Sb
=i: x3
ae i
= oo Fe, ~
> Pm fas
a bls Tr
: : amid inoed,
sifoO wh ca poole
Fo es OT ry |,
ae |
‘litandl | ryt
1\Raikes Sc.f£) Gardo sores 4!
m RE gut x
Reisende om ir.9
| le 2
R sc se s | Patterson | 74 Boness|11 Cant. by
| | 3
esolutionB i
Sa =
—~ =
—- =
Rangersw s.
ptef x4 |
i ea lie ™ ‘4 Pee | da s
| Dunning ob Scarbr Ll J
eon Lepr
ope Mere
) SHEP eae
7 uli 8, j
8 anverBys C
euieve Bg
Wapts (x5,
(Robt & Saralj
85 Trent ,18)R.Ducine 8, Ya Nort oh
, vsource §
a WAC x
Ranger Bk gq DMarray 193 Whitb E. Harper! 14 LoAntw hy
Ox ! epp NBO 9
6|Rambler ! ‘@ | B.Parker}199 Sundld 1 oT HA. 1
7|RebeccaBgs Manlove 136 Livrpl/x5 Cropper& 1 Coes of
cf.x$ aa
ultecl& 2 Sa
iswesth 1) Fust #14 Pl A.I
= —_
Robert Ss.\W]S.Wa'son/4t | Que be 8] Parsons&!16) Pl A.I
&C pt cf, 10
use bes R. 4 dey 184 WymflS Johnston 14) Lo me
x5/ DBurt | *> |
over Ba |J.Bowen | 1c} Videfd x§ Burnard!1d Wal ish a. I
aRosen Bk dj Blakstad 19 — 9 Sweden balLo — E, I
a5 |
uby 8p /R.Carr "48 Blythe 8|TSpringle § FuSMic ne
oo idley Dg }\.Radley P45 NSundldp: Ridley 4 a Wl
ore |
cov ry bur be Dry tr list yal | Thucke ww} 4 ‘Val'yy. oft iI
ichardiie cl) EL South 2o+ dneste | 1 Ark . |
vee re ‘ iInson +) i fi
aRegent lips Kk Bartlet 91iIN York) 5 J. Palmer: LEN Y ork I
W. O.& P A. i
H.A.Lock l5 Norwy| J|Drunthm |11 Li.DrontjA I
heit Bg
7 or ATA
iz &
, 12
berg G Ww
5jSwea § Al
q|/Superb §$ AI
| 12
7{Stapleton Sw 1A x
c.f, x4 PDs |
s SirGeorgeOs HF Hewett}316|France} 5| Broderick|15|Pl. Brstol| 4 2 fa
|born $ pts.C cf. x4 rT pSds|red |x BrDo.wn
yj Senora mS Pe M. Nunes! 75/Prtugl
3Standard Ss.
t.Joze Sr
’Speculator S
cure Bg |
7 rm iherd G
3 Bisca
annon Bg IM‘Intosh 13. |
santiago Lr | Gortivolo
26Sarah Bg |Collingw inslyr 1) J.Moody )11) H1Londty A.
| 1
7\SunoAnton of S, Passay Cordivo |13)Csbrasily 1.1
Triumpho *r 1
8S: ab ower Sq J,Osborn R.Raulsof 4 Spain Fa 4.2
DN SiJchanves G J.J.Ryke} il) Prussia | 9 Lo hk.2 Ft
<a ‘ t 2
30 S,cedwell By J.Petrie SS pies l ES. ncif ~ 1
] Si hi: Poe ATC Lad 4, | ); i ;
tone ‘ete cathe bana yt
2 France LoRoucb bat
SScnhouse og fl. Dalton [1
6§ votre Pos W
7Ba Ante oF | Mesquita ortugal P3LoLi-beawdt
elicidade Sr 3
Jose phsw| MdeVualle pain Iq LoGuyoqk.y
wiaS s*def JaTaylor 8 Divsonéc}1 611] DSirts}| A.1
| xe. : Ip dsx 2
405 sEtienne Sp [LF Bonels rance LoRwuuen| bt
tf awrnceSs€ A.Low r| Hendersnl 4iGrNw fn Er
#Guns 9
wallow Bg |W M*Dufl ‘apex Co LOWWuLivepils 7
usanSsW «d Collingw 2/Collingwd 2d b oBengal Ag
I Lilljegue S.Hatt™ halCsttavanb.1
x Freres SsG@ Gremont lavre LiAm.Isht .J
air yn Sherbr4 T,Garrett
7 nia sae \ Fairhe
gphark Sr |J. Burton
gr caF lower Sr ‘Reilly | 435 Ostend] 3 P.Skcion
soften SoC TRobson|273 Whtvn K5 Vhitesds | 5}LiB. \yrs Ja,
IP bilad I. z
LoAmsts Ey
Le Dean 4,
ben. td ;
OosterstarG FucPause 107 Gronin 8 Yutting 10 LoAniwy I
ivi {.Peters 168 Virgt oe Walson 19 LoCh, t A.
“(Olivia Bg , ao uA), L
ean »8 Fash 2 1 “Capt&C 1B LoNY E I
179 Lyme ,x5, Capt&Col eo AT
spe LoTriest| &
| sv Aim Rb s
67; Leth |1$/)Jonnstone| 8 WaDrght
100/"srah = Sk |G. Lloyd |
SUPPLE meena
, wo
Susannah Sp | Jones 44) Sthten 4
Mr luan Hi iptistte Groeep 550! Perric ireallo
' $s ptef . |
Sarah A: mad) AR. Streat 62! Tpshm “upt.
Si! |
Ofarab Sk J Holmes | 5G Man} 2 |Crotthw
sp! CIAFi
1108;atsholderG P.deVries |101! Dutch roningen
i S D
——_ g- Mocford “ French
Sharpites Sr Maat 50 Frnoch | 9 /Tozer&C
“Spartan Bg | Adeffery British
5Samuel Sr |D.Power ies Liverpl 5 Vorthng
i Supply Bg J. Gill 10) British 10 - apt.
Speen Mildenstn 6d Foregn |
siguitor Life tis E.Crabteee 107 Yaimljx5 TStewar
gsuceess Bae 3 SC. Tybell 200 Geftle Toile
sos Fir
1208ac bum Ss.C NHowlodj374 Massa| 4 Poston
iGarab. Ann Sw Meldram!374 Nexstli5 NrthShlds
s.V&C ao8
%Susapnah by R.Peters ae) c Lest S Willams
Bwea 5S 5 F Lemoine boss! 23' Foregn
SDE w.c.
Smart &r |Anderson \9# Durdee|l ].Smant
1?.Bolide Bg Tostendon % et Nuri
Stettinto Capt&Co 10 LoStettin EY
7 a ee 4 J.E.Scott/259 Bostog11 {Wiscasset 1 } LiBoston E I
8]Skipsey S R Laidley /26
| Sndid }x5 mall LoPinbg A I
ilkinson| 10 Hl Lisbon ap
| Pillau /1 DuPillau Ad
9) Bilboa (10 Br Cadiz b. I
Oporto 13 Co iL 1
jold Norden Li Bremen”
| 10
“c| 4 [dle&Co 19 oho .[
remen f? i Brem ae r
5 coma oe ee I
AWins shales “10: mil Nd
Gin bal utiy ti | \ L-
~ Leith Cd 41.0 rr e's
SK iil
Lon, sal 14) Moran ee
Llinbyo Pluladlph 19 Lit’ iiilae ner
<5 Goodridg At LoLisbon M1
i WCodner,t 1 resin se
Li Foreg ejLemio a ty LoSLevn ig
‘T-natio del. deSeaur
o.ola = 6 | ee #2
pet simi hi vif W milo oT raspt Laff
| pt PINT pldpxGr sl je-ge i3
S5witt oe bs.tleatly
pul vor aq }.Brown | OPISMr bi
Si@wallow Sp | M*Ca.thy 4 inch. [19 CapiaCe ioe h k
6 peed vSwn.0 WPowse | 169 Liv rpIk5|Capré Co 19 Lil lif P
Sp u saa eens 9 's Lis buns =
enous § |B. Devin 4 ‘sLondong:.1
nJoz ‘Anal Renienial 37 $8 LoAlicnt \.
a t . A I
Pt le . 8
6| Susannah Sk WBarker 29 Brixm20 TRedwrd 7 Ya Cadiz Om |
| Syrenkigs.s ‘ef JuSkinner 159 Drtmha5 Newmans 12 DaN “toine
x4 iDE
| SarahMaryar- Nicholsn 195 Scarbrx5 WMoosy 13 Lo HmbroAg
sfah He” WDunean tid Leith x5 Capt&Co 11 LhRotrdin fy
| — 2 LoulsaBg J Gibson 177 Amer, 3 Baltimre 12 LiBaltim ALT
aD 4
iSe,.n Swd J.Clint 194 B. siol 20 Clintkk& Co 13 LoMemel:.1
sos NewWiskle OI ND&UWiext 4
OFiweouBg et. \PTiadall paw hol x5 PTindall 12 HiBalic At
x5 | aD 4.
xwvouinS<C HSchoonb
x4 J Bowman
Solinda G Pritz (111 Pillau/19) Irwin
70\Solon Ss WStodday 27
epientrionG Verkruissi | 96} Be '
2 Sree Forster |$15|Shicldsk5 Weathily 167 oPictow \.
38tFeodor S | JHammer 597 /
4 |
ee eee
76 pymmetrySw W Morgaal7 WaLondn AY
cf xg sf LoTriest | &
7ptAntol:. mefde UL. vero} 1o-4| Oprto | an K.2
Bys.« I ls
SophiaBg s.
ef x5
Success Sp
tettin1O or 10 LoStettin =
sndld x5] WLaidle te Loin 2
ilkinson)1 HILisbon bay
Pillau 4 DuPillau A I
9/Bilboa (10 Br Cadiz L, I
Oporto 13/Co L i
9 K.Wood 10! WaCousterE.1
effle 15 Li Geffle Ea
8 Stkwhl Capt&Co § Ex Hull’ Et
| Norden i Li Bremett
ucbec| 4 [dle&Co pieoved ‘AL
| shuteesf AD
§ Amer.
remen f? i aetet
kk5 Capt&Colt t| LoCopen A. I
al x5 Luarca | 9 Brlitebow: - I
AWin: col 10 tnd A
: Leith iy
Nwest§ O/Cr,.26ng vt ohTy Me j \ I:
Duite “Loh as pe 710° Hee Ll
SK ii
Sorwy? Lon. strat ti) i ane. I
Pluladlpli 15 Livuiliae F J
Fall x4 Goodridg:t LoLisbon¥ 1
IW Cadne si 1 l) LoLtsinn. \ I
Foregs epee 4 LoSLeon Ea
8 aC
Hyparling Sp J-Radley 93
@Fusarmah Sp eae: )
a Juan Baptist
' Sst ptef
SurahAun: te fe Streat 6x Tpshmk5
OBarah Sk J Holmes “5G I-Man| 2(Crotthwteq 9/DuCadiz jh;
| |} sol CLA&Fi
110S:atsholderG P.deVries por Dutch
wee jot Mocford 20 pe
Grosso 1550)
| Adeffery 23¢ British 12
D.Power 108 Liverplk5
ape Ba
5Samuel Sr
uu | Supply Bg J. Gill 101 British|10
7SusannahDo- Mildenstn 350 Foregn
rothea &
s Staflof Life By E:-Crabteee ei Yami xi T
Be sD
gSuccess By s'C.Tybell + 200 CGofile
ene Fir
1208ac bum So! Nifow bai 4 Mussa] 4+ floston LaiDoston |
1SarabAnn SW Meldrum! 37 < WiC: astl) $ I York
s.V&C ane
Susapnah be R.Peters 142/Cheostr 4s
Bwea 5S F Lemoine 2: Dy) lores “on |
jt Dp! W.Ce
Smart 45r [Anderson ys ¥4 Dundee l
12%Solide Bg Mostendon|178 ee . Erie
| i |
: 10 Capt&Co 10 LoStettin EY
Bostoy11 Wiscasset 1 LiBoston I
Sndld }x5| WLaidle " Loin Ax
/10 HLisbon ine
Pillau 4 DuPillau A I
1}SanJuanBap} Munceas/ 124 Bill
tista By s.C IB.x3 any 9) Malmo 1h Be ale L ‘
2)StAnt. Maria} A.Leith |168 Amer Oporto 13,Co An
3/Severn Bg WJohnstn/12? Hull 19 K.Wood 10; WaCoasterEt
4/Success Bgs|C.Tybell | 200 Finln effle is Li Geffle &, 1
eps Fir
5/Susan Sp | Adamson) 48 Stkwhi Capt&Co 5 Ex Hull’ Ea
opliaJobown4 RMunzen}1600 Dutchjold Norden LiBremeyiy
na PP
7Bi Geo. Prevogt W Barret$64 Quchee| 4 fdle& Co 19 LoDate [
sd &sCx Dip x
S$ Drumond B33) Virgin] 3 Norfolk 16 LiVirgin A. I
remen Pr Brom
Sisters Bg [J.Watt [125/Knerd 5 Capt&Cojl t| LoC aneat Ak
StJoze yAni-|X.Canton| §}Luarca} x5 Luarca | “9 BrLisbon. A. I
mas Bg s :
Sp |T.Wood | S4 Leith | GJ/AWing sho 10 tnd Mt
Skiclla os CHG Kendall]? 4d Nwestl 2/G. 25 0na b alt ulry 4 fat
| 10
4 Suns | iwi =p Tswake 5 Dutel ~lumboxd 48 WO nd K4
~ aK it
*! StJorcenEu fi O.Look] 118 Norwy29 Loney «| 5 Vries WEE
‘ Srpes '
atau 5.Civedy| 118 Foregal’s| London testo
ac :
- 7 :
steaty bc) Rychelnd [LSg fyoee] a),
e jon
6| Sasters-Sw-c} Maughad 208 Lyaw
te ee
Triton S s.C{ Davidson|331{Prussia,14)N. Baird [16)Li.PillaujE :
8. ops
reeProtherp “Barben | 7 Nantes | 1 LoNanthsE.2
Sr 19
wecGebredp Browcrs |] G DaBordk E.I
hreeBrothrs¢; Renkin AI
woBrothrsG| Swicrs LoAntwh Ey
echo § 6|StUbis€ b Fz
homas® An T Hodes ly
8 2
ivy Spr ak
woBrothrsBg Brightm Ar
10Tradcr S d|H,Towns | 2? AIT
codosia § |J.Flinn 1sILoCGHy 4.2
Wrist Li.
susty ow LI
ravelle: Bus A.l
22. : 8
‘omCodSrs. PIF ishew A.
cf. 2
resia Sp bY
nton = §
rial = Sp ¥
leTalismanBd J.Calliotl 12g Fi ae Le Diey A
Thais S40 Albert]? J ialsore sot
noone dehh Bell
_ ig sD
reeSistaisG Fioome J 73} Dutch} 13 Zushosté
belid Co} 1d PlCarci Et
LoAntwpb k.f
- -
SSammell 1] Pl Trinid A. Z
at ¢Guns:
breton Sw s|A.Hook | 23 Fetes 12) Floodman 13} Ly E. I
x§ Tolson&c12| LiBrasils : A I
Rngmrx Capt&Col ToLivep! A E
Foregn 14 Berninck; ae adel I
Hull |x5j J.Fisher 1 HiLondn’ A I
edit aughtun fe
Rw 2.C cf.
raveller S ,WDuthie 140
ThomasNow WAPetcr
la.d $8.© 35
Tigiessds\\ ac J. Sisk :
x4 | ep x2 .
Trio Bg iT. Smith |114 Yarm§xd J Palmer |11/V¥a Straitsja.l
‘hreeSustrsSp/ Sheridan
‘Talal gar Sp ee alge
"pte utiniCast ibazatru
te Sw di
2ihugiis ssW &e N1. Sisx
n4 |
3} rial «=Sr §$. Little
4Vhov-asBg ef.jJ.Pert
75T hala S aie
A. yell
te ee
{Triton S s.C} Davidson|331|Prussia,14)N. Baird [16)Li.PillawjE r
bree? rot cl
Sr a
wecGebred3 Browcrs |] G DaBordk E.I
G ‘¥
ThreeBrothrs@ Renkin AI
TwoBrothrsG Swicrs ee |
el echo 8 Ir
7 homas® Ann TF Hodes hoy
8 12
ivy Sp ‘ak2
¥T woBProthrsBg Brightm A.J
10Tradcr S d|H.Towns | 22@ Forcg ALY
iTheodosia Ԥ |J.Flinn he
r Waist Ii. 2
susty OW LI
J ravelle: Bs» A.l
»2. 8
Ty omCodSrs. A.I
cf. 3
ia Sp bY
AKenneginaG PBossinga | 80 Dutch | 8 [Holland Iimbro E.y
oBrothers paaDuye p{LoRota kt
Trion § 1 Loire Lr
grial Sp A.Mignot
( xGrnsy'. ‘el
gq rueBlue Bg JnBolser 1 [Nichols& 6 LiN im HM I
,teTalisinaaB: J.Galliot! 124 Fr: 7 LoDicppe Ha
@ ais S40 Albert) 1D fabsere sé I
3 eek 1 Hell Sundlfig Betit Cop lg PIC wre E I
ThieedistaisG Fyoome | 73 Dutch| 143 Zusho LoAntw ba
omasGibbs CRockwk 334 Mass Norwich, 1 Eipevenbia. I
ons § 4 C
& W a Dollinso ae Sundldx TMathe l Picard I
8| Thetis I.Dunle
ah Koc
‘emBomtn| auyhtun $1
tw s.Cc
raveller 3 eee 40
os x
114 Yaimshxd J Palmer|11[Ya Straitsja..
‘areeSistrsSp! Sheridan
‘ralalgar Dp | Sh scge
“Vaan uLisCasd ilazatu
SE rial Sr le
Adee G |,
tow! Jussua ‘Overall
\ # Gr . D ui
Eepke G !
Dutch 19 Holland ,12 LoAmstr E.1
rUile Be 10G Frenc St. Mal . Lo eg
VanObiG d{W Kingtog 13 Dutch{ Pr] WmCross1 0} YaBristol 1.1
: sm Drp.x 2
Vrow Galkat 154 Vriesh{d § Holland 12 Lol olla
- : Vee A
——Maria Sk fCdeZcuw | 8d Brena t Holland } § Lolirusq td
; AntwpA.
} V row Maria 7 Grong 5 Holland Lo An wp ; J
8D ’,
riendschp GjSpander Os Dutch} Holland {82} LoAmst ey
5 Vigilante G| H.Scigerg 10 Fricsldji@ Holland | 8 LoRotrd a
GlV! yZee G EReedyk 16 oer lq Weder | 9] DuLisba:&.1
oul Ry -. 8
elleusa Si D (if ko es [France ZiLo waved boy
8D ‘
rowsethas 74 Duic Hottuend PLOLLoRem ny
G Sv ¥
mon by 11:4 PrE.Isf 1) Cambrd 0 A]
8D . iWrkEdls
VrowJantina 81) Groni Gronin BrLis ALY
8 @
Ge-ina G }H. bass [140] Friesld/ig Holland |12). 0 Lz
SL 2
Henricxa 71)Dutch} Q1lolland LoFlushp \.1
7 DoSnaklg a.
Lamedrick OG Duichl Qf Moullaned oGron. hd
Sp 8f. y
FPeorsetDr d 70} Roudig od dolland (oRou.i) 0.
ViscountWel} Xemeney 836 Ame Amelials L.iHavnh F..r
7 lington $8.0 IBX> P.M-Gobb idol. 3
\ israsruderG] C.Meyer] 169 Stettt Stet: | 1} BrBordia A.7
8 3
Victory Bg 100 Sundldx.4 Capt&Co'l0) YaCou-tf V7
G 3
Venus S§ s.C T.Guade {28 FrenchP Spurier YS YOR Wag
76{VriendschapG V. Linddr 74 Dutcl 29 lTolland 3 8} Lo.\: ge I
rd Duc: nies LoRoird A. I
¥ Duich} 19 .fothinan | 1d Loto. ©! od
80 Gronig, 7! Penny LoAmst ta
| Dutcia 16| Dutton Lolimbjo Ar
é |
1 G }VanVyk “4 Dutch 5} Homan 1 LoRotrdina I
2|_Antze GICDEkamp 71! Gionig1 4 Holland | — Lo.Havre E. [
sD ! 5
S.Roche 104 NoScq 3/J.Du; ggin - WaNwilna:.g
6D! W.H. ¢ | 5
35 ee Q R.Owens: lumen pik.z
i1 LiRowrdith. I
8 Eat
pie ee Boe
Wallace l93|Hull 41)§.Hunter 12 (GrHon a
898 Grp.
” deHarde}101 Oldnbg Capt&Coj 9 <iAntwp E. iE
r iiRotrdm A I
rAnawp l
0 Ghent. I
I i\imstrd ; I
Seall Bi b.tJunter 42
39|iExmrth} {Bayley |8
i Hollnd 17] Groningn
Bremsh @ Hamburg!
Lillmbris + uy
10} Dutch 1§ Amstrd L iBilbo
Dutch 9 Hoffman | « Baiese I
3 ae ha Caec Ex Livrpl k.4
Wabre ; Wink 1 esti
8 | =e.
rowWilhbel-; Moojkinc
veo Frau 2 39 Duc
126W row Elizabt B. Abels 4 Friezld 5 eee LoA mstad Al
Sa J
cw Lol de barenal 08 borer saptsCel 9 tetsu tek
= 3
witve PE Pb din Amste]12]} Prussia | gj Lo [avid id
is v
. Sw TTiw paul Wlbrax5 none LoAntw Nek
SOW rowSiitstesd J.J. 4 su bout h}S} llolland 7 os WE
Pi sh - gy
rowAntze @ Forcman hast: | 20) Llolland | oninste . I
Anna G] []Bralm iyuich) | Leer | oki Leer ' I
nion Sp Sime Perth | 8/Capt. giGridmbrga. I
Vriendschap | VaWeeld Spain Borendm 10° FaPortual E I
larlingen 8 ie es r I
ndon {11 | LoRotrd} Eg
YurmbhlgCaptiCo 21 LiAniw fis
Knistina G] Bondra| 74 Dutch) 9}De Bie \7 LoAmsty A.J
I/Voyager Sw Ri.Jacques Sundlu J Tay ior&d1 CoDublq A.x
2Unie K |HJans Baltic |18} H.Jans Ia DaHolln#k.y
| NKldgrp.x5 | qo
3|Untermichneg P.Block Dutch} ft apt. 2) Lovie | 1.1
| 0
4/Voltuire S | Kyander}22q Furnd Wybarg Ao} Li Vy: ee
| ! ‘i
MWiewaida Sr lorebug rind Ql Landi ty Ly teaver g AD
; Fi
0 R.Curso1 | ‘ nu Ko ex. a pana {I
Jnanimity Sy
row Revent ILehnoff
. Cluas 72 Dutch! 8 J. Hall ve Sone ‘ of
‘las 7 Dix urk| 9 utting ho Aes A. [
‘agin C p pt Eccles |142, Ames, open Loatries As
Mavih iG
erway iG .
—- o-=
Whiteman| 85|Berwic| 8J.W. Hay! 9/ SlfImbr.A [
G | Hendersn} 85|Dnmrk| | Broadfoot|10/L.hHmbr)E :
Capt&Cqd 19 WaLi IE]
1William Sr
Denmark | 1. LoCopet: E. 5
siWilton Be [R.Pope x JoShelly 1W Ya ne I
sWa&C x5 Leghr ° :
6\WilliumSsx4}WmGreg Fras r&C} 1 Li Berml by
z\Windham B W.Elgate Saunders/10 H1Yrmt s I
g|Warvior 5 s. I1Watso M.Boyd {14 Lofubago 4., E..
x5x2 Peachy x5 oi .Cv.rl Pe g y
g| Wilhelmina Wiehard Katwick| ‘7 LoAntwp E.1
10 Vm& M : A.Lucas A.Power nee! Er
Wren Sp | Darnbroc T.Guy F Cows - I
, Ly Rotrdm A ME
| ss riaea St
Weert, D.Thom Dixon
nena Trewhill Capt& Ca 1 Livipivie. vA I
“watt S.U J.OrNcil Siowa (& 16 LiBeonh A
cf. x4 ree
Wilhehuin.. S| O.Jansen Deumaik] 17 aieweis \ “At
Wen: -um Bz e mHarr Harrvis&@ 1 § LoOperip \ {
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7 Young Ei agleSp Enfones | 6 6s Fishgd ol Capt&C au) olWaswandy
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